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Hello Darkness, my old friend...
Hello Darkness, my old friend...

** First order of business ENB Guide
[!hZwVVAKJ!wAZtwCV0K7LUTyOYoUsDFi7fNcZ4ngIHdbLVBVqomFk ADAM v4.1.4]
***Intro section
= Introduction =
Welcome to the [ ENBSeries Graphics Modification] for ''Skyrim'' Guide. The ENBSeries is a special type of mod, different from most Skyrim mods, created and maintained by Boris Voronstov. ENB adds in effects to Skyrim that were not available before, like SSAO and Depth of Field, as well as providing a memory manager known as ENBoost. The following will help newcomers become familiar with the basics of installing and using ENB and will also answer many questions for every user, from novice to expert. The STEP Forums now have a dedicated ENB subforums, for recommendations of ENB Profiles go [ here], and for ENB Support go [ here].
== What is ENB? ==
ENBSeries is a powerful post processing modification available for ''Skyrim'' and other games. It was developed by Boris Vorontsov, who still maintains and updates the mod. The mod also enables users to create custom configurations (ENBs, ENB Profiles) designed to their own specifications by modifying rendering functions and the application of additional effects such as bloom, depth of field, and SSAO. ENB Series has also added a memory manager known as ENBoost which assists in offloading memory from the system memory (RAM) to video memory (VRAM) and avoid crashes. ENBs often enhance overall lighting, colors, and shadows among other aspects of the game, but comes with a performance loss of anywhere between 5% to 50% of total frames per second (FPS), depending on the hardware setup and the ENB features being used. Most users find this loss acceptable compared to the enhancements and features gained from the ENB.
== What is ENBoost? ==
ENBoost is a memory reduction feature added to the ENB Series to address the crashes and freezes of ''Skyrim'' due to hitting system memory (RAM) limit of a 32-bit application. ENBoost is included in the ENB Series graphics modification and is now a part of all up to date ENB profiles or can be used without the graphic modifications of the ENB Series. The ENBoost tab will explain using ENBoost for users that just want the to use the memory manager without the graphics modifications. ENBoost is designed to work better for more powerful computers that have more video memory (VRAM) available.
= ENB for Beginners =
This section will outline the basics of getting started with ENBSeries, both installation and basic setup. This is for users that would just like to install ENB and an ENB Profile to use it with ''Skyrim'' right away. More information will always be available if desired in the rest of the guide.
There is also an ENBoost quickstart section for users that only want to use ENBoost.
=== Tips For New Users ===
:# Try the Troubleshooting tab or the STEP [ ENB Support] forum.
:# Toggle graphics on and off: Shift + F12
:# The default ''Skyrim'' screenshots do not work, so use FRAPS or the built in ENB screenshots: Shift + Enter by default, many profiles change this to something. Check on the ENB Profile web page.
:# Many profiles have different performance versions, so start with the highest quality and then go with more performance until the right balance is found.
:# Laptop users with Nvidia GPUs may have Optimus graphic switching and will need to use the [ Optimus Fix]. Instructions can be found [ here].(Instructions coming soon!)
== ENB Quickstart ==
:# Download the latest [ ENB binary].
:#* The links at the bottom of the page list all the binaries. Choose the latest file (usually the one on the top of the list), then on the next page click the [[File:Down1.gif]] button.
:# Select and download an ENB Profile.
:#* There is a list of recommended profiles on the {{#switchtablink:ENB Choices|ENB Choices}} tab.
:# Download additional ENB mod files, if necessary.
:#* Many ENB Profiles will provide additional files to enhance the in game settings.
:# Download the [ ENB Helper] file, if necessary.
:#* Not all ENB Profiles need this, check on the ENB Profile's mod page.
:# Extract the downloaded files to the correct folders as listed:
:## Extract the d3d9.dll from the ENB binary archive in the "WrapperVersion" folder to the ''Skyrim'' game folder. '''NOT''' the DATA folder.
:## Extract the ENB Profile archive to the ''Skyrim'' game folder. '''NOT''' the DATA folder.
:## Extract the ENB helper mod to the "enbseries" folder, which will be in the ''Skyrim'' folder.
:## Install the additional ENB files, if there were any provided.
:##* These are usually installed like regular mods and can be installed by a mod manager. Check the ENB Profile's web page for instructions.
:# Setup the enblocal.ini:
:## Open the ''Skyrim'' folder and then open the enblocal.ini in a text editor (Notepad++ is recommended).
:## Find the section marked [MEMORY] and change parameters using the recommended settings from the helper site [ here].
:## Enter total VRAM on line VideoMemorySizeMb=
:##* Enter VRAM total in Megabytes i.e. a 2GB card is 2048, a 1GB card is 1024.
:## Save enblocal.ini and close.
:# Load ''Skyrim'' and enjoy!
== ENBoost Quickstart ==
:# Download the latest [ ENB binary].
:#* The links at the bottom of the page list all the binaries. Choose the latest file (usually the one on the top of the list), then on the next page click the [[File:Down1.gif]] button.
:# Open the ENB binary archive and go to the "WrapperVersion" folder, then extract d3d9.dll, enbhost.exe, and enblocal.ini to the ''Skyrim'' folder. '''NOT''' the DATA folder.
:# Open the ''Skyrim'' folder and then open the enblocal.ini in a text editor (Notepad++ is recommended).
:# Find the section named [GLOBAL] and change the line, UsePatchSpeedhackWithoutGraphics=false to true.
:#* This will disable the graphic effects of ENBSeries and only use the memory management of ENBoost.
:# Save enblocal.ini and close.
:# Load ''Skyrim'' and enjoy!
= ENB Choices =
== ENBSeries ==
The ENBSeries allows for expert users to create custom profiles that change the way Skyrim looks. There have been hundreds of ENB profiles created and they are the best option for casual users that would like to add in more effects to Skyrim without having to tweak the base ENB profile themselves. There is no official ENB Profile for STEP, but this section will make a few recommendations of ENB Profiles that are both high quality and actively supported. These recommendations include some of the most well known and popular profiles as well as those that are less know, but still deserving proper consideration.
== Using Only ENboost ==
ENB Series now has the option of using the memory reducing features of ENB without the graphic modification. This is helpful for users with low end systems that can handle higher texture quality, but not the enhanced graphics of ENB Series, like SSAO or SkyLighting. The installation of ENBoost does not require an ENB Profile.
:# Get the latest version of the ENB Series mod from [ ENBSeries].
:# Extract the contents of the WrapperVersion folder to the root ''"Skyrim"'' folder ('''not''' the "''Data''" folder).
:#* Nvidia Optimus users will have to use the InjectorVersion folder.
:# Navigate to the ''"Skyrim"'' folder and open up the enblocal.ini in text editor, and then under the ''[GLOBAL]'' section change 'UsePatchSpeedhackWithoutGraphics' to "true". Save and close.
== Recommended ENB Configurations ==
There are ENB and other lighting mods that come in just about every style and color.  This section can be extremely subjective and as such STEP suggests to browse around to find the perfect solution of preference. The is no official STEP recommendation for ENB, but her are a few excellent profiles and information about installing them with STEP. To make a recommendation or comment on out of date information for the listed ENB profiles, do so on the [ ENB Guide] thread.
{{Notice|The information for these profiles is up to date with ENB Series v0.229. Check the author's Nexus page for information regarding newer versions.}}
<big>[ SkyRealism - ENB Evolved] by MTichenor</big>
: '''Baseline''': SkyRealism v2.73 is fully compatible with ENB Series v0.200 and up. More recent versions of ENB Series should also work.
:# Picking preset depends on the lighting and weather mods.
:#* The "''Vanilla''" is a modder's resource and a good preset to use for creating a custom preset.
:#* The "''Cinematic''" and "''Vibrant''" presets are designed for an enhanced vanilla Skyrim or use with [[Realistic Lighting Overhaul]] and [[Climates_of_Tamriel|Project Reality - Climates of Tamriel]].
:#* The "''Realistic''" preset is also good for vanilla Skyrim or with lighting and weather mods.
:# ENB Evoled now has three Depth of Field (DOF) algorithms available and six different DOF focusing algorithms available. To choose a DOF setting and DOF focus setting, open enbeffectprepass.fx with Notepad++.
:#*Lines 15 through 30 are for the three DOF algorithms, only use one at a time (Sprite DOF is not recommended for anything but screenshots). Line 33 is to turn on/off the DOF focusing system and lines 34 through 39 and for the focusing algorithms, only use one at a time.
:# Turn off Bloom and/or DOF if preferred via the enbseries.ini file under [EFFECT].
:#* For less powerful rigs it is recommended you turn off both DOF and SSAO as they have the most performance impact.
:# Copy the preset folder contents (''effect.txt'', ''enbbloom.fx'', etc.) to the "''Skyrim''" root folder ('''not''' the "''Data''" folder).
<big>[ True Vision ENB] by Bronze316</big>
: '''Baseline''': True Vision ENB v0.221 currently supports ENB Series v0.221.
:# The "''Natural''" preset the only preset currently supporting the latest ENB Series binaries and is the STEP recommended choice.
:#* It is recommended by the author to turn the ingame brightness all the down.
:# Open the "''Main files (natural preset)''" folder and copy the folder contents (''effect.txt'', ''enbbloom.fx'', etc.) to the "''Skyrim''" root folder ('''not''' the "''Data''" folder).
:# Ignore the "''Data''" and "''Optional effects''" folders.
:# Open the "''Performance options''" folder and choose the SSAO and DOF options. Open preferred folder and copy over the enbseries.ini to the "''Skyrim''" root folder ('''not''' the "''Data''" folder).
:#* Less powerful rigs use "''Option D (No DOF + No SSAO)''".
<big>[ Project ENB] by Bronze316</big>
: '''Baseline''': Project ENB v0.221cgf currently supports ENB Series v0.221.
:# The current version of Project ENB is specifically made for [[Climates_of_Tamriel|Project Reality - Climates of Tamriel]]. Other presets are still under development. STEP recommends the Realistic preset.
:#* It is recommended by the author to turn the ingame brightness all the down.
:# Open the "''Main files (realistic)''" folder and copy the folder contents (''effect.txt'', ''enbbloom.fx'', etc.) to the "''Skyrim''" root folder ('''not''' the "''Data''" folder).
:# Ignore the "''Data''" and "''Optional effects''" folders.
:# Open the "''Performance options''" folder and choose the SSAO and DOF options. Open preferred folder and copy over the enbseries.ini to the "''Skyrim''" root folder ('''not''' the "''Data''" folder).
:#* Less powerful rigs use "''Option D (No DOF + No SSAO)''".
<big>[ Unreal Cinema ENB] by Unreal Warfare</big>
: '''Baseline''': Unreal Cinema ENB vBETA currently supports ENB v0.229. There is also a version for ENB v0.227.
<blockquote>This ENB Profile is recommended for Skyrim Revisited - Legendary Edition by Neovalen.</blockquote>
:# The current version of Unreal Cinema is made to work with Enhanced Lighting and FX.
:#* Unreal Cinema also has a Data File that needs to be downloaded.
:# Copy all the contents of the Unreal Cinema ENB to the "''Skyrim''" root folder ('''not''' the "''Data''" folder).
:# Install the Unreal Cinema Data File like any other mod into the DATA directory, or use a mod manager to install this file (recommended).
:#* Any effects must be enabled/disabled either the in game GUI, or in the ENB files. Use the Unreal Cinema website for more information and instruction on editing effects properly.
<big>[ Phinix Natural ENB] by Phinix</big>
: '''Baseline''': Phinix Natural ENB v1.72a currently supports ENB v0.229.
:# The current version of Phinix Natural is made to work with [[Climates_of_Tamriel|Project Reality - Climates of Tamriel]]. It also works with both [[Realistic Lighting Overhaul]] and Enhanced Lighting and FX.
:#* It is recommended to also use the custom interiors plugin (separate download), but if using ELFX do not use the ELFX Enhancer. Also, load the interiors plugin after weather and lighting mods regardless of where BOSS puts it in load order.
:# Open the "''1-ToSkyrimFolder''" folder and copy the folder contents (''effect.txt'', ''enbbloom.fx'', etc.) to the "''Skyrim''" root folder ('''not''' the "''Data''" folder).
:#* For higher performance, different palettes, and DoF open the "''2- Options''" folder. Open preferred folder and copy over the enbseries.ini to the "''Skyrim''" root folder ('''not''' the "''Data''" folder).
:#* Less powerful rigs use "''2-HighestPerformance''" to have SSAO turned off.
:# Copy the interiors plugin to the "''Data''" folder or use a mod manager to install. Load after lighting and weather mods.
<big>[ RealVision ENB] by SkyrimTuner</big>
: '''Baseline''': RealVision ENB v2.3b.229 currently supports ENB v0.229.
:# This ENB Profile requires that the enbhost.exe and d3d9.dll be taken from the ENB Series folder.
:# Each version of RealVision is designed to work with the combination of [[Climates_of_Tamriel|Project Reality - Climates of Tamriel]] and either [[Realistic Lighting Overhaul]] or Enhanced Lighting and FX.
:#* There is also a performance version for each profile, so choose the correct version.
:# Copy everything to the root "''Skyrim''" folder ('''not''' the "''Data''" folder).
:# The author also recommended that "''skyrimprefs.ini''" have the following line changed under [Display]:  fGamma=1.2400
== ENB Complimenting Mods ==
:* [ TheCompiler's RCRN Plus - ENB], featuring a new injector method with SMAA, enhanced exterior fog and sunglare.
:* [ z929669's SkyRealism custom preset] is good for those looking for realism of both day and night and good performance. Presets exist for CoT, RCRN, and RLwC using the most recent version of ENBSeries. Featuring SMAA, brighter sunny days, brighter colors, realistic day/night sky-lighting and darker nights/interiors. (a bit out of date at the moment until Z finds the time to update)
:* [ Dark Dungeons for ENB] This tells ENB to render dungeons as though its night (otherwise it lights them as though its daylight)
:* Many ENBs include optional files for darker caves, dungeons, and nights. Check with the ENB Profile for these options before using a third party mod for this. Some lighting mods may not be compatible.
:* [ Skyrim Particle Patch for ENB] This fixes shaders or blending properties on some object meshes which have their parameters set incorrectly. Some ENB Profiles come with this patch or include it in as an optional file in the download section.
:* [ Remove Interior Fog V2] This removes the ambient interior fog that is found indoors in many locations. It has support of all DLCs.
:* [ Revamped Exterior Fog] This reduces the density of exterior fog and increases the distance that it starts becoming opaque. If using RCRN, there is a [ compatibility version] which should be used instead.
:* [ Interior and Dungeon Fog Remover] Completely removes fog meshes from most dungeon and indoor locations. Not compatible with Removed Interior Fog V2; use one or the other, not both.
::''Some mods that are often combined with ENBs are not compatible with the above mods (i.e. Climates of Tamriel, Realistic Colors and Real Nights, etc) As good modding practice, please review the Readme of any mod being used.''
:* [ ENB and FXAA Remover] Removes ENB and FXAA installations and provides slots to load different ENB configurations for quick and painless switching.
:* [ ENB Customizer] Provides a GUI interface to change many of the enbseries.ini settings.
:* [ ENB Manager and Changer] Utility which allows the switching between ENB configurations and presets. Useful when testing various ENBs.
:* [ Imaginator] In-game tool that allows adjustment of color and lighting setting such as brightness, tint, contrast, saturation, etc. This has been helpful to many in adjusting ENB colors and lighting without having to mess with the ENB preset itself.

Latest revision as of 01:51, February 5, 2016

Hello Darkness, my old friend...

ADAM v4.1.4