User:DarkladyLexy/Lexys LOTD SE MCM

From Step Mods | Change The Game
Revision as of 12:06, July 24, 2018 by Kal (talk | contribs) (→‎GIST Soul Trap: Enchantment? Enchantment!)
Welcome to Lexy's: Legacy of The Dragonborn Special Edition
A STEP Hosted guide based of Neovalen's Skyrim Revisited: Legendary Edition
Created and maintained by Darth_mathias and DarkladyLexy With help from Nozzer66
Last Update: 0:12:46 7 July 2024 (GMT)

Help support STEP! ALL donations are applied to operating expenses.


FORUMS: If you want to check Lexy's: Legacy of The Dragonborn Special Edition forums Here
HISTORY: You can check on revisions of this Page by clicking Here
MAIN GUIDE: Click here to go to the main guide -> Lexy's: LOTD SE

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Mod Configuration Menu Setup

MCM Settings (Time to bootup and setup all the in-game mods menus)

In this section we will be configuring the in-game mod menus.

Skyrim Unique Treasures

When you first Start the game you will greeted with THIS Click OK and Pick either Full Orginal Version or Lore Friendly Verison

A Matter Of Time

General Panel

Symbol 1 Section

  • Show Moon Phases: ENABLED
  • Show Seasons: ENABLED

Screenshot 1

Display Panel

Symbol 1 Section

  • Scale: 60%
  • Horizontal Anchor: RIGHT
  • Horizontal Offset: -50
  • Vertical Offset: 0

Screenshot 2

In-Game Clock Section

  • Scale: 70%
  • Horizontal Anchor: RIGHT
  • Horizontal Offset: -45
  • Vertical Offset: 48

Screenshot 3

In-Game Date Section

  • Scale: 70%
  • Horizontal Anchor: RIGHT
  • Horizontal Offset: -45
  • Vertical Offset: 57

Screenshot 4

Expanded Towns


Fortification Wall

  • Dawnstar - Disabled
  • Morthal - Disabled


  • Toggle Smelters - Enabled

Screenshot 1


Immersive Citizen

  • Toggle Compatibility - Enabled

Screenshot 2

Extended UI

Console Section

  • Fullscreen - Enabled

Stats Menu Section

  • Aspect Ratio - Set your game video resolution aspect ratio
  • Hide Legendary UI elements - Enabled
  • Show attribute modifiers - Enabled
  • Show skill modifiers - Enabled

Screenshot 1



Overview Panel

Frostfall Status Section

  • Frostfall is: Enabled (Exit menu and wait for quest to complete before opening the menu again.)

Gameplay Panel

Fast Travel & Waiting Section

  • Disable Fast Travel - Enabled
  • Disable Waiting While Outdoors - Enabled

Screenshot 1


General Meter Settings:

  • Pick a Layout presest otherwise the meters will be stuck (Recommend Bottom Left)

Exposure Meter Show Advance Settings:

  • X Postion - 657.5
  • Y Postion - 50.0
  • Horizontl Anchor - CENTER
  • Veritical Anchor - TOP

Screenshot 2

Wetness Meter Show Advance Settings:

  • X Postion - 15.0
  • Y Postion - 726.5
  • Horizontl Anchor - LEFT
  • Veritical Anchor - BOTTOM

Screenshot 3

Temperature Meter Show Advance Settings:

  • X Postion - 1300.0
  • Y Postion - 726.5
  • Horizontl Anchor - RIGHT
  • Veritical Anchor - BOTTOM

Screenshot 4

GIST Soul Trap


  • Enable Leveling System: - Enabled
  • Skill: - ENCHANTING

Screenshot 1

Immersive AFT

Core Setting

Standard Options

  • Death Chance - 0%
  • Followers Can Ride - Disabled

Screenshot 1

Immersive Creatures

General Panel

General Section:

  • Select Version Preset: Purist - No Spiders

Screenshot 1

Additional Spawns

Spawn Types:

  • Ore Guardian Spawns - Disabled

Screenshot 2

Immersive HUD

Activation Panel

Compass Activation Section

  • Key press toggles - Enabled

Screenshot 1

Options Panel

  • Enable Fast Fade of Magicka - Enabled
  • Enable Fast Fade of Stamina - Enabled

Screenshot 2


Basics Panel

  • (Optional) iNeed Status: Disabled, then Enabled to reset initial hunger and thirst.

Player Section

  • Hunger Rate - 2
  • Thrist Rate - 3
  • Eat/Drink Animations - Enabled


  • Eat Hotkey - B
  • Drink/Refill Hotkey - N

Screenshot 1

Advanced Panel NPCs Section

  • Follower Needs - Disabled
  • Horse Needs - Enabled

Gameplay Section

  • Substance Impairment - Disabled
  • Cannibalism - Enabled

Screenshot 2

Difficulty Panel

World Section

  • Food Removal - BOTH
  • Food Spoilage - WORDS

Gameplay Section

  • Death - Enabled

Food/Drink Section

  • Increased Food Weight/Value - Disabled

Screenshot 3

Notifications Panel

Widget Section

  • Track Disease - Enabled

Screenshot 4

KS Dragon Overhaul

Combat (Pg.1)


  • Gameplay - KS Dragon

Screenshot 1

Combat (Pg.2)


  • Behaviour - RANDOM
  • Dynamic AI - ENABLED


  • Main Shout - ENABLED
  • Secondary Shout Shout - ENABLED
  • Injured Shout - DIABLED


  • Wait - 72
  • Number of assault * Mani Shout - SINGLE DRAGON
  • Chance - 25%
  • Safe Zone - ENABLED

Screenshot 2

Stats Settings


  • Difficulty - MIGHTY

Screenshot 3

MISC Settings

Unique Name Generator

  • Lore - ENABLED

Screenshot 4

Lock Overhaul


  • Active Lock Overhaul (Click OK then quit out of MCM Setup and Re-enter)

Screenshot 1

Smash Locks

  • Active Smash Locks - ENABLED
  • Allow Weapons - TWO + ONE HANDED

Screenshot 2

Unlock with Magic

  • Enable Unlock Spell - ENABLED
  • Allowed Spells - DESTRUCTION (NO SHOCK)

Screenshot 3

Minty Lightning

Miscellaneous Panel

Miscellaneous Section

  • Legacy Config Menu - Enabled (Actually Disabled)

Screenshot 1

Moonlight Tales (SE) (Only needed if Player is a Werewolf)

General Settings

  • Transform Back Stagger - Dissabled
  • Werewolf Loot - Disabled


  • WereWolf Apperance - ALPHA (Black with Red eyes


MoreHud SE

Enemy's Level


  • Show Enemy Level - DISABLED

Screenshot 1

Quick Light

  • Brightness - Bright

Screenshot 1

Sky UI

General Panel

Item List Section

  • Font Size - Small
  • Category Icon Theme - CELTIC

Screenshot 1


Favourite Groups

  • Group 1 - F1
  • Group 2 - F2
  • Group 3 - F3
  • Group 4 - F4
  • Group 5 - F5 (Change Quick Save to something else suggested F10)
  • Group 6 - F6
  • Group 7 - F7
  • Group 8 - F8

Screenshot 2

Advanced Panel

SWF Version Checking Section

  • Map Menu - Disabled
  • Inventory Menu - Disabled
  • Barter Menu - Disabled
  • Container Menu - Disabled
  • Crafting Menu - Disabled

Screenshot 3

Sofia Follower

Sofia Settings

  • Comments Frequency - 4.5 HOURS
  • Combat Class - LIGHT RANGER
  • Combat Style - RANGED

Screenshot 1; Screenshot 2

Toccata Follower

Configure Spells Novice Spells:

  • Healing - Enabled
  • Oakflesh - Enabled
  • Conjure Familiar - Enabled

Screenshot 1

Change Class & Combat Style

Change Combat Class

  • Current Class - Defensive Mage

Weapon Type Preferences

  • Melee Weapons - 0.00
  • Ranged/Archery Weapons - 0.00
  • Magic - 10.00

Screenshot 2

Vigor Combat and Injuries

  • Start Vigor - ENABLED

Screenshot 1

Stamina and Fatigue

  • Stamina Actions - DISABLED
  • Fatigue - DISABLED

Dynamic Combat

  • Full Body Stagger - DISABLED
  • Poise - DISABLED
  • Block and Parry - DISABLED

Screenshot 2

  • Conditional Damage - DISABLED
  • Enemy AI - DISABLED
  • Friendly Fire - DISABLED

Screenshot 3


  • Customization Power - DISABLED

Screenshot 4


Melee & Ranged Panel

Melee Section

  • Camera View - 3RD PERSON LAST
  • Last Enemy Restriction - Disabled
  • Player Killmove Immunity - Enabled

Ranged Section

  • Camera View - PROJECTILES
  • Last Enemy Restriction - Disabled

Screenshot 1

Stealth & Triggers Panel

Triggers Section

  • Left Attacks - Enabled
  • Alt Werewolf Attacks - Enabled

Screenshot 2

Wet and Cold

Ashes/Survival Panel

Player Section

  • Watery Eyes - Enabled

Screenshot 1

Wildcat - Combat of Skyrim


  • Disable Injuries - ENABLED

Screenshot 1

Difficulty (Suggested Overall Game Difficulty Adept or Higher)

  • Allow Wildcat to Manage Difficulty - ENABLED

Screenshot 2

Congratulations you have reached the end of your mammoth modding journey now the real journey can begin

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