User:Darth mathias/SRLE Extended Legacy of The Dragonborn Prerequisites

From Step Mods | Change The Game

Welcome to SRLE Extended: Legacy of The Dragonborn
A STEP Hosted guide based on Neovalen's Skyrim Revisited: Legendary Edition
Created and maintained by Darth_mathias and DarkladyLexy
Last Update: 19:14:44 7 July 2024 (GMT)
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Prerequisites Page

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Official Bethesda Content

Steam Overlay

The Steam Overlay is known to cause issues while playing Skyrim it is advised to disable it; to do this perform the following:

  1. Load Steam.
  2. In the Tool bar at the top of the left hand side Click Steam.
  3. In the Dropdown menu Click Settings.
  4. Then in the popup box find where it says In-Game.
  5. Uncheck Enabled the Steam overlay while in-game then click Gold|OK.

Script Extenders

[Skyrim Script Extender]

Skyrim Script Extender - SKSE - v1.7.3 - by ianpatt, behippo, scruggsywuggsy the ferret, and purple lunchbox
Files to download :
  • MAIN FILES - 7z Archive version

Install only these files to the main Skyrim folder at this time:

  • skse_1_9_32.dll
  • skse_loader.exe
  • skse_steam_loader.dll

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SKSE is absolutely essential. It extends the scripting capacity of the game to allow mods to do things that would not normally be doable in the base Skyrim Engine. Many Mods depend upon it.

[SKSE Plugin Preloader]

SKSE Plugin Preloader - v3 - by meh321
Files to download :
  • MAIN FILES - D3DX9_42 - Wrapper v3

Download the archive manually. Install only the following files to the main Skyrim folder:

  • d3dx9_42.dll

This is a little extender to help the Crash Fixes mod work.



7 Zip - v16.04 - by 7-Zip
Files to download :
  • OPTIONAL FILES - 7-Zip for 64-bit Windows x64

NOTE: Download whichever file matches your system. I use the 64 bit exe file. The function of this tool is to open archives manually. It handles most modern compression schemes and is free to use. This is optional as there's other file archiving options around and if you already have one you prefer, feel free to use it.

[Champollion PEX to papyrus Decompiler]

Champollion a PEX to Papyrus decompiler - 1.0.1 - by li1nx
Files to download :
  • MAIN FILES - Champollion V1.0.1 32 bits

Download the archive manually and extract the folder contained within to the Skyrim directory. The function of this tool is to decompile pex scripts to source code. This is a prerequisite for Merge Plugins Standalone.


DDSOpt - Optimization of DDS textures - 0.8.0 - by Ethatron
Files to download :
  • MAIN FILES - DDSOpt - pre-release - update 4

This tool helps optimize and re-mip textures. This will ultimately save you disk space and help load times. The program is portable and can be installed anywhere. You can check the basic how tos for the program here:

[ENB Organizer]

ENB Organizer - 2.1.1 - by Breems
Files to download :
  • MAIN FILES - ENB Organizer

The function of this tool is to allow the user to quickly and easily switch between ENB configurations. Allows you, for example, to have an ENB for gameplay and an ENB for screen archery that you can switch between quite easily.


LOOT - Load Order Optimiztion Tool - 0.10.3 - by WrinklyNinja et al
Files to download :
  • MAIN FILES - LOOT.Installer.exe

LOOT does a few things. As the name suggests it helps optimize your load order so things are loaded in correct order. However it also tells you which mods need cleaning, and suggests Bash Tags. More on cleaning and Bash Tags later.

[Merge Plugins]

Merge Plugins - 2.3.1 - by matortheeternal
Files to download :
  • MAIN FILES - Merge Plugins

Download the archive manually. Extract the whole contents of the archive to a folder. Name the folder 'Merge Plugins' or similar. I suggest putting it somewhere easy to find. This tool allows us to merge mod plugins into a single file. This is needed as Skyrim has a hard limit of 255 total mod plugins. Try and load more and the ones after 255 will get ignored. This may crash your game. Using this we can bring plugins down to a manageable level.

[Mod Organizer]

Mod Organizer - 1.3.11 - by Tannin42
Files to download :
  • MAIN FILES - Mod Organizer v1_3_11 Installer

Download the installer file and run it. When running the installer, I usually install it in my Skyrim directory and place a shortcut on the desktop. Others have a discrete folder for all their modding tools.

In the installer, check "Handle NXM Links". This allows direct downloading of mods using the "Download With Manager" button on Nexus mod pages. The function of this tool is to manage mods and is the mod manager of choice for this guide. The reasons for this are listed below:

  * Profiles allow multiple configurations set up per character and/or playthrough.
  * Mod Downloads via NXM allows downloading of mods directly using the "Download With Manager" button on the Nexus site.
  * Mod Version Tracking uses the power of the Nexus site to track major mod updates. However, this is not a replacement for the track file option on the actual Nexus site for optional downloads!
  * BAIN Installer Compatibility allows the use of BAIN packages.
  * NMM Installer Compatibility allows the use of Nexus Mod Manager installers.
  * Manual Installation Option allows modification and selection of the data folder in an archive manually, allowing fixes of path problems at install time.
  * Virtual File System allows a clean base Skyrim installation without the mess of moving files. Additionally extends this file system to other tools such as LOOT, TES5Edit, and Wrye Bash.

This is the tool we'll actually be using to download, install and manage the mods. Don't worry if it looks daunting, we'll set you right shortly.


TES5Edit - 3.2 - by zilav
Files to download :
  • MAIN FILES - F04Edit 3.2

This is a Fallout 4 download site, however, this tool also works for Skyrim when the executable is named TES5Edit.exe. Download the file and extract it to a folder in your Skyrim folder. Name the Folder TES5Edit or similar. Then enter that folder and rename the file FO4Edit.exe to TES5Edit.exe. This is vital.

The function of this tool is to remove Identical To Master(ITM) records, Undelete Deleted Records(UDR), and clean dirty edits as specified by the guide the ESMs and ESPs that Skyrim will be loading.

[Wrye Bash]

Wrye Bash - 307.beta1 - by lojack
Files to download :
  • MAIN FILES - Wrye Bash 307 beta1 - Standalone Executable

The function of this tool is to manage mods and create Bashed Patches. Bashed Patches merge the leveled lists from the installed mods and has some limited functionality to merge mods and tweak game values. For the purposes of this guide, only the Bashed Patch functionality will be used. Download the file manually

Configure Skyrim

Before we can actually start doing any modding, We'll set Skyrim up first and set a starting base.

Start by opening Steam: then perform the following steps in order:

Start The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim through the Steam context menu to open the default Skyrim launcher.

  1. Click "Options".
  2. Click the [Ultra] push-button.
  3. Set "Aspect Ratio" and "Resolution" through the drop down box. Set these to the monitors optimal resolution.
  4. Set "Antialiasing Level" to Off through the drop down box. This is in preparation for the ENB Install.
  5. Set "Anisotropic Filtering" to Off through the drop down box. This is in preparation for the ENB Install.
  6. Click [Close].
  7. Click the [OK] push-button to close and save.

We've just set Skyrim up to a base to work on. We'll tweak this when we run the BethINI tool later in the guide.

Configure The Creation Kit

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The Creation Kit is a valuable tool for Skyrim as it allows users to create and/or edit mods. It can be used to fix and change things not possible with the other 3rd party tools. Similar to Skyrim, the Creation Kit does not have default ini files until it is started for the first time and requires some basic setup to work properly for the purpose of this guide.

  1. Download the Creation Kit via Steam
  2. Start the Creation Kit through the Steam context menu.
  3. Once the Creation Kit is loaded, exit the program.
  4. Navigate to the Skyrim folder (where CreationKit.exe is located) and open SkyrimEditor.ini.
  5. At the bottom of the [General] section, add the line "bAllowMultipleMasterLoads=1".
  6. Locate the line starting with "SArchiveList=" and after Update.bsa add ", Dawnguard.bsa, Hearthfires.bsa, Dragonborn.bsa".
  7. Locate the line starting with "SResourceArchiveList2=" and after Update.bsa add ", Dawnguard.bsa, Hearthfires.bsa, Dragonborn.bsa".
  8. Save and close the file.

These settings will remain set for each subsequent run. These settings have accomplished the following:

* Setup the ini files for multiple master loads and to properly load DLC content. 

Extract Dialogue Views and Script Source

With the latest Creation Kit version, Skyrim dialogue views and script sources are no longer extracted in the games data folder by default. To fix this, perform the following:

* Open Scripts.rar found in the Skyrim/Data folder and extract all files in place. (IE to the Skyrim/Data folder)

Papyrus Compiler Fix For 64-bit Systems

The following fix is only required for user with a 64-bit operating system. The PapyrusCompiler.exe used by the Creation Kit is compiled as an "AnyCPU" executable which means that it can be run in both 64-bit and 32 bit modes depending on the users OS. However, Mod Organizer is exclusively written in 32-bit and cannot hook into 64-bit applications. Due to this, compiling Papyrus scripts in the Creation Kit will fail. Fortunately, there is a workaround to force the compiler to always run in 32-bit mode.

Download this tool and place it in the Skyrim/Papyrus Compiler folder. Run the executable and click [Start].

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Configure Mod Organizer

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  1. Start Mod Organizer.
  2. If this is the first run, Mod Organizer will prompt to select which game to manage, select Skyrim.
  3. Mod Organizer will then prompt to show a tutorial. It is highly recommended to click [Yes] if not familiar with the tool.
  4. Click the [Configure Profiles] button at the top of the window. The icon looks like an id card.
  5. Verify "Automatic Archive Invalidation" and "Local Savegames" are unchecked.
  6. Click [Create] and type "Vanilla Skyrim" in the text box.
  7. Verify that "Default Game Settings" is unchecked then click [OK]. The "Vanilla Skyrim" profile will appear in the list.
  8. Select the "Default" profile and click [Remove]. Select [Yes] when prompted.
  9. Close the dialogue by clicking [Close].
  10. Verify that "Vanilla Skyrim" is the currently selected profile in the "Profile" drop-down above the left-pane of the Mod Organizer window.

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  1. Click the [Settings] button at the top of the main Mod Organizer window. The icon looks like a screwdriver and wrench.
  2. In the "Settings" dialogue, click the [General] tab and in the "Style" drop down select "Dark.qss".
  3. In the "Settings" dialogue, click the [Nexus] tab.
  4. Check "Automatically Log-In to Nexus" and input a valid nexus username and password.
  5. In the Steam tab input a valid Steam login and password.
  6. In the "Settings" dialogue, click the [Plugins] tab.
  7. Select "Basic Diagnosis Plugin" in the left pane.
  8. In the right pane, double click on the value to the right of "check_modorder" and select "false".
  9. Select "BSA Extractor" in the left pane.
  10. In the right pane, double click the value to the right of "enabled" and select "true".
  11. In the "Settings" dialogue, click the [Workarounds] tab.
  12. Verify that NMM Version is at least 0.52.2, if it is not then update it to this value.
  13. Close the window by clicking [OK].
  14. Click the [Executables] button at the top of the main Mod Organizer window. The icon looks like a pair of cogs.

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  1. In the "Title" text box type "TES5Edit". (Or whatever you renamed FO4Edit.exe to as part of the Tools installation)
  2. In the "Binary" text box type <TES5Edit Path>\TES5Edit.exe or select it using windows explorer by pressing the [...] button.
  3. Do not select any of the optional check boxes.
  4. Click the [Add] button. TES5Edit should appear in the list.
  5. Repeat this process for both Merge Plugins and Wrye Bash replacing the appropriate fields then close the dialogue by clicking [OK].

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Additional Tools

[Boris's VRamSizeTest Tool]

VRamSizeTest Tool - 1.0 - by Boris Vorontsov
Files to download :
  • MAIN FILES - main file

Tool Notes: You can download this program and set your vram value as this tool's report or alternatively you can set the auto detect to true in enblocal. The tool's output is used when setting up your enblocal.ini file when installing ENBoost or an ENB Preset as described later in the guide.


  • ReservedMemorySizeMb=128 (Example) (If stuttering persists, increase the value in increments of 128 ( 256, 384, 512, etc... ) until the stuttering has ceased or is as minimal as possible with the lowest possible value. The maximum value that can be used is 1024.)
  • VideoMemorySizeMb=0
  • AutodetectVideoMemorySize=true


BethINI - 2.4 - by DoubleYou
Files to download :

This program was created by DoubleYou (The S.T.E.P. resident INI Master). BethINI (pronounced "Bethany") is an attempt to restore decency to the INI configuration files for games created by Bethesda.

Recommended usage:

  1. Run BethINI.exe Outside of MO and make sure it is closed otherwise changes wont take effect
  2. Mod Organizer users should go to the Setup tab within BethINI and select the profile they wish to use via the INI Path setting. Your profiles should be autodetected.
  3. Under the Basic tab Click the DEFAULT BUTTON. This will refresh your INI files to the default settings for your system, with minimal tweaks.
  4. Under the Basic tab Click the HIGH PRESET.
  5. Under the Basic tab Make sure the BethINI PRESET is checked.
  6. Under the Basic tab Make sure the Recommended Tweaks is checked.
  7. Under the Basic Tab Click the Windowed Mode (THIS IS ONLY NEEDED IF USING ONE TWEAK)
  8. Under the Basic tab make sure Anisotropic Filtering is set to NONE.
  9. Under the Basic tab make sure ENB MODE is CHECKED
  10. Under the General tab make sure Intro Logos is UNCHECKED.
  11. Under the General tab make sure Disable Tutorials is CHECKED.
  12. Under the General Tab Make sure Post-Load Update Time is 2000.
  13. Under the Gameplay Tab Make sure 1st Person Arrow Tilt-up Angle is 0.7.
  14. Under the Gameplay Tab Make sure 3rd Person Arrow Tilt-up Angle is 0.7.
  15. Under the Gameplay Tab Make sure 1st Person Bolt Tilt-up Angle is 0.7.
  16. Under the Interface Tab Make sure Mouse Settings -> Lock Sensitivity is 0.0125.
  17. Under the Detail Tab make sure Field of View is set to 85.00.
  18. Under the Detail Tab make sure Particles is set to 6000.
  19. Under the Detail Tab make sure Reflect Sky is CHECKED.
  20. Under the Detail Tab make sure Shadow Resolution is set to 2048.
  21. Under the Detail Tab make sure Sun-Shadow Update Time is set to 0.
  22. Under the Detail Tab make sure Sun-Shadow Update Threshold is set to 2.0.
  23. Under the Foliage Tab make sure Grass Density is set to 75.
  24. Under the Foliage Tab make sure Grass Diversity is set to 15.
  25. Under the Basic Tab Click the Save and Exit button.

Post BethINI Tweaks



iMaxGrassTypesPerTexure=15 (make sure you have this)
iMinGrassSize=75 (make sure you have this)




fInteriorShadowDistance=3000 (Make sure is this value)
fShadowLODStartFade=400.0000 (Change existing value)


bSaveOnRest=0 (Change existing value)
bSaveOnTravel=0 (Change existing value)
bSaveOnWait=0 (Change existing value)

SKSE Arguments (For Non Steam Users Only)


  1. Click the Gears icon in the top left of Mod Organizer.
  2. Click on SKSE.
  3. Add the Following to the Arguments: "-forcesteamloader".
  4. Click Modify Button.
  5. Click the Close button.


ReservedMemorySizeMb=128 (Example) (If stuttering persists, increase the value in increments of 128 ( 256, 384, 512, etc... ) until the stuttering has ceased or is as minimal as possible with the lowest possible value. The maximum value that can be used is 1024.)  

xEdit Scripts

Place these Scripts in the Edit scripts folder in TES5Edit.

[MXPF - Mator's xEdit Patching Framework]

MXPF - Mator's xEdit Patching Framework - 1.1.0 - by Mator
Files to download :

Mod notes: This mod add a framework to xEdit that other scripts can use.

Special installation: Download MANUALLY and install into xEdit scripts folder in TES5Edit.

[Khajiit Ears Show - With UNIVERSAL Mod Support]

Khajiit Ears Show - With UNIVERSAL Mod Support - 3.0 - by Nazenn
Files to download :
  • MAIN FILES - Khajiit Ears Show - TES5Edit Script

Mod notes: This mod is an xEdit Script that will allow Khajiits to show their ears while wearing helmets.

Special installation: Download MANUALLY and install into xEdit scripts folder in TES5Edit.


Hishy_Remove_LAND_Records - 1.0 - by hishutup
Files to download :
  • MISCELLANEOUS - Hishy_Remove_LAND_Records

Mod Notes: This is small scripts to remove land edits from a mod.

Special installation: extract to TES5Edit\Edit Scripts Then go to TES5Edit\Edit Scripts\lib from there copy mteFunctions.pas to the main Edit Scripts folder



ReLinker - 40 - by GandaG and Hishutup
Files to download :

Mod Notes: this little tool to allow us to merge mods with scripts - it takes the merge maps that are produced when you merge something, grabs all the scripts and LODGen files from you active mod list (BSAs included) and replaces the old plugin name and formIDs with the new plugin name and formIDs.

Now we can go again on the main page and start the modding adventure of Skyrim -> Main Guide Page