
From Step Mods | Change The Game
Revision as of 07:07, September 14, 2017 by ProdigyLain (talk | contribs)


Installation Setup

So if you're following along with this video, you should have a fresh install of Call of Duty 2. After you start the game it should look exactly like this. install on ssd...jajaja

Config Editing

Config Editing

Navigate to the directory where you installed the game, then go to "\Call of Duty 2\main\players".

Inside the "players" folder open the folder with the name of the profile you created.

Open "config.cfg" with a text editor. Using Notepad causes no lines so preferably use another text editor such as WordPad, Microsoft Word, or Notepad++.

Use Ctrl + F to find and change these two values:

seta r_mode "800x600"
seta r_rendererPreference "none"
seta r_mode "1920x1080"
// Set to your monitor resolution
seta r_rendererPreference "dx9"
// Set to dx9


Navigate to jajaja. There are a couple things to take note of here. Anti-aliasing needs to be off for ReShade to work, but ReShade comes with its own Anti-aliasing so you're not missing out. Sync Every Frame is a fancy way of saying VSync. The game has no FPS cap on by default so if you want it off, there will be nothing capping your FPS.

  • Screen Refresh Rate: Set to your monitor's refresh rate.
  • Aspect Ratio: Auto
  • Texture Filter: Anisotropic
  • Anti-aliasing: Off
  • Sync Every Frame: Yes
  • Optimize for SLI: Set to No unless you have dual Nvidia GPUs.
  • Shadows: Yes
  • Number of Dynamic Lights: High
  • Soften Smoke Edges: Everything
  • Number of Corpses: Insane

text text tess sfsfsdf t

Sound Quality
44hkz High Quality
Sound Provider
Miles Fast 2D Positional Audio - Technically the best option here is Creative Labs EAX 3, but that option doesn't work for me and I doubt it will for most people either.

Click Apply near the bottom to apply your options.

Game Options

Go to System -> Game Options in the Options menu.

Enable Crosshair
No - This is preference, since I am only playing the campaign I like to have the crosshair off to clean up the HUD somewhat.
Enable Console


Mouse Sensitivity
For whatever reason the mouse sensitivity is really high for me by default, so you'll probably need to lower it as well.


Toggle Crouch
Toggle Prone


Switch Weapon
Melee/Steady Sniper Rifle
Unbound (Backspace)
Melee Attack
F or Mouse Button
Steady Sniper Rifle

