User talk:Diana TES GotH/Morroblivion Overhaul with FCOM: Difference between revisions

From Step Mods | Change The Game
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<div style="border-left:medium solid #14ff17; padding-left:3px;">
<div style="border-left:medium solid #14ff17; padding-left:3px;">
=== <span style="color: #9eb8ee">Mannimarco Resurrection</span> ===
<div style="cursor:default; border-radius:2px; width:70px; height:16px; background-color:#cc6699; background:-webkit-linear-gradient(#cc6699, #CC0099); background:-moz-linear-gradient(#cc6699, #CC0099); background:-o-linear-gradient(#cc6699, #CC0099); background:linear-gradient(#cc6699, #CC0099); text-align:center; display:inline-block; padding:1px;"><span style="font-size:12px; color:#F0D1E0; line-height:1em;"><i><b>Optional</b></i></span></div> [ Mannimarco Resurrection - Light and Dark] by MrUniq
<div style="margin-left: 10px;">
Description: This mod allows you to become a member two new factions depending on your choices and outcome of the events.

=== <span style="color: #9eb8ee">Mighty Umbra</span> ===
=== <span style="color: #9eb8ee">Mighty Umbra</span> ===

Revision as of 00:43, July 17, 2017

FCOM Convergence CORE Install

FCOM makes it possible to play Francesco's, WarCry, OOO and MMM together. It also adds support for other mods, such as Bob's Armory, Loth's Blunt Weapons, Cobl, Knights of the Nine etc. You can play FCOM in countless combinations as only OOO and MMM are required as the "base". The FCOM Convergence Overhual is Optional, however, users who intend to install it need to pay close attention as CORE in this section means that it is necessary to FCOM.

Notice: While I am updating the guide for FCOM fans, I personally will not be installing FCOM for my game, therefore I will not be providing any CR Patches related to FCOM. I will, however, be using Maskar's Oblivion Overhaul. Nevertheless, I will provide the BOSS userlist.txt which will include FCOM and related mods. I will list all known patches for FCOM and related mods.

Related Links:

FCOM: Convergence 1.0 by TeamAlpha at Tes Alliance
Notice: requires registration to view and download content. Bob's Armory Oblivion.7z, FCOMBob's Armory Oblivion Opti.7z, Oblivion WarCry EV Opti.7z, WarCryEv.7z, FCOM Convergence 1.00.7z, FCOM_Convergence.7z, FCOM RealSwords Resources.7z, FCOM_EntropicOrderRebalance.7z, FCOM Optional Add-Ons.7z, and FCOM can be downloaded from the link above if one chooses. This site contains the most current FCOM Convergence information and downloads.
FCOM forum thread at Bethesda Softworks Forums
FCOM: Convergence by dev_akm
Tes4Mod:FCOM at The Unofficial Elder Scrolls Pages (aka UESP)

Wrye Bash Users: Launch Wrye Bash. In the Installer tab, right click on Package → Add Marker. Name it FCOM Convergence CORE Install.

Francescos Creatures and Items - V5

Francescos Creatures and Items - V5 by Francesco and SomeWelshGuy

Description: This mod aims to create a more realistic and enjoyable Oblivion experience. It won't make the game easier (although maybe a bit harder depending on what options you choose), just more credible and fun to play.

Special Installation Instructions:
Download manually:

• Francescos Creatures and Items - V5B1
• Francescos Creatures and Items - V5B2 Update

Francescos Creatures and Items - V5B1

Notice: Warning!!! Do not use the creature pack with FCOM!!!
1. Wrye Bash Users and Mod Organizer Users can simply: Check the BAIN options in steps 3 and 4.
2. Wrye Bash Users who wish to install with the Wizard, right slick on the mod and select Wizard.
   You can read these Options to know more about this mod → Next
   Do you want to install the Shivering Isles version of the mod √ Yes, I want the SI version → Next
   Are you installing this as part of an FCOM install √ Yes, I am installing FCOM → Next
   Read what will be installed. → Next
   Click Chance of More Enemies → Next
   Options: User's Choice → Next
   The installer script has finished, and will apply the following settings:
   Check: Apply these selections
   Uncheck: Install this Package
   Click Finish
3. Sub-Package Check:
   • 00 Core
   • 01 SI + MOBS + Combat Tweaks
   • 02 Items Addon Resources
   • 03 Items Addon SI + MOBS
   • 07 Chance of More Enemies SI
   • 08 Optional Extras SI
4. Esm/m Filter Check:
   • Francesco's Leveled Creatures-Items Mod.esm
   • Francesco's Optional New Items Add-On.esm
   • Francesco's Optional Chance of More Enemies.esp
   • Francesco's Optional Chance of Stronger Bosses.esp
   • Francesco's Optional Chance of Stronger Enemies.esp
   • Francesco's Optional Leveled Guards.esp
   • Francesco's Creatures and Items Resources.esp as it is in the update file.
5. Right click on the mod and select Install.
Notice: Francesco’s Creatures and Items Resources.esp is a dummy file that enables the required BSA resources for the creatures/items addons to load. If you wish to remove this esp to save a slot, you can register the BSA(s) in Oblivion.ini, by adding them to the end of SArchiveList.

Francescos Creatures and Items - V5B2 Update (Do Not Run the Wizard.)

6. Right click on the unpacked mod and select Install. Esp/m Filter: Check: Francesco's Creatures and Items Resources.esp
   Notice: When the INI Tweaks warning pop up just click OK.
7. Bash Tag suggestion(s):
   Francesco's Leveled Creatures-Items Mod.esm ADD: NpcFaces

Oscuros Oblivion Overhaul 136

Oscuros Oblivion Overhaul 136 by Team Alpha

Description: Oscuro's Oblivion Overhaul is an overhaul mod for TES IV: Oblivion. It aims to make Oblivion a much more interesting, challenging, realistic, and dangerous place, and also offers great rewards for the daring adventurer, regardless of your level.

Special Installation Instructions:
Download manually:

• Oscuros Oblivion Overhaul BSA
• Oscuros Oblivion Overhaul FULL
1. Install Oscuros Oblivion Overhaul BSA.
2. Oscuros Oblivion Overhaul FULL
   Esp/m Filter: Uncheck:
   • Oscuro’s_Oblivion_Overhaul – Knights of Nine.esp
   • Oscuro’s_Oblivion_Overhaul – No Daedric Itemes.esp
3. Right click on the mod and select Install.
4. TES4Edit Override Required:
   Note: BOSS does not allow ESP plugins to override ESMs or Master files. This is a workaround to fix the OOO-UOP conflicts. While there is a mod, Oscuro's Oblivion Overhaul - Unofficial Patch by ArchiTEK, it is not currently available for download.
   1. Run TES4Edit.
   2. Right click and choose Select None.
   3. Select only:
      • Oscuro's_Oblivion_Overhaul.esm
      • Unofficial Oblivion Patch.esp
4. Right click and select Apply Filter to show Conflict Losers.
5. Click + to expand the list.
6. Right click on the first record in the list (Ammunition) and select Deep Copy as override into...
   When the Warning pops up click Yes, I'm absolutely sure.
7. Check <new file>, click OK, and name it OOO-UOP Patch.
   When the Confirm masters warning pops up click Yes.
8. Perform Deep copy as override into... for the remaining records selecting OOO-UOP Patch.esp as the file.
9. Close TES4Edit, make certain the OOO-UOP Patch.esp and the Backup plugins are checked. Click OK.
10. Activate OOO-UOP Patch.esp
11. Edit BOSS userlist.txt:
   ADD: OOO-UOP Patch.esp
   AFTER: Unofficial Oblivion Patch.esp
12. Bash Tag suggestion(s):
    Oscuro's_Oblivion_Overhaul.esm Remove: Relations
    Oscuro's_Oblivion_Overhaul.esp Remove: Factions, Relations
    OOO-UOP Patch ADD: Actors.ACBS, Actors.AIData, Actors.AIPackages, Actors.CombatStyle, Actors.DeathItem, Actors.Spells, Actors.Stats, Delev, Factions, Graphics, Invent, Names, Relev, Scripts, Stats

Oblivion WarCry 1.09 Full installation

Oblivion WarCry 1.09 Full installation by Lazarus and TEAM Alpha (Nexus Link)

Description: Oblivion WarCry offers numerous new items and opponents, moreover, items and opponents of the original game have been re-balanced. Level scaling, that causes opponents to adapt to the power of the player character has been removed from standard opponents entirely. In other words, every opponent's power level remains the same disregarding the current level of the player character. The settings of weapons and armors have been revised slightly to provide a better balance between existing and new objects.

Special Installation Instructions:
Download manually:

Oblivion WarCry EV Opti.7zWarCryEv.7z
1. Install Oblivion WarCry EV Opti.7z
2. Install WarCryEv.7z
3. Do Not activate FCOM_WarCry.esp until after FCOM Convergence is installed.

Bob’s Armory Oblivion

FCOM Bob Armory BSA Optimized by Team FCOM (Nexus Link)

Description: This mod adds 113 new, original helmets, shields and weapons, which are scattered throughout the game via leveled lists. Special Installation Instructions:
Download manually:

FCOM Bob's Armory Oblivion Opti.7zBob’s Armory Oblivion by Mr. T
1. Install FCOM Bob's Armory Oblivion Opti.7z
2. Install Bob's Armory Oblivion.7z
3. Do Not activate FCOM_BobsArmory.esp until after FCOM Convergence is installed.

Loths Blunt Weapons

Loths Blunt Weapons by JDFan and Loth DeBonneville and CorePC

Description: Loth Blunt Weapons for NPCS modifies default leveledlist for Blunt Weapons that are used for Npcs that use blunt weapons. So that these are spread out to these leveled list, all the way up to lvl 25 and are randmon all the time.

Special Installation Instructions:
Download manually:

• Loth Blunt Weapons ver 3-0-1
Esp/m Filter: Uncheck:
Loth's Blunt Weapons.esp
Loth's Blunt Weapons- Mobs.esp

Armamentarium Complete 1-35

Armamentarium Complete 1-35 by Trollf and Team Arma

Description: This mod combines four parts of Armamentarium Series - Armamentarium, Armamentarium - Katanas, Armamentarium - Armor and Weapons, Armamentarium - Staffs, and tools from Farmers Strike Back mod as well. It distributes over 1000 of new items between NPCs through the leveled lists. This version of Armamentarium Complete was designed for vanilla (unmodded, base) Oblivion and Oscuro's Oblivion Overhaul mod. All Normal weapons and armors in this mod have been balanced for OMOBS (the system which OOO mod uses). In some cases Mobs Stats. ArmamentariumComplete also adds Magicial Arma Weapons and Armor as well.

Special Installation Instructions:
Download manually:

• ArmaCompleteResources
• ArmamentariumComplete ver 1_35
Esp/m Filter: Uncheck:

Artifacts 1-1

Artifacts 1-1 by Trollf Corepc TeamArma

Description: This mod adds the building of "The Collectors Society" Guild to the game. Eight NPCs are there with plenty of new stuff for sale.

Special Installation Instructions:
Download manually:

• Artifacts
• Artifacts1-1
Right click and select Has Extra Directories.
• Artifacts: Esp/m Filter: Uncheck: All
• Artifacts 1-1: Esp/m Filter: Check: All

Martigen's Monster Mod 3.8

Martigen's Monster Mod 3.8 by Corepc DevAkm lilith Wrye

Description: The variety in MMM is almost limitless. Each creature and NPC, both original and new, spawns with (in defined ranges) a randomized size; randomized adjustments to stats (such as strength, agility, health, fatigue, magic, willpower, and intelligence) all particular to their class; as well as range-randomized confidence; aggression; and even combat fighting styles. No more clones of creatures or NPCs where each one is identical; with MMM every encounter is different because every creature -- even within the same race -- is a unique individual.

Special Installation Instructions:
Download manually:

• MMM 3.8 BSA
• MMM 3.8
• MMM ReadMe and Version History
1. MMM38BSA.7z double click the mod to open the explorer window.
   • In the explorer window, right-click the “MMM38BSA.7z” archive and select “7-Zip” → “Open archive” in the context menu.
   • Once inside the 7-zip file manager, right-click on the file “Mart's Monster Mod.bsa” and select Rename.
   • Rename the file to “FCOM_Convergence_Mart's Monster Mod.bsa”
   • Close the 7-zip file manager.
2. MMM38.rar: Esp/m Filter: Check: Mart's Monster Mod.esm
3. Notice: Refer to the MMM 3.8 ReadMe and Version History. Always use the FCOM optional plug-in if a similar one is offered by Mart's (eg less_rats) as the MMM file effects only MMM creatures.
   Notice: Check all ESPs that you know you will want later as they can be deactivated in the Plugin tab until the master file has been installed and is ready for the FCOM Add-on ESP.
   Notice: Mart's Monster Mod - Additional Enemy NPC Vars.esp CAN increase the chances of a CTD in a heavily modded game due to increased processor load.
   Notice: The following files are incompatible with FCOM:
   • Mart's Monster Mod for OOO.esm use FCOM_Convergence.esm
   • Mart's Monster Mod - Diverse Creatures Expansion.esp already integrated into FCOM
   • Mart's Monster Mod - Diverse Imperial Armor.esp problems with OOO guards
   • Mart's Monster Mod - Diverse Runeskulls Loot G&GD.esp use Mart's Monster Mod - Diverse Runeskulls Loot OOO.esp
   • Mart's Monster Mod - Diverse Runeskulls Loot.esp use Mart's Monster Mod - Diverse Runeskulls Loot OOO.esp
   • Mart's Monster Mod - Durability & Damage.esp use FCOM_DurabilityAndDamage.esp
   • Mart's Monster Mod - Fran's leveled quests.esp redundant with OOO
   • Mart's Monster Mod - Friendlier Factions MMM+Fran.esp use FCOM_FriendlierFactions.esp
   • Mart's Monster Mod - Friendlier Factions OOO.esp use FCOM_FriendlierFactions.esp
   • Mart's Monster Mod - Gems & Gem Dust.esp use OOO Geomancy Gem Dust OBSE by Sandman53
   • Mart's Monster Mod - Hemingwey Capes Addon.esp and Mart's Monster Mod - Hemingweys NPC Capes Improved.esp: Requires Hemingweys Capes by Hemingwey. use Hemingweys Capes Improved for FCOM.esp, Hemingweys FCOM NPC Capes Improved IC Guards.esp, and Hemingweys Capes for FCOM_FrancescosNamedBosses.esp from Hemingweys Mod instead.
   • Mart's Monster Mod - Knights.esp use FCOM_Knights.esp
   • Mart's Monster Mod - Less Rats.esp use FCOM_LessRats.esp
   • Mart's Monster Mod - No Spiders.esp use FCOM_NoSpiders.esp
   • Mart's Monster Mod - No Wyvern.esp use FCOM_NoWyverns.esp
   • Mart's Monster Mod - Safer Roads.esp use FCOM_SaferRoads.esp
   • Mart's Monster Mod - Spawn Rates - Increased.esp use FCOM_SpawnRatesStronger.esp
   • Mart's Monster Mod - Spawn Rates - Moderate Increased.esp use FCOM_SpawnRatesStronger.esp
   • Mart's Monster Mod - Spawn Rates - Reduced.esp use FCOM_SpawnRatesReduced.esp
   • Mart's Monster Mod - Spawn Rates - Reduced Reduced.esp use FCOM_SpawnRatesSlightlyReduced.esp
   • Mart's Monster Mod - Spawn Rates - Reduced Vanilla.esp use FCOM_SpawnRatesReduced.esp
   • Mart's Monster Mod for Fran.esp use FCOM_Convergence.esp
   • Mart's Monster Mod for OOO - Knights .esp use FCOM_Knights.esp
   • Mart's Monster Mod for OOO - LessReaversInGates.esp use FCOM_LessReaversInGates.esp
   • Mart's Monster Mod for OOO - NoReaversInGates.esp use FCOM_NoReaversInGates.esp
   • Mart's Monster Mod for OOO.esp use FCOM_Convergence.esp
   • Mart's Monster Mod.esp use FCOM_Convergence.esp

FCOM Compatible Plugins:

• Mart's Monster Mod - Additional Enemy NPC Vars.esp Stressful for some CPUs!
• Mart's Monster Mod - City Defences.esp: Adds external cell as well as internal cell guards, adds pathing points for patrols along the battlements, and gives them special torches and equipment to enhance their effect.
• Mart's Monster Mod - Curse of Hircine.esp: Requires Curse of Hircine - Resurrected by LogicDragon aka WolfClaw. (DO NOT ACTIVATE THE PLUGIN UNTIL AFTER THE MOD HAS BEEN INSTALLED)
• Mart's Monster Mod - Diverse Runeskulls Loot OOO.esp: Adds Runeskulls to NPCs and vendors via leveled lists.
• Mart's Monster Mod - Diverse WaterLife.esp: This plugin adds a variety of new fish and ingredients into the game.
• Mart's Monster Mod - Diverse Wisp and VASE Addon.esp: Adds more variety to Wisp and VASE.
• Mart's Monster Mod - DLCHorseArmor+Slofs .esp and Mart's Monster Mod - Slof Horses Complete.esp: The features of Slof’s Horses.esp and Extra Horses.esp integrated into an MMM version, which fixes many compatibility problems that existed between the two. Includes factions, inventory items, and much more.
• Mart's Monster Mod - Dungeons of MMM.esp: Contains the Bat Cave showing off a swarm of bats. Once you get past them there is special surprise, a multi-level dungeon designed by Team MMM!
• Mart's Monster Mod - Extra Wounding.esp: Extends the MMM combat/wounding/fatigue system to NPCs / creature's that are not added by MMM.
• Mart's Monster Mod - Farm Animals.esp: Adds more spawned random Farm Animals.
• Mart's Monster Mod - Hunting & Crafting.esp: Enables a huge crafting system within MMM to create ammo and armor from the natural resources in the MMM world. Add FCOM_ArcheryHunting&Crafting.esp for the ability to craft arrows.
• Mart's Monster Mod - Less Bone Loot.esp: Reduces generic loot.
• Mart's Monster Mod - Less Reavers.esp: Less Reavers.
• Mart's Monster Mod - Looting NPCs & Creatures.esp: Any creature or NPC can loot other's gear and items.
• Mart's Monster Mod - More Passive Wildlife.esp: Adds more Passive Wildlife across Tamriel.
• Mart's Monster Mod - More Wilderness Life.esp and Mart's Monster Mod - More Wilderness Life No Gates.esp: Adds hundreds of new spawn points across Tamriel to help fill the bare, empty areas. Choose only one. (No gates for better performance).
• Mart's Monster Mod - No ___: Removes Creature, NPCs, or Items.
• Mart's Monster Mod - RadiantAITweaks.esp: Makes two more AI packages available to MMM creatures, to make their behavior a little more lifelike. Like with npc's going to an inn to eat/drink at certain times of the day, creatures in the wild now have to search out food and water too.
• Mart's Monster Mod - Resized Races.esp: Diversity in race sizes is expanded, as well as females generally being shorter, and bulkier Nords and Orcs.
• Mart's Monster Mod - Safer Quest Locations.esp: To prevent hordes of monsters spawning along with Umbra.
• Mart's Monster Mod - Shivering Isles.esp: Nearly all the features that you are accustomed to experiencing with MMM in Cyrodiil, you will now find in the Shivering Isles.
• Mart's Monster Mod - Undead Rise Fix.esp: Reduced slightly Undead rise. If you wish for Undead to remain dead after killing them, choose the Mart's Monster Mod - No Undead Rise.esp.
• Mart's Monster Mod - Zombies for Body Meshes.esp: Use this if you have problem with Zombies not showing up correctly with bodymods installed.
Edit BOSS userlist.txt:
Note: Only necessary if the plugin has been selected.
ADD: Mart's Monster Mod - Divserse Wisp and VASE Addon.esp
TOP: FCOM Compatibility Section
ADD: Mart's Monster Mod - Undead Rise Fix.esp TOP: FCOM Compatibility Section
TES4Edit Cleaning Required:
Mart's Monster Mod.esm
Mart's Monster Mod - Extra Wounding.esp
Mart's Monster Mod - Shivering Isles.esp

FCOM Convergence

FCOM Convergence by Team FCOM

Description: FCOM provides complete unification of Mart's Monster Mod and Oscuro's Oblivion Overhaul. It brings all of the numerous new creatures, NPCs, and items added by MMM and OOO into a consistent and balanced structure. In addition, it integrates Francesco's vast collection of new items and named NPC bosses along with new creatures and items from Oblivion WarCry.

Special Installation Instructions:
Download manually:

FCOM_Convergence.7zFCOM RealSwords Resources.7zFCOM Convergence 1.00.7zFCOM_EntropicOrderRebalance.7z
1. Install FCOM_Convergence.7z.
2. Install FCOM RealSwords Resources.7z.
3. Install FCOM Convergence 1.00.7z.
   Esp/m Filter: Uncheck:
   • FCOM_Convergence.esp
   • FCOM_Knight.esp
   • FCOM_SpawnRates…
   Notice: If you choose SpawnRates only select one of the options. If you want standard spawn rates, leave them all unchecked.
4. Install FCOM_EntropicOrderRebalance.7z.
   Notice: Only check one ESP
5. Edit BOSS userlist.txt:
   Note: Only necessary if the plugin has been selected.
   OVERRIDE: FCOM_SpawnRates___.esp
   BOTTOM: FCOM Compatibility Section

FCOM_Knights Unofficial Patch

FCOM_Knights unofficial patch for FCOM Convergence by Nhmrath

Description: FCOM_Knights unofficial patch for FCOM Convergence.

Special Installation Instructions:
Download manually:

• FCOM_Knights unofficial patch for FCOM Convergence

FCOM_Convergence.esp Unofficial Patch

FCOM_Convergence.esp unofficial patch for FCOM Convergence by Team Alpha

Description: FCOM_Convergence esp revision.

Special Installation Instructions:
Download manually:

• FCOM_Convergence esp revision

Merge Plugins

Notice: This only applies to users who have opted to install FCOM.

1. Files to merge:
   • FCOM_EntropicOrderRebalance.esp
   • Mart’s Monster Mod – Extra Wounding
   • Mart’s Monster Mod – Farm Animals.esp
2. Name: ++++FCOM Core Merged
   Filename: FCOM Core Merged.esp
3. Navigate to %\Steam\steamapps\Common\Oblivion Mods\Merge Plugins to be Archived\ and add ++++FCOM Core Merged to archive.
4. Install ++++FCOM Core Merged.
   Wrye Bash Users: Right click and select Has Extra Directories.
5. Deactivate the merged mods.
   Wrye Bash Users: In the Installers tab, Uncheck the ESP. Right Click on the mod and select Anneal.
   Mod Organizer Users: Uncheck the mod in the left pane.
6. Edit BOSS userlist.txt:
   ADD: FCOM Core Merged.esp
   BOTTOM: FCOM/MMM optionals 2

Optional: Quests and Adventures with Addons

NOTICE: I still have some clean up to do on this section!!!

All of the Quest and Adventure mods listed below are optional. The most popular mods are the ones chosen for this guide. Some of them expand on the Oblivion or Morrowind vanilla quests, while others add new lands, quests, NPCs, etc... Many Quest and Adventure mods require a new game and will not work with a saved game. Many may also require patches to work with other mods. Bear in mind that while many of these mods are merged with Wrye Bash, they should not all be installed at once. Be selective if you opt for any of the following quests.

Blood & Mud - Dirt Deluxe Anglais

Blood & Mud - Dirt Deluxe Anglais - English Version by Ryan

Description: This mod completely revamps the city of Bravil to be a much darker, more brutal place, infested by all manner of scum. It adds more than twenty new NPCs with amazing voice acting spanning more than 800 unique dialog across three major new quests. It adds many new buildings to Bravil, as well as tons of new items.

Special Installation Instructions:
Download manually:

• Click the Download button at the end of the mod section.
1. Extract Blood & Mud
2. Right click on Data.exe and select extract.
3. Repackage archive and install.
4. TES4Edit Cleaning Required:

Qarl Textures for Blood and Mud

Qarl Textures for Blood and Mud

Description: This is an optional add-on for M.Syd jr.'s Blood&Mud - Dirt Deluxe Anglais. It's intended for users of Qarl's Texture Packs who may have a hard time coping with the vanilla-resolution textures used in Blood&Mud.

Special Installation Instructions:
Download manually:

• Qarl_Tex_for_BloodnMud

Curse of Hircine - Resurrected

Curse of Hircine - Resurrected by LogicDragon aka WolfClaw

Description: Curse of Hircine Resurrected is a mod that adds werewolves to Oblivion.

Special Installation Instructions:
Download manually:

• Curse of Hircine Resurrected 4_2_1
• CoH 1st Person Anims Vanilla
1. Sub-Packages: Check:
   00 Core
   02 Animated Tails
2. Esp/m Filter: Check:
3. TES4Edit Cleaning Required:
4. Be certain to install the Mart's Monster Mod - Curse of Hircine.esp from the MMM 3.8 installed in the FCOM Convergence CORE Install.

Dulan Cult

The Mysteries of the Dulan Cult by Juib Thealas

Description: Five hundred years ago a Dremora by the name of Shcreck A'b Dulan was banished from the plane of Oblivion for his love of science. now an underground cult plans to rule all of Cyrodiil if you cant stop them.

EDI - Revived

EDI - Revived by markb50k

Description: This mod makes the Daedric invasion come alive, where even if the player doesn't decide to do the main quest exclusively they will still have to deal with it.


RuneSkulls by Exnem

Description: This mod adds more than 250 runeskulls to the game. These are objects that let you enchant weapons and armor without using an enchanting station, much like sigil stones work, but give multiple enchantments instead of just one.

These have been included in oblivion's loot tables so they will spawn form chests and npcs just like regular objects. You will most likely find these in places where there are necromancers or mages, and there are also some handplaced runeskulls hidden in several places (spolier: Check The First Edition's basement for one).

KD Circlets OOO Optimized

KD Circlets OOO Optimized by drmbs76

Description: This is a rebalance and repackaging of Kafei's Armored Circlets. The intension is for the mod to be an add-on for Oscuro's Oblivion Overhaul.

Special Installation Instructions:
Download manually:

• KD Circlets OOO 1.32 Optimized - Version 1.2
Esp/m Filter: Uncheck: KDCircletsOOOOptimized - Loot Only.esp

OOO Geomancy Gem Dust OBSE

OOO Geomancy Gem Dust OBSE by Sandman53

Description: This is a rewrite of OOO's Geomancy & Gem dust plugin using OBSE. The main purpose is to make the process of grinding gems into power faster and easier. Now when you click on one of those items, you have the option to powder a single item or to automatically powder all of those items in your inventory. Also, you no longer have to close a message box after the powdering is complete. So, what previously took a dozen or more clicks to accomplish can now be done with a single click. OOO's geomancy is preserved in its entirety, and in fact I have made a few changes to the spell names to preserve immersion.

Special Installation Instructions: Esp/m Filter: Uncheck: Geomancy & Gem Dust OOO(No Spell Change).esp

Mighty Umbra

Mighty Umbra by Damar Stiehl

Description: It is said that a recent wielder of Umbra, a great and mighty Orc, eventually fled to the wastes of Morrowind where he found peace at last at the hands of the Nerevarine himself. What happened afterwards is a mystery; it is only known that Azura's Chosen did not keep the treacherous blade, and it eventually resurfaced in Cyrodiil.

Special Installation Instructions:
Download manually: • Mighty Umbra V1dot1

1. Uncheck: Mighty Umbra - Vanilla OB.esp 2. TES4Edit Cleaning Required: Mighty Umbra.esp

Morrowind - Oblivion Crisis

Morrowind - Oblivion Crisis by Puddles

Description: This mod is supposed to make Morrowind contemporary to the rest of Tamriel during the Oblivion Crisis. As such, all of Morrowind's main quests related to Dagoth, the Tribunal, and the Blood Moon are (hopefully) properly disabled.

Special Installation Instructions:
Download manually: • Morrowind - Oblivion Crisis v1.0 • beta_morrowind_-_oblivion_crisis.esp

Order of the Dragon EV

Order of the Dragon EV by Rung Diener_RE Ryan Lazarus Katan

Description: The Oblivion gates are closed, the Amulet of Kings shattered, but the Empire is not saved. Rebels spread fear and terror in the counties of Cyrodiil. Meanwhile, talk about the old sword prophecy is getting ever louder. Will the hero of Kvatch again prove worthy and be able to save the Empire from chaos?

Special Installation Instructions:
Download manually: • The Order of the Dragon 2016 (Required for Order of the Dragon EV) • Order of the Dragon Misc files • Order of the Dragon esp

Orden_des_Drachen-2016 1.Install Orden_des_Drachen-2016 German mod first. 2. Esp/m filter: Uncheck: Orden des Drachen.esp 3. Install the English Version mods downloaded from the Nexus.

Order of the Dragon - Map Addon


Order of the Dragon - Map Addon by Slangens

Description: The order of the dragon is one of the biggest quest mods for oblivion out there. As a big mod, it also includes a BIG worldspace, which, unfortunately, lacks a good in-game map.

Origin of the Mages Guild Mod

Oblivion - Cyrodiil Upgrade Resource Pack by Giskard is a required resource for this mod.

Description: This is a stand alone Resource pack much like the Oblivion.esm. It allows you to easily use many of the fine modders resources that exist out there in your own mod without needing to add the meshes, textures or test them your self (which is a lot of messing around even if you do know what you are doing).

This includes new creatures, weapons, buildings, sounds, textures, and new models of many different kinds as seen in mods like Kvatch Aftermath, Origin of the Mages Guild, The Elder Council and many others I have made. It also contains built in scripted features made for my mods that can be added to your own mods by dropping the scripted item in to your game.

Special Installation Instructions:
Download manually: •

Uncheck: CyrodiilUpgradeResourcePack.esm

Oblivion - CUO Resource Pack Patch


Oblivion - CUO Resource Pack Patch by Giskard

Special Installation Instructions:
Download manually: •

1. Check: All Esp/m Filter. 2. TES4Edit Manual Cleaning Required: CyrodiilUpgradeResourcePack.esm • Expand Race and right click on 00019204 HighElf • Select Remove • Close and Save.

Origin of the Mages Guild Mod


Oblivion - Origin of the Mages Guild Mod by Giskard

Description: This mod allows you to Restore the Mages Guild back to its former glory after Travens years in power had brought it to the brink of ruin. The mod is based on the book "Origin of the Mages Guild" and it is the guild described in that book that you will be recreating in this mod. By completing various quests you will see the Guild slowly live again, with visitors, students and others coming and going as old areas are reopened, new staff hired and new research implemented for the good of all.

Special Installation Instructions:
Download manually: •

1. Run GiskardsOriginofthemagesguildv7.3.1.exe to install into Working Folder. 2. Use the Working Folder structure to repackage the mod. 3. Archive the mod and install. 4. TES4Edit Sort Masters and Cleaning Required: • Run TES4Edit. • Right click and choose Select None. • Select only: Origin of the Mages Guild.esp • Right click and select Sort Master. • HOld Cntrl + S to save the file. • Now clean the ITMs and UDRs. • Close TES4Edit, make certain the Origin of the Mages Guild.esp and the Backup plugins is checked. Click OK.

Oblivion Uncut

Oblivion Uncut by elderscrolliangamer aka Publick Gamer

Description: Restores an abundance of unused dialogue for Oblivion and Shivering Isles. Restores a cut cave, 2 cut npcs, cut models and more!

Special Installation Instructions:
Download manually: • Oblivion Uncut 1.9

The Statlilia Stables


The Statlilia Stables by elderscrolliangamer

Description: Completely restores the cut Statlilia Stables (aka The Bit and Bridle) to the Market District, complete with 2 new npcs, lots of previously unused voiced dialogue including many new rumors and npc conversations, a new building and sign, as well as giving Restita Statlilia (of the Chestnut Handy Stables) her own stables once again!

Special Installation Instructions:
Download manually: • Statlilia Stables - V1.3

Reclaiming Sancre Tor

Reclaiming Sancre Tor by DarkRider

Description: Reclaiming Sancre Tor is an in-depth story based expansion pack that adds hundreds of new characters, overlapping quests, new worlds, and multiple unique dungeon levels to the original Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion RPG by Bethesda Softworks. The story surrounds a contingent of Blades from Morrowind who have reclaimed the ancient ruins of Sancre Tor in the aftermath of the Oblivion crisis. The player is invited to join their ranks and must aid the Blades in serving the Empire as well as unraveling their own destiny.

Special Installation Instructions:
Download manually: • RST_Meshes • RST_Sounds • RST_Textures • Reclaiming Sancre Tor Esp_1_0_5

1. Edit the Oblivion.ini [Archive] sArchiveList=ArchiveInvalidationInvalidated!.bsa, Oblivion - Meshes.bsa, Oblivion - Textures - Compressed.bsa, Oblivion - Sounds.bsa, Oblivion - Voices1.bsa, Oblivion - Voices2.bsa, Oblivion - Misc.bsa, Francesco's Creatures and Items Resources - Items.bsa, ReclaimSancreTor - Textures.bsa, ReclaimSancreTor - Meshes.bsa, ReclaimSancreTor - Sounds.bsa

Ruined Tails Tale

Ruined Tails Tale by Simyaz

Description: Ruined-Tail's Tale is a story-driven Companion-MOD featuring an Argonian Battlemage by the name of Ruined-Tail (or Ruin, for short).

Special Installation Instructions:
Download manually: • RTT_3_0 • RTT_3_1

1. RTT_3_0: Esp/m Filter: Uncheck: RTT.esp 2. TES4Edit Cleaning Required: RTT.esp

Tears Of The Fiend

Tears Of The Fiend by Simyaz and Arilita

Description: The complete storyline behind The Legacy and The Butcher of Armindale merged together as one complex, interchangeable, multi-pathed Quest/companion MOD.

Special Installation Instructions:
Download manually: • TOTF_1_2_2

1. Bash Tag suggestion(s): TOTF_1_2_2 ADD: Actors.AIPackages 2. TES4Edit Cleaning Required: TOTF.esp

The Lost Spires

The Lost Spires by Liquid Graphics Interactive

Description: Uncover the mysteries of ancient Tamriel as only one can, through the Archeology Guild. Scale the guild's ranks and explore new, exotic locales to unravel a plot of sinister deceit, betrayal, and doom.

Special Installation Instructions:
Download manually: •

TES4Edit Cleaning Required: The Lost Spires.esp

Morroblivion Conversation - TLS Patch


Morroblivion Conversation - The Lost Spires Patch

Special Installation Instructions:
Download manually: • Morroblivion Conversation - The Lost Spires Patch.7z

Verona House Bloodlines SI Fixed

Verona House Bloodlines SI Fixed by DTom

Description: A quest mod that adds a nice small but compact town.

Special Installation Instructions:
Download manually: • VHB-SI Fixed

Ungarions Memoirs 1 The Welkynd Sword

Ungarions Memoirs 1 The Welkynd Sword by MadCat221

Description: Take up the call of the retired adventurer Ungarion, proprietor of Bravil's "A Warlock's Luck" magic emporium and recover the ancient Ayleid relic from the depths of forgotten history!

Special Installation Instructions:
Download manually: • Ungarions Memoirs 1 The Wellkynd Sword NEW SWORD MODEL v15 • Newer Sword Model - Major Detail Changes Plus New Scabbard

TES4Edit Cleaning Required: Ungarion1TheWelkyndSword.esp

Bash-able Quest Delayers

Bash-able Quest Delayers by Aellis

Description: Quest Delayer for The Lost Spires and Tears of the Fiend Mods.

Special Installation Instructions:
Download manually: • Aellis Bashed Delayers v3129C

Test the Game

1. Activate all installed mods. 2. Run BOSS to sort the load order. 3. Run Wrye Bash. Right click on the Bashed Patch, 0.esp Rebuild the Bashed Patch. 4. Run TES4LODGen to generate DistantLOD. (Reactivate CustomSpellIcons - OBME.esm if installed.) 5. Set the Oblivion.ini to Read Only. 6. Launch Oblivion through the Steam and click Play. If you are satisfied with the testing exit the game. 7. Back up the following files to keep a copy of the original Morroblivion game files: <Oblivion> <Oblivion Mods> <My Games>\Oblivion> <YourUserName>\AppData\Local\Oblivion>

Overhauls Expanded

NOTICE: I still have some cleanup to do on this section!!!

This section expands on the FCOM Overhaul and also adds Magicka Overhaul mods. FCOM is an optional install. If you did not install FCOM some of the mods listed here will not be needed.

Francescos Caliper Bug Fix Spell

Francescos Caliper Bug Fix Spell by dreamed1

Description: Fixes the Frans' caliper bug by granting a lesser power to vanquish those calipers and start getting Francesco's loot again.

Optimized Francesco Resources

Optimized Francesco Resources by Francesco and contributors

Description: Optimized meshes and textures for the optional Francesco's components.

Special Installation Instructions:
Download manually: • Optimized Items Pack

Oscuros Oblivion Overhaul Extended

Oscuros Oblivion Overhaul Extended by Kobal

Description: This mod combines two add-ons, equipment and creatures for OOO, all three creature add-ons + equipment add-on real swords edition in one esp and the resources in bsa form.

Special Installation Instructions:
Download manually: • Meshes • Textures • OOOExtended esps • HGEC Conversions

Better Dire Creatures textures

Better Dire Creatures textures for MMM - OOO and FCOM by Xtudo

Description: Texture replacement mod for creatures.

Invisible Jaguar Fix

Invisible Jaguar Fix by DamnScouse

Description: Fixes the invisible jaguar bug in FCOM.


COBL 1.74 Fix for Wizard 1.0 by Cobl Team v174

Description: Cobl significantly enriches the world of Oblivion: new races, new books, new ingredients, new foods, etc. There are no quests, but you'll find the world a better and more interesting place in many small and large ways.

Special Installation Instructions:
Download manually: • COBL 1.74 Wizard Fixes

Wrye Bash Users: 1. Right Click to Select Wizard 2. Read the information → Next 3. Select Stable → Next 4. Choose any of the following packages: Patches → Next 5. Notice: FCOM already includes the functionality of Cobl Tweaks, and so FCOM users should not activate Cobl Tweaks. Notice: Salmo the Baker, Cobl.esp MAY cause CTDs. Cause uncertain despite extensive debugging. 6. Select any of the 3 following patches: Cobl Patch - Hunger Tongue and Silent Misc Item Equip → Next 7. Notice: If you selected any of the races options, be certain to Uncheck any Race ESPs as we will be installing the OCO2 Cobl Compatible race mod. Miscellaneous: Choose any of the following packages: Item Interchange → Next 8. Options - User Preference → Next 9. Check Apply and Uncheck Install the package. 10. Esp/m filter: Uncheck: Cobl Races – Balanced.esp Item interchange - Placement.esp 11. Right click and select Install. or all users: 12. Sub-Packages: Check Only: • 00 Cobl Core • 01 Cobl Races • 01 StableCore • 03 Patches • 04 Item Interchange • 07 Balanced Races • 08 TNR Esp/m Filter: • Cobl Main.esm • Cobl Filter Late MERGE ONLY.esp • Cobl Patch - Hunger Tongue.esp • Cobl Patch - Silent Misc Item Equip.esp • Cobl SI.esp • Item interchange - Extraction.esp • Item interchange - Option, Ingredients in Bulk.esp • Item interchange - Placement for FCOM.esp • Item interchange - Placement for Frostcrag.esp

Ahnassi's Ingredient Sorter

Optional Ahnassi's Ingredient Sorter] by frond

Description: This adds a COBL ingredient sorter to Ahnassi's house.

Special Installation Instructions:
Download manually: • mob_ahnassi_alchemy.esp

Edit BOSS userlist.txt: ADD: mob_ahnassi_alchemy.esp BOTTOM: Morroblivion

Ayleid Coin Deleveler for FCOM

Ayleid Coin Deleveler for FCOM by Spotty42

Description: A patch to remove the OOO one from all the games leveled lists leaving only the Cobl Ayleid coins.

OOO Harvest Containers Filter

OOO Harvest Containers Filter patch for mods by PetrusOctavianus

Description: This mod changes containers added by a large number of mods into Harvest Containers based upon the Oscuro's Oblivion Overhaul version which also includes the lock bashing features from Lap's Security Rebalance and Scruggsywuggsy's LockBash 1.1. So you will not only get the visuals from Harvest Containers, but many containers (based on type) will now also be bashable and some may also be trapped.

Hemingweys Capes

Hemingweys Capes by Hemingwey

Description: 240 unique cape designs in all.

Special Installation Instructions:
Download manually: • Hemingweys Capes v3_0 beta • Icon Fix for 3_0 Beta • Hemingweys Capes for EDI (Adds Hemingweys Capes to NPCs from Enhanced Daedric Invasion. Requires Hemingweys Capes v3 and Enhanced Daedric Invasion.)

1. Use the Working Folder structure to repackage the mod. 2. Extract archive. • Move Meshes and Textures folders, and Hemingweys Capes Improved.esm and Hemingweys Capes Improved.esp into Data folder. • Move all other files into Docs\Hemingways Capes folder. • Drag any files of choice from the Component ESPS\FCOM folder into the Data folder. • Drag the Hemingweys Capes Improved for FCOM.esp, Hemingweys FCOM NPC Capes Improved IC Guards.esp, and Hemingweys Capes for FCOM_FrancescosNamedBosses.esp from the FCOM folder into the Data folder. 3. Extract the Icon Fix for 3_0 Beta and move the textures folder into the Data folder, overwriting when prompted. 4. Now that the mod is repackaged properly, archive and install the mod. 5. TES4Edit Cleaning Required: Hemingweys Capes Improved.esp Hemingweys Capes Improved Merchants.esp

Merge Plugins

Notice: This only applies to users who have opted to install Hemingweys Capes.

1. Files to merge: • Hemingweys Capes Improved for FCOM.esp • Hemingweys Capes Improved.esp • Hemingweys Capes Improved Merchants.esp 2. Name: ++++Hemingweys Capes Merged Filename: Hemingweys Capes Merged.esp 3. Rename: Hemingweys Capes Merged.esp Hemingweys Capes Improved.esp 4. Bash Tag suggestion(s): ADD: Invent, Scripts, Stats

Slof's Oblivion Robe Trader

Slof's Oblivion Robe Trader by Slof

Description: This mod is a replacer for around 80% of the robes in Oblivion and Shivering Isles.

Special Installation Instructions:
Download manually: Notice: You must register to download. • Robe Trader

TES4Edit Cleaning Required: Slof's Oblivion Robe Trader.esp

Unofficial Francescos Mod Armor

Unofficial Francescos Mod Armor AddOn by Meatball01

Description: This mod adds 10 new sets of armor and 8 new helmets to the levelled lists in Francesco's Mod.

Unofficial Lv30 Francescos Leveled Item

Unofficial Lv30 Francescos Leveled Item by Maltz

Description: This mod places 12 new weapons, and 1 set of Heavy & Light armor into Francesco's leveled list. Their power is carefully balanced to match level-30 items.

FCOM Archery Update

FCOM Archery Update 1.0 by TeamAlpha

Description: Optional add-on for FCOM.

Special Installation Instructions:
Download manually: Notice: You must register to download. • FCOM Archery Update 1.0

Description: This patch makes numerous weapons from numerous mods to have stats similar to those from MOBS. MOBS made vanilla weapon stats more realistic, making lighter materials faster, but less powerful than the heavier ones and decreasing the unrealistic weapon range.

Special Installation Instructions:
Download manually: • OMOBS Shivering Isles • MOBS Knights DLC Fixed 2b then

1. OMOBS Shivering Isles: Esp/m filter: Uncheck: OMOBS Optional Combat Settings.esp 2. MOBS Knights DLC Fixed 2b: Esp/m filter: Check ONLY: DLC_MOBS.esp and Lair_MOBS.esp 3. TES4Edit Sort Master Required: Lair_MOBS.esp

MOBSification of MODS

MOBSification of MODS - Weapon Balancing by RoclorD aka CarlosS4444

Description: This patch makes numerous weapons from numerous mods to have stats similar to those from MOBS. MOBS made vanilla weapon stats more realistic, making lighter materials faster, but less powerful than the heavier ones and decreasing the unrealistic weapon range.

Weapon Expansion Pack

Weapon Expansion Pack for Oblivion Nthusiasts by BFG Spiney kriscrash

Description: This mod significantly enhances the Oblivion experience by adding new Amber, Madness, Mithril, Orcish, Rusty Iron, and Fine Iron weapons to the worlds of Tamriel and the Shivering Isles. The authors took special care to ensure the new weapons would integrate seamlessly with the content already provided by Bethesda, or any of the major Oblivion mod overhauls.

Special Installation Instructions:
Download manually: • WEPON Base Install Oblivion and SI • WEPON MOBS Conversion

1. WEPON Base Install Oblivion and SI: Esp/m Filter: Uncheck: Weapon Expansion Pack for Oblivion Nthusiasts.esp 2. WEAPON MOBS Conversion: Notice: Provides files that will convert WEPON to MOBS, for OOO, Fran's, or FCOM players. Currently only available for the previous version (1.03), it is safe to overwrite the 1.11 ESP with this version. Sub-Packages: Check: Data Esp/m Filter: Check: Weapon Expansion Pack for Oblivion Nthusiasts.esp

Tamriel Travellers

Tamriel Travellers 139c by CorepcMMP

Description: Traveling Merchants Mod with Shivering Isle Support 1.39 - Franscecso's , Oscuro's , Martigen Monster Mod, Living Economy Compatible - New Enter into Towns , Night Time Eat, Traveling Pets and Gaurds, Option to turn Pets and Guards on and off at any time .

Special Installation Instructions:
Download manually: • TamrielTravellers139c - Even more Omod script Fixes • TravellersBelt

1. Use the Working Folder structure to repackage the mod. 2. Open the SITravellers folder. Copy the TamrielTravellers.esm and ShiveringIsleTravellers.esp, and paste them into the root of the TamrielTravellers folders to replace the original ESM and add the ESP. 3. Nowthat the mod is repackaged properly, archive and install the mod. 4. Esp/m Filter: Uncheck: • TamrielTravellerAdvScript.esp • TamrielTravellers.esp • TamrielTravellers4MMM.esp • TamrielTravellersFactionAll.esp • TamrielTravellersItemsUnscaled.esp • TamrielTravellersItemsVendor.esp • TamrielTravellers4MMMhostileFactions.esp 5. TES4Edit Cleaning Required: TamrielTravellers4OOO.esp TamrielTravellers4OOO.esp 6. Bash Tag suggestion(s): TamrielTravellersItemsNPC.esp Remove: [NoMerge]

FCOM Optional AddOns

FCOM Optional Add-Ons.7z by TeamAlpha

Description: Add-Ons to let you further customize your experience. These options tweak various gameplay aspects and improve compatibility for a wide range of popular mods.

Special Installation Instructions:
Download manually: • FCOM Optional Add-Ons.7z

Note: Refer to FCOM Optional Add-Ons (New) for a description of each add-on. Select ONLY the ESPs that correspond to any of the optional mods that have been selected from the Quests and Adventures mod list.

1. Esp/m Filter: Uncheck All: DO NOT CHECK ANY ESPs listed below: FCOM_Archery.esp (There is an updated ESP to install if you want it.) FCOM_FranItemRelevelerALL.esp FCOM_OscurosOverhaul.esp FCOM_TamrielicIngredients.esp (Not compatible with COBL.) FCOM_VanillaItemReleveler.esp Any ESPs that are not relevant to the mods you have chosen need to be Unchecked. 2. Esp/m Filter: Check: FCOM_BobsGuardUnity.esp (Merges several Imperial Legion changes from Bob's Armory with OOO and MMM - Diverse Imperial Armor, inspired by nb_nmare's Unity project. Use this if you're using both Bob's Armory and DiverseGuardUnity.) FCOM_DiverseGuardUnity.esp (Merges MMM - Diverse Imperial Armor with OOO guards, producing a rich mixture of regional guard armor. Use instead of MMM - Diverse Imperial Armor.) FCOM_DurabilityAndDamage.esp (This FCOM option increases melee damage. It works just like the MMM - Durability & Damage plugin, but without messing up the Oscuro durability settings. It will probably make melee combat overly powerful unless you use another mod that makes magicka a lot more deadly, too, such as Mighty Magicka or Supreme Magicka. Must be loaded after FCOM_Convergence.esp. Use FCOM_DurabilityAndDamage.esp instead of MMM - Durability & Damage.esp.) FCOM_ExnemRuneskulls.esp (It nerfs and relevels the Runeskulls so they are not overpowered. Requires Rune Skulls which will be installed later in the guide.) FCOM_FriendlierFactions.esp (This optional add-on is similar to the MMM - Friendlier Factions plugin. It reduces faction conflicts. Use instead of the MMM - Friendlier Factions plugin.) FCOM_HungersUnitySI.esp (Changes all of the Hungers from OOO & MMM to use the Shivering Isles Hungers art rather than the original art from Lore Creatures.) FCOM_KDCircletsOOOOptimizedNPCEquip.esp (Requires KD Circlets OOO Optimized which will be installed later in the guide.) FCOM_LessRats.esp (Optional) FCOM_LessReaversInGates.esp (Optional) FCOM_LothsBluntWeapons.esp FCOM_MoreRandomItems.esp (Increases the max level difference for random items, loot, and NPC gear.) FCOM_NoAdventurersInGates.esp (Prevents Adventurers from spawning in the Oblivion gate realms, but leave them present in the rest of the game.) FCOM_NoReaversInGates.esp (Prevents Reavers from spawning in the Oblivion gate realms, but leave them present in the rest of the game.) FCOM_SlofsRobeTrader.esp (Requires Robe Traders by Slof which will be installed later in the guide.) FCOM_TamrielTravelers.esp (Requires Tamriel Travellers which will be installed later in the guide.) FCOM_UnofficialFranArmorAddon.esp (Requires Unofficial Francescos Mod Armor AddOn which will be installed later in the guide.) 3. Bash Tag suggestion(s): FCOM_UnofficialFranArmorAddOn.esp ADD: Delev, Relev 4. Bash Tag suggestion(s): FCOM_LothsBluntWeapons.esp ADD: Delev

Notice: If EDI - Revived was installed the .esp will need to be changed to .esm: • In Wrye Bash Mods tab, right click on Enhanced Daedric Invasion.esp and select Copy to ESM. • Delete the Enhanced Daedric Invasion.esp and activate the Enhanced Daedric Invasion.esm • Run BOSS to sort the load order.

Merge Plugins

Notice: This only applies to users who have opted to install FCOM and the following Quests. 1. Files to merge: • Blood&Mud.esp • FCOM_Blood&Mud.esp • FCOM_WelkyndSwordBlood&Mud.esp 2. Name: ++++Blood&Mud Merged Filename: Blood&Mud Merged.esp Rename: Blood&Mud Merged.esp Blood&Mud.esp 3. Bash Tag suggestion(s): ADD: Hair, NpcFaces

1. Files to merge: • Origin of the Mages Guild.esp • FCOM_OMG.esp 2. Name: ++++OMG Merged Filename: OMG Merged.esp Rename: OMG Merged.esp Origin of the Mages Guild.esp 3. Bash Tag suggestion(s): ADD: Actors.AIPackages, Relations

OOO Inebriation Remover

OOO Inebriation Remover by dreamed1

Description: Removes the "shaky screen" inebriation effect from drinks in Oscuro's Oblivion Overhaul, and mainly restores vanilla effects. Works for FCOM too.

Midas Magic Spells of Aurum

Midas Magic Spells of Aurum by Xilver

Description: This mod adds over 300 new and unique spell types. It adds beam, spray and projectile attacks. Turn bodies to gold, summon your own magic carpet, or dwemer transformer, or protect yourself with a ring of fire.
Notice: Midas Magic may CTDs when OBME is installed.

Special Installation Instructions:

1. MIDAS MAGIC SPELLS OF AURUM 0995: Esp/m Filter: Uncheck: MidasSpells.esp 2. MIDAS MAGIC SPELLS OF AURUM 0995 Patch A: Check: MidasSpells.esp 3. TES4Edit Cleaning Required: MidasSpells.esp

Supreme Magicka Update

Supreme Magicka Update by flyfightflea Strategy Master

Description: This mod overhauls the magic system of Oblivion to create a more balanced, diverse, and fun system. It adds new effects, new spells, and more in order to enhance the game for mages and anyone else who thinks magic is too weak.

The main focus of this mod is to make spellcasting stronger but not overpowered. To that effect, I have decreased the cost of most magic effects and increased the power of their spell counterparts to reflect that change. To maintain balance, I have not touched the spell mastery limits.

Special Installation Instructions:
Download manually: • Supreme Magicka 0-90b

1. Sub-Packages: Check: • 00 Core Files • 01 Optional Plugins • 02 Raised Enchanting and Spellmaking Limits • 03 Compatibility Patches 2. Esmp/m Filter: Uncheck: • SM_DeadlyReflex.esp • SM_Vanilla.esp 3. TES4Edit Cleaning Required: SM_ShiveringIsles.esp 4. TES4Edit Sort Masters Required: bgMagicEV_Conjuration_for_Supreme_Magicka.esp</span>

Notice: Maskar's Oblivion Overhaul Users: • Open Maskar's Oblivion Overhaul Readme.pdf • Scroll to 19.3 Supreme Magicka compatibility and follow the instructions to update SM script via the TES Construction Set.

MOB SM Compatibility Patch


Morroblivion Supreme Magicka Compatibility Patch by TES Renewal Project Team

Description: Poison patch. Makes Morroblivion poison spells use real poison effect from SM.

Special Installation Instructions:
Download manually: • SM_Morroblivion_poison.7z

Edit BOSS userlist.txt: ADD: SM_Morroblivion_poison.esp BOTTOM: Morroblivion

Integration: Morroblivion

Integration: Morroblivion by TES Renewal Project Team

Description: Spell vendors patch. Adds new spells from SM to Morroblivion spell vendors.

Special Installation Instructions:
Download manually: • MorrowOblivion_Integration_v03

1. Esp/m Filter: Uncheck: MorrowOblivion_Integration_CO.esp 2. Edit BOSS userlist.txt: ADD: MorrowOblivion_Integration_SM.esp BOTTOM: Morroblivion

Merge Plugins

1. Files to merge: • SupremeMagicka.esp • SM_EnchantStaff.esp • SM_Scrolls.esp • MorrowOblivion_Integration_SM.esp 2. Name: ++++SupremeMagicka Merged Filename: SupremeMagicka Merged.esp 3. Right click on SupremeMagicka.esp → Check for Errors → Errors → Ignore Errors 4. Right click on MorrowOblivion_Integration_SM.esp → Check for Errors → Errors → Fix Errors 5. Rename: SupremeMagicka Merged.esp SupremeMagicka.esp 6. Bash Tag suggestion(s): ADD: Graphics, Names


Less Annoying Magic Experience by bg2408

Description: An extensive Oblivion Magic Overhaul.

Special Installation Instructions:
Download manually: • LessAnnoyingMagicExperienceEV 1,7.7z

1. Sub-Packages: Check only: • 00 Main Files • 01 Modules – recommended 2. TES4Edit Cleaning Required: bgMagicEVPaperChase.esp

Merge Plugins

1. Files to merge: • bgMagicEV.esp • bgMagicBonus.esp • bgMagicAlchemy.esp • bgMagicLightningbolt.esp 2. Name: ++++LAME Merged Filename: LAME Merged.esp 3. Rename: LAME Merged.esp bgMagicEV.esp

Advanced Mark and Recall

Advanced Mark and Recall by Smoke

Description: This mod gives you the ability to mark game world locations, and travel back to them instantly. You can mark up to nine different locations. I have added in the ability to transport companions to these locations as well...

Special Installation Instructions:
Download manually: • Advanced Mark And Recall v1.0 • Advanced Mark And Recall v2

Advanced Mark And Recall v1.0: Esp/m filter: Uncheck: Advanced Mark & Recall.esp

Telekinetic Mastery

Telekinetic Mastery by Talkie Toaster

Description: Adds a variety of Telekinetic spells and weapons to a merchant in the Arcane University.

More Effective Enchantments

More Effective Enchantments by Maskar

Description: This addon fixes the extremely limited amount of uses on enchanted weapons (including staves). By default the amount of uses is multiplied by 5.

Special Installation Instructions:
Download manually: • More Effective Enchantments 22

Notice: See Readme 1st in the plugin folder for more details. 1. Use the Working Folder structure to repackage the mod. 2. Copy More Effective Enchantments.esp and .ini files to (the Data folder. 3. Copy More Effective Enchantments Knights.esp and More Effective Enchantments FCOM.esp from the Plugins folder to the Data folder. 4. Optionally edit the .ini file to customize it to your preferences. 5. TES4Edit Sort Masters Required: More Effective Enchantments FCOM.esp More Effective Enchantments Knights.esp

AoG - Overhaul

AoG - Overhaul plus Detect Item by lubronbrons

Description: This is useful overhaul that gives the user the ability to detect items, dead bodies, and plants. It does much more. Read the description on Nexus Mods.

Special Installation Instructions:
Download manually: • AoG v52.06

Reneers Guard Overhaul

Reneers Guard Overhaul by Reneer

Description: This mod changes the Guard behavior by modifying how Guards react to player crimes. If you attack a guard, only that Guard will defend himself (no other Guards will attack unless they see the fighting). If you manage to outrun the Guards, they will no longer chase you to the ends of Tamriel. If you are sent to jail, the guards will kill you rather than trying to put you back into your cell if you escape.

Special Installation Instructions:
Download manually: • Reneers Guard Overhaul 256

Right click and select Has Extra Directories.

Rebalanced SI Guard Equipment

Rebalanced SI Guard Equipment by GIVEMETHEDAMNFILE

Description: This mod alters weapon data for shivering isles and includes playable armor for users who want it.

Pacific Morrowinds Miscellany

Pacific Morrowinds Miscellany by Pacific Morrowind

Description: Various tiny to small mods, patches, etc...

Special Installation Instructions:
Download manually: • Arrow Replacement Pack - Shivering Isles-25335.7z • Arrow Replacement Pack - Oscuros Oblivion Overhaul-25335.7z • Arrow Replacement Pack - Armamentarium-25335.7z • Arrow Replacement Pack - Martigens Monster Mod-25335.7z • Arrow Replacement Pack -- COBL-25335.7z

1. If Higher Tailed Beast Races rc2 is downloaded: Use the Working Folder structure to repackage the mod. 2. Move skeletonbeast.nif to Data\Meshes\Characters\_male folder. 3. Archive the mod and install. 4. If Sneaky Summons is downloaded: Uncheck: PMSneakySummons-ForVanilla.esp

Merge Plugins

Notice: This contains the miscellaneous plugins that are safe to merge at this point. 1. Files to merge: • FransCalipersBeGone.esp • PMCurioCeremonialRapier.esp • Cobl SI.esp • Cobl Patch – Silent Misc Item Equip.esp • FCOM_DurabilityAndDamage.esp • FCOM_MoreRandomItems.esp • Geomancy & Gem DUST OOO.esp • Elz – Difficulty Smoother.esp • Advanced Mark & Recall.esp • mob_ahnassi_alchemy.esp 2. Name: ++++Overhauls Expanded Merged Filename: Overhauls Expanded Merged.esp 3. Navigate to %\Steam\steamapps\Common\Oblivion Mods\Merge Plugins to be Archived\ and add ++++FCOM Core Merged to archive. 4. Install ++++Overhauls Expanded Merged. Wrye Bash Users: Right click and select Has Extra Directories. 5. Deactivate the merged mods. Wrye Bash Users: In the Installers tab, Uncheck the ESP. Right Click on the mod and select Anneal. Mod Organizer Users: Uncheck the mod in the left pane. 6. Edit BOSS userlist.txt: ADD: Overhauls Expanded Merged.esp BOTTOM: Morroblivion

Test the Game

1. Activate all installed mods. 2. Run BOSS to sort the load order. 3. Run Wrye Bash. Right click on the Bashed Patch, 0.esp Rebuild the Bashed Patch. 4. Run TES4LODGen to generate DistantLOD. (Reactivate CustomSpellIcons - OBME.esm if installed.) 5. Set the Oblivion.ini to Read Only. 6. Launch Oblivion through the Steam and click Play. If you are satisfied with the testing exit the game. 7. Back up the following files to keep a copy of the original Morroblivion game files: <Oblivion> <Oblivion Mods> <My Games>\Oblivion> <YourUserName>\AppData\Local\Oblivion>

This concludes the Complete FCOM Convergence Overhaul Installation. If you experience any problems, please review each step carefully and make certain that all instructions are followed as directed. 243 Plugins with 156 Active, if all mods were installed to this point. The remainder of the guide will focus on Graphics, Immersion, Gameplay, etc...