User:Dreadflopp/mmo test

From Step Mods | Change The Game

Deleveled scarcer loot

A Harsher Skyrim

Morrowloot 4E Edition

Description: Removes high level loot from the world
Author: Fuma
Optionals: None.
Special Instructions: Download the mesh fix from the original morrowloot. Install into Morrowloot 4E Edition, untick Morrowloot.esp
BOSS Masterlist Update Required: (Updating Guide)

  • Morrowloot.esp BEFORE Complete Crafting Overhaul_Remade.esp

Bash Tagging Required: (Bash Tagging Guide)

  • Morrowloot.esp (Delev, Relev)

LOOT Rules:

  • Load Crafting Overhaul_Remade.esp after Morrowloot.esp
  • Load Morrowloot.esp after Weapons & Armor Fixes_Remade.esp

Trade and Barter

Description: Different factors influences buying and selling prices
Author: kryptopyr
Special Instructions:

  • Start the mod in the MCM menu in-game and change settings to:
-40 buying price 
fbartermin 3.5
fbartermax 7.5

Scarcity - Less Loot Mod

Description: Makes all loot less common
Author: Syclonix
Optionals: None.
Special Instructions: Install the following plugins:

  • Scarcity - Less loot mod.esp
  • Scarcity - 8x Loot Rarity.esp
  • Scarcity - 6x Merchant Item Rarity.esp

BOSS Masterlist Update Required: (Updating Guide)

  • Scarcity - Less loot mod.esp BEFORE Bashed Patch, 0.esp
  • Scarcity - 8x Loot Rarity.esp BEFORE Bashed Patch, 0.esp
  • Scarcity - 6x Merchant Item Rarity.esp BEFORE Bashed Patch, 0.esp

LOOT Rules:

  • Let LOOT sort this mod

Reduced Gold Rewards for Quests

Description: Reduced gold rewards for quests
Author: mjharper
Optionals: None.
Special Instructions: Deactivate this mod when building the bashed patch

Gold adjustment

Description: Gold adjustment limits your income by adjusting gold, gems, lockpicks and soul gems acquired from chests and gold from coin purses and quest rewards.
Author: kuertee
Optionals: Install only the optional kuGA merged with MCM 0p8, no main file
Special Instructions: Change these settings in the MCM menu:

Soul gems (except black) increase to 0.5

Bash Tagging Required: (Bash Tagging Guide)

  • kuerteeGoldAdjustment.esp (Delev)

Sold out - Merchants do not sell Rare Ingots

Description: Merchants do not sell Rare Ingots
Author: Etibe
Optionals: None.


Description: Crafting, mixing reading etc takes time.
Author: kuertee
Optionals: kuP merged with MCM 0p801.
Special Instructions: Install the optional only. Replace the ini file in the original with this:
We recommend turning everything off in the MCM menu except the "actions take time" stuff. This will remove all functionality of this mod except for making actions take time. If you like to have a profession in Skyrim, there is no harm in not following this recommendation. If you are using hunterborn, turn off skinning takes time.

You Hunger

Description: This mod removes food from leveled list and cells.
Author: evrymetul
Optionals: None.
Special Instructions: Use only one main file and use the one that is most relevant to your install. If using this mod, which is recommended, use the basic version of Realistic Room Rental, if you use it. The enhanced version adds back food to the game. REGS adds back food too unfortunately, especially ETaC. For full effect of this mod, do not use REGS. If you use REGS, load this mod before ETaC. You still have good use of it, even if you are using REGS. BOSS Masterlist Update Required: (Updating Guide)

  • You Hunger.esp TOP Lighting

Bash Tagging Required: (Bash Tagging Guide)

  • You Hunger.esp (Delev)

LOOT Rules:

  • Load You Hunger.esp before any lighting mods, before ETaC and before nightingale hall

Perseids Inns and Taverns - Realistic Room Rental Enhanced

Description: Modifies costs for room rental.
Author: perseid9
Optionals: None.
Special Instructions: Install the basic version

Deleveled Skyrim

Become mighty requiem style

Template:Notice Small

These mods delevels Skyrim and its encounter zones, just like the popular overhaul requiem does. Doing this is highly optional. With an unleveled world you will be very weak in the beginning. You will have to run from stronger foes. As you grow in power you can take on stronger foes and you will experience how your character grows in power while the world stays static. This may become a problem in higher levels when you become too powerful. There will be no challenge left.

Playing without deleveled skyrim but with the other mods in this guide will provide you with a great challenge up to level 100 and beyond. The downside is that you will loose the feeling of you character becoming more powerful as it levels up.

What to choose is highly subjective. The creators of this guide all currently plays skyrim without these deleveling mods and Garfinks Skyrim Rebalance Project is made without these mods.

All mods in this section can be merged. Don't forget to add bash tags to merged mod to mimic the tags of the mods that were merged.


Description: Unlevels skyrims encounter zones, certain npc's, the bosses of dawnguard and dragonborn.
Author: Erkeil
Optionals: None.
Special Instructions: Choose the following in the main installer:

  • 8 - RUS-00 Main plus Dawnguard Dragonboard
  • 08.1 - ERSO MIRAAK
  • 08.2 - ERSO HARKON
  • 09 - Vendor Trainer Quest-giver protected USKP

Enhanced Mighty Dragons

Description: Overhauls the games dragons and adds new dragon types.
Author: Erkeil
Optionals: None.
Special Instructions: Choose the following in the main installer:

  • 03 - Mighty Dragons (FOR DAWNGUARD DLC......)
  • Mix textures optional
  • 03.5 New Dragon Loots (SUGGESTED)
  • 04 - Mighty Odahviing
  • 04.2 Mighty Durnehviir
  • 05 - Dovah Holy Book
  • 07 - Mighty Dragon Priests (SUGGESTED)


A more diverse and realistic Skyrim

All mods in this section are essential for Garfinks Skyrim Rebalace Project

Extended Encounters

Description: Extended Encounters adds new types of random encounters to Skyrim.
Author: Jonx0r
Optionals: None.

ERSO 09.2 Radiance

Description: Radiance adds new encounters.
Author: Erkeil, Opaj
Optionals: None.
Special Instructions: Extract "ERSO 09.2 - Radiance" and package it as a new archive using 7-zip. Install this new archive as a mod using Mod organizer. ERSO's mod can be hard to install using MO and this particular module has a BSA that doesn't get unpacked by MO if it isn't done this way (and you do unpack BSA's).

Skyrim Immersive Creatures

Description: Adds dozens of new creatures
Author: lifestorock
Special Instructions: From the main installer choose:

  • Main
  • DLC2
  • Revenge of the enemies patch (if you use Revenge of the enemies)
  • SkyRe crossbow fix (if you use SkyRe)

Recommended MCM settings:

General: Purist
Difficult Adjustments: Assigned Global Difficult set to Expert
Creature Spawn Difficulty; Additional Spawns set to HARD.
All other tick boxes on page unticked.

Install compatibility patch from Enhanced blood textures only if you still use Enhanced blood textures BOSS Masterlist Update Required: (Updating Guide)

  • Rebirth Monster - SIC Patch.esp AFTER Rebirth Monster.esp

LOOT Rules:

  • Let LOOT sort this mod


Description: Makes cold matter
Author: Chesko
Optionals: 2048x2048 HD Travel Cloak Fur Texture.


Description: This mod replaces realistic needs and diseases. If you still want to use realistic needs and diseases, the patches for that are left inside the patch archive. No patches are needed for iNeed.
Author: isoku
Optionals: None.
Special Instructions:
BOSS Masterlist Update Required: (Updating Guide)

  • iNeed.esp BOTTOM Realism

LOOT Rules:

  • Let LOOT sort this mod

Better Fast Travel - Carriages and Ships - Overhauled

Description: Adds carriages and boats.
Author: Dj20 and Sp0rk
Optionals: None.

Smarter Combat Music

Description: Stops music from alerting the player of unseen enemies.
Author: Verteiron
Optionals: None.
Special Instructions:
BOSS Masterlist Update Required: (Updating Guide)

  • vSCM_SmarterCombatMusic.esp BOTTOM Base V

LOOT Rules:

  • Let LOOT sort this mod


Weapons, armors and clothing All mods in this section except Complete crafting overhaul remade are optional.

ERSO 18 & 29 - Legendary Armors and Weapons Enhanced & Dragon Priest Mask Overhaul

Description: ERSO 18 buffs weapons and their guardians, ERSO 29 overhauls the effects on the dragon masks
Author: Erkeil, Opaj
Optionals: None.
Special Instructions:
Using the main installer, choose:

  • 18 - LAWE Hardcore (SUGGESTED)
  • 29 - DPMO

Bash Tagging Required: (Bash Tagging Guide)

  • ERSO 18 - LAWE Hardcore.esp (Name, Stats)
  • ERSO 29 - DPMO.esp (Name, Stats)

Note: ERSO 18 & ERSO 29 is untested against Garfinks Skyrim rebalance project and is therefore not recommended now if you follow Garfinks recommendations.

AMidianBorn Book of Silence

Description: This mod is already in STEP.
Author: CaBaL- EmeraldReign-the AMB team
Optionals: aMidianBorn - Content Addon
Special Instructions: Follow the STEP guide when installing this mod

Bandolier - Bags and pouches

Description: Adds bags and pouches
Author: Dragten
Optionals: None.
Special Instructions: Delete the main plugin. Complete crafting overhaul (installed later) will handle bandoliers.

Bandolier - Dawnguard

Description: Adds bags and pouches
Author: Dragten
Optionals: None.
Special Instructions: Delete the main plugin. Complete crafting overhaul (installed later) will handle bandoliers.

Winter is Coming

Description: Adds cloaks too Skyrim
Author: Nivea
Optionals: None.
Special Instructions: Delete all plugins. Plugin is installed with CCOR later instead.

Cloaks of Skyrim

Description: Adds cloaks too Skyrim
Author: Noodles
Optionals: Cloaks of Skyrim 1-2 Dawnguard.
Special Instructions: Delete cloaks.esp. That plugin is installed with CCOR later instead.

Immersive Weapons

Description: Adds weapons to Skyrim.
Author: Hothtrooper44, Ironman5000, Eckss
Optionals: None.
Special Instructions: Delete Immersive weapons.esp
Install the "Weapons and armors and fixes Immersive Weapons patch" from the Weapons and armor fixes remade installer.

Lore Weapon Expansion

Description: Adds weapons to Skyrim.
Author: InsanitySorrow, Elvarheim
Optionals: None.
Special Instructions: Delete Lore Weapon Expansion.esp

Morrowloot Support for Immersive Weapons SkyRe and Other Mods

Description: Adds morrowloot support for several mods
Author: Garfink
Optionals: None.
Special Instructions:

  • Install Immersive Weapons morrowloot support

Immersive Armors

Description: Adds armors to Skyrim.
Author: Hothtrooper44
Optionals: None.
Special Instructions: Delete Hothtrooper44_Armor_Ecksstra.esp. Turn off all item distribution in the in-game MCM menu

Sharlikrans Compatibility Patches

Description: Adds swords.
Author: JaySuS
Optionals: None.
Special Instructions: Install Jaysus swords. Delete all plugins. Turn off item distribution for Jaysus swords in Complete crafting overhaul remades MCM menu

Complete Crafting Overhaul Remade

Description: Overhauls crafting. This is now included in STEP 2.9. It's left in this guide as a reminder to install the optional patches below.
Author: kryptopyr
Optionals: Choose optional files that are relevant to your install

  • Cloaks of Skyrim - CCO Supported Version (cloaks.esp only)
  • Winter is Coming - CCO Supported version (craft only)
  • CCO Compatibility Patch for Frostfall
  • CCO Compatibility Patch for Skyrim Immersive Creatures

Special Instructions: Replaces several equipment mods plugins. It is therefore not optional. Bash Tagging Required: (Bash Tagging Guide)

  • Complete Crafting Overhaul_Remade.esp (Names, Stats) [make sure Relev, Delev is unselected]

BOSS Masterlist Update Required: (Updating Guide)

  • CCO_SIC Path.esp BOTTOM Compatibility Patches


There are three main overhauls: SPERG, TTR and SkyRe. You can also choose to stay with vanilla if you like.

  • To make it easier to choose we will present four main paths and some skill mods to complement the main ones.

Path 1: Vanilla

Choose to stay with Skyrims default skills and perks if you think most of these are great and you do not want to try any other skill overhauls

Path 2: TTR Skill overhaul

TTR stays close to vanilla and buffs/debuffs perks and balances the skill system. Recommended by Dreadflopp.

TTR Skill overhaul

Description: Overhauls all skills.
Author: TheThirdRace
Optionals: None.
Special Instructions: Contains one plugin for each skill. Errors have been reported when these plugins are being merged. Merging is therefore not recommended at the moment. If you do not want to use a certain skill from TTR, simply disable that plugin.

Path 3: SPERG

SPERG overhauls the skill and perk system, adds new exciting perks and adds automatic perks. Recommended by Nicopad. SPERG needs to be patched against Weapons and armor fixes remade. No such patch exist atm but the mod is still functional.


Description: Sperg overhauls all skill trees and adds automatic perks. Using this is optional and it can be used with other mods skill trees.
Author: seorin
Optionals: None.
Special Instructions: In the override folder of SPERG are optional plugins to be loaded after SPERG that reverts chosen skills to vanilla. These optional plugins are only needed if you want to revert a skill to vanilla, not if you want to override a skill from SPERG with another mods skill tree EXCEPT if you want to use melee skills from another perk mod. Load SPERG before all other perk plugins in loadorder
In SPERG MCM menu:

untick enable salvage

BOSS Masterlist Update Required: (Updating Guide)

  • SPERG.esp BEFORE [insert name of first perk plugin in loadorder]

LOOT Rules:

  • Make sure SPERG plugins are loaded before any other perk plugins

Unofficial SPERG Patches

Description: Patches for SPERG
Author: LgEnder
Optionals: None.
Special Instructions: Install patches for immersive armors or other mods that you use. Do not use the weapons and armor fixes patch since it is outdated.

Path 4: Skyrim Redone (not functional at the moment)

SkyRe is very popular and adds a lot of new perks and new weapon types with perks. To install SkyRe is a little more complicated. Recommended by Garfink who uses SkyRe with thunderchild, forgotten magic, Resplendent, Enchanted awakening and apocalypse spells.
Template:Warning Small This SkyRe section is maintained by Garfink. He has been on vacation and without internet but is expected to return soon. This section needs updates to some patches because of updated mods (clothing and clutter fixes, weapon and armor fixes, complete crafting overhaul). Install SkyRe if you know what you are doing, otherwise wait for Garfinks return.

Skyrim Redone

Description: SkyRe is a perk and gameplay overhaul
Author: T3nd0
Optionals: None.
Special Instructions: Choose the following from the main installer:

  • SkyRe - Main
  • SkyRe - Survivalism

Delete the main plugin, SkyRe_Main.esp

ReProccer - Automated SkyRe patch generator

Description: Automated SkyRe patch generator
Author: T3nd0
Optionals: None.
Special Instructions:

  • Navigate to SkyProc Patchers>T3nd0_ReProccer>Files>blocklist.txt
  • Edit blocklist.txt - add the following files on its own separate line
BCS - SkyRe Patch EN.esp
BCS - CCOR Patch.esp
Post ReProccer Fixes CCOR IA7 IW UU aMidianSS Content Addon Patch.esp
ICH Skyre Compatibility Patch.esp
  • Save blocklist.txt and exit explorer

Morrowloot Support for Immersive Weapons SkyRe and Other Mods

Description: Morrowloot patches for different mods
Author: Garfink
Optionals: CCOR_IA7_Patch.esp Fix.
Special Instructions: Install the SkyRe replacement plugin, SkyRe_main - Morrowloot support, by Garfink. Install the optional only if you use both CCOR and Immersive armors 7.

SkyRe Compatibility and ReProccer Patches

Description: Patches for SkyRe
Author: Xathra
Optionals:Pre and Post ReProccer Patch, Clothing and clutter fixes, warmonger armomory skyre patch
Special Instructions: Choose the following from the main installer:

  • 1) Optional Addons: WAFR IA7 IW aMidianSS Content Addon Patch [or whatever choice best suits your setup]
  • 3) Falskaar
  • Install weapon patches for mods you use

Choose the following from Pre and Post ReProccer Patch

  • with IW and aMidianSS Content Addon [or whatever choice best suits your setup]

Download and install the Clothing and clutter fixes from optionals, do not use the version included in the main installer
Download and install "XML Edits only"

  • When installing the Warmonger armory SkyRe patch, delete WarmongerArmory_Vanilla.esp and WarmongerArmory_DLC.esp

SkyRe ReProccer Compatibility Patches qotsafan

Description: Patches for SkyRe
Author: qotsafan
Optionals: None.
Special Instructions: Choose the following from the main installer:

  • 01 Misc RePro etc... 01. SkyRe Destruction Tweak Patch 50
  • Patches: 04. Explosive bolts visualized
  • Options 02. Ingestible Patches 18. Ingestibles+Radiant Potions+Heartfire Patch

Use the ingestible patch that fits your install. There are patches for unique booze and imps needs etc.

Skyrim Redone - Complete Crafting Overhaul Remade Patch

Description: Patches for SkyRe
Author: Gruffys
Optionals: None.
Special Instructions: Install the following:

  • CCOR_SkyRe_Patch.esp
  • CCOR_aMidianBorn_Patch.esp
  • CCOR_IW_Patch.esp

SkyRe Helmless Warrior

Description: Removes helmet requirement for several perks
Author: evilsabre
Optionals: None.

Gimpyones patches

Description: Patches for SkyRe
Author: Gimpyone
Optionals: None.
Special Instructions: Install the following of gimpyones patches:

  • Bring Out Your Dead - Skyre.esp
  • SkyRe Consisten Older People.esp
  • Falskaar Skyre Alternative Start Patch

Enchanting Awakened Skyre Perk Tree Merge

Description: Patches SkyRe-Enchanting awakened.
Author: evrymetul
Optionals: None.
Special Instructions: Only install this if you are using enchanting awakened

Audio Overhaul Skyrim

Description: Overhauls Skyrim sounds
Author: David Jegutidse
Optionals: None.
Special Instructions: This mod is already included in STEP. Reinstall and choose to install it with the STEP instructions+the SkyRe patch

Garfinks SkyRe/Enchantment Awakened Fix

Description: This is a replacement for Enchantment Awakeneds SkyRe patch, which is installed during the main Enchantment Awakened install.
Author: Garfink
Optionals: None.
Special Instructions: Delete EnchantmentAwakenSkyRePatch.esp from the original Enchantment Awakened install and use this one instead

Other skill and perk mods:

These mods can be used with path 1-3. Using Stealth skills rebalanced alongside with TTR may not be nescessary though as TTR's stealth skills are inspired by kryptopyrs stealth skills and are therefore almost a copy of her mod.

Stealth Skills Rebalanced

Description: Overhauls the stealth skills
Author: kryptopyr
Optionals: None.
Special Instructions: Used by dreadflopp alongside with TTR. Recommended by Dreadflopp to be used alongside with TTR. Not because TTR stealth skills are bad (they are in fact inspired by this mod), but because this mod is good.

Stealth Skills Rebalanced - SPERGified

Description: SPERRGifies Stealth Skills Rebalanced.
Author: ServantOfSin
Optionals: None.
Special Instructions: Use this if you want to use both SPERG and Stealth skills rebalanced. Both SPERG and SSR original mods are required. No need to deativate any skills in SPERG.

Smithing Perks Overhaul

Description: Replaces the smithing perk. From the creator of Complete Crafting Overhaul Remade
Author: kryptopyr
Special Instructions: Recommended by Dreadflopp to be used alongside with TTR. Not because TTR smithing is bad, but because this mod is good.

Enchanting Awakened

Description: Enchanting skill mod, can be used as an alternative to TTR's or SPERG's enchanting skill.
Author: egocarib
Optionals: Install the optional .
Special Instructions: Install all relevant patches from the main installer and from the patch pack. Not compatible with the following STEP mods, but their functionality are included in this mod:

  • Smart Souls
  • Unknown Enchants

Bash Tagging Required: (Bash Tagging Guide)

  • EnchantingAwakened.esp (Relev, Names, Stats) [relev optional, it adds soul gems to vendors]

Shouts, Powers, Races and Magic

Resplendent - Races of Skyrim

Description: New abilities and stats for all races.
Author: Enai Siaion
Optionals: None.
Special Instructions:
BOSS Masterlist Update Required: (Updating Guide)

  • Resplendent - The Races Package.esp AFTER Endgame NPC Overhaul.esp

Change the following in the MCM menu:

Enable NPC powers ticked
NPC Wood Elves have Forestwalk unticked
No Ancestral Guardians ticked
Unarmed Weapon Scaling (SkyRe) ticked if using SkyRe.

Aurora Doomstone Package

Description: Aurora replaces the default Doomstone (standing stone) effects with tactical and interesting new powers and abilities. Each Doomstone comes with one ability (passive bonus) and one active power.
Author: Enai Siaion
Optionals: None.
Special instructions:This mod is not compatible with the mod Undeath. One of the stones will not work as intended if both are installed.
BOSS Masterlist Update Required: (Updating Guide)

  • Aurora - Standing Stones of Skyrim.esp BOTTOM Player Perks

LOOT Rules:

  • Make sure Aurora is loaded after Stealth skills rebalanced and enchanting awakened

Dragon Soul Relinquishment

Description: Use dragon souls to get more perks or other powers
Author: Alek
Optionals: None.

Improved Dragon Shouts

Description: Overhauls the vanilla dragon shouts. Use this if you want an enhanced dragon shout experience closer to vanilla.
Author: Ozram
Optionals: None.
BOSS Masterlist Update Required: (Updating Guide)

  • Improved Dragon Shouts.esp BOTTOM Player Perks
  • Improved Dragon Shouts - Dawnguard.esp BOTTOM Player Perks
  • Improved Dragon Shouts - Dragonborn.esp BOTTOM Player Perks

LOOT Rules:

  • Load The improved dragon shouts plugins after the speech module of TTR


Description: A dragon shouts overhaul that unlike Improved Dragon Shouts also features new shouts.
Optionals: None.
Special Instructions: Use this or Improved dragon shouts. This has a conflict with Enchanting Awakened. Solve it by loading it before Enchanting awakened.

LOOT Rules:

  • Load EnchantingAwakened.esp after ThunderChild - Epic Shout Package.esp

After the game starts you need to type these in the console IF you are using SkyRe to allow Thunderchild to take control of speechcraft leveling via shouts.

set xxxSPEShoutExpBase to 0
set TC_ExpMultiplier_Global to 4

Apocalypse Spell Package

Description: Adds lots of new spells

  • If using Skyrim Redone, install the Apocalypse - SkyRe Patch
  • If using SPERG, install the Apocalypse - SPERG Patch

Special Instructions: This mod is essential for balance in Garfinks Skyrim Rebalance project

Forgotten Magic Redone

Description: Adds spells that evolve and grow stronger as you use them.
Author: 3JIou, sward66
Optionals: If using Skyrim Redone, install the Forgotten Magic Redone - SkyRe Patch

Spectraverse - Magic of the Magna-Ge

Description: Spectraverse features a questline with several voiced characters revolving around the Children of Magnus. Your reward for intervening in the war in heaven is a choice of 42 unique Destruction spells with scripted effects.
Author: Enai Siaion
Optionals: If using Skyrim Redone, install the SkyRe Patch

Dwemerverse - Dwemer Magic Kit

Description: Dwemerverse contains 33 brand new Dwemer themed Alteration spells, 30 Staves, 12 Dwemer Stones, several pieces of lost Dwemer technology and a unique crafting mechanic to acquire the above goodies..
Author: Enai Siaion
Optionals: None.

GSRP - Garfink's Skyrim Rebalance Project

The aim of GSRP is to remake Skyrim into a might tighter experience without the frustration of too much micromanagement, but still remaining modular enough that the user can adjust his experience by minor changes to the setup. I want to create an even playing field between the hero and the enemies, so you don't need to up the difficulty by making enemies into health-sinks, this is achieved by adjusting sizes of mobs, increasing spawn points, the types of spawns, giving more potions, magicks and perks to the NPCs, improving their AI and allowing NPCs to use enchantments, all the while not nerfing the hero. On the hero side of the equation, I want a build that is robust enough to accommodate all play-styles without any more mods added and also create more different ways to the play the game than ever before.
The other important part of the project is to redesign the economy of the world by making changes that affect all the resources of the game, including an unprecedented modular deleveled loot system, scarce vendor contents and world loot, where mining is essential, where weapon and armor wear is a concern like every other Elder Scroll game to date. Even paused-activities like smithing/alchemy will now add real-game-time hence making the timing of these activities a concern and increase the need for food/water/sleep.
All these changes are designed with other realism mods in mind and is designed to work with Frostfall & the various needs mods. Everything is modular and can be adapted to a variety of combat changes packs, but it has been extensively tested for use with the amazing overhaul Skyrim Redone and one of the best combat improvement mods, Duel Combat V7. Like many other projects of its kind and the ever changing landscape of Skyrim Modding, packs like these will forever need to be updated and evolving, but unlike many other projects, I aim to have a final version in place that is near perfect so that my modding can literally end and playing start.
Garfink recommends setting the in-game difficulty setting to Novice.

Yield 2dot0

Description: Better Yield system
Author: Niklass
Optionals: None.
Special Instructions:
BOSS Masterlist Update Required: (Updating Guide)

  • Yield 2.0.esp BOTTOM Base XYZ

LOOT Rules:

  • Let LOOT sort this mod

Dodge Mod

Description: This mod allows the player to make short, quick movements to dodge the attacks of opponents.
Author: Borgut1337
Optionals: None.

Duel - Combat Realism

Description: Overhauls combat
Author: Gabriel Mailhot as LogRaam
Optionals: None.
Special Instructions: Use latest stable version (Avoid using the ALPHA version till the author gets a handle on his new archery module going).
[Duel v5/Deadly combat are both compatible alternatives but might break combat balance.]

TES5Edit Cleaning Required: (Cleaning Guide)

  • Duel - Combat Realism.esp

High Level Enemies - SIC Edition

Template:Notice Small Description: Lets certain enemies continue to level up
Author: Dalquist
Optionals: None.
Special Instructions: Also install Falskaar patch from the main installer if Falskaar is used.
Delete "High Level Enemies - SIC.esp"
BOSS Masterlist Update Required to make sure it's loaded before Rebirth monster.esp: (Updating Guide)

  • High Level Enemies - SIC.esp TOP Base Late
  • High Level Enemies - SIC Falskaar.esp AFTER High Level Enemies - SIC.esp

LOOT Rules:

  • Let LOOT sort this mod, but make sure it's loaded before Revenge of the enemies (Rebirth monster.esp)

High Level Enemies

Template:Notice Small Description: Installs a hardcore setting for High level enemies
Author: Dalquist
Optionals: High level enemies - Hardcore
Special Instructions: Only install the optional, not the main file
BOSS Masterlist Update Required: (Updating Guide)

  • High Level Enemies - Hardcore.esp AFTER Rebirth Monster.esp

LOOT Rules:

  • Load High Level Enemies - Hardcore.esp after Rebirth Monster.esp

Morrowloot Support for Immersive Weapons SkyRe and Other Mods

Template:Notice Small Description: Morrowloot patches for different mods
Author: Garfink
Optionals: None.
Special Instructions: Install "High Level Enemies - SIC Edition - Morrowloot Support"

Revenge of the Enemies

Description: Adds skills and magic to enemies and make them act more intelligently.
Author: MyEvergreenHometown
Optionals: None.

Endgame NPC Overhaul

Template:Notice Small Description: This mod will add perks to vanilla and DLC's followers accordingly with their original fight style and class and they will now level along with the player
Author: Xannon98
Optionals: None.
Special Instructions: Install legendary version.
This mods makes changes to vanilla NPCs. It will therefore overwrite followers mods that changes vanilla followers or makes vanilla NPCs into followers. Solved by loading this mod before them.
BOSS Masterlist Update Required: (Updating Guide)

  • Endgame NPC Overhaul.esp TOP Post UFO

LOOT Rules:

  • Load this mods plugin before any follower mods and after any multi-management follower mods plugins (like UFO/EFF)


Description: NPCs will use potions, spells from mods, perks from mods and will spawn in bigger groups. This program is setup through a patcher later. Install the mod like any other mod now.
Author: The ASIS Team
Optionals: None.
Special Instructions: In the MCM menu, choose:

Reduced indoor spawns

ASIS Improved INI Files

Description: Improved .ini files for ASIS.
Author: EggOver1979
Optionals: None.

DFB - Random Encounter

Description: This mod adds 230 new spawn points into the wilderness of Skyrim. br> Author: Darkfirebird, lifestorock
Optionals: None.
Special Instructions: Change these settings in the ingame MCM menu:

General: Creature Size Scaling: Max. set to 1.33x
Difficulty: Assign Global Difficulty set to HARD, all other boxes unticked. 
Encounter Amounts: Wolf set to 2 and everything else set to 1.
Turn off nightingale spawn (not lorefriendly)

Deadly Dragons

Template:Notice Small Description: Overhauls the games dragons and adds new dragon types.
Author: 3JIou, Redshift
Optionals: None.
Special Instructions: Change these settings in the ingame MCM menu:

keep project essential NPCs OFF
turn off stagger

Dragon Combat Overhaul

Description: Overhauls dragon combat.
Author: ApolloDown
Optionals: None.
Special instructions: This mod has a conflict with No spinning death animation. This is solved by not installing the merged version of no spinning death animation. An alternative, if you want, is to load dragon combat overhaul after no spinning death animation. If you use audio overhaul Skyrim, install the Dragon combat overhaul patch from the main Audio overhaul Skyrim installer

Better Stealth AI for Followers

Description: Better Stealth AI for Followers
Author: kryptopyr, nbtc971
Optionals: None.

Improved Sneak Detection

Description: This mod improves Skyrim's detection while sneaking, triggered by loud noises, changes in light sources and movement.
Author: Dragonborn77
Optionals: None.
Special Instructions: Compatible with with SkyRe. Probably not with Stealth skills rebalanced. Unknown for SPERG/TTR.

Traps Make Noise - More Dangerous Traps

Description: Traps are more dangerous and triggers detection.
Author: Kryptopyr
Optionals: None.
Special Instructions: Install both main files, delete traps make noise.esp


These mods are optional but recommended


Description: Adds an ingame MCM menu where you can tweak
Author: Grimy Bunyip
Optionals: None.
Special Instructions: We recommend setting carry weight to -200. This will let you start the game with only 100 carry weight. For more immersion disable health regeneration. Health regeneration during combat is already disabled by duel.

Better Leveling

Description: Better Leveling has made several Skyrim community uncapper ini's which balances skills and slows down leveling.
Author: aselnor
Optionals: None.
Special Instructions: If you use vanilla or TTR perks, use vanilla ini. If you use SkyRe or SPERG, use the ini for that skill overhaul. Devil edition (not recommended) lets you level faster. Open the ini to make some changes:

  • If you want more or fewer perks, change [PerksAtLevelUp]. For vanilla/TTR, I recommend setting it to the following, which will give you a bonus perk every 10th level:
  • To change health at level up to vanilla, change [HealthAtLevelUp] to
  • To change magicka at level up to vanilla, change [MagickaAtLevelUp] to
  • To change stamina at level up to vanilla, change [StaminaAtLevelUp]] to
  • To nerf how much you can carry, change [CarryWeightAtMagickaLevelUp], [CarryWeightAtStaminaLevelUp] and [CarryWeightAtHealthLevelUp] to, this, which will raise you carry capacity with a total of +300 at level 42. After level 42 you will gain no more carry weight capacity.
  • If you want to roleplay and use more hardcore settings, change it to this. This will give you +5 carry weight every time you choose health at level up and none if you choose magicka or stamina.:

NicoPads's recommendations

These recommendations are due to a somewhat not so powerful Computer with limitations (essentially when coming to scripts and spawns).
I recommend using Garfinks economy (Delevelled scarecer loot section) and leveled world with SPERG.
Use Ace BYOG to set starting attributes to 5.
Use Better levelling for SPERG.
Difficulty set to Adept.
For ASIS: only for potions and npc enchant fix (no additional spawns and autoperks, bandits with 30 or so perks does not seem realistic.)
Trade and barter installed but not started in MCM menu. (caused ctd’s when opening trade menus)
Skytweak : weight to 100. timescale to 10. healthregen : 0,10 fbartermin and max to Garfink setting 3.5 and 7.5


Download our replacement plugins:
This download contains replacement plugins for the following mods:

  • Book of silence content addon
  • Lore weapon expansion
  • Weapons and armor fixes (True otcish or deadric weapons AND complete version)

Download our patches:
Install all patches that are relevant to your install. Sort them in numeric order. If two or more patches uses the same number you are supposed to only use one of them. This is very important, never use two plugins with the same number.

The following mods are required to use the STEP Core patches:

  • The unofficial patches
  • Consistent older people
  • Guard dialogue overhaul
  • Clothing and clutter fixes remade
  • Weapons and armor fixes remade
  • Audio overhaul Skyrim
  • Cutting room floor
  • Improved Closefaced Helmet

  • The following mods are required to use the STEP Extended patches:
  • The unofficial patches
  • Bring out your dead
  • Enchanting awakened
  • Consistent older people
  • Guard dialogue overhaul
  • Clothing and clutter fixes remade
  • Weapons and armor fixes remade
  • Audio overhaul Skyrim
  • Cutting room floor
  • Improved Closefaced Helmet
  • Animated weapons enchants


To save plugin slots and to make sure the load order between the patches doesn't get messed up it is recommended to merge all patches except that one that has a filename beginning and ending with NO_MERGE (number 620)! Use the tutorial on this page to merge the patches.

Load order

Sort your merged MMO patch followed by the NO_MERGE patch after the official STEP patch but before the bashed patch

Other mods

If you have installed followers mods that alters existing NPCs, these will need patching as they conflicts with several mods. Simply forward any conflicting follower mod record and add to your own conflict resolution patch(es), placed after our patches


  • Add executables for the patchers.
Click on the data tab on the right side of Mod Organizer
Expand SkyProc Patchers
Expand ASIS
Right click ASIS.jar, choose Add as executable
Click OK

Click on the data tab on the right side of Mod Organizer
Expand SkyProc Patchers
Expand Dual Sheath Redux Patch
Right click Dual Sheath Redux Patch.jar, choose Add as executable
Click OK

 Click on the data tab on the right side of Mod Organizer
Expand SkyProc Patchers
Expand T3nd0_ReProccer
Right click ReProccer.jar, choose Add as executable
Click OK

  • Run the ASIS dynamic patch through MO with NPC enchanmets fix deactivated. Make sure only the following is ticked:
Increased Spawns
Automatic Perks
Automatic Spells
Customized AI
NPC potions [NPC Potions defaut number of potions 2, chance per potion 5]
NPC enchantment fix
  • Click open at Increases spawns. Change the settings as follows if you use High level enemies hardcore:
  • If you do not use High level enemies hardcore, you can turn up the spawn settings a little:
  • Click patch. The patcher will finish
  • Run the Dynamic patch for Dual sheath redux through MO
  • Click patch. The patcher will finish
  • Run the ReProccer through MO
  • Click patch. The patcher will finish
  • New plugins has been created in the override. These must be sorted after the batch patch in the load order. The masters of these new plugins will be sorted in the wrong order. Open the three plugins in TES5Edit, right click each one of them and choose sort masters.

In-game settings

To make it more user friendly, here is a collection of all in-game settings, MCM settings and console commands in a goggle doc to make it easy to view them on your phone:

Final Steps

  • Realistic Water Two
Reinstall with relevant patches. Patches for REGS mods shouldn’t be needed even if REGS is installed (unless the REGS guide tells you otherwise).
  • Weapons and armor fixes
Install it according to the STEP guide. Make sure both the main plugin and the True orcush and Daedric weapons plugin is loaded before morrowloot.esp. If you use Immersive weapons, choose to install the patch for that.
  • Remove relev tag (in wrye bash) from "Weapons and armor fixes_remade.esp".
  • Make sure the Guard dialogue overhaul plugin is loaded before the main weapons and armor fixes plugin. Source
  • Reinstall Audio Overhaul for Skyrim and install all relevant patches for your setup, including the traps are dangerous patch, if you use that mod.
  • It is important to only use these tags for the STEP patch: Stats, Names, Delev. Do not use relev.
  • Rebuild the bashed patch using wrye bash. Remember to untick Reduced gold rewards for quests when doing this


  • 14-10-10 Updated the patch format again after some constructive criticism
  • 14-10-08 Forgot the replacement plugins. Added them to the patches section
  • 14-10-07 Removed Realistic Humanoid Movement Speed and Encumbering loot armour and weapons. If you like them continue to use them, no patches are needed.
  • 14-10-07 Moved ERSO 18 & 29 to the equipment section where the belong
  • 14-10-07 All patches updated to a new format
  • 14-10-07 Removed Garfinks ASIS edits since ASIS has been updated and the probably aren't relevant
  • 14-10-07 Some layout changes. Cleaned up some texts. Added Final Steps. Still working on this. Patches will be posted in a day or two
  • 14-10-05 Moved all skill mods to a seperate category. This will help me when I make patches. Added SkyRe to this category. Will work with the layout to make it easier to read.
  • 14-09-30 Made the instructions on how to clean the STEP patches from dependencies on removed mods clearer. Removed the pre-cleaned STEP patch since it was outdated.
  • 14-09-27 Added instructions to install the patch for Immersive weapons from the WAF installer
  • 14-08-11 Removed Garfinks ASIS .ini-files, added ASIS improved INIs, added Stealth Skills Rebalanced - SPERGified by ServantOfSin
  • 14-07-24 Removed NPC Enchantment fix since it's functionality is included in ASIS
  • 14-07-24 Updated patches. Added a third patch archive. Removed instructions to merge TTR.
  • 14-07-17 Removed instruction to delete TTR source folder (this was a mistake that shouldn't have made it to the guide)
  • 14-07-16 Updated Patches and replacement plugins
  • 14-07-15 Removed instructions to not update Lore Weapon Expansion and removed instruction to use Garfinks replacement plugin for this mod since it was not made for the latest version
  • 14-07-15 Created replacement plugins for the lates Lore weapons expansion and Weapons & Armor_TrueOrcish&DaedricWeapons.esp. Uploaded replacement plugin for amidianborn content addon.
  • 14-07-15 Changed instructions for the patches and uploaded new patches. There are now two downloads.
  • 14-07-15 Added note to remove relev from Weapons and armor fixes_remade.esp
  • 14-07-15 Added note to remove relev from STEP patch
  • 14-07-14 Added bash tags for aMidianBorn_ContentAddon.esp
  • 14-07-12 Updated our STEP Extended replacement patch
  • 14-07-12 Updating the pre-install text and some wording throughout the guide to 2.9 (ongoing during the day)
  • 14-07-12 Added note to Lore Weapons Expansion to stay on version 1.2. Added note to the SkyRe section because it needs updates.
  • 14-07-02 Added the in-game settings as a google doc
  • 14-07-02 Removed TES5Editing from Skyrim immersive creatures
  • 14-07-02 Updated TTR instructions to merge all plugins you want to use. Updated TTR patches to use the merged plugin as master
  • 14-07-02 Added reminder in pre-install to use Brawls Bug Patch if not using enhanced blood textures.
  • 14-07-01 NPC enchantment fix is now included in ASIS. Updated NPC enchantment fix instructions and ASIS patcher instructions to reflect this.
  • 14-06-27 Modified description for Unofficial SPERG Patches to not use WAF patch. Updated our patches, please redownload.
  • 14-06-23 Further edited the Pre-Install text for WAF and added a LOOT rule to Morrowloot
  • 14-06-23 Added LOOT rule for Thunderchild, again thanks Blattgeist
  • 14-06-23 Added instructions for WAF and GDO in the pre-install instructions
  • 14-06-23 Updated the patches because of CCF update. Added edits Blattgeist pointed out and his Traps are dangerous CTD fix (thanks!)
  • 14-06-23 Added some instructions to Professions
  • 14-06-21 Updated patches because of Weapon and armor fixes being updated to version 5. Use complete plus version, true orcish & daedric.
  • 14-06-20 Added instructions to clean Duel, which removes the need for the WAF patch
  • 14-06-19 Added BOSS/LOOT rules for aMidianBorn and Complete Crafting Overhaul Remade
  • 14-06-19 Updated professions description.
  • 14-06-19 Updated all patches and made them more modular. Updated some text in the introduction of the guide to reflect this. Removed WIP tag
  • 14-06-19 Added NicoPads recommendations
  • 14-06-19 Added Traps make noise, Better fast travel, Realistic Room Rental Basic, Dodge mod, Smarter Combat Music, Yield 2.0, Spectraverse, Dwemerverse
  • 14-06-19 Added instructions for Reproccer in the patchers section
  • 14-06-19 Added SkyRe_main.esp which was missing from the guide.
  • 14-06-19 Added instructions to Skyrim Immersive Creatures to fix a compatibility issue with Run for your lives
  • 14-06-19 Added BOSS/LOOT rules for High level enemies - Hardcore and Aurora. Added instructions to Aurora.
  • 14-06-03 Updated you hunger instructions
  • 14-05-27 Added Garfinks SkyRe/EnchantmentAwakened patch replacer. Fixed a typo in the SPERG instructions.
  • 14-05-27 Removed Warmonger since it conflicted with something we couldn't find, which was causing naked NPC's. Removed Unofficial SkyRe patch since we only used SkReCraftinFix.esp which isn't needed anymore.
  • 14-05-27 Updated instructions for dragon combat overhaul. Updated instructions for High level enemies - SIC edition+fixed a typo. Made the morrowloot LOOT rule clearer. Added Enchanted awakening to Garfinks used skill/power/magic mods.
  • 14-05-25 Updated the ASIS ini file. Added CCOR/IA7 SkyRe patch.
  • 14-05-22 Modified instructions for SPERG mcm menu
  • 14-05-21 Updated instructions for Reduced gold rewards for quests and gold adjustments
  • 14-05-20 Updated ASIS ini files, moved reduced indoor spawn settings to the mcm menu
  • 14-05-20 Changed MCM settings for random encounters, immersive creatures, resplendent races. Changed patcher settings for ASIS. Added recommended game setting: Novice
  • 14-05-20 Added CCOR_IW_Patch.esp to the SkyRe/CCOR patch
  • 14-05-19 Added Customized AI to ASIS settings
  • 14-05-18 Added Enchanting Awakened Skyre Perk Tree Merge
  • 14-05-18 Added Aurora, fixed iNeed instructions, fixed Morrowloot Support for Immersive Weapons SkyRe and Other Mods instructions in the equipment section, fixed warmonger instruction, some skyre section fixes and removed skyre wip tag, added Encumbering loot armour and weapons, modified instructions for Reduced Gold Rewards for Quests, Overhauled the mod layout by ripping of REGS and SkyRe. Changed instruction for community uncapper and skytweak.
  • 14-05-11 Added You Hunger, added notes to LOOT users
  • 14-05-11 Updated link to ASIS ini files and added a missing ini file
  • 14-05-11 Added Warmonger armory and Lore Weapon Expansion. Changed instructions for "Morrowloot Support for Immersive Weapons SkyRe and Other Mods"
  • 14-05-15 Replaced realistic needs and diseases with iNeed
  • 14-05-14 Updated ASIS spawn settings
  • 14-05-11 Updated Skyrim immersive creatures description (removed extended stats and changed Spawn amount maximum)
  • 14-05-11 Updated instructions for Unofficial Skyrim Redone Patches (do not install SkyRe_Main_Fix.esp)
  • 14-05-11 Updated Professions ini, updated instructions for SkyRe Compatibility and ReProccer Patches
  • 14-05-10 Added new mod, Professions
  • 14-05-08 Added Better Stealth AI for followers and Improved sneak detection to GSRP
  • 14-05-08 Rearranged equipment mods, added some equipment mods. Added patches for aMidianBorn content addon
  • 14-05-08 Updated instructions for Thunderchild. Changed SkyTweak settings
  • 14-05-08 Added instructions to add DELEV to gold adjustments
  • 14-05-08 Added instructions to use ERSO 18, 29 with caution. Added STEP: Extended patch replacer.
  • 14-05-08 Added ASIS ini file. Added instructions to Improved Dragon Shouts
  • 14-05-08 Added Smithing Perks Overhaul - TTR_Skill_Overhaul_Light_Heavy_armor Patch
  • 14-05-08 Updated the structure of the patches archive added uploaded a replacement plugin for High levele enemies - sic edition. Updated patch link. No need to redownload patches.
  • 14-05-08 Changed instructions for Apocalypse spell package, forgotten magic redone, dfb - random encounters, high level enemies, gold adjustment. Added introduction to GSRP. Changed post install instructions for the patchers and changed ASIS settings.
  • 14-05-07 Massive update. Please go through the guide again.
