User:Themagicteeth/TTWOverEncumbered: Difference between revisions

From Step Mods | Change The Game
Line 278: Line 278:

<pre>Open Mod Organizer.
Click [Tools]>[Edit Ini] at the top of the window.
Verify fallout.ini is selected and input the tweaks in the following subsections.
Click [Save] and close the window.</pre>
Remove mouse acceleration  
Remove mouse acceleration  
Line 310: Line 315:

<pre>Open Mod Organizer.
Click [Tools]>[Edit Ini] at the top of the window.
Verify falloutprefs.ini is selected and input the tweaks in the following subsections.
Click [Save] and close the window.</pre>

Allow additional plugins to be loaded.  
Allow additional plugins to be loaded.  

Revision as of 14:00, July 13, 2015


TTW by Adonis_VII
Fear and Loathing in New Vegas by EssArrBee
Skyrim Revisited by Neovalen


To use this guide, the following must be installed.

Official Bethesda Content

Script Extender

Install only the following files to the main FalloutNV folder:

  • nvse_1_4.dll
  • nvse_loader.exe
  • nvse_steam_loader.dll

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4GB Loader

Install only the following files to the main FalloutNV folder:

  • Source folder.
  • fnv4gb_helper.dll
  • fnv4gb.exe


Tool Add-Ons

Extract and merge into FNVEdit folder.

Setting Up for Success

Configure Fallout NV

Upon first installing Fallout NV there are no ini files pre-generated. It is important that the games is configured through the launcher and any in game settings are applied. This is done by launching the game.

Start Fallout New Vegas through Steam.
Click "Options"
Click the [Ultra] push button.
Set resolution to your moniters resolution.
Click "Ok"

These settings have been saved into the ini files.

Configure Mod Organizer

Start Mod Organizer.
If this is the first run, Mod Organizer will prompt to select which game to manage, select Fallout New Vegas.
Click the [Configure Profiles] button at the top of the window. The icon looks like an ID card.
Verify "Automatic Archive Invalidation" is checked.
Click [Create] and type "Fallout New Vegas" in the text box.
Verify that "Default Game Settings" is unchecked then click [OK]. 
Select the "Default" profile and click [Remove]. Select [Yes] when prompted.
Close the dialogue by clicking [Close].
Verify that "Fallout New Vegas" is the currently selected profile in the "Profile" drop-down above the left-pane of the Mod Organizer window.

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Next the ModOrganizer settings and other tools will need to be configured.

Click the [Settings] button at the top of the main Mod Organizer window. The icon looks like a screwdriver and wrench.
In the "Settings" dialogue, click the [Nexus] tab.
Check "Automatically Log-In to Nexus" and input a valid nexus username and password.
In the "Settings" dialogue, click the [Plugins] tab.
Select "Basic Diagnosis Plugin" in the left pane.
In the right pane, double click on the value to the right of "check_modorder" and select "false".
In the "Settings" dialogue, click the [Workarounds] tab.
Verify that NMM Version is at least 0.52.2, if it is not then update it to this value.
Close the window by clicking [OK].
Click the [Executables] button at the top of the main Mod Organizer window. The icon looks like a pair of cogs.

If all prerequisites were installed correctly, some software such as NVSE, New Vegas, and the FNV4G Launcher should appear already configured in the list. To configure the remaining tools, perform the following:

In the "Title" text box type "LOOT".
In the "Binary" text box type <LOOT Path>\LOOT.exe or select it using windows explorer by pressing the [...] button.
Do not select any of the optional check boxes.
Click the [Add] button. LOOT should appear in the list.
Repeat this process for FNVEdit, Wrye Flash NV, and FNVLODGen replacing the appropriate fields then close the dialogue by clicking [OK].

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By default the install and plugin load order in Mod Organizer is slightly scrambled. To fix the install order, perform the following steps:

In the left pane of Mod Organizer drag and drop the "Non-MO" category mods that represent the DLCs to the following order:

The plugin order can be fixed by running LOOT to do a quick sort. Perform the following steps:

Select "LOOT" from the drop-down above the right pane of the Mod Organizer window.
Click the [Run] push button.
Find the icon that looks like a horizontal bar graph (mouse over text should state "Sort Plugins") and click it.
After some processing, the calculated load order is displayed in the right pane of LOOT. Click the [Apply] button to apply the load order.
Click the [X] on the title bar to close LOOT.

This process loads LOOT through the ModOrganizer interface to sort the current ESMs/ESPs in the virtual data folder. For now this only consists of the base game and DLC ESM/ESP files. Note in the Mod Organizer window the load order has been corrected to match the output from LOOT.

Create the Tale of Two Wastelands: Over-Encumbered Profile

Now that an established clean "Fallout New Vegas" profile has been created an unmodified New Vegas may be run at any time. However, the goal of the guide is to mod Fallout and so a new profile must be established, perform the following.

Click the [Configure Profiles] icon at the top of the main Mod Organizer window. The icon looks like an id card.
Select "Fallout New Vegas" then click [Copy].
Type "TTWOverEncumbered" in the text box and hit [OK].

ModOrganizer just copied the "Fallout New Vegas" profile into a new profile named "TTWOverEencumered". In the Prerequisites section, NVSE was installed without the required script files. This kept the FalloutNV/Data folder clean. But NVSE will not function properly without the supplied scripts. Perform the following to install the scripts.

Click the small screwdriver and wrench icon adjacent to the "Profile" drop-down and select "Install Mod...".
Navigate to the downloaded NVSE archive and click [Open].
In the file tree, navigate to the "Data" folder inside the archive, right-click and select "Set Data Directory". Only the Scripts folder should be visible and checked.
Click [OK].

The mod will now be displayed with an empty check box in the mod window. This mod is now installed but not yet enabled for use by the game. Checking the box will enable it for use within the game.

Next, Tale of Two Wastelands will be installed into this profile. Navigate to the mods download page below, and download the latest version (2.9.4b currently), as well as any hot fixes. I have included instructions as part of this guide so no need to use the ones found on the download page for now, just know that they are there.

Tale of Two Wastelands
Author: TTW Team
Version: 2.9.4b (plus Hotfix file)

The following steps will take the files from both games and create a Tale of Two Wastelands FOMOD, which then will be installed via ModOrganizer.

1.Launch the installer .exe file by right-clicking on it and choosing "Run as Administrator".

2. When the installer loads, make sure it has found the correct location of both your Fallout 3 and, Fallout New Vegas Installs. If not use the browse button to navigate to the correct game directories.

3. In the install location field, use the browse button to navigate to your preferred TTW installation directory DO NOT INSTALL DIRECTLY TO YOUR FNV DIRECTORY.

4. Click "Install". The installer can take between 10 to 30 minutes.

5. Click yes when asked to make a FOMOD.

6. Launch ModOrganizer and prepare to install the "TaleOfTwoWastelands_Main" FOMOD. It may take a while. 

The following optionals have been chosen because they add functionality and have been tested more extensively than many other optionals.

7. Next, install the "TaleOfTwoWastelands_Options" FOMOD. Check the following optionals.

-Skill Based Speech Challenges
-Stash Pack Options (if using)
-MCM Optionals 
-Wild Wasteland

The following ini tweaks are required in order to start in the Capital Wasteland, and thus beginning the Tale of Two Wastelands. Also, fixes an error with NPC heads.

Click [Tools]>[Edit Ini] at the top of the window.
Make following changes to both ini files.

SCharGenQuest = 001FFFF8
sIntroMovie = (yes this one is blank on purpose, it needs to be blank)
bLoadFaceGenHeadEGTFiles = 1

Click [Save] and close the window.

Tale of Two Wastelands must be loaded in a specific order. Follow the steps below to sort the plugins in the correct order, and ensure they won't be moved.

Enable all newly installed Tale of Two Wastelands files.
In the left pane of ModOrganizer drag and drop the the following files so they are in this order, following "TribalPack.esm" (if using), otherwise after "LonesomeRoad.esm"


Select plugins 0-16, right click and select "Lock load order"

Cleaning the Bethesda ESMs

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Optimizing Bethesda Textures

Downloading the following files and installing them via ModOrganizer is quicker than manually optimizing the textures. If manual optimization is preferred, follow the Fallout Quick-Start Guide found on STEP.

Fallout 3 Textures Optimized
Author: Worriedwalrus
Version: 1 (All main files)

Create a new folder called "Fallout 3 Optimized Textures"
Extract files in the following order, overwrite when asked.
*Fallout 3
*Operation Anchorage
*The Pitt
*Broken Steel
*Point Lookout
*Mothership Zeta

Fallout New Vegas Textures Optimized
Author: Worriedwalrus
Version: 1 (All main files)

Create a new folder called "Fallout NV Optimized Textures"
Extract files in the following order, overwrite when asked.
*Dead Money
*Honest Hearts
*Old World Blues
*Lonesome Road
*Courier's Stash (if using)
*Gun Runner's Arsenal (if using)

Close ModOrganizer and move both folders into the ModOrganizer/mods folder

Placing the folder in the ModOrganizer/mods directory will make ModOrganizer recognize them as mods upon launch.

Launch ModOrganizer
In the left pane, drag and drop "Fallout 3 Optimized Textures" and "Fallout NV Optimized Textures" so that they are after "Tale of Two Wastelands - Optional Files".
Enable both mods in the left pane.

Order should be:
Tale of Two Wastelands - Optional Files
Fallout 3 Optimized Textures
Fallout NV Optimized Textures

ENB Series Graphics Modification (Optional)

Currently this guide does not require ENB, DYNAVISION is installed later which gives many of the same effects of ENB with less performance hit. Also, an ENB that is compatible with both wastelands would be required or two seperate ENBs.

That being said, an ENB does make a very noticeable difference. It makes the game look very good, if the right one is found. Below are instructions to install ENB for Fallout New Vegas while maintaing a clean Data folder.

Author: Boris Voronstov
Version: 0.278

Download the lastest version of ENB


Initial INI Tweaks

The following INI tweaks tweak the games engine to enhance visuals, stability, and performance.


First the NVSE.ini must be created. 
Right-click NVSE in the Mod Organizer left pane.
Select "Open In Explorer".
Create and enter a folder named NVSE.
Create and open a text file.

Once this file is open and able to be edited, paste in the following:


The value for DefaultHeapInitialAllocMB must be between 200 and <500. 400 seems to be the best value for Fallout New Vegas, but it is recommended to play around with it a bit.

click "File/Save As..."
Type "nvse_config.ini" into the "File Name" field.
Change the "Save as Type" field below so it reads "All Files"
Click "Save"


Open Mod Organizer.
Click [Tools]>[Edit Ini] at the top of the window.
Verify fallout.ini is selected and input the tweaks in the following subsections.
Click [Save] and close the window.

Remove mouse acceleration


Light distance fade (small performance cost)


Extending LOD (minimal performance cost)



Open Mod Organizer.
Click [Tools]>[Edit Ini] at the top of the window.
Verify falloutprefs.ini is selected and input the tweaks in the following subsections.
Click [Save] and close the window.

Allow additional plugins to be loaded.

bEnableFileSelection = 1

Increase Grass Render distance from 3 to 5 cells.

fGrassStartFadeDistance = 17000

Double LOD Distance


The following tweak should already be configured from the launching the game earlier, if it is not adjust the values. Keep in mind where this is located as lowering resolution can greatly improve performance, if needed later on.

Change to your Screen Resolution

iSize W=1920  <-- Monitor horizontal resolution
iSize H=1080  <-- Monitor vertical resolution