User:Paul666root/SRLE LOTD Reqtified/SRLE LOTD Reqtified Optional Install: Difference between revisions

From Step Mods | Change The Game
No edit summary
Line 190: Line 190:
* wlso__darkdungeons.esp {{fc|green|(WLSO - Weather Lighting and Sound Overhaul Patches)}}
* wlso__darkdungeons.esp {{fc|green|(WLSO - Weather Lighting and Sound Overhaul Patches)}}
* wlso__elfx.esp {{fc|green|(WLSO - Weather Lighting and Sound Overhaul Patches)}}
* wlso__elfx.esp {{fc|green|(WLSO - Weather Lighting and Sound Overhaul Patches)}}
* wlso__taz.esp {{fc|green|(WLSO - Weather Lighting and Sound Overhaul Patches)}}
* zz wlso__elfx__darkdungeons.esp {{fc|green|(WLSO - Weather Lighting and Sound Overhaul Patches)}}
Merge name:
* ---> ++++ WLSO - Merged
* WLSO Merged.esp
Left pane placement:
* Directly after WLSO - Weather Lighting and Sound Overhaul Patches.
== Option 2 (Vivid Weathers) ==
Install {{fc|cyan|[Fantasy Soundtrack Project]}} as in the main guide.
Install {{fc|cyan|[Sounds of Skyrim - The Wilds]}} and {{fc|cyan|[WLSO - Sounds of Skyrim - The Wilds Patches]}} as in the main guide.
Install {{fc|cyan|[Sounds of Skyrim - The Dungeons]}} and {{fc|cyan|[WLSO - Sounds of Skyrim - The Dungeons Patches]}} as in the main guide.
Install {{fc|cyan|[Sounds of Skyrim - Civilization]}} and {{fc|cyan|[WLSO - Sounds of Skyrim - Civilization Patches]}} as in the main guide.
Install {{fc|cyan|[True Storms - Thunder and Rain Redone]}} and {{fc|cyan|[WLSO - True Storms - Patches]}} as in the main guide.
Install {{fc|cyan|[WLSO - Weather Lighting and Sound Overhaul]}} as in the main guide.
Unninstall {{fc|red|[Revamped Exterior Fog]}}.
=== Variant A (Enhanced Lighting for ENB (ELE) - LITE) ===
==== {{fc|cyan|[Enhanced Lighting for ENB (ELE) - LITE]}} ====
|Enhanced Lighting for ENB (ELE) - LITE||0.95b|JawZ
|name=Files to download
|MAIN=ELE_Lite_v0_95b_Only IL - NMM_BAIN}}
{{FOMOD Instructions
|file=Main File
|First Screen
|Install Options
|button=yes}} {{FomodPage
|Optional Patches
|checkmark=yes|Falskaar Patch}}
|button=yes|buttonText=Install}} }}
Mod Notes: This mod intends to adjust every type of lighting inside the Skyrim game so it will both look better with ENB and make it a lot easier to customize an ENB preset without ruining some parts of the games look. Which is the case with the vanilla Skyrim lighting in some parts depending on the ENB settings used.
==== {{fc|cyan|[WLSO - Weather Lighting and Sound Overhaul Patches]}} ====
|WLSO - Weather Lighting and Sound Overhaul Patches||1.0|jdsmith2816
|name=Files to download
|MAIN=WLSO - Weather Lighting and Sound Overhaul Patches}}
{{FOMOD Instructions
|file=WLSO - Weather Lighting and Sound Overhaul Patches
|Which weather mod you prefer?
|{{Fieldset|TAZ|bullet=yes|Vivid Weathers - Enhanced Lighting for ENB}}
|button=yes|buttonText=Install}} }}
Mod Notes: Patches for the WLSO in the guide.
===== {{fc|gold|Merge Instructions}} =====
Files to merge:
* Fantasy Soundtrack Project.esp {{fc|green|(WLSO - Fantasy Soundtrack Project)}}
* Fantasy Soundtrack Project - Combat.esp {{fc|green|(WLSO - Fantasy Soundtrack Project - Combat Music)}}
* FSP - Unique Towns & Locations.esp {{fc|green|(WLSO - Fantasy Soundtrack Project - Unique Towns and Locations)}}
* SoS - The Wilds.esp {{fc|green|(WLSO - Sounds of Skyrim - The Wilds)}}
* sos-thewilds__101bugs.esp {{fc|green|(WLSO - Sounds of Skyrim - The Wilds Patches)}}
* sos-thewilds__rw2.esp {{fc|green|(WLSO - Sounds of Skyrim - The Wilds Patches)}}
* SoS - The Dungeons.esp {{fc|green|(WLSO - Sounds of Skyrim - The Dungeons)}}
* sos-thedungeons__rw2.esp {{fc|green|(WLSO - Sounds of Skyrim - The Dungeons Patches)}}
* SoS - Civilization.esp {{fc|green|(WLSO - Sounds of Skyrim - Civilization)}}
* sos-civilization__icaio.esp {{fc|green|(WLSO - Sounds of Skyrim - Civilization Patches)}}
* sos-civilization__karthwasten.esp {{fc|green|(WLSO - Sounds of Skyrim - Civilization Patches)}}
* sos-civilization__rw2.esp {{fc|green|(WLSO - Sounds of Skyrim - Civilization Patches)}}
* sos-civilization__shorsstone.esp {{fc|green|(WLSO - Sounds of Skyrim - Civilization Patches)}}
* sos-civilization__soljund.esp {{fc|green|(WLSO - Sounds of Skyrim - Civilization Patches)}}
* sos-civilizations__crf.esp {{fc|green|(WLSO - Sounds of Skyrim - Civilization Patches)}}
* Vivid Weathers.esp {{fc|green|(WLSO - Vivid Weathers)}}
* Vivid Weathers - Falskaar.esp {{fc|green|(WLSO - Vivid Weathers)}}
* Vivid Weathers - Minty Lightning patch.esp {{fc|green|(WLSO - Vivid Weathers)}}
* mintylightningmod.esp {{fc|green|(WLSO - Lightning During Thunder Storms)}}
* TrueStorms.esp {{fc|green|(WLSO - True Storms)}}
* truestorms__aos.esp {{fc|green|(WLSO - True Storms - Patches)}}
* ELE_Fs_Lite.esp {{fc|green|(WLSO - ELE - Lite)}}
* ELE_Legendary_Lite.esp {{fc|green|(WLSO - ELE - Lite)}}
* ele__atlas.esp {{fc|green|(WLSO - Weather Lighting and Sound Overhaul Patches)}}
* ele__cowi.esp {{fc|green|(WLSO - Weather Lighting and Sound Overhaul Patches)}}
* ele__crf.esp {{fc|green|(WLSO - Weather Lighting and Sound Overhaul Patches)}}
* ele__dbm.esp {{fc|green|(WLSO - Weather Lighting and Sound Overhaul Patches)}}
* ele__dbm__cowi.esp {{fc|green|(WLSO - Weather Lighting and Sound Overhaul Patches)}}
* ele__elfx.esp {{fc|green|(WLSO - Weather Lighting and Sound Overhaul Patches)}}
* ele__fsp-utl.esp {{fc|green|(WLSO - Weather Lighting and Sound Overhaul Patches)}}
* ele__icaio.esp {{fc|green|(WLSO - Weather Lighting and Sound Overhaul Patches)}}
* ele__karthwasten.esp {{fc|green|(WLSO - Weather Lighting and Sound Overhaul Patches)}}
* ele__rw2.esp {{fc|green|(WLSO - Weather Lighting and Sound Overhaul Patches)}}
* ele__sojund.esp {{fc|green|(WLSO - Weather Lighting and Sound Overhaul Patches)}}
* ele__sos-civilization.esp {{fc|green|(WLSO - Weather Lighting and Sound Overhaul Patches)}}
* ele__sos-thedungeons.esp {{fc|green|(WLSO - Weather Lighting and Sound Overhaul Patches)}}
* ele__usleep.esp {{fc|green|(WLSO - Weather Lighting and Sound Overhaul Patches)}}
* zzz ELE Merge Consistency Patch.esp {{fc|green|(WLSO - Weather Lighting and Sound Overhaul Patches)}}
* wlso.esp {{fc|green|(WLSO - Weather Lighting and Sound Overhaul)}}
* wlso__ele.esp {{fc|green|(WLSO - Weather Lighting and Sound Overhaul Patches)}}
* wlso__elfx.esp {{fc|green|(WLSO - Weather Lighting and Sound Overhaul Patches)}}
* wlso__vw.esp {{fc|green|(WLSO - Weather Lighting and Sound Overhaul Patches)}}
* zz wlso__elfx__ele.esp {{fc|green|(WLSO - Weather Lighting and Sound Overhaul Patches)}}
Merge name:
* ---> ++++ WLSO - Merged
* WLSO Merged.esp
Left pane placement:
* Directly after WLSO - Weather Lighting and Sound Overhaul Patches.
=== Variant B (Dark Dungeons for ENB) ===
==== {{fc|cyan|[Dark Dungeons for ENB]}} ====
|Dark Dungeons for ENB||1.0|mindflux
|name=Files to download
|OPT=Dark Dungeons for Skyrim - Dawnguard - Dragonborn}}
Mod Notes: Darker dungeons will fix the incorrect image spaces of the vanilla game.
==== {{fc|cyan|[WLSO - Weather Lighting and Sound Overhaul Patches]}} ====
|WLSO - Weather Lighting and Sound Overhaul Patches||1.0|jdsmith2816
|name=Files to download
|MAIN=WLSO - Weather Lighting and Sound Overhaul Patches}}
{{FOMOD Instructions
|file=WLSO - Weather Lighting and Sound Overhaul Patches
|Which weather mod you prefer?
|{{Fieldset|TAZ|bullet=yes|Vivid Weathers - Dark Dungeons for ENB}}
|button=yes|buttonText=Install}} }}
Mod Notes: Patches for the WLSO in the guide.
===== {{fc|gold|Merge Instructions}} =====
Files to merge:
* Fantasy Soundtrack Project.esp {{fc|green|(WLSO - Fantasy Soundtrack Project)}}
* Fantasy Soundtrack Project - Combat.esp {{fc|green|(WLSO - Fantasy Soundtrack Project - Combat Music)}}
* FSP - Unique Towns & Locations.esp {{fc|green|(WLSO - Fantasy Soundtrack Project - Unique Towns and Locations)}}
* SoS - The Wilds.esp {{fc|green|(WLSO - Sounds of Skyrim - The Wilds)}}
* sos-thewilds__101bugs.esp {{fc|green|(WLSO - Sounds of Skyrim - The Wilds Patches)}}
* sos-thewilds__rw2.esp {{fc|green|(WLSO - Sounds of Skyrim - The Wilds Patches)}}
* SoS - The Dungeons.esp {{fc|green|(WLSO - Sounds of Skyrim - The Dungeons)}}
* sos-thedungeons__rw2.esp {{fc|green|(WLSO - Sounds of Skyrim - The Dungeons Patches)}}
* SoS - Civilization.esp {{fc|green|(WLSO - Sounds of Skyrim - Civilization)}}
* sos-civilization__icaio.esp {{fc|green|(WLSO - Sounds of Skyrim - Civilization Patches)}}
* sos-civilization__karthwasten.esp {{fc|green|(WLSO - Sounds of Skyrim - Civilization Patches)}}
* sos-civilization__rw2.esp {{fc|green|(WLSO - Sounds of Skyrim - Civilization Patches)}}
* sos-civilization__shorsstone.esp {{fc|green|(WLSO - Sounds of Skyrim - Civilization Patches)}}
* sos-civilization__soljund.esp {{fc|green|(WLSO - Sounds of Skyrim - Civilization Patches)}}
* sos-civilizations__crf.esp {{fc|green|(WLSO - Sounds of Skyrim - Civilization Patches)}}
* Vivid Weathers.esp {{fc|green|(WLSO - Vivid Weathers)}}
* Vivid Weathers - Falskaar.esp {{fc|green|(WLSO - Vivid Weathers)}}
* Vivid Weathers - Minty Lightning patch.esp {{fc|green|(WLSO - Vivid Weathers)}}
* mintylightningmod.esp {{fc|green|(WLSO - Lightning During Thunder Storms)}}
* TrueStorms.esp {{fc|green|(WLSO - True Storms)}}
* truestorms__aos.esp {{fc|green|(WLSO - True Storms - Patches)}}
* Dark Dungeons for Skyrim-Dawnguard-Dragonborn.esp {{fc|green|(WLSO - Dark Dungeons for ENB)}}
* wlso.esp {{fc|green|(WLSO - Weather Lighting and Sound Overhaul)}}
* wlso__darkdungeons.esp {{fc|green|(WLSO - Weather Lighting and Sound Overhaul Patches)}}
* wlso__elfx.esp {{fc|green|(WLSO - Weather Lighting and Sound Overhaul Patches)}}
* wlso__vw.esp {{fc|green|(WLSO - Weather Lighting and Sound Overhaul Patches)}}
* zz wlso__elfx__darkdungeons.esp {{fc|green|(WLSO - Weather Lighting and Sound Overhaul Patches)}}
* zz wlso__elfx__darkdungeons.esp {{fc|green|(WLSO - Weather Lighting and Sound Overhaul Patches)}}

Revision as of 20:00, October 1, 2016

Welcome to SRLE: Legacy of The Dragonborn Reqtified
A STEP Hosted addon guide for Neovalen's Skyrim Revisited: Legendary Edition
Created and maintained for the Skyrim Community
Last Update: 1:44:13 2 July 2024 (GMT)

FORUMS: Visit SRLE LOTD Reqtified forums click Here
MAIN PAGE: Click Here for the main guide page.

Template:TOC right

WLSO Optionals [WIP]

Option 1 (T.A.Z Visual Overhaul)

Install [Fantasy Soundtrack Project] as in the main guide.

Install [Sounds of Skyrim - The Wilds] and [WLSO - Sounds of Skyrim - The Wilds Patches] as in the main guide.

Install [Sounds of Skyrim - The Dungeons] and [WLSO - Sounds of Skyrim - The Dungeons Patches] as in the main guide.

Install [Sounds of Skyrim - Civilization] and [WLSO - Sounds of Skyrim - Civilization Patches] as in the main guide.

Install [True Storms - Thunder and Rain Redone] and [WLSO - True Storms - Patches] as in the main guide.

Install [WLSO - Weather Lighting and Sound Overhaul] as in the main guide.

Unninstall [Revamped Exterior Fog].

Variant A (Enhanced Lighting for ENB (ELE) - LITE)

[Enhanced Lighting for ENB (ELE) - LITE]

Enhanced Lighting for ENB (ELE) - LITE - 0.95b - by JawZ
Files to download :
  • MAIN FILES - ELE_Lite_v0_95b_Only IL - NMM_BAIN


Template:FOMOD_Instructions is deprecated and should no longer be used on this wiki. Please change this template call to use the better-looking and simpler Template:Fomod. We apologize for the inconvenience.
FOMOD Instructions
Main File
First Screen
First Screen
Install Options
Install Options

DotMO.png Legendary

Optional Patches
Optional Patches

CheckmarkMO.png Falskaar Patch


Mod Notes: This mod intends to adjust every type of lighting inside the Skyrim game so it will both look better with ENB and make it a lot easier to customize an ENB preset without ruining some parts of the games look. Which is the case with the vanilla Skyrim lighting in some parts depending on the ENB settings used.

[WLSO - Weather Lighting and Sound Overhaul Patches]

WLSO - Weather Lighting and Sound Overhaul Patches - 1.0 - by jdsmith2816
Files to download :
  • MAIN FILES - WLSO - Weather Lighting and Sound Overhaul Patches


Template:FOMOD_Instructions is deprecated and should no longer be used on this wiki. Please change this template call to use the better-looking and simpler Template:Fomod. We apologize for the inconvenience.
FOMOD Instructions
WLSO - Weather Lighting and Sound Overhaul Patches
Which weather mod you prefer?
Which weather mod you prefer?

DotMO.png TAZ - Enhanced Lighting for ENB


Mod Notes: Patches for the WLSO in the guide.

Merge Instructions

Files to merge:

  • Fantasy Soundtrack Project.esp (WLSO - Fantasy Soundtrack Project)
  • Fantasy Soundtrack Project - Combat.esp (WLSO - Fantasy Soundtrack Project - Combat Music)
  • FSP - Unique Towns & Locations.esp (WLSO - Fantasy Soundtrack Project - Unique Towns and Locations)
  • SoS - The Wilds.esp (WLSO - Sounds of Skyrim - The Wilds)
  • sos-thewilds__101bugs.esp (WLSO - Sounds of Skyrim - The Wilds Patches)
  • sos-thewilds__rw2.esp (WLSO - Sounds of Skyrim - The Wilds Patches)
  • SoS - The Dungeons.esp (WLSO - Sounds of Skyrim - The Dungeons)
  • sos-thedungeons__rw2.esp (WLSO - Sounds of Skyrim - The Dungeons Patches)
  • SoS - Civilization.esp (WLSO - Sounds of Skyrim - Civilization)
  • sos-civilization__icaio.esp (WLSO - Sounds of Skyrim - Civilization Patches)
  • sos-civilization__karthwasten.esp (WLSO - Sounds of Skyrim - Civilization Patches)
  • sos-civilization__rw2.esp (WLSO - Sounds of Skyrim - Civilization Patches)
  • sos-civilization__shorsstone.esp (WLSO - Sounds of Skyrim - Civilization Patches)
  • sos-civilization__soljund.esp (WLSO - Sounds of Skyrim - Civilization Patches)
  • sos-civilizations__crf.esp (WLSO - Sounds of Skyrim - Civilization Patches)
  • TAZ_lightingDLC.esp (WLSO - T.A.Z Visual Overhaul)
  • mintylightningmod.esp (WLSO - Lightning During Thunder Storms)
  • TrueStorms.esp (WLSO - True Storms)
  • truestorms__aos.esp (WLSO - True Storms - Patches)
  • ELE_Fs_Lite.esp (WLSO - ELE - Lite)
  • ELE_Legendary_Lite.esp (WLSO - ELE - Lite)
  • ele__atlas.esp (WLSO - Weather Lighting and Sound Overhaul Patches)
  • ele__cowi.esp (WLSO - Weather Lighting and Sound Overhaul Patches)
  • ele__crf.esp (WLSO - Weather Lighting and Sound Overhaul Patches)
  • ele__dbm.esp (WLSO - Weather Lighting and Sound Overhaul Patches)
  • ele__dbm__cowi.esp (WLSO - Weather Lighting and Sound Overhaul Patches)
  • ele__elfx.esp (WLSO - Weather Lighting and Sound Overhaul Patches)
  • ele__fsp-utl.esp (WLSO - Weather Lighting and Sound Overhaul Patches)
  • ele__icaio.esp (WLSO - Weather Lighting and Sound Overhaul Patches)
  • ele__karthwasten.esp (WLSO - Weather Lighting and Sound Overhaul Patches)
  • ele__rw2.esp (WLSO - Weather Lighting and Sound Overhaul Patches)
  • ele__sojund.esp (WLSO - Weather Lighting and Sound Overhaul Patches)
  • ele__sos-civilization.esp (WLSO - Weather Lighting and Sound Overhaul Patches)
  • ele__sos-thedungeons.esp (WLSO - Weather Lighting and Sound Overhaul Patches)
  • ele__usleep.esp (WLSO - Weather Lighting and Sound Overhaul Patches)
  • zzz ELE Merge Consistency Patch.esp (WLSO - Weather Lighting and Sound Overhaul Patches)
  • wlso.esp (WLSO - Weather Lighting and Sound Overhaul)
  • wlso__ele.esp (WLSO - Weather Lighting and Sound Overhaul Patches)
  • wlso__elfx.esp (WLSO - Weather Lighting and Sound Overhaul Patches)
  • wlso__taz.esp (WLSO - Weather Lighting and Sound Overhaul Patches)
  • zz wlso__elfx__ele.esp (WLSO - Weather Lighting and Sound Overhaul Patches)

Merge name:

  • ---> ++++ WLSO - Merged


  • WLSO Merged.esp

Left pane placement:

  • Directly after WLSO - Weather Lighting and Sound Overhaul Patches.

Variant B (Dark Dungeons for ENB)

[Dark Dungeons for ENB]

Dark Dungeons for ENB - 1.0 - by mindflux
Files to download :
  • OPTIONAL FILES - Dark Dungeons for Skyrim - Dawnguard - Dragonborn

Mod Notes: Darker dungeons will fix the incorrect image spaces of the vanilla game.

[WLSO - Weather Lighting and Sound Overhaul Patches]

WLSO - Weather Lighting and Sound Overhaul Patches - 1.0 - by jdsmith2816
Files to download :
  • MAIN FILES - WLSO - Weather Lighting and Sound Overhaul Patches


Template:FOMOD_Instructions is deprecated and should no longer be used on this wiki. Please change this template call to use the better-looking and simpler Template:Fomod. We apologize for the inconvenience.
FOMOD Instructions
WLSO - Weather Lighting and Sound Overhaul Patches
Which weather mod you prefer?
Which weather mod you prefer?

DotMO.png TAZ - Dark Dungeons for ENB


Mod Notes: Patches for the WLSO in the guide.

Merge Instructions

Files to merge:

  • Fantasy Soundtrack Project.esp (WLSO - Fantasy Soundtrack Project)
  • Fantasy Soundtrack Project - Combat.esp (WLSO - Fantasy Soundtrack Project - Combat Music)
  • FSP - Unique Towns & Locations.esp (WLSO - Fantasy Soundtrack Project - Unique Towns and Locations)
  • SoS - The Wilds.esp (WLSO - Sounds of Skyrim - The Wilds)
  • sos-thewilds__101bugs.esp (WLSO - Sounds of Skyrim - The Wilds Patches)
  • sos-thewilds__rw2.esp (WLSO - Sounds of Skyrim - The Wilds Patches)
  • SoS - The Dungeons.esp (WLSO - Sounds of Skyrim - The Dungeons)
  • sos-thedungeons__rw2.esp (WLSO - Sounds of Skyrim - The Dungeons Patches)
  • SoS - Civilization.esp (WLSO - Sounds of Skyrim - Civilization)
  • sos-civilization__icaio.esp (WLSO - Sounds of Skyrim - Civilization Patches)
  • sos-civilization__karthwasten.esp (WLSO - Sounds of Skyrim - Civilization Patches)
  • sos-civilization__rw2.esp (WLSO - Sounds of Skyrim - Civilization Patches)
  • sos-civilization__shorsstone.esp (WLSO - Sounds of Skyrim - Civilization Patches)
  • sos-civilization__soljund.esp (WLSO - Sounds of Skyrim - Civilization Patches)
  • sos-civilizations__crf.esp (WLSO - Sounds of Skyrim - Civilization Patches)
  • TAZ_lightingDLC.esp (WLSO - T.A.Z Visual Overhaul)
  • mintylightningmod.esp (WLSO - Lightning During Thunder Storms)
  • TrueStorms.esp (WLSO - True Storms)
  • truestorms__aos.esp (WLSO - True Storms - Patches)
  • Dark Dungeons for Skyrim-Dawnguard-Dragonborn.esp (WLSO - Dark Dungeons for ENB)
  • wlso.esp (WLSO - Weather Lighting and Sound Overhaul)
  • wlso__darkdungeons.esp (WLSO - Weather Lighting and Sound Overhaul Patches)
  • wlso__elfx.esp (WLSO - Weather Lighting and Sound Overhaul Patches)
  • wlso__taz.esp (WLSO - Weather Lighting and Sound Overhaul Patches)
  • zz wlso__elfx__darkdungeons.esp (WLSO - Weather Lighting and Sound Overhaul Patches)

Merge name:

  • ---> ++++ WLSO - Merged


  • WLSO Merged.esp

Left pane placement:

  • Directly after WLSO - Weather Lighting and Sound Overhaul Patches.

Option 2 (Vivid Weathers)

Install [Fantasy Soundtrack Project] as in the main guide.

Install [Sounds of Skyrim - The Wilds] and [WLSO - Sounds of Skyrim - The Wilds Patches] as in the main guide.

Install [Sounds of Skyrim - The Dungeons] and [WLSO - Sounds of Skyrim - The Dungeons Patches] as in the main guide.

Install [Sounds of Skyrim - Civilization] and [WLSO - Sounds of Skyrim - Civilization Patches] as in the main guide.

Install [True Storms - Thunder and Rain Redone] and [WLSO - True Storms - Patches] as in the main guide.

Install [WLSO - Weather Lighting and Sound Overhaul] as in the main guide.

Unninstall [Revamped Exterior Fog].

Variant A (Enhanced Lighting for ENB (ELE) - LITE)

[Enhanced Lighting for ENB (ELE) - LITE]

Enhanced Lighting for ENB (ELE) - LITE - 0.95b - by JawZ
Files to download :
  • MAIN FILES - ELE_Lite_v0_95b_Only IL - NMM_BAIN


Template:FOMOD_Instructions is deprecated and should no longer be used on this wiki. Please change this template call to use the better-looking and simpler Template:Fomod. We apologize for the inconvenience.
FOMOD Instructions
Main File
First Screen
First Screen
Install Options
Install Options

DotMO.png Legendary

Optional Patches
Optional Patches

CheckmarkMO.png Falskaar Patch


Mod Notes: This mod intends to adjust every type of lighting inside the Skyrim game so it will both look better with ENB and make it a lot easier to customize an ENB preset without ruining some parts of the games look. Which is the case with the vanilla Skyrim lighting in some parts depending on the ENB settings used.

[WLSO - Weather Lighting and Sound Overhaul Patches]

WLSO - Weather Lighting and Sound Overhaul Patches - 1.0 - by jdsmith2816
Files to download :
  • MAIN FILES - WLSO - Weather Lighting and Sound Overhaul Patches


Template:FOMOD_Instructions is deprecated and should no longer be used on this wiki. Please change this template call to use the better-looking and simpler Template:Fomod. We apologize for the inconvenience.
FOMOD Instructions
WLSO - Weather Lighting and Sound Overhaul Patches
Which weather mod you prefer?
Which weather mod you prefer?

DotMO.png Vivid Weathers - Enhanced Lighting for ENB


Mod Notes: Patches for the WLSO in the guide.

Merge Instructions

Files to merge:

  • Fantasy Soundtrack Project.esp (WLSO - Fantasy Soundtrack Project)
  • Fantasy Soundtrack Project - Combat.esp (WLSO - Fantasy Soundtrack Project - Combat Music)
  • FSP - Unique Towns & Locations.esp (WLSO - Fantasy Soundtrack Project - Unique Towns and Locations)
  • SoS - The Wilds.esp (WLSO - Sounds of Skyrim - The Wilds)
  • sos-thewilds__101bugs.esp (WLSO - Sounds of Skyrim - The Wilds Patches)
  • sos-thewilds__rw2.esp (WLSO - Sounds of Skyrim - The Wilds Patches)
  • SoS - The Dungeons.esp (WLSO - Sounds of Skyrim - The Dungeons)
  • sos-thedungeons__rw2.esp (WLSO - Sounds of Skyrim - The Dungeons Patches)
  • SoS - Civilization.esp (WLSO - Sounds of Skyrim - Civilization)
  • sos-civilization__icaio.esp (WLSO - Sounds of Skyrim - Civilization Patches)
  • sos-civilization__karthwasten.esp (WLSO - Sounds of Skyrim - Civilization Patches)
  • sos-civilization__rw2.esp (WLSO - Sounds of Skyrim - Civilization Patches)
  • sos-civilization__shorsstone.esp (WLSO - Sounds of Skyrim - Civilization Patches)
  • sos-civilization__soljund.esp (WLSO - Sounds of Skyrim - Civilization Patches)
  • sos-civilizations__crf.esp (WLSO - Sounds of Skyrim - Civilization Patches)
  • Vivid Weathers.esp (WLSO - Vivid Weathers)
  • Vivid Weathers - Falskaar.esp (WLSO - Vivid Weathers)
  • Vivid Weathers - Minty Lightning patch.esp (WLSO - Vivid Weathers)
  • mintylightningmod.esp (WLSO - Lightning During Thunder Storms)
  • TrueStorms.esp (WLSO - True Storms)
  • truestorms__aos.esp (WLSO - True Storms - Patches)
  • ELE_Fs_Lite.esp (WLSO - ELE - Lite)
  • ELE_Legendary_Lite.esp (WLSO - ELE - Lite)
  • ele__atlas.esp (WLSO - Weather Lighting and Sound Overhaul Patches)
  • ele__cowi.esp (WLSO - Weather Lighting and Sound Overhaul Patches)
  • ele__crf.esp (WLSO - Weather Lighting and Sound Overhaul Patches)
  • ele__dbm.esp (WLSO - Weather Lighting and Sound Overhaul Patches)
  • ele__dbm__cowi.esp (WLSO - Weather Lighting and Sound Overhaul Patches)
  • ele__elfx.esp (WLSO - Weather Lighting and Sound Overhaul Patches)
  • ele__fsp-utl.esp (WLSO - Weather Lighting and Sound Overhaul Patches)
  • ele__icaio.esp (WLSO - Weather Lighting and Sound Overhaul Patches)
  • ele__karthwasten.esp (WLSO - Weather Lighting and Sound Overhaul Patches)
  • ele__rw2.esp (WLSO - Weather Lighting and Sound Overhaul Patches)
  • ele__sojund.esp (WLSO - Weather Lighting and Sound Overhaul Patches)
  • ele__sos-civilization.esp (WLSO - Weather Lighting and Sound Overhaul Patches)
  • ele__sos-thedungeons.esp (WLSO - Weather Lighting and Sound Overhaul Patches)
  • ele__usleep.esp (WLSO - Weather Lighting and Sound Overhaul Patches)
  • zzz ELE Merge Consistency Patch.esp (WLSO - Weather Lighting and Sound Overhaul Patches)
  • wlso.esp (WLSO - Weather Lighting and Sound Overhaul)
  • wlso__ele.esp (WLSO - Weather Lighting and Sound Overhaul Patches)
  • wlso__elfx.esp (WLSO - Weather Lighting and Sound Overhaul Patches)
  • wlso__vw.esp (WLSO - Weather Lighting and Sound Overhaul Patches)
  • zz wlso__elfx__ele.esp (WLSO - Weather Lighting and Sound Overhaul Patches)

Merge name:

  • ---> ++++ WLSO - Merged


  • WLSO Merged.esp

Left pane placement:

  • Directly after WLSO - Weather Lighting and Sound Overhaul Patches.

Variant B (Dark Dungeons for ENB)

[Dark Dungeons for ENB]

Dark Dungeons for ENB - 1.0 - by mindflux
Files to download :
  • OPTIONAL FILES - Dark Dungeons for Skyrim - Dawnguard - Dragonborn

Mod Notes: Darker dungeons will fix the incorrect image spaces of the vanilla game.

[WLSO - Weather Lighting and Sound Overhaul Patches]

WLSO - Weather Lighting and Sound Overhaul Patches - 1.0 - by jdsmith2816
Files to download :
  • MAIN FILES - WLSO - Weather Lighting and Sound Overhaul Patches


Template:FOMOD_Instructions is deprecated and should no longer be used on this wiki. Please change this template call to use the better-looking and simpler Template:Fomod. We apologize for the inconvenience.
FOMOD Instructions
WLSO - Weather Lighting and Sound Overhaul Patches
Which weather mod you prefer?
Which weather mod you prefer?

DotMO.png Vivid Weathers - Dark Dungeons for ENB


Mod Notes: Patches for the WLSO in the guide.

Merge Instructions

Files to merge:

  • Fantasy Soundtrack Project.esp (WLSO - Fantasy Soundtrack Project)
  • Fantasy Soundtrack Project - Combat.esp (WLSO - Fantasy Soundtrack Project - Combat Music)
  • FSP - Unique Towns & Locations.esp (WLSO - Fantasy Soundtrack Project - Unique Towns and Locations)
  • SoS - The Wilds.esp (WLSO - Sounds of Skyrim - The Wilds)
  • sos-thewilds__101bugs.esp (WLSO - Sounds of Skyrim - The Wilds Patches)
  • sos-thewilds__rw2.esp (WLSO - Sounds of Skyrim - The Wilds Patches)
  • SoS - The Dungeons.esp (WLSO - Sounds of Skyrim - The Dungeons)
  • sos-thedungeons__rw2.esp (WLSO - Sounds of Skyrim - The Dungeons Patches)
  • SoS - Civilization.esp (WLSO - Sounds of Skyrim - Civilization)
  • sos-civilization__icaio.esp (WLSO - Sounds of Skyrim - Civilization Patches)
  • sos-civilization__karthwasten.esp (WLSO - Sounds of Skyrim - Civilization Patches)
  • sos-civilization__rw2.esp (WLSO - Sounds of Skyrim - Civilization Patches)
  • sos-civilization__shorsstone.esp (WLSO - Sounds of Skyrim - Civilization Patches)
  • sos-civilization__soljund.esp (WLSO - Sounds of Skyrim - Civilization Patches)
  • sos-civilizations__crf.esp (WLSO - Sounds of Skyrim - Civilization Patches)
  • Vivid Weathers.esp (WLSO - Vivid Weathers)
  • Vivid Weathers - Falskaar.esp (WLSO - Vivid Weathers)
  • Vivid Weathers - Minty Lightning patch.esp (WLSO - Vivid Weathers)
  • mintylightningmod.esp (WLSO - Lightning During Thunder Storms)
  • TrueStorms.esp (WLSO - True Storms)
  • truestorms__aos.esp (WLSO - True Storms - Patches)
  • Dark Dungeons for Skyrim-Dawnguard-Dragonborn.esp (WLSO - Dark Dungeons for ENB)
  • wlso.esp (WLSO - Weather Lighting and Sound Overhaul)
  • wlso__darkdungeons.esp (WLSO - Weather Lighting and Sound Overhaul Patches)
  • wlso__elfx.esp (WLSO - Weather Lighting and Sound Overhaul Patches)
  • wlso__vw.esp (WLSO - Weather Lighting and Sound Overhaul Patches)
  • zz wlso__elfx__darkdungeons.esp (WLSO - Weather Lighting and Sound Overhaul Patches)

Merge name:

  • ---> ++++ WLSO - Merged


  • WLSO Merged.esp

Left pane placement:

  • Directly after WLSO - Weather Lighting and Sound Overhaul Patches.