LOOT/Meta Rule Instructions

From Step Mods | Change The Game

Meta Rule Instructions

LOOT allows the user to create rules to solve load order problems not automatically resolved in the LOOT algorithm. A rule is necessary when one plugin is conflicting with another plugin, causing incompatibility that need not be present.

Creating meta rules

To create a LOOT meta rule:

  1. Launch LOOT through Mod Organizer.
  2. Find the plugin requiring lower loading (when a plugin is loaded after another plugin, it wins the conflict). If following a rule from the Meta Rule Instructions template, this will be the first plugin displayed.
  3. All the way to the right of the plugin, click the vertical ellipsis drop-down button (the one with three periods on top of each other) and select Edit Metadata.
  4. Click LOAD AFTER.
  5. Click Add New Row.
  6. Under Filename and Display Name, type the name of the plugin.
  7. Click the Save button at top right corner of the box to save the meta rule.
  8. Click the Sort Plugins button at top left to resort your plugins with your new meta rule applied.

Changing group

To change a LOOT priority rule:

  1. Launch LOOT through Mod Organizer.
  2. Select the plugin requiring a new priority.
  3. Find the plugin requiring a new priority. If following a rule from the Meta Rule Instructions template, this will be the first plugin displayed.
  4. All the way to the right of the plugin, click the vertical ellipsis drop-down button (the one with three periods on top of each other) and select Edit Metadata.
  5. Click MAIN.
  6. Select the group the mod should be loaded in.
  7. Click the Save button at top right corner of the box to save the meta rule.
  8. Click the Sort Plugins button at top left to resort your plugins with your new meta rule applied.

Removing meta rules

To remove a LOOT meta rule:

  1. Launch LOOT through Mod Organizer.
  2. Find the plugin requiring lower loading (when a plugin is loaded after another plugin, it wins the conflict). If following a rule from the Meta Rule Instructions template, this will be the first plugin displayed.
  3. All the way to the right of the plugin, click the vertical ellipsis drop-down button (the one with three periods on top of each other) and select Edit Metadata.
  4. Click LOAD AFTER.
  5. Click trashcan Remove Row button to the right of the rule to be deleted.
  6. Click the checkmark Apply button at top right corner of the box to save the changes.
  7. Click the Sort Plugins button at top left to resort the plugins with the changes applied.