User:Dreadflopp/mmo SkyrimGameplayandSkillrebalance

From Step Mods | Change The Game

Brief description: This pack will rebalance the game and make it fun at all levels, up to level 100 and beyond. It fits both new and experienced players. Pre-installation texts: Template:Notice Small

Skyrim Gameplay Rebalance

What to expect from the pack:

Big parts of this pack was done by Garfink. Big thanks to him. The aim of Skyrim Gameplay Rebalance is to rebalance Skyrim's difficulty without making enemies into health-sinks. This is achieved by adjusting sizes of mobs, increasing spawn points, the types of spawns, giving more potions, magicks and perks to the NPCs, improving their AI and allowing NPCs to use enchantments, all the while not nerfing the hero. There are also mods that add gameplay functionality featured in this pack. Garfinks rebalancing was in my opinion focused on a hardcore player and with all mods recommended by him the game was impossible for me to play. I am more of a casual player. Since Garfink stopped developing this pack I have done rebalancing myself and can therefore offer something for both the casual and the more harcore type gamer. I have split the pack into two parts where the second part is only installed by experienced hardcore players.

Pre-Installation Setup:

This pach is fully compatible with both STEP: Core and STEP: Extended.

Other packs

This pack is compatible with all the packs listed above. If you use more than this pack you need to build your own patch to be used with the original STEP: Core/Extended patch. More information about that can be found here

Skyrim Revisited: Legendary Edition
Skyrim Revisited: Legendary Edition is more of a replacement for STEP than a pack. I do not have time to test for conflicts against SR:LE, but many of the mods in SR:LE is used in my packs. If you follow Neovalens conflict resolution guide you will learn to do conflict resolution yourself and it will be quite easy to get my packs compatible with his guide.

A real explorers guide to Skyrim (REGS)

Pack:Explorers Guide
I have made patches to make my packs compatible with REGS. REGS is modular, which means you can use parts of REGS if you like. A full REGS install with STEP: Extended and several other packs may (probably) be too much for your computer and the game engine. It can be done though and I use such a setup myself.
The patches for REGS will solve conflicts between my packs and REGS but please note that quest and city mods from REGS includes high level loot that may break some of the philosophy/function from Morrowloot. REGS is still very recommended.


Highly recommended pack by Smile44 focused on survival.

Dovahkiin Reborn

Pack by me focused on player races, skills, powers, spells etc. Highly recommended.

Deleveled Loot

Pack by me that delevels loot.

Post-installation config:


A better gameplay experience

The following mods are recommend for both casual and hardcore players. If you are not installing the hardcore mods the recommended in game difficulty setting is Adept but that can be lowered if the game is to hard for you.

Skyrim Immersive Creatures

Description: Adds dozens of new creatures
Author: lifestorock
Special Instructions:
From the main installer choose:

  • Main
  • DLC2
  • Revenge of the enemies patch (if you use Revenge of the enemies)

STEP: Extended users should install the SIC patch from Complete crafting overhaul

Smarter Combat Music

Description: Stops music from alerting the player of unseen enemies.
Author: Verteiron
Optionals: None.

Loot and Degradation

Description: Tempered weapons and armors degrades to their initial state over time and use
Author: Isoku
Optionals: None.

NPC Knockout Overhaul

Description: NPCs in bleed out can be knocked out. You can make stealth knockouts.
Author: Sevencardz and Noobzor
Optionals: None.
Special Instructions: The menu of this mod that pops up if you select a knocked out NPC doesn't work with the radial menu from Extensible Follower Framework.

High Level Enemies - SIC Edition

Description: Lets enemies continue to level up to provide challange to players at higher levels
Author: Dalquist
Optionals: Install High level enemies Falskaar if you use Faslkaar.
Special Instructions: If you use Morrowloot, install High Level Enemies - SIC Edition - Morrowloot Support from here and let that mods plugin overwrite the one from High level enemies - SIC Edition.

Deadly Dragons

Description: Overhauls the games dragons and adds new dragon types.
Author: 3JIou, Redshift
Optionals: None.

Better Stealth AI for Followers

Description: Better Stealth AI for Followers
Author: kryptopyr, nbtc971
Optionals: None.

Toxicity - A Witcher-like Toxicity System

Description: Adds a dynamic toxicity system that effectively limits the number of potions the player can ingest in a given amount of time.
Author: BralorMarr
Optionals: None.

Immersive Potions

Description: All instant restoration potions (Health, Stamina and Magicka) now work over a five second duration
Author: Nastakanoth
Optionals: None.
Special Instructions: TTRSO users: Needs to be loaded after TTRSO, which it is if you are using LOOT. Overwrites one alchemy perk of TTRSO and reverts it to vanilla.

Ultimate Combat

Description: All instant restoration potions (Health, Stamina and Magicka) now work over a five second duration
Author: Tktk
Optionals: None.
Special Instructions: I am still doing some testing and balancing with Ultimate Combat


A tougher gameplay experience

The following mods should be installed by hardcore players only since they raise the difficulty of the game quite a bit. If you are installing these mods the recommended in game difficulty setting is Novice.

High level enemies - Hardcore

Description: Install a hardcore setting for High level enemies.
Author: Dalquist
Optionals: Install the optional High Level Enemies - Hardcore only. We use the main file from High Level Enemies - SIC Edition installed earlier.

Dragon Combat Overhaul

Description: Overhauls dragon combat.
Author: ApolloDown
Optionals: None.
Special instructions: This mod has a conflict with No spinning death animation. This is solved by not installing the merged version of no spinning death animation. An alternative, if you want, is to load dragon combat overhaul after no spinning death animation. Install the Dragon combat overhaul patch from the main Audio Overhaul for Skyrim installer

Extended Encounters

Description: Extended Encounters adds new types of random encounters to Skyrim.
Author: Jonx0r
Optionals: None.

Revenge of the Enemies

Description: Adds skills and magic to enemies and make them act more intelligently.
Author: MyEvergreenHometown
Optionals: None.


Description: NPCs will use potions, spells from mods, perks from mods and will spawn in bigger groups. This program is setup through a patcher later. Install the mod like any other mod now.
Author: The ASIS Team
Optionals: None.

ASIS Improved INI Files

Description: Improved .ini files for ASIS.
Author: EggOver1979
Optionals: None.

DFB - Random Encounter

Description: This mod adds 230 new spawn points into the wilderness of Skyrim.
Author: Darkfirebird, lifestorock
Optionals: None.


Deleveled Skyrim
PermaZONES - Dangerous Encounter Zones for Skyrim

Description: This mod makes Skyrim semi-deleveled. Some encounter zones will be to hard for you, meaning you'll have to return when you are at a higher levele
Author: TenderHooligan
Optionals: None.

Post-Installation Configuration

LOOT rules

  • Load Rebirth Monster.esp after High Level Enemies - SIC.esp


Conflict resolution

If you install the Casual part of the pack, download the relevant patch from here.
Install the patch and make a LOOT rule for it:
LOOT Rules:

  • [patch name].esp Set global priority 990400

If you install Revenge of the enemies, install the patch for that.

If you only install some mods from the pack or if you have other packs installed, please merge your own patch with instructions found here.


Automatic patching

If you have installed the hardcore mods you have ASIS installed. Just like Dual Sheath Redux this mod features a patcher. To make sure both patchers are executed in the right order, we install SUM.

  • Download and install SUM
  • Add executables for SUM.
Click on the data tab on the right side of Mod Organizer
Expand SkyProc Patchers
Expand SUM
Right click SUM.jar, choose Add as executable
Click OK
  • Run the SUM dynamic patch through MO. Make sure all patchers you use are ticked. Click on SUM options [open]. Make sure everything is Unticked. Click on patcher list [open] to return. Click on settings after every patcher and set them up using the following settings:
  • ASIS - Make sure only the following is ticked:
Increased Spawns
Automatic Perks
Automatic Spells
Customized AI
NPC potions [NPC Potions defaut number of potions 2, chance per potion 5]
NPC enchantment fix

Click open at Increases spawns. Change the settings as follows if you use High level enemies hardcore:


Use interior spwans
Reduce interior Spawn chance 2

If you do not use High level enemies hardcore, you can turn up the spawn settings a little:


Use interior spawns
Reduce interior Spawn chance 2
  • Dual Sheath Redux

Use settings from STEP (if any) or any pack that you uses that change these

FNIS, Bashed patch, Dual Sheath Redux

Make a habit of always rebuilding the bashed patch, running FNIS and Dual Sheath Redux after you have installed/uninstalled mods.

MCM Settings

To make it more user friendly, here is a collection of all in-game settings, MCM settings and console commands in a goggle doc to make it easy to view them on your phone:
Please take a glance at all MCM configurable mods that you use. There are several settings and tweaks you might want to use that I haven't brought up due to it not being important to what we intend to do with this pack.


This pack used to be a part of a bigger pack that I developed with the help of Nicopad and Garfink. Big thanks to them.

