Guide:STEP Community Citizenship

From Step Mods | Change The Game
Revision as of 00:50, April 5, 2012 by Farlo (talk | contribs) (→‎Avatars: Point taken :P)


Lines or phrases contained in brackets ("<" & ">") need rewording or structural work, don't read them verbatim.


Welcome to the STEP-Community Support Website! As of this moment, we have fully-functional bulletin boards housing many relevant forums and are in the process of building out a wiki that will articulate and integrate to some degree with specific forums. Within the site, you will find many helpful resources voluntarily provided by people much like you. Likewise, many of the questions that you may have will have already been answered by others.

We humans are composed of personalities that fall along a continuum of positive to negative, and fortunately, the majority tend to associate with the more positive pole of this continuum. Unfortunately, there is a minority that aligns with the more negative --not necessarily pessimistic, but more truly negative. While these individuals are not necessarily "bad" people, they can nonetheless be a damper to the rest, and like a wild yeast, can have a tendency to sour an otherwise perfectly good batch of home-brewed mead. This monologue and the guidelines that follow are intended for all, but necessitated by these less "enlightened" of us.

TheCompiler and the other STEP-Community site administrators ask that you, as a registered member of this site, participate and/or contribute in a manner of good spirit and common courtesy. Adherence to this simple ethos will head off any unpleasantries before they are manifest. Let the guidelines outlined herein serve as a reference for our members, so that the community may evolve to its maximum potential.

The STEP Community Mantra:

Let us foster an environment that leverages your enthusiasm within a culture of good humor ... and rigorous analysis!


  • Use common sense when posting! Most of these rules will be completely avoided when you think before you post.
  • Usernames aren't allowed to be profane or offensive.
  • Absolutely NO offensive or harmful language will be tolerated. This does not include general cussing; it is referring to direct insults, racist, sexist, homophobic, or hateful language, and anything else meant to be blatantly harmful.
    • As a general guideline, most NSFW (Not-Safe-For-Work) content is prohibited. Also, please make sure to state if a link you've provided contains NSFW content.
    • Linking to any harmful websites/software, virus, referral sites, etc. is also prohibited and will be removed without warning.
  • Always try to find the correct sub-forum for a new topic. Threads made in the wrong places will be moved by a moderator into the right location and a post will be made explaining why.
  • Always maintain the original topic in a thread. No derailing topics, hi-jacking threads, starting flaming wars, or posting purposeless inflammatory posts.
    • Debating and discussion is always encouraged, but rudeness and personal insults aren't. Keep any arguments about the topic not the posters.
  • Utilize the Search function before posting, especially if you're looking for support, your question may have already been answered.
  • Each person is allowed to have one account. Anyone caught sock-puppeting will have all of their accounts banned.
  • Posting of anyone else's personal information is disallowed and will be removed.


  • All rules and guidelines for the forums also apply to signatures. This means keep it Safe-For-Work, no adverts, etc.
  • Although the amount of images/text in signatures is not explicitly limited, the overall signature must be within 800 pixels wide and 150 pixels tall.
  • Individual images must be under 150kb. Please be respectful of those with less bandwidth.
  • Excessive animation or otherwise annoying images can really clutter a page, so keep them to a minimum.


  • Avatars follow general forum guidelines as well.
    • Images must be less than or equal to 100x100 pixels.

Posting Guidelines

General Posts

For the most efficient, useful and enjoyable experience for all visitors to the forums, PLEASE make your contributions in accordance with the following guidelines:

  • SEARCH the forum for the mod of interest BEFORE creating the thread
  • Screenshots and Video are welcome, BUT they should be hosted elsewhere with links embedded here
  • Use the available codes (quote, code, spoiler, etc.)

Use a spoiler tag to hide your text, useful if your making an extremely long or highly technical post.

Use a code tag to put your text in a scrollable box that ignores all codes (except of course /code). Codes are used as follows:
[code]text[ /code]
Use a quote tag to put your text in a quote box. Quotes are used as follows:

Posting Mod Reviews

Make reviews easier to track

  • OP should be titled EXACTLY according to Nexus mod name
  • For non-mod apps or mods that do not exist on the Nexus, use the dev's/mod author's given title

Avoid redundancy and excess

  • SEARCH the forum for the mod of interest BEFORE creating a new review thread
  • If the mod thread already exists, POST ANOTHER REVIEW within the existing thread :thumbsup: ... we will merge it with the OP if it is a good one!

Enhance quality and usefulness of the review

  • OP should be in poster's OWN WORDS; PLEASE do not paste the description from the Nexus or ReadMe
  • Provide in game examples before and after mod installation along with your personal opinions and practical experience
  • Mod authors, PLEASE do not write your own review, but please DO provide input to qualify others' reviews of your mod(s)

The STEP Community expects that you have used the mod enough to post a quality review ;)

Spamming and Advertisement

  • Any form of spamming or advertising is explicitly prohibited and will be removed without warning. Any users in violation of this rule will also be banned immediately.
    • This includes spamming through the use of the forums directly or any other methods related to this site, such as private messages, emails to users, etc.

Post Content

  • This is a message board, not a chat room. DO NOT use "Leet-Speak", slang, colloquialisms, or chat lingo on the forums, these posts are subject to moderation and we cannot guarantee the accuracy of the "translation".
    • In addition, when one punctuation mark will work, please only use one. ("!" vs. "!!!!!!")
    • Using Caps Lock or all capitals for any substantial part of a post will result in post moderation/deletion.
  • Wait a reasonable amount of time (more than 24 hours) before "bumping" your topic.
  • Refrain from "Double Posting". There is an Edit button for a reason, please use it.
  • When editing or modifying a post, please add your new message on a new line starting with "Edit:"
    • On guides, how-to's, or anything else in that realm, a basic edit changelog is acceptable, just make sure to state what you changed.
  • Any post with the following will be immediately removed. DO NOT:
    • Discuss or assist in illegal activities such as software and music piracy, warez, cracks, serials, etc. This includes linking to other websites with said material.
    • Re-create a deleted or locked thread for the purposes of trying to keep it going or to circumvent moderator action.
    • Post flashing or strobing images or text. They're annoying.
    • Reply to a thread without anything to contribute. (E.g. "First" or "/signed")
    • Post images greater than 800 pixels wide, they tend to break the look of a page, as well as generally be annoying. Image hosting sites offer the ability to resize images, use it.
    • Use excessive amounts of large, colorful, or otherwise annoying text just to emphasize your words.
  • Cite your sources. Don't plagiarize content and claim it as your own.


  • Moderators do not want to ban you. Warnings will be given for first offenses and minor violations.
  • Attempting to circumvent any previous or current ban (ban evasion) will result in a permanent ban for all accounts associated with the user without the opportunity for petition.
  • Please keep any communication regarding Moderator action private. If you feel something was done incorrectly, please contact the Moderator responsible first, and if really needed then explain the situation to another Moderator or Administrator.
  • Any attempt to impersonate a Moderator or falsely claim Moderator status/authority (indirectly as well) will result in an immediate ban.


Please note that the following are 'guidelines and are not exact. Moderators will use their best judgement, along with these guidelines, to determine appropriate punishments.

  • Most minor offenses, such as flaming, minor trolling, and misplaced topics will result in a warning and possibly removal of said material.
    • Further offenses will result in a temporary, or in extreme cases permanent ban with length determined by the user's post and ban history at the Moderator's discretion.
  • More severe infractions, such as insults, excessive trolling, or spamming will be immediately removed and the poster most likely banned, with the length depending on previous offenses and the infraction.
  • The most extreme violations, such as hateful speech, racism, etc. are utterly unacceptable and will result in an immediate and permanent ban without a chance for petition.
  • Spambots or anyone that looks like one will have their post removed as soon as it's seen and the user will be banned indefinitely.