User talk:Diana TES GotH: Difference between revisions

From Step Mods | Change The Game
Line 161: Line 161:
# Tools<br>Uninstalled ENB Organizer because it did not inject the enblocal.ini properly and I will not be installing ENB Presets. Note: I have confirmed that disabling the SpeedHack in the enblocal.ini causes my loss in FPS. Therefore, my system can neither run ENB or SKGE.
# Tools<br>Uninstalled ENB Organizer because it did not inject the enblocal.ini properly and I will not be installing ENB Presets. Note: I have confirmed that disabling the SpeedHack in the enblocal.ini causes my loss in FPS. Therefore, my system can neither run ENB or SKGE.
# xEdit Scripts<br>Followed the Guide
# xEdit Scripts<br>Followed the Guide
# Configure Skyrim<br>Launched Skyrim and followed through with Nvidia GeForce Experience to "Optimize" my Skyrim settings instead of relying upon the SkrimLauncher.exe to switch everything to [High or Ultra] settings.<br>Followed BethINI Guide except I did not choose Windowed Mode as I will not be using One Tweak.
# Configure Skyrim<br>Launched Skyrim and followed through with Nvidia GeForce Experience to "Optimize" my Skyrim settings instead of relying upon the SkrimLauncher.exe or BethINI to switch everything to [High or Ultra] settings. Otherwise, followed the BethINI instructions, not checking Windowed Mode as I will not be using One Tweak.
# Configure the Creation Kit<br>Followed the Guide
# Configure the Creation Kit<br>Followed the Guide
# Configure Mod Organizer<br>Followed the Guide
# Configure Mod Organizer<br>Followed the Guide

Revision as of 18:15, February 24, 2017

Log Report for SRLE Extended: Legacy of The Dragonborn

Benchmark Log for Prerequisites Page:


Status:SRLE_LotD Prerequisites.log

CPU Processor: Intel® Core™ i7-4510U CPU @ 2.00GHz - x4
Total Memory: 16,282 MB
Video Card: NVIDIA GeForce GT 750M
Total VRAM: 2,048 MB
Samples: 671
Elapsed Time: 00:12:03
Current Minimum Average Maximum
Memory (MB): 883 MB 129 MB 916 MB 1,018 MB
VRAM (MB): 593 MB 27 MB 606 MB 700 MB
Disk I/O (MB): 0 MB 1 MB 5 MB 304 MB
CPU %: 8 % 3 % 48 % 84 %
GPU %: 34 % 16 % 93 % 99 %
GPU °F: n/a n/a n/a n/a
Threads: 33 17 38 41
FPS: 60 17 42 60

Benchmark Log for Other Fixes through World Expansions:


Samples: 2,614
Elapsed Time: 00:47:11
Current Minimum Average Maximum
Memory (MB): 1,090 MB 160 MB 1,090 MB 1,080 MB
VRAM (MB): 605 MB 27 MB 591 MB 694 MB
Disk I/O (MB): 0 MB 1 MB 2 MB 397 MB
CPU %: 3 % 2 % 40 % 87 %
GPU %: 34 % 16 % 93 % 99 %
GPU °F: n/a n/a n/a n/a
Threads: 37 17 38 41
FPS: 60 1 51 60

Benchmark Log for Modified and Expanded Quests:

This test play through was with LAL: Camping in the woods. I explored the woods, the Guardian Stones, the Hunter's Camp nearby, and swam in the river. Walked to Riverwood and explored the town, including the Store and Inn. I battled a wolf and a couple of bandits as well. I tested fast travel, cooking, sleeping, eating, drinking, etc...

Samples: 1,666
Elapsed Time: 00:30:21
Current Minimum Average Maximum
Memory (MB): 1,215 MB 165 MB 1,158 MB 1,338 MB
VRAM (MB): 669 MB 27 MB 651 MB 809 MB
Disk I/O (MB): 1 MB 1 MB 4 MB 369 MB
CPU %: 5 % 1 % 47 % 82 %
GPU %: 34 % 2 % 90 % 100 %
GPU °F: n/a n/a n/a n/a
Threads: 35 17 37 41
FPS: 60 7 42 60

Benchmark Log for Legacy of the Dragonborn through ENB Related Data Files:

This test play through was with LAL: Arrived by Ship (Solitude). I explored the docks, Katla's Farm, fast traveled to Riverwood, and swam in the river. Walked to Riverwood and explored the town, including the Store and Inn. I battled a wolves. ENB simply bogs my system down way too much. It didn't matter that I was indoors or outdoors, the FPS counter rarely even hit 20. All ENB related files will be uninstalled.

Samples: 976
Elapsed Time: 00:17:39
Current Minimum Average Maximum
Memory (MB): 1,617 MB 172 MB 1,372 MB 1,770 MB
VRAM (MB): 1,111 MB 27 MB 894 MB 1,175 MB
Disk I/O (MB): 0 MB 1 MB 12 MB 389 MB
CPU %: 43 % 3 % 44 % 89 %
GPU %: 100 % 1 % 85 % 100 %
GPU °F: n/a n/a n/a n/a
Threads: 35 17 37 41
FPS: 17 3 21 60

Benchmark Log for Legacy of the Dragonborn through ENB Related Data Files with Dynavision and Imaginator:

I enabled ENBoost Only, and installed Dynavision and Imaginator in place of Vividian ENB. This test play through was with LAL: Arrived by Ship (Solitude). I explored the docks, Katla's Farm, fast traveled to Riverwood, and swam in the river. Walked to Riverwood and explored the town, including the Store and Inn. I battled a wolves.

Samples: 1,572
Elapsed Time: 00:28:12
Current Minimum Average Maximum
Memory (MB): 1,617 MB 173 MB 1,394 MB 1,646 MB
VRAM (MB): 993 MB 27 MB 792 MB 1,011 MB
Disk I/O (MB): 0 MB 1 MB 7 MB 361 MB
CPU %: 6 % 3 % 50 % 83 %
GPU %: 37 % 1 % 93 % 100 %
GPU °F: n/a n/a n/a n/a
Threads: 34 18 36 42
FPS: 60 1 43 60

Prequisites Setup

  1. Prerequisites Set Up
    Implemented a few recommendations from the Stability Performance Optimization ENB Configuration - a Comprehensive Guide by Memnochs to optimize my PC for modding. Used Nvidia Inspector with the profile downloaded from the Stability Performance Nexus link to manage the TESV.exe. Also implemented some recommendations from Skyrim: Performance Guide (Version 2 Release!) by Night_Thastus.
  2. Script Extenders
    Created SKSE.ini:
  3. Tools
    Uninstalled ENB Organizer because it did not inject the enblocal.ini properly and I will not be installing ENB Presets. Note: I have confirmed that disabling the SpeedHack in the enblocal.ini causes my loss in FPS. Therefore, my system can neither run ENB or SKGE.
  4. xEdit Scripts
    Followed the Guide
  5. Configure Skyrim
    Launched Skyrim and followed through with Nvidia GeForce Experience to "Optimize" my Skyrim settings instead of relying upon the SkrimLauncher.exe or BethINI to switch everything to [High or Ultra] settings. Otherwise, followed the BethINI instructions, not checking Windowed Mode as I will not be using One Tweak.
  6. Configure the Creation Kit
    Followed the Guide
  7. Configure Mod Organizer
    Followed the Guide
  8. Create The SRLE Extended LOTD Profile
    Followed the Guide
  9. Clean the Bethesda ESM's
    Followed the Guide
  10. Additional Tools
    Followed the Guide
  11. Post BethINI Tweaks
    Followed the Guide and tested the settings.

    Included Performance INI tweaks to boost Average FPS from INSS Improved New Skyrim Shadows for Medium-Range PC by defosh369 to reduce shadows.

    Followed through with [Configuration Settings] from S.T.E.P. to reduce other performance intensive flora mods. Also made a few personal preference changes.

    Skyrim.ini Changes

    bDisableAutoVanityMode=1 -----------(Disabled Auto Vanity Mode)
    fActorFadeOutLimit=-100 -----------(Vividian ENB Support Files)
    fOverShoulderAddY=0.0 -----------(Vividian ENB Support Files)
    fOverShoulderCombatPosX=0.0 -----------(Improve third-person camera view while on horseback)
    fOverShoulderCombatAddY=0.0 -----------(Improve third-person camera view while on horseback)
    fOverShoulderCombatPosZ=24.0 -----------(Improve third-person camera view while on horseback)
    fOverShoulderHorsePosX=35.0 -----------(Improve third-person camera view while on horseback)
    fOverShoulderHorseAddY=-72.0 -----------(Improve third-person camera view while on horseback)
    fOverShoulderHorsePosZ=50.0 -----------(Improve third-person camera view while on horseback)
    fOverShoulderPosX=0.0 -----------(Improve third-person camera view while on horseback)
    fOverShoulderPosZ=18.0 -----------(Improve third-person camera view while on horseback)

    bBackgroundMouse=1 -----------(Set the mouse pointer for manipulating ENB in-game configuration)

    bDecals=2 -----------(Changed to Medium scale)
    uMaxSkinDecalPerActor=20 -----------(Changed to Medium scale)
    uMaxSkinDecals=35 -----------(Changed to Medium scale)

    fLightLODMaxStartFade=3500.0 -----------(Vividian ENB Support Files)
    fLightLODRange=50000 -----------(Recommended by S.T.E.P.)

    fGrassFadeRange=10000 -----------(Recommended by S.T.E.P.)
    iMinGrassSize=100 -----------(To reduce grass density)

    fBookOpenTime=200.0 -----------(Open books faster)

    [Water]bReflectLODObjects=0 -----------(Vividian ENB Support Files)

    SkyrimPrefs.ini Changes

    bUseBlurShader=0 -----------(Vividian ENB Support Files)

    bDoHighDynamicRange=1 -----------(Vividian ENB Support Files)

    uMaxDecals=100 -----------(Changed to Medium scale)

    bDrawLandShadows=1-----------(Left as it is required by ENB Presets)
    bUse Shaders=1 -----------(Vividian ENB Support Files)
    bUseRefractionShader=1 -----------(Vividian ENB Support Files)
    fDecalLOD1=2000 -----------(Vividian ENB Support Files)
    fDecalLOD2=3000 -----------(Vividian ENB Support Files)
    fInteriorShadowDistance=3000 -----------(Left according to SRLE: LotD Guide Instructions)
    fLightLODStartFade=1850 -----------(Vividian ENB Support Files)
    fMeshLODFadeBoundDefault=128 -----------(Vividian ENB Support Files)
    fMeshLODFadePercentDefault=0.6000 -----------(Vividian ENB Support Files)
    fMeshLODLevel1FadeDist=10000000 -----------(Vividian ENB Support Files)
    fMeshLODLevel1FadeTreeDistance=6144 -----------(To avoid trees popping)
    fMeshLODLevel2FadeDist=10000000 -----------(Vividian ENB Support Files)
    fMeshLODLevel2FadeTreeDistance=4096 -----------(To avoid trees popping)
    fShadowBiasScale=0.25 -----------(Vividian ENB Support Files)
    fShadowDistance=7000 -----------(for Skyrim Reloaded - SKGE)
    fShadowLODStartFade=400.0000 -----------(Left according to SRLE: LotD Guide Instructions)
    fSpecularLODStartFade=1100 -----------(Vividian ENB Support Files)
    fTreesMidLODSwitchDist=8192 -----------(To avoid trees popping)
    iActorShadowCountExt=4 -----------(Vividian ENB Support Files)
    iActorShadowCountInt=6 -----------(Vividian ENB Support Files)
    iAdapter=0 -----------(Vividian ENB Support Files)
    iMaxAnisotropy=0 -----------(Changed to force Enboost settings)
    iMaxDecalsPerFrame=250 -----------(Recommended by S.T.E.P.)
    iMaxSkinDecalsPerFrame=100 -----------(Recommended by S.T.E.P.)
    iShadowSplitCount=2 -----------(Vividian ENB Support Files)

    fBrightLightColorB=1.0000 -----------(Vividian ENB Support Files)
    fBrightLightColorG=1.0000 -----------(Vividian ENB Support Files)
    fBrightLightColorR=1.0000 -----------(Vividian ENB Support Files)

    fGrassMaxStartFadeDistance=14000 -----------(Vividian ENB Support Files)
    fGrassStartFadeDistance=14000 -----------(Vividian ENB Support Files)

    fLODFadeOutMultItems=2.5 -----------(Changed to Medium scale)
    fLODFadeOutMultObjects=3.5 -----------(Changed to Medium scale)

    fSkyCellRefFadeDistance=150000 -----------(Vividian ENB Support Files)

    iMaxDesired=750 -----------(Vividian ENB Support Files)

    bShowLODInEditor=0 -----------(Vividian ENB Support Files)
    fBlockLevel0Distance=35000 -----------(Vividian ENB Support Files)
    fBlockLevel1Distance=70000 -----------(Vividian ENB Support Files)
    fBlockMaximumDistance=250000 -----------(Vividian ENB Support Files)
    fSplitDistanceMult=1.5000 -----------(Vividian ENB Support Files)

    uiMaxSkinnedTreesToRender=200 -----------(To avoid trees popping)
  12. SKSE Arguments (For Non Steam Users Only)
    Did not apply.
  13. ENB File Installation
    Only changed the following enblocal.ini settings from the default settings in v308:



  14. Installed the following mods to improvePerformance for my low end system. These mods will be placed at the end of the Landscaping mods installed later in the guide:
  • Insignificant Object Remover - Removes small rocks, some ugly plants/bushes and lots ofobjects underwater.
  • Skyrim Performance PLUS -Reduces the resolution of falling textures like snow/rain/leaves. Note: I did not install the Snow as it is not compatible with Vivid Weathers.

Other MOD Installations/Deviation from the Guide

  • Did not install One Tweak.
  • Installed Wyrmstooth from older archives I saved.
  • Installed Wyrmstooth - Tweaks and Enhancements-69501-1-5j.7z
  • Vivid Weathers - SRLE Extended LOTD:
    Vivid Weathers Texture Resolution
    Vivid Weathers Texture Resolution

    CheckmarkMO.png Medres 1K

    Compatibility Patches
    Compatibility Patches

    CheckmarkMO.png Wyrmstooth

  • Vividian ENB: (NOTICE: UNINSTALLED: My system is unable to run even a "Performance Version" of ENB.)
    ENB Performance Options
    ENB Performance Options

    DotMO.png Performance Version

  • Installed Dynavision by Gopher and MyGoodEye and Imaginator by MyGoodEye and Gopher - with help from Vivanto and Deapri, to replace Vividian ENB.
  • Installed Enhanced Saturation - Vibrant Colors by Fillipe for a graphic enhancement spell.
  • Vivid Weathers Merged - SRLE Extended LOTD
    Files to merged:
  • Vivid Weathers.esp
  • Vivid Weathers - AOS patch.esp
  • Vivid Weathers - Extended Rain.esp
  • Vivid Weathers - Extended Snow.esp
  • Vivid Weathers - Falskaar.esp
  • Vivid Weathers - Wyrmtooth.esp
  • Vivid Weathers - Minty Lightning patch.esp
  • DYNAVISION Dynamic Depth of Field.esp
  • Imaginator BETA.esp
  • Spell - Vanilla Vibrant Colors.esp
Merge name:
++++ Vivid Weathers Merged - SRLE Extended LOTD
Vivid Weathers - Merged.esp
  • ELE - Lite v0 95b Only IL
    Install Options
    Install Options

    DotMO.png Legendary +Falskaar +Wyrmstooth

  • ELE_Legendary_Fs_Wt_Lite.esp did not require a merge, I renamed it as ELE_Legendary_Fs_Lite.esp for SRLE Extended LotD.
  • Optimized a few mods with DDSopt (See DDSopt MODS Optimized Section).

DDSopt Settings

Download v2.82 batch files referenced in the Guide (updated January 28, 2016)

Working Directory

  1. Create a "Working Directory" folder.
  2. Create a "Mod Extracted" subfolder.
  3. Extract the mod to be optimized into the "Mod Extracted" folder.
  4. Run 4_Mod_Sorting_Pre-optimization_2.81.bat
  5. Launch DDSopt.

Behave menu (check following settings, other selections must be unchecked):

  • In Textures sub-menu, check following settings :
    • Produce partial derivative tangent-space normal-maps
    • Raise Normal-map steepness each mip level
    • Gamma-Correct mip-map filtering fir color-maps
    • In Normal-map steepness raise sub-menu :
      • Set 1.75x
    • In Foliage-map opacity raise sub-menu :
      • Set 2.0x
    • In colour-map gamma sub-menu :
      • Set g^2.2
    • In Alpha-map contrast sub-menu
      • Set c^1.5

Apply menu (check following settings, other selections must be unchecked):

  • Re-compress and re-mip all textures (DDS)
  • Compress all known image-formats (PNG,BMP,etc.)

Ignore menu (check following settings, other selections must be unchecked):

  • Don't process any high dynamic range images (DDs, HDR, etc.)
  • Copy unprocessed and ignored files (passthrought)

Compression menu:

  • Set it to 10 (maximum)

Setting menu (check following settings, other selections must be unchecked):

  • Skip existing files
  • Skip older files
  • Skip hidden files
  • Unselect inappropriate
  • Write logfile

In the Broswer tab set your texture directory source with the top "Browser" and set your output directory with the bottom "Brower".

Use the Constraints tab to cap your texture size and quality:

  • For more Performance use DXTx for *.dds, *, * textures.
  • For Higher Quality always use R8G8B8/A8R8GG8B8/L8/A8L8 for all * textures. This constraint can be used for all textures if you prefer the higher quality over performance.

    • Mod Body Textures = R8G8B8/A8R8GG8B8/L8/A8L8 with Uncompressed=2048x2048
    • Move Mod Normal Maps to Mod Ordinary Textures = DXTx with Uncompressed=2048x2048
    • Move Mod Exterior Normal Maps to Mod Ordinary Textures = DXTx with Uncompressed=1024x1024

[Browser] tab (upper window)
Select the Texture folder that you wish to optimize (e.g. Mod Body Textures, or Mod Exterior Normal Maps, etc…)

Change the Constraints settings to the desired quality.
Check the "Show Recursive" box below the center text-box.
Make certain all files are selected.
In the center text box, type "*" and then click [Apply].
Click the red [X] to deselect all files.
Clear the center box and click [Apply].
Click [Process] to begin optimizing the textures.

[Browser] tab (lower window)
Mod Optimized

Before exiting, change the Constraints settings to R8G8B8/A8R8GG8B8/L8/A8L8 with Uncompressed=2048x2048.
Clear the center box and click [Apply].
Click the red [X] to deselect all files.
In the center text box, type "*" and then click [Apply].
Click the green checkmark to select all filtered files.
Clear the center box and click [Apply].
Click [Process] to begin optimizing the textures.

The optimization is complete. The Mod Optimized directory will now have folders with optimized textures for all the mods that were extracted. The Optimized files can now be archived for installation.

Use DDSopt on each individual mod before running DynDOLOD if you use it.

MODS Optimized with the DDSopt Settings Above

Notice: For Mods that reqire the BSA file be left in tact, I extracted the BSA into my Working Directory to Optimize the texture files and created a new Optimized Texture mod to place directly under the mod. I ignored any errors as I was only concerned with the texture files.

  • Falskaar V1 2 1final Optimized
  • ForgottenCity
  • Helgen Reborn Optimized with Vivd Landscapes Patch
  • Immersive College of Winterhold (extracted BSA in Working Directory)
  • Legacy of the Dragonborn V17 Core Package with Update (Note: there are * files outside of the Mod Body folder.)
  • Skyrim Skill Interface Retexture
  • The Gray Cowl of Nocturnal - Director's Cut
  • The Gray Fox Flora Overhaul - Director's Cut Edition Full
  • Undeath
  • Vividian - Weather and Lighting Enhancement - 7
  • Wheels of Lull with Update
  • Wyrmstooth Optimized
  • Wyrmstooth - Tweaks and Enhancements