User:DarkladyLexy/Lexys LOTD SE MCM

From Step Mods | Change The Game
Welcome to Lexy's: Legacy of The Dragonborn Special Edition
A STEP Hosted guide based of Neovalen's Skyrim Revisited: Legendary Edition
Created and maintained by Darth_mathias and DarkladyLexy With help from Nozzer66
Last Update: 14:10:59 8 July 2024 (GMT)

Help support STEP! ALL donations are applied to operating expenses.


FORUMS: If you want to check Lexy's: Legacy of The Dragonborn Special Edition forums Here
HISTORY: You can check on revisions of this Page by clicking Here
MAIN GUIDE: Click here to go to the main guide -> Lexy's: LOTD SE

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Mod Configuration Menu Setup (Time to bootup the game)

Game Settings

In this section we will be configuring the in-game menus.


  • Depth of Field: Set to minimum

MCM Settings

In this section we will be configuring the in-game mod menus.

Skyrim Unique Treasures

When you first Start the game you will greeted with THIS Click OK and Pick either Full Orginal Version or Lore Friendly Verison

Classic Classes and Birthsigns

Before you enter the MCM, go into your magic menu and equip any spell (not a power) and exit the menu or unequipping and re-equipping any item of clothing, this should bring up the Classic Classes and Birthsigns startup prompt after a few seconds.

Choose Adventurer, Classic Classes, or Custom Class.

If you chose Classic Classes, select the class you want. If you chose Custom Class, build your custom class.

A few seconds after you've finished selecting your class, a Birthsigns menu will show up.

Choose Fourth Era Birthsigns or Adventurer.

Third Era Birthsigns are not recommended for use with OMEGA.

If you chose Fourth Era Birthsigns, select which standing stone you'd like to start with. Note that the descriptions will not be accurate as we use Andromeda to change the standing stones.

A Matter Of Time

General Panel

Symbol 1 Section

  • Show Moon Phases: ENABLED
  • Show Seasons: ENABLED

Screenshot 1

Display Panel

Symbol 1 Section

  • Scale: 60%
  • Horizontal Anchor: RIGHT
  • Horizontal Offset: -50
  • Vertical Offset: 0

Screenshot 2

In-Game Clock Section

  • Scale: 70%
  • Horizontal Anchor: RIGHT
  • Horizontal Offset: -45
  • Vertical Offset: 48

Screenshot 3

In-Game Date Section

  • Scale: 70%
  • Horizontal Anchor: RIGHT
  • Horizontal Offset: -45
  • Vertical Offset: 57

Screenshot 4

Expanded Towns


Fortification Wall

  • Dawnstar - Disabled
  • Morthal - Disabled


  • Toggle Smelters - Enabled

Screenshot 1


Immersive Citizen

  • Toggle Compatibility - Enabled

Screenshot 2

Extended UI

Console Section

  • Fullscreen - Enabled

Stats Menu Section

  • Aspect Ratio - Set your game video resolution aspect ratio
  • Hide Legendary UI elements - Enabled
  • Show attribute modifiers - Enabled
  • Show skill modifiers - Enabled

Screenshot 1



Overview Panel

Frostfall Status Section

  • Frostfall is: Enabled (Exit menu and wait for quest to complete before opening the menu again.)

Gameplay Panel

Fast Travel & Waiting Section

  • Disable Fast Travel - Enabled
  • Disable Waiting While Outdoors - Enabled

Screenshot 1


General Meter Settings:

  • Pick a Layout presest otherwise the meters will be stuck (Recommend Bottom Left)

Exposure Meter Show Advance Settings:

  • Opacity - 100%
  • Fill Dirction - RIGHT
  • Scale - 1.0
  • X Postion - 640.0
  • Y Postion - 0.0
  • Horizontl Anchor - CENTER
  • Veritical Anchor - TOP

Screenshot 2

Wetness Meter Show Advance Settings:

  • Opacity - 100%
  • Fill Dirction - RIGHT
  • Scale - 1.0
  • X Postion - 0.0
  • Y Postion - 726.5
  • Horizontl Anchor - LEFT
  • Veritical Anchor - BOTTOM

Screenshot 3

Temperature Meter Show Advance Settings:

  • Opacity - 100%
  • Fill Dirction - RIGHT
  • Scale - 1.0
  • Flipped - DISABLED
  • X Postion - 1315.0
  • Y Postion - 726.5
  • Horizontl Anchor - RIGHT
  • Veritical Anchor - BOTTOM

Screenshot 4

GIST Soul Trap



  • Show message on soul lost: - DISABLED
  • Show message on soul shrunk: - DISABLED
  • Show message on soul displaced: - DISABLED
  • Show message on soul trapped: - ENABLED

Screenshot 1


  • Enable Leveling System: - ENABLED
  • Skill: - ENCHANTING

Screenshot 2

Immersive AFT

Core Setting

Standard Options

  • Death Chance - 0%
  • Ignore Friendly Fire - Enabled
  • Followers Can Ride - Disabled
  • Command Spell - Disabled
  • Leadership Spell - Disabled

Screenshot 1

Immersive Creatures

General Panel

General Section:

  • Select Version Preset: Purist - No Spiders

Screenshot 1

Additional Spawns

Spawn Types:

  • Ore Guardian Spawns - Disabled

Screenshot 2

Night Spwans

Spawn Time

  • Start - 19PM
  • Finsih - 6AM

Screenshot 3

Difficulty Adjustments

Global Difficulty:

  • Assign Global Difficulty - Set this to your gameplay difficulty. Recommended: Adept.

Creature Spawn Difficulty:

  • Additional Spawns - MEDIUM

Screenshot 4

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Immersive HUD

Activation Panel

Compass Activation Section

  • Key press toggles - Enabled

Screenshot 1

Options Panel

  • Enable Fast Fade of Magicka - Enabled
  • Enable Fast Fade of Stamina - Enabled

Screenshot 2


Basics Panel

  • (Optional) iNeed Status: Disabled, then Enabled to reset initial hunger and thirst.

Player Section

  • Hunger Rate - 2
  • Thrist Rate - 3
  • Eat/Drink Animations - Enabled


  • Eat Hotkey - B
  • Drink/Refill Hotkey - N

Screenshot 1

Advanced Panel NPCs Section

  • Follower Needs - Disabled
  • Horse Needs - Enabled

Gameplay Section

  • Substance Impairment - Disabled
  • Cannibalism - Disabled

Screenshot 2

Difficulty Panel

World Section

  • Food Removal - BOTH
  • Food Spoilage - WORDS

Gameplay Section

  • Death - Enabled

Food/Drink Section

  • Increased Food Weight/Value - Disabled

Screenshot 3

Notifications Panel

Widget Section

  • Track Disease - Enabled

Screenshot 4

Keep It Clean



  • Start Keep It Clean - Enabled

Screenshot 1

KS Dragon Overhaul 2



  • Difficulty - MIGHTY

Screenshot 1

Dragon Attacks

Random Attacks:

  • Wait - 3 Days
  • Chance - 70%


  • Wait - 72 Hours
  • Randomizer - 24 Hours

Screenshot 2

MISC Settings

Unique Name Generator

  • Lore - ENABLED

Screenshot 3

Lock Overhaul


  • Active Lock Overhaul (Click OK then quit out of MCM Setup and Re-enter)

Screenshot 1

General: Settings:

  • Allow Increasing Skill - ENABLED
  • Enable the sound effect- ENABLED
  • Enabled Crime - ENABLED
  • Allow Auto Open When Unlocked - DISABLED

Screenshot 2

Smash Locks

  • Active Smash Locks - ENABLED
  • Allow Weapons - TWO + ONE HANDED

Screenshot 4

Unlock with Magic

  • Enable Unlock Spell - ENABLED
  • Allowed Spells - DESTRUCTION (NO SHOCK)
  • Unlock with Magic: Frost effect Required skill Malus - -0

Screenshot 5

Minty Lightning

Miscellaneous Panel

Miscellaneous Section

  • Legacy Config Menu - Enabled (Actually Disabled)

Screenshot 1

Moonlight Tales (SE) (Only needed if Player is a Werewolf)

General Settings

  • Transform Back Stagger - Dissabled
  • Werewolf Loot - Disabled


  • WereWolf Apperance - ALPHA (Black with Red eyes


MoreHud SE

Enemy's Level


  • Show Enemy Level - DISABLED

Screenshot 1

OBIS Patrols Addon

Patrol Settings

Bandit Patrols:

  • Enable? - ENABLED

Patrol Difficulty:

  • How Tough - TOUGHTEST

Screenshot 1

Quick Light

  • Brightness - Bright

Screenshot 1

Sky UI

General Panel

Item List Section

  • Font Size - Small
  • Category Icon Theme - CELTIC

Screenshot 1


Favourite Groups

  • Group 1 - F1
  • Group 2 - F2
  • Group 3 - F3
  • Group 4 - F4
  • Group 5 - F5 (Change Quick Save to something else suggested F10)
  • Group 6 - F6
  • Group 7 - F7
  • Group 8 - F8

Screenshot 2

Advanced Panel

SWF Version Checking Section

  • Map Menu - Disabled
  • Favouitres Menu - Disabled
  • Inventory Menu - Disabled
  • Barter Menu - Disabled
  • Container Menu - Disabled
  • Crafting Menu - Disabled

Screenshot 3

Sofia Follower

Sofia Settings

  • Comments Frequency - 4.5 HOURS
  • Combat Class - LIGHT RANGER
  • Combat Style - RANGED

Screenshot 1; Screenshot 2

Toccata Follower

Configure Spells Novice Spells:

  • Healing - Enabled
  • Oakflesh - Enabled
  • Conjure Familiar - Enabled

Screenshot 1

Change Class & Combat Style

Change Combat Class

  • Current Class - Defensive Mage

Weapon Type Preferences

  • Melee Weapons - 0.00
  • Ranged/Archery Weapons - 0.00
  • Magic - 10.00

Screenshot 2

Ultimate Combat


Time Block:

  • Effective Time - 0.00s
  • Pause Time - 0.00s
  • Blur Strength - 0.0s

Game Balance Settings:

  • Hardcore Damage - Disabled
  • Hardcore Stealth - Disabled
  • Speed Bonus - Disabled
  • Player Killmove Immunity - Enabled


  • Swing Effect - Enabled
  • Activate Mod - Enabled


  • Enemy Pose - Disabled
  • Player Stagger - Disabled
  • NPC's Bow Poise - '0.00
  • Player Bow Poise - '0.00s

Locational Damage:

  • Headshot Damage Mult - 0.0
  • Headshot Message - Disabled
  • Locational Damage Sound - Disabled
  • Locational Damage Effect - Disabled

Screenshot 1

NPC Settings


  • Max HP Scale - Map HP 1.0

Dwarven Centurion:

  • HP Mult - 1.0

Dragon Priest:

  • HP Mult - HP 1.0

Screenshot 2


Melee & Ranged Panel

Melee Section

  • Camera View - 3RD PERSON LAST
  • Last Enemy Restriction - Disabled
  • Player Killmove Immunity - Enabled

Ranged Section

  • Camera View - PROJECTILES
  • Last Enemy Restriction - Disabled

Screenshot 1

Stealth & Triggers Panel

Triggers Section

  • Left Attacks - Enabled
  • Alt Werewolf Attacks - Enabled

Screenshot 2

Wet and Cold

Ashes/Survival Panel

Player Section

  • Watery Eyes - Enabled

Screenshot 1

Wildcat - Combat of Skyrim


  • Disable Injuries - ENABLED

Screenshot 1

Difficulty (Suggested Overall Game Difficulty Adept or Higher)

  • Allow Wildcat to Manage Difficulty - ENABLED

Screenshot 2

Congratulations you have reached the end of your mammoth modding journey now the real journey can begin

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