User:Paul666root/SRLE LOTD Reqtified: Difference between revisions

From Step Mods | Change The Game
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=== Additional Tools ===
=== Additional Tools ===

====[Boris's VRamSizeTest Tool]====
===={{fc|cyan|[Boris's VRamSizeTest Tool]}}====


Revision as of 15:12, September 23, 2016

Welcome to SRLE: Legacy of The Dragonborn Reqtified
A STEP Hosted addon guide for Neovalen's Skyrim Revisited: Legendary Edition
Created and maintained for the Skyrim Community
Last Update: 11:41:27 3 July 2024 (GMT)

FORUMS: Visit SRLE LOTD Reqtified forums click Here
HISTORY: Revisions for the guide are Here.
CHANGELOG: Any mod changes to this guide can be seen Here


Introduction and Summary

This guide is an expansion of the well known Neovalen's Skyrim Revisited: Legendary Edition. This would not exist without his hard work on Skyrim Revisited Legendary Edition. This guide uses that as a base.

SRLE: Legacy of The Dragonborn Reqtified is an addon pack created to improve the players experience in Skyrim world.

Author's System

  • Processor: AMD FX-8120 Overclocked 4.00GHz
  • Motherboard: ASUS Crosshair V Formula ROG
  • Ram: Corsair Vengence Pro 16GB (2x8GB) @2400MHz
  • GPU: Gigabyte GTX 1070 G1 8 GB GDDR5
  • OS: Windows 7 64bit
  • OS Drive: SSD Samsung 850 EVO 256GB
  • Games Drive: SSD Samsung 850 EVO 256GB

Getting Started

  1. Make sure you have installed and tested a base SRLE
  2. In Mod Organizer, go to profiles. Copy the existing 'Skyrim Revisited' profile to a new profile named SRLE: Legacy of The Dragonborn Reqtified. Ensure you are working with this newly created profile.
  3. Rename the following mod folders in the left pane of MO: DynDOLOD - TexGen Output --> DynDOLOD TexGen Output SRLE Original; DynDOLOD World Output --> DynDOLOD World Output SRLE Original.
  4. Disable the following mod folders in the left pane of MO: DynDOLOD TexGen Output SRLE Original, DynDOLOD World Output SRLE Original, SRLE Profile (this is the folder where Neovalen has you copy the contents of the overwrite folder to the end of his guide).
  5. Create the following mod folders in the left pane of MO: DynDOLOD TexGen Output - SRLE LoTD Reqtified, DynDOLOD World Output - SRLE LoTD Reqtified, SRLE LoTD Reqtified Profile.
  6. Ensure you have NO mods in the overwrite folder before starting to install SRLE LoTD Reqtified.

This guide brings two star mods to the game that improve and expand user's experience. To integrate these two mods we need first to 'clean' a bit Skyrim Revisited: Legendary Edition, which we'll reffer from now on as SRLE Base and by cleaning we mean as to remove few mods that are not needed by these two core mods. Here is an integration page that can be used to see better how we integrated the guide's mods into SRLE Base. SRLE LOTD Reqtified Integration Page.

Steam Overlay

The Steam Overlay is known to cause issues while playing Skyrim and it is advised to disable it; to do this perform the following:

  1. Load Steam.
  2. In the Tool bar at the top of the left hand side Click Steam.
  3. In the Dropdown menu Click Settings.
  4. Then in the popup box find where it says In-Game.
  5. Uncheck Enabled the Steam overlay while in-game then click OK.

Additional Tools

[Boris's VRamSizeTest Tool]

VRamSizeTest Tool - 1.0 - by Boris Vorontsov
Files to download :
  • MAIN FILES - main file

Users should download and run Boris's VRamSizeTest tool. Run the VRamSizeDX9.exe. Windows 7 users subtract 170 from the value provided and use that value. Windows 8/10 users just use the value provided by the tool.

Recommended Usage:

  • Run the VRamSizeDX9.exe you will get a message saying Video memory available (MB).
  • Windows 7 users subtract 170 from the value provided and use that value. Windows 8/10 users just use the value provided by the tool (likely 4064).

Example of my own system:

  1. Video memory available = 15968
  2. I run Windows 7 so I subtract 170
  3. Therefore: 15968 - 170 = 15798
  4. So total Video memory available = 15798

Now open ENBlocal.ini and place your result here VideoMemorySizeMb=whatever your result was

So for me it was:


  • VideoMemorySizeMb=15798

Template:Notice Small


BethINI - 1.3 - by DoubleYou
Files to download :

This program was created by DoubleYou (The S.T.E.P. resident INI Master). BethINI is an attempt to restore decency to the INI configuration files for games created by Bethesda.

Recommended usage:

  1. Run BethINI.exe Outside of MO and make sure it is closed otherwise changes wont take effect
  2. Mod Organizer users should go to the Setup tab within BethINI and select the profile they wish to use via the INI Path setting. Your profiles should be autodetected.
  3. Under the Basic tab Click the DEFAULT BUTTON. This will refresh your INI files to the default settings for your system, with minimal tweaks.
  4. Under the Basic tab Click the HIGH PRESET.
  5. Under the Basic tab Make sure the BethINI PRESET is checked.
  6. Under the Basic tab Make sure the Recommended Tweaks is checked.
  7. Under the Basic Tab Click the Windowed Mode (THIS IS ONLY NEEDED IF USING ONE TWEAK)
  8. Under the Basic tab make sure Anisotropic Filtering is set to NONE.
  9. Under the Basic tab make sure ENB MODE is CHECKED
  10. Under the General tab make sure Intro Logos is UNCHECKED.
  11. Under the General tab make sure Disable Tutorials is CHECKED.
  12. Under the General Tab Make sure Post-Load Update Time is 2000.
  13. Under the Gameplay Tab Make sure 1st Person Arrow Tilt-up Angle is 0.7.
  14. Under the Gameplay Tab Make sure 3rd Person Arrow Tilt-up Angle is 0.7.
  15. Under the Gameplay Tab Make sure 1st Person Bolt Tilt-up Angle is 0.7.
  16. Under the Interface Tab Make sure Mouse Settings -> Lock Sensitivity is 0.0125.
  17. Under the Detail Tab make sure Field of View is set to 85.00.
  18. Under the Detail Tab make sure Particles is set to 6000.
  19. Under the Detail Tab make sure Reflect Sky is CHECKED.
  20. Under the Detail Tab make sure Shadow Resolution is set to 2048.
  21. Under the Detail Tab make sure Sun-Shadow Update Time is set to 0.
  22. Under the Detail Tab make sure Sun-Shadow Update Threshold is set to 2.0.
  23. Under the Foliage Tab make sure Grass Density is set to 75.
  24. Under the Foliage Tab make sure Grass Diversity is set to 15.
  25. Under the Basic Tab Click the Save and Exit button.

Post spINI Tweaks





iMaxGrassTypesPerTexure=15 (make sure you have this)
iMinGrassSize=75 (make sure you have this)




fInteriorShadowDistance=3000 (Make sure is this value)
fShadowLODStartFade=400.0000 (Change existing value)


bSaveOnRest=0 (Change existing value)
bSaveOnTravel=0 (Change existing value)
bSaveOnWait=0 (Change existing value)

SKSE Arguments (For Non Steam Users Only)


  1. Click the Gears icon in the top left of Mod Organizer.
  2. Click on SKSE.
  3. Add the Following to the Arguments: "-forcesteamloader".
  4. Click Modify Button.
  5. Click the Close button.


It is advised to adjust the following in your SKSE/Plugins/CrashFixPlugin.ini file:

Optional you can set these to avoid memory fragmentation:
CustomMemoryBlockTotalSizeMb=112 (this value is system dependant; set it to 64 and increase little by little until ingame console shows the memory blocks between 80-90% and none to 100%)

