User:Rootsrat/TheWitcher3 Return Of The White Wolf Test

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< User:Rootsrat
Revision as of 00:14, August 21, 2015 by Rootsrat (talk | contribs)


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This world doesn't need a Hero. It needs a Professional.





  • XX/08/2015
    • Configuration file changes:
    • Guide section changes:
      • Added New Game Configuration section.
    • Mods Updated:
      • Ciri Ashen Hair
        • To version 1.02. No special instructions, just remove old file and install the new one
    • Mods Added:

  • 19/08/2015
    • Guide section changes:
    • Mods Updated:
      • Ciri Ashen Hair
        • To version 1.02. No special instructions, just remove old file and install the new one
      • Fix Exp for quest
        • To version 4.5.
        • This mod was converted to ModKit format. Please follow these steps to UNINSTALL the old version first and then see the new installation instructions how to install the new version:
          • Navigate to \The Witcher 3 Wild Hunt\content\patch0\bundles folder
          • If you don't have the old file with the mod (Version 4) download it from Nexus and unpack it to that folder
          • Run Uninstall.bat file
          • If you are prompted to skip the file you type: "force" and press Enter
          • After the uninstallation is finished press Enter to close the program
          • Now head over to the mod section and install the new version as per the new instructions
      • No Auto Sword Sheathe - Unsheathe:
        • Optional files: No Auto Sword Unsheathe updated to version 1.1
        • NEW FILE >> Optional files: Combat Distance Fix (with manual combat stance toggle) file added - see installation instructions
        • This mod contains scripts. See instructions for Main Map Zoom mod.
      • No Talk Icon
        • To version 1.0.2.
        • This mod contains scripts. See instructions for Main Map Zoom mod.
    • Mods Added:


Template:TOC right


This guide's main aim is to make the game a better experience, improving all of the game aspects to make it more challenging and realistic, better scaled and prettier to play, while remaining friendly to The Witcher universe lore, including the previous games and the books. This part is very important to me, so you can rest assured that if you follow this guide, you'll get The Witcher experience as close to the books as possible and the one that will be realistic and serious.

Please be aware of your hardware limitations. If you are struggling to get the game running on Ultra/Uber details, you'll probably want to skip the configuration file modifications.

The guide will be updated with new mods and better tools as they are released, so expect a lot of changes until all the basic tools are released and modding scene for Witcher 3 matures. The game itself is also being updated and the developers are working on the bugs, with the updates being released every so often, so please also bear in mind that the guide is written for the specific version of the game and may not work with the future versions of The Witcher 3. I will make clear indication which game version is the guide for.

Another thing to note is that I am using GOG Galaxy version of The Witcher 3, not the Steam version, so adjust all the file paths accordingly if you use Steam instead of GOG Galaxy.

The guide is using step-by-method to instruct users how to install the mods. It's listed from top down and it is advised to install the mods in that order to make sure that all directions are followed correctly and no steps are missed.

Without the support of STEP, this guide would not be possible. If you would like to make a donation, that would be awesome! Do so with Paypal.

ALL donations are applied to hosting expenses.

System requirements

The below is taken from The Witcher 3 Support website.

Please note that the game is both graphics- and processor-intensive and it’s the graphics card and the processor not meeting the minimum requirements that will often be responsible for performance problems with the game.

Minimum requirements:

OS: 64-bit Windows 7 or 64-bit Windows 8 (8.1). DirectX 11 is necessary to run the game.
Processor: Intel CPU Core i5-2500K 3.3GHz, AMD CPU Phenom II X4 940
Finding a Gaming CPUs performance chart and comparing one’s CPU with our minimum is suggested.
Graphics: Nvidia GPU GeForce GTX 660 or AMD GPU Radeon HD 7870
Please mind that we only officially support full-size desktop graphics cards. Finding a graphics card performance hierarchy chart online and comparing one’s video card with our minimum is suggested.
Disk space: 40 GB

Recommended requirements:

OS: 64-bit Windows 7 or 64-bit Windows 8 (8.1). DirectX 11 is necessary to run the game.
Processor: Intel CPU Core i7 3770 3,4 GHz, AMD CPU AMD FX-8350 4 GHz
Graphics: Nvidia GPU GeForce GTX 770 or AMD GPU Radeon R9 290
Disk space: 40 GB

Note that the below guide will be demanding on your system and it's recommended for user that have suitable rigs to ruin it. The settings will be adjusted to go BEYOND the in game Ultra settings, which are very demanding for most of the systems already. Please be cautious and realise that I don't take the responsibility for any damage that your system may take when using the below guide.

You have been warned.

I play on the following system and my modded Witcher 3 is squeezing everything from my PC, but it causes no harm, so if you have similar or better machine, you don't have to worry.

Windows 10
Intel Core i5 4590 @ 3.30 GHz	
Corsair Vengeance 8.00 GB @ 1600 MHz (9-9-9-24)
MSI Z87-G45 GAMING (MS-7821)
NVIDIA GeForce GTX 970 ASUS Strix 

The Witcher 3 modding

I. Overview

As of game version 1.8.01 Witcher 3 supports mods created with the official ModKit tool. This is not the full editor RedKit 2 that we're all waiting for, but it allows for easy access to the game files and also for modifying game scripts. This means new, more advanced and complex mods are being released for Witcher 3. The mods are installed into \The Witcher 3 Wild Hunt\Mods directory now, and it need to be manually created.

Note that Nexus Mod Manager supports Witcher 3 and it's being used as the Mod Manager of choice for this guide. It allows for automated download, installation and management of the mods, which makes the whole process very easy.

The old, pre-Modkit and pre-NMM way of modding the game still works (modifying the bundle files of the game (which contain the archived game files that ModKit allows now to mod easily) and some mods in this guide are still installed with this old method. As the modders will be converting their mods to the new format the old method will eventually be redundant and this guide will no longer support it. The bundle files are located in "The Witcher 3 Wild Hunt\content" and "The Witcher 3 Wild Hunt\DLC*\content" and subsequent directorys in these directories. More details and a mod making tutorial can be found on this Nexus mod page.

Note that Nexus Mod Manager does not support these old mods and they need to be installed manually.

Another way of modding the game is by editing the setting files. There are 2 types. One is called "user.settings" and it's located in "Documents/The Witcher 3" directory. This file stores all your game settings, including HUD, Audio and Video settings, the ones that you can change via the Options menu in game (and many more similar options). The other ones are INI files located in "The Witcher 3 Wild Hunt\bin\config" sub-directories.

A few points to note:

  1. The Witcher and GOG Galaxy in general should not be installed in the Program Files or Program Files (x86) directory.
  2. Make sure The Witcher 3 directory is clean from any other modding previously done.
  3. Delete the user.settings file from The Witcher 3 in the Documents directory and start the game so a new one can regenerate. This will allow the config file to revert back to vanilla before starting.
  4. Remember to make a backup of every file that you modify. This will save you time reinstalling the game should things go south.

II. Pre-modding hardware and software configuration

Monitor Calibration

This is very important step - it will assure your monitor has correctly calibrated colours, white balance etc.

Navigate to Control Panel (Win8/10 users: right click Start menu and select Control Panel)
Select View by: Large Icons
Select Display
Select Calibrate Colour
Follow on screen instructions

nVidia Control Panel settings

For nVidia users only

Open nVidia Control Panel (you can access it from your PC Control Panel or - if you use GeForce Experience - from this application's icon in the tray). Follow these instructions:

Select "Manage 3D Settings" from the left hand side menu
Go to "Global Settings" tab
Expand DSR Factors setting and activate all multipliers
Leave DSR Smoothness at 33%
Select Apply and close the application

You will be now able to select DSR for your display up to 4K.

nVidia Inspector settings

For nVidia users only

Download the file if you don't have this program. It's a portable application, so extract it wherever you want to store it on your disk.

Run the application
Select "The Witcher 3" from the Profiles drop down list
Force Anisotropic filtering mode by setting Anisotropic filtering to "User-defined / Off".
Set Anisotropic filtering setting to 16x. 
Click Apply changes twice and then close, accepting any overwrite when prompted.


Navigate to GOG Galaxy and install all the DLC content apart from Alternative Look for Yennefer (it's not lore friendly in my opinion, but you can install it if you like it).

I also didn't install Alternative Look for Ciri DLC, as I didn't think it fit, but feel free to also install it if you like it.

III. Configuration Files Edits


User.settings is the file where The Witcher 3 saves all your settings, including HUD, Audio and Video settings.

Run the game and set all the graphical options to your liking and according to your PC capabilities. Keep in mind that if you will want to use the ReShade preset (introduced in the guide later on), it will cost you about 8-10 FPS. Many popular ReShade presets require you to set these specific Graphics and Post Processing options as below, so if you plan to use one it's worth checking the preset installation instructions now.

Full Screen Mode
AA Disabled (many presets provide their own AA method)
Sharpening Low
Chromatic Aberration Off
Vignette Off
Sun Shafts On
Bloom On

Now exit the game, navigate to "Documents\The Witcher 3" directory and make a back up of the "user.settings" file first (IMPORTANT! - you'll most likely need it in about 5 minutes), then right click the file and select Open With. Then select a text editor of your choice (I recommend Notepad++).

Search for the below values and ensure they are set to:


Now add the following to the end of the file (directly below MaxVisibilityDepth)


Before we continue, please note that the following modifications to user.settings file are purely optional and you need to decide whether you want to introduce them. Some of them will have significant impact on your performance and some just minimal. The FPS hit varies per user and seems to depends on the individual PC build, so the best thing is to introduce the change one by one and check in game what performance impact the modifications have on your game. You can go with even higher values than the ones below, but beware of the performance hit!

Ignore the red text below and don't input it. It's commentary only for the purpose of this guide.

Under [Gameplay/EntityPool] section:

SpawnedLimit=300 This controls how many actors can be active on the scene at any given time. Ultra setting value: 150

Under [Hidden] section:

These two entries control the location of HUD on the screen. These values will move them HUD more towards the edges of the screen. WARNING - APPLIES TO 1920 x 1080 resolution only! For other resolutions experiment with the values.

Under [Hud] section:

These entries control various elements of HUD being switched on/off. For the purpose of this guide and it's goals of realism, immersion and increased challenge I suggest to set them as follows:

Under [Budget] section

This section controls how much system resource will be spared to run the game.

Under [Audio] section:

Subtitles=false This controls the subtitles in the retrospective slides shows during loading a game.

Under [PostProcess] section:

These settings should be set to whatever you like, and some ReShade presets requires them to be set to specific values.
AllowAntialias=false Before switching Anti Aliasing off ensure that the post processing preset you use (if any) supplies its own AA method. If you don't use any presets or if it doesn't supply AA, set this to True.

Under [Gameplay] section:

Difficulty=4 This can be set between 0-4. I strongly recommend the highest difficulty of 4.
EnableUberMovement=1 This is the alternative, more responsive movement type for Geralt.

Under [LevelOfDetail] section:

All the below settings control Level Of Detail (trees in the far distance etc.). Ultra setting values, respectively: 200, 80, 60, 20, 60. Setting them to the above values will greatly increase the distant detail at very low performance cost.
GrassDensity=3600 Self explanatory. Density of grass. Ultra setting value: 2400. Settings above 3600 look messy and not natural.
GlobalOceanTesselationFactor=128 This controls the water quality. Ultra setting value: 64
TextureMemoryBudget=1600 This controls how much memory will be allocated to textures. Ultra setting value: 800
TerrainErrorMetricMultiplier=2 This setting controls fine details of distant terrain. Ultra setting value: 6 (less is better)
TerrainScreenSpaceErrorThreshold=2 This setting controls fine details of distant terrain. Ultra setting value: 1.6
TerrainScreenSpaceErrorThresholdFar=1 This setting controls fine details of distant terrain. Ultra setting value: 3.5 (less is better)
CascadeShadowDistanceScale0=2 This and the next 3 settings control shadow quality. Ultra setting values, respectively: 1, 1, 1.5, 1.5

Under [Rendering] section:

Note the values in this section can have significant performance hit. Try the below ones and experiment with different values to get the best performance vs quality.
GrassDensity=3600 Self explanatory. Density of grass. Ultra setting value: 2400. Settings above 3600 look messy and not natural.
GlobalOceanTesselationFactor=128 This controls the water quality. Ultra setting value: 64
WaterGeometryQuality=10 This a new entry, you need to add it. It also controls the water quality.
TextureStreamingCharacterDistanceLimit=200 Ultra setting value: 64
HairWorksGlobalWidthLimit=10 Ultra setting value: 5.
CascadeShadowDistanceScale2=4 Best quality vs performance setting for this shadow type: 4. Change it to 2 or 1 if you want.
TextureMemoryBudget=2000 Ultra setting value: 800.
CascadeShadowDistanceScale3=2 Best quality vs performance setting for this shadow type: 2. Change it to 1 if you want.
TerrainReadAheadDistance=1200 Ultra setting value: 800.
CascadeShadowmapSize=3072 Shadows resolution. Ultra setting value: 3072. Feel free to try other settings: 2048,3072,4096,8192.
CascadeShadowDistanceScale0=16 Best quality vs performance setting for this shadow type: 16. Change it to 8 or 4 if you want.
MeshRenderingDistanceScale=4 Ultra setting value: 2
HairWorksAALevel=2 HairWorks AA. Best quality vs performance setting: 2 or 4, depending on your rig. Input 8 if you want, but it's no visible quality improvement vs performance drop.
CascadeShadowDistanceScale1=8 Best quality vs performance setting for this shadow type: 8. Change it to 4 or 2 if you want.

Under [Rendering/SpeedTree] section:

These settings control drawing range of grass and foliage. They hit performance heavily so you need to experiment with what is best for you. I have them set up as follows. They cause my game to stutter if I set them any higher than that, but feel free to experiment.
GrassDistanceScale=1 High and Ultra setting values, respectively: 1.0, 1.5
FoliageDistanceScale=1 High and Ultra setting values, respectively: 1.0, 1.8
FoliageShadowDistanceScale=32 High and Ultra setting values, respectively: 16, 54
GrassRingSize=4194304 High and Ultra setting values, respectively: 4194304, 16777216. IMPORTANT! If you want to increase this setting ensure the value is a multiplication of 4194304

Under [Foliage] section:

Again, this depth of grass and foliage. This setting also can have performance it, so - again - experiment with what's best for you. Ultra setting: 24.

When you're finished editing Save the file and exit. Now, set the file to Read Only (right-click the file, select Properties, place a tick in Read-Only box, select Apply and then OK).



This change will disable blurred edges when using Witcher Senses (foucs) mode. The screen will still dim and sounds will be muffled. This is not required and only personal preference.

Navigate to \The Witcher 3 Wild Hunt\bin\config\base directory
Edit gameplay.ini file
Change MotionSicknessFocusMode=false to MotionSicknessFocusMode=true 
Save the file and exit
Set the file to Read Only (right-click the file, select Properties, place a tick in Read-Only box, select Apply and then OK).


This file controls the mod load order. You will need to create a new text file in \My Documents\The Witcher 3 folder, name it mod.settings and remove the .txt extension. Leave it blank for now. This file will be used with one of the future updates, as I'm working on some compatibility patches required for some of the mods.

IV. Modding the game

Tools and Utilities

Nexus Mod Manager
  • Author: Nexus
  • Version: Always Latest
  • Installation: Click on the relevant Download button. Follow these instructions:
Run the installation program and follow on-screen instructions
Run the program
Wait until scan for all the compatible games is finished and confirm
Select Witcher 3 from the menu
Select Mod Downloads location and leave the Install Info in the default location
Navigate to your The Witcher 3 Wild Hunt directory and create a new directory in there called Mods

The Nexus Mod Manager (NMM) is a free and open source piece of software that allows you to download, install, update and manage your files through an easy to use interface. It integrates with the Nexus sites allowing you to download the compatible mods using Download With Manager button on the mod pages. When you will use this functionality for the first time you'll be required to log in, using your Nexus credentials.

The mods will be downloaded to the directory of your choice and installed into your \The Witcher 3 Wild Hunt\Mods directory, which needs to be manually created.


W3HC - Witcher 3 Hunter's Config
  • Author: MelekTaus
  • Version: 0.7.7
  • Installation: Download "W3HC 0.7.7 - Standalone version" file. Follow these instructions:
Navigate to your game main installation directory: X:\GOG Games\The Witcher 3 Wild Hunt\
Unzip and copy everything to that directory 
Navigate to "\The Witcher 3 Wild Hunt\bin\config\base\", create a new directory and name it "ReShade"

This is a standalone tool that is extremely useful. It allows to change many options in the user.config file and various INI files without the need to manually edit the files. The program also allows for very easy post processor presets management and for changing the post processor settings as well.

It has one small issue - the sliders for some settings still have their limitations, so the best way to use it is to run it once, set everything as you want it and then manually edit the relevant settings above the maximum allowed by this program. If you have used my setting and ini files above you don't have to worry, as they're already set up correctly.

Remember to always keep the user.settings file as ready only OR never save the changes when closing this program, otherwise couple of settings will be reduced therefore reducing the visual fidelity achieved by editing the files manually.

We will use W3HC purely for easy post processors preset management. This is described in the later part of the guide.

Debug Console Enabler Updated
  • Author: Skomski
  • Version: 1.08.1
  • Installation: Download "debug-console-enabler-default" file. Follow these instructions:
Navigate to your game installation directory: \The Witcher 3 Wild Hunt\bin\x64
Unzip and copy everything to that directory 

This mod adds a developers' console (similar to the one in Skyrim) and also enables the free camera.

Enable free camera ingame with "F1". Enable debug console ingame with "~" or "F2".

Enhanced Console Commands
  • Author: GiecuMan
  • Version: 1.00
  • Installation: Download the main file using Download with Manager button. Follow these instructions:
In Nexus Mod Manager activate the mod by double clicking on it.

It's a simple mod that adds new commands for debug console and improves existing ones. The new commands are useful for testing crafting, alchemy and Gwint - they add all the schematics, recipes and cards to player's inventory:


This mod contains scripts. See instructions for Main Map Zoom mod.

Tweaks and Fixes

Close Cam - Move Camera Closer-Farther-1st person
  • Author: SunBroDave
  • Version: 1.0
  • Installation: Download the Close Cam file by clicking on Download with Manager button. Do not download the optional file. Follow these instructions:
In Nexus Mod Manager activate the mod by double clicking on it.

The aim of this great little mod is to bring the camera closer to Geralt during exploration. It's the same position as indoors. This makes the game and the character feel more personal and it allows for better immersion in the game world. You will find yourself walking more often, looking at things up close, admiring the surroundings and experiencing the environments - be it woods, city or swamps - more from Geralt's perspective.

The camera still zooms out during combat and when Geralt's riding a horse.

Note there is also an optional 1st person camera file available, but it more proof of concept mod and it's quite clumsy at this point.

This mod contains scripts. See instructions for Main Map Zoom mod.

Fix Exp for quest
  • Author: lestat8m
  • Version: 4.5
  • Installation: Download "Mod XP (modkit)" file by clicking on Download with Manager button. Follow these instructions:
In Nexus Mod Manager activate the mod by double clicking on it.

This mod will ensure that the player gets the full experience even for the grey quests instead of only 5 XP. This will allow for free exploration of the world and doing the quests in whichever order you like. The vanilla game forced the player to do the quests in certain order if they wanted to get XP for as many quests as possible (otherwise too many became grey one for 5 XP). It wasn't possible to get the experience for all the quests (there are simply too many quests).

HUD and Display

Buffs Moved to Bottom
  • Author: TheLastWitcher
  • Version: 1.0
  • Installation: Download the file by clicking on Download with Manager button. Follow these instructions:
In Nexus Mod Manager activate the mod by double clicking on it.

A simple tweak to the HUD that moves the buff symbols to the bottom center of the screen. This allows declutters the top of the screen and makes it clearer.

This mod contains scripts. See instructions for Main Map Zoom mod.

HUD key toggles (with custom binds)
  • Author: SkacikPL
  • Version: 1.01
  • Installation: Download the file by clicking on Download with Manager button. Follow these instructions:
In Nexus Mod Manager activate the mod by double clicking on it.
Navigate to \Documents\The Witcher 3 directory and edit input.settings file:
Add these 2 new lines...:
 IK_F3=(Action=HUDOn) the sections listed below:


This mod will allow to turn all HUD on and off with F3 and F4 keys respectively. You will be able to use other HUD altering mods like iHUD etc. alongside it without any compatibility issues (unless they modify the same script of course).

This mod contains scripts. See instructions for Main Map Zoom mod.

Immersive HUD - iHUD
  • Author: Gopher
  • Version: 0.1a
  • Installation: Download the file by clicking on Download with Manager button. Follow these instructions:
In Nexus Mod Manager activate the mod by double clicking on it.

The basic aim of this mod is to make the heads up display (HUD) less intrusive whilst still remaining useful. Hence the motto: HUD when you need. Hide when you don't.

This mod is actually more of a 'proof of concept' right now. It has only one feature implemented and has not been tested much so keep that in mind. Right now the only feature I have implemented is hiding the Minimap and having it appear when you activate your Witcher Senses. The minimap will remain in screen for as long as you keep the Witcher sense activated and will disappear three seconds after you stop.

This mod contains scripts. See instructions for Main Map Zoom mod.

Main Map Zoom
  • Author: SP3333DO
  • Version: 1.1
  • Installation: Download the main file by clicking on Download with Manager button. Follow these instructions:
In Nexus Mod Manager activate the mod by double clicking on it.
Navigate to \The Witcher 3 Wild Hunt\Mods\modMainMapZoom\content directory an Copy "scripts" folder
Navigate to \The Witcher 3 Wild Hunt\Mods\ and paste the copied scripts folder into EVERY other mod that also contains the scripts folder
This operation will need to be repeated each time this mod is updated

The default minimum zoom level on the main map did not allow much of the map to be viewed at once, increasing the need for scrolling and making it more difficult to judge your location relative to other map markers. This tweak changes the minimum zoom value, allowing the map to be zoomed out much further.

This mod also allows for fast travel from anywhere functionality.

IMPORTANT!! The following is advised on the mod page:

If you already have mods installed in this directory that contains a scripts folder, copy the file into \game\gui\menus\ under that (creating those additional directories, if they do not already exist).
If you already have a mod installed containing the file, simply edit line 1446 of that existing file to change the value.

IMPORTANT!! From now on, for each mod that is installed you need to check if it contains "scripts" folder and if it does, copy and paste this mod's (Main Map Zoom) "scripts" folder on top of the other one. Effectively Main Map Zoom's script needs to be contained in every other mod that uses/modifies a script. This is not ideal and tedious, but I think this mod is worth the hassle.

No Automatic Camera Centering
  • Author: Keelhauled
  • Version: 1.1
  • Installation: Download the main file by clicking on Download with Manager button. Follow these instructions:
In Nexus Mod Manager activate the mod by double clicking on it.

This mod disables the automatic camera centering when you ride your horse.

This mod contains scripts. See instructions for Main Map Zoom mod.

No Talk Icon
  • Author: AnotherSymbiote
  • Version: 1.0.2
  • Installation: Download only the main file by clicking on Download with Manager button. Follow these instructions:
In Nexus Mod Manager activate the mod by double clicking on it.

This small edit hides the speech bubble icon that appears over NPCs who are far away. Note: Doesn't hide the Talk button-prompt when you get close. If you want, you can use an alternate version that hides the speech bubble icon but still shows the "Talk" text from far away.

This mod contains scripts. See instructions for Main Map Zoom mod.

Lighting and Weather

Cutscene Lighting Mod
  • Author: KNG
  • Version: 0.06
  • Installation: Download "KNG_Cutscene_Lighting_Mod_v0.06" file. Follow these instructions:
Unpack archive content to your game installation directory: \The Witcher 3 Wild Hunt\content\content0\bundles
Launch install_cutscene_lighting.bat file.
Enter envBlend intensity value to "0.65" for each Region (6 in total) Note that you can set these values to whatever works best for you. Many ReShade presets will not look good with 0.65, so experiment with different values. I recommebd 
If you are prompted to skip the file you type: "force" and press Enter
Press Enter again after completed installation to close the installation program

This mod for The Witcher 3 changes the default lighting definitions to the one used for cutscene illumination, which is much better than normal gameplay lighting.



Models and Textures

Ciri Ashen Hair
  • Author: Rustine
  • Version: 1.02
  • Installation: Download the main file by clicking on Download with Manager button. Follow these instructions:
In Nexus Mod Manager activate the mod by double clicking on it.

This is a mod that will change the colour of Ciri's hair to better match the lore.

Concept Art Bear Armor
  • Author: Rustine
  • Version: 1.01
  • Installation: Download the Concept Art Bear Armor file by clicking on Download with Manager button. Follow these instructions:
In Nexus Mod Manager activate the mod by double clicking on it.

This mod brings back the design from the 2014 artwork for the Bear Armor. There is also an optional no-bandana version if you prefer that one.

Concept Art Cat Armor
  • Author: Rustine
  • Version: 1.00
  • Installation: Download the main file by clicking on Download with Manager button. Follow these instructions:
In Nexus Mod Manager activate the mod by double clicking on it.

This mod brings back the design from the 2014 artwork for the Cat Armor.

Geralt White Eyebrows
  • Author: Rustine & P.ATROL
  • Version: 1.0
  • Installation: Download the main file by clicking on Download with Manager button. Follow these instructions:
In Nexus Mod Manager activate the mod by double clicking on it.

This is a mod that will change the colour of Geralt's brows to better match the lore.

Naked Ciri is Naked
  • Author: HartXIII
  • Version: 1.0
  • Installation: Download "Naked Ciri is Naked v1.0" file. Follow these instructions:
Navigate to your game installation directory: \The Witcher 3 Wild Hunt\content\content0\bundles
Unzip and copy everything to the above directory
Run the "Install.bat" file
Press Enter to exit the installer 


This mod will make Ciri wear no bandages during the bath scene, which makes it more realistic. Note Ciri isn't actually naked, it's just her bandages gone. The model was already in game, but wasn't used.

Real Witcher Eyes
  • Author: DazzlingDjango
  • Version: 0.2
  • Installation: Download the True Witcher Eyes main file by clicking on Download with Manager button. Follow these instructions:
In Nexus Mod Manager activate the mod by double clicking on it.

This modification changes the look of the witchers' human-like eyes from the main game into a more mutant-like one as portrayed on the artworks or described in the books. It changes the eye color from a dull brown to a glowing yellow, makes the pupils narrower and less round and slightly increases the saturation of the veins on the eyeballs

Triss DLC appearance for masquerade only
  • Author: Sarcen
  • Version: v1
  • Installation: Download "triss_dlc_dressonly.rar" file. Follow these instructions:
Download and install the "Alternative Look for Triss" DLC from GOG 
Backup "The Witcher 3 Wild Hunt\DLC\DLC6\content\bundles\blob.bundle" in case you want to revert
Extract "blob.bundle" to "The Witcher 3\DLC\DLC6\content\bundles\" and overwrite the existing one.

This mod makes Triss wear the dress from Alternate Look For Triss DLC content only during the masquerade ball, which makes perfect sense, rather than her wearing it all the time. She's supposed to be in hiding and this dress ain't very discreet...


Crow's Saddle Overhaul
  • Author: Crow
  • Version: 1.2
  • Installation: Download all 3 files by clicking on Download with Manager button. Follow these instructions:
In Nexus Mod Manager activate the Crow's Saddle Overhaul - Crow's Saddle Overhaul file
In Nexus Mod Manager activate all the remaining optional files and NO (Install Normally) in the dialog box for each file

Saddle Overhaul allows players to choose between four different saddle types, each of them having distinct style and uses. You'll be able to immediately tell the difference between the racing saddle and a cavalry one. Each saddle type is divided into four tiers, and you should get new tiers as the game progresses. Now each of those types is a viable option and is best for doing certain things.


No Auto Sword Sheath - Unsheath
  • Author: skyrayfox
  • Version: 1.1
  • Installation: Download all 5 files by clicking on Download with Manager button. Follow these instructions:
In Nexus Mod Manager activate the No Auto Sword Sheath - Unsheath - NoAutoSwordSheath file
In Nexus Mod Manager activate the No Auto Sword Unsheathe file and select NO (Install Normally) in the dialog box
In Nexus Mod Manager activate the Combat Distance Fix (with manual combat stance toggle) file and select NO (Install Normally) in the dialog box

A real Witcher has full control over his weapons! This mod will prevent auto unsheathing your sword when before the fight and sheathing it when you get out of enemy's aggro zone. It will also allow to exit the combat stance by pressing the sheathe button and deflect arrows from a greater distance than vanilla game.


Gwent Redone and Alternate Art
  • Author: Sleemani
  • Version: 1.1
  • Installation: Download "Gwent Redone and Alternate Art v1.1" file. Follow these instructions:
Unpack the mod to the location of your choice
Navigate to that location and edit Config.ini file
Change InstallVersion = 1 to InstallVersion = 2
Save the file and exit
Run "GwentRedone.exe" installation program
Confirm the 2 pop ups
Navigate to "\The Witcher 3 Wild Hunt\content\patch0\bundles" directory and select "patch.bundle" file
Press Enter to exit the installer

This mod will make use of the additional artwork for some Gwent cards that was already in the game, but was never used.

Post Processing

There is no ENB for Witcher 3 (and Boris said he wouldn't make one for that game, I have actually asked...), however there are some alternatives in the shape of post processors such as ReShade, SweetFX, GemFX etc. These post processors are a great alternative to ENB and some really good effects can be achieved with them, including sophisticated AA, bloom, sharpening, DoF and many more similar effects.

You can use any ReShade preset of your choice for The Witcher 3 and I'll guide you how to use Hunter's Config Tool to effectively manage and test and manage them. We'll install ReShade first and then the preset.

  • Author: Crosire
  • Version: Framework
  • Installation: Download "Framework" version and fllow these instructions:
Unzip the archive to \The Witcher 3 Wild Hunt\bin\config\base\ReShade\Name_Of_The_Preset directory. Note: You will need to create the Name_Of_The_Preset directory and name it accordingly to the preset you use. This name will later appear on the list of the available presets to install.
Rename Reshade64.dll to dxgi.dll or d3d11.dll, depending on what the preset you use requires. See the instructions for installing a preset for more information!

Crosire's ReShade is an advanced, fully generic post-processing injector for games or alike. Imagine your favorite game with ambient occlusion, real high quality bokeh depth of field, color correction and more ... No more waiting: ReShade provides a generic way to access both color and depth information (latter is automatically disabled during multiplayer to prevent exploitation) and all the tools to make your dreams come true.

The possibilities are endless! Advanced depth-edge-detection-driven SMAA antialiasing, screen space ambient occlusion, depth of field, chromatic aberration, dynamic filmgrain, automatic saturation and color correction, cross processing, multi-pass blurring ... you name it.

ReShade supports all of Direct3D8 (which is converted to Direct3D9 to allow for more advanced effects using later shadermodels), Direct3D9, Direct3D9Ex, Direct3D10.X, Direct3D11.X and OpenGL and requires Windows Vista or higher.

Preset of Your Choice
  • Author: n/a
  • Version: n/a
  • Installation: Download the required files, as per the preset instructions. Follow these instructions:

Before you start the installation There is a few things to note:

  • Some presets already provide all the ReShade files and there is no need to install ReShade at first. Delete all the ReShade files first before installing the preset if that's the case.
  • You should rename the Reshade64.dll file that came with ReShade to dxgi.dll or d3d11.dll, depending on what the preset you use requires. Some presets use dxgi.dll and some d3d11.dll files. Pay attention, as you should only have 1 of them in your directory! ReShade32.dll should not be renamed.
  • Some presets require certain game settings to be set to specific values, like AA, Gamma, Sharpening etc.
  • ScrollLock is the default key to switch the preset on and off in game.


Extract the archive somewhere on your disk
Copy contents of the preset to \The Witcher 3 Wild Hunt\bin\config\base\ReShade\Name_Of_The_Preset directory overwriting all the files 
Run Witcher 3 Hunter's Config tool that we've installed earlier
Select "Install SweetFX" button and choose the preset you want to use from the list
The button will change to "Uninstall SweetFX" following successful installation
Close the application and DO NOT save the changes (the changes are for configuration files only and we don't want to change those)

New Game Configuration

I suggest starting the new game on the highest level: Death March. It will provide quite tough experience at the first few levels to then balance out and be accordingly demanding. The lower levels get really trivial from mid-game and the opponents pose no challenge. By leaning how to survive at the early levels you will get the necessary skills to play the game comfortably later on.

When you gain The first moment you gain access to the main map open it and set the filters as follows:

Hidden Trasure: OFF

V. Support & Feedback

Support is provided via a forum thread on STEP Community forums, so if you have any questions, suggestions or any feedback in general please post there and I'll get back to you as soon as I can.


rootsrat aka Elenear - Master Witcher
EssArrBee and Neovalen - the guide style sheet.
STEP for being one the best communities on the internet, gaming or not
A.l.e.x. for the configuration files guide
The Nexus for hosting all the mods
The Modders for making their excellent contributions, this one goes without saying, we wouldn't be here if not for them!
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