User:DoubleYou/sandbox/Skyrim INI: Difference between revisions

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Please visit the updated version at [[Guide:Skyrim_Configuration_Settings]]
= Skyrim INI Settings =
= Skyrim.ini =
===INI Parameters by Section===
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== [General] ==
==== sLanguage ====
==== uExterior Cell Buffer ====
==== iNumBitsForFullySeen ====
==== bBackgroundLoadVMData ====
==== iPreloadSizeLimit ====
==== fAutoDoorFadeSecs ====
==== bHealthRegenFromRacePlayerOnly ====
==== bChangeTimeMultSlowly ====
==== sMainMenuMovieIntro ====
==== sUnessentialFileCacheList ====
==== fFlickeringLightDistance ====
==== uMainMenuMusicAttnmB ====
==== iRenderingThread2HWThread ====
==== fNormalDoorFadeWait ====
==== fProcessListsUpdateHighFrameRate ====
==== bShowLoadingAreaMessage ====
==== bUseFaceGenPreprocessedHeads ====
==== bReconstructIDTags ====
==== fStoryTellerQuestFindTime ====
==== fBetaDeferredKillTimer ====
==== iFPSClamp ====
==== bFixAIPackagesOnLoad ====
==== bUseThreadedParticleSystem ====
==== bShowCheckMemoryOutput ====
==== bEnableBoundingVolumeOcclusion ====
==== bWarnOnMaterialCollisions ====
==== bKeepPluginWhenMerging ====
==== sStartingWorld ====
==== bUseMovementBlockedPackage ====
==== bAlwaysActive ====
==== sMainMenuMusic ====
==== bKeepDLStringBlocksLoaded ====
== [Display] ==
==== fShadowLODMaxStartFade ====
==== fSpecularLODMaxStartFade ====
==== fLightLODMaxStartFade ====
==== iShadowMapResolutionPrimary ====
==== bAllowScreenshot ====
==== bDecalsOnSkinnedGeometry ====
==== iAdapter ====
==== fEyeEnvMapLOD1 ====
==== fEyeEnvMapLOD2 ====
==== bShowMarkers ====
==== bUse Shaders ====
==== fMipBias ====
==== sScreenShotBaseName ====
==== fNearDistance ====
==== bCompileOnRender ====
==== bDoTallGrassEffect ====
==== bForcePow2Textures ====
==== bDoSpecularPass ====
==== bSimpleLighting ====
==== fSkinnedDecalLOD2 ====
==== fSkinnedDecalLOD1 ====
==== fSkinnedDecalLOD0 ====
==== fTreesMidLODSwitchDist ====
==== iNPatches ====
==== iTrilinearThreshold ====
==== bForce1XShaders ====
==== sDebugText ====
==== iDebugTextLeftRightOffset ====
==== bUseFakeFullScreenMotionBlur ====
==== fDefaultWorldFOV ====
==== iShaderPackageMemoryCap ====
==== bDo30VFog ====
==== uVideoDeviceIdentifierPart2 ====
==== bEquippedTorchesCastShadows ====
==== iLocation X ====
==== bShowMenuTextureUse ====
==== fMeshLODFadeTime ====
==== bDoAmbientPass ====
==== uVideoDeviceIdentifierPart4 ====
==== fLODNoiseMipBias ====
==== fScopeScissorAmount ====
==== fLightLODRange ====
==== bAllow20HairShader ====
==== fDefault1stPersonFOV ====
==== fLandLOFadeSeconds ====
==== fShadowLODDefaultStartFade ====
==== bDoTexturePass ====
==== bStaticMenuBackground ====
==== bDoTestHDR ====
==== fLightLODMinStartFade ====
==== uVideoDeviceIdentifierPart1 ====
==== fLowHealthIModStrengthMax ====
==== uVideoDeviceIdentifierPart3 ====
==== bLoadMarkers ====
==== bUseSunbeams ====
==== fLowHealthIModStrengthMin ====
==== bIgnoreResolutionCheck ====
==== fShadowLODRange ====
==== fShadowLODMinStartFade ====
==== iNPatchNOrder ====
==== bLODNoiseAniso ====
==== bUseRefractionShader ====
==== bActorSelfShadowing ====
==== bMTRendering ====
==== fSpecularLODDefaultStartFade ====
==== fDecalLOD0 ====
==== fLowHealthIModInterval ====
==== fShadowFadeTime ====
==== bAllowPartialPrecision ====
==== fSpecularLODRange ====
==== fEnvMapLOD2 ====
==== fEnvMapLOD1 ====
==== bReportBadTangentSpace ====
==== bLowHealthIModEnabled ====
==== fSunUpdateThreshold ====
==== fDecalLifetime ====
==== fNoLODFarDistancePct ====
==== iAutoViewMinDistance ====
==== fSpecularLODMinStartFade ====
==== fDefaultFOV ====
==== iNPatchPOrder ====
==== bAllow30Shaders ====
==== fLinePrimitiveWidth ====
==== iAutoViewLowFrameRate ====
==== iLocation Y ====
==== iDebugTextTopBottomOffset ====
==== bAutoViewDistance ====
==== bForceMultiPass ====
==== iDebugTextSubPage ====
==== fNear1stPersonDistance ====
==== fSunShadowUpdateTime ====
==== fLightLODDefaultStartFade ====
==== bImageSpaceEffects ====
==== bDoDiffusePass ====
==== iPresentInterval ====
==== fGammaMin ====
==== fNoLODFarDistanceMax ====
==== bDynamicWindowReflections ====
==== fNoLODFarDistanceMin ====
==== fGammaMax ====
==== iAutoViewHiFrameRate ====
== [Audio] ==
==== fMusicDuckingSeconds ====
==== fMusicUnDuckingSeconds ====
==== fMenuModeFadeOutTime ====
==== fMenuModeFadeInTime ====
==== fDefaultMasterVolume ====
==== fNonDialogVoiceDuckingFadeIn ====
==== fNonDialogVoiceDuckingFadeOut ====
==== uStreamingThreshold ====
==== sAudioAPI ====
==== fDialogueHeadYawExaggeration ====
==== uWaterAudioAxisSamplePoints ====
==== fDialogueHeadRollExaggeration ====
==== uiAudioHWThread ====
==== fCollisionSoundHeavyThreshold ====
==== fMusicFinaleCrossFadeTimeOut ====
==== fHighlightSpeechOverlap ====
==== fMusicFinaleCrossFadeTimeIn ====
==== fRegionLoopFadeOutTime ====
==== uWaterAudioAmbientAttenuation ====
==== uMaxSizeForCachedSound ====
==== fASFadeOutTime ====
==== fWaterAudioFadeInSeconds ====
==== fMinSoundVel ====
==== bEnableAudio ====
==== fRegionRandomSoundPlacementBase ====
==== fReverbTransitionTime ====
==== iCollisionSoundTimeDelta ====
==== uAudioThreadSleepTimeMenuMode ====
==== iHighlightSpeechOverlap ====
==== fNonDialogVoiceDucking ====
==== sMissingAssetSoundFile ====
==== uAudioThreadSleepTimeGameMode ====
==== fHardLandingDamageThreshold ====
==== fRegionLoopFadeInTime ====
==== uRegionSoundsAllowedPerUpdate ====
==== uiMaxAudioCacheSize ====
==== uiInitialCacheSize ====
==== fWaterAudioFadeOutSeconds ====
==== fDialogueHeadPitchExaggeration ====
==== uWaterAudioSamplePointsToUse ====
==== bEnableAudioCache ====
==== uAsyncReadPriorityThreshold ====
==== fMaxHighlightRadius ====
==== fRegionSoundPlacementZOffset ====
==== fNonHighlightSpeechAtten ====
==== fASFadeInTime ====
==== fRegionSoundPlacementRandomOffset ====
==== sDeathCameraEffect ====
== [Grass] ==
==== bAllowCreateGrass ====
==== bAllowLoadGrass ====
==== bGenerateGrassDataFiles ====
==== fGrassWindMagnitudeMax ====
==== bGrassPointLighting ====
==== fGrassDefaultStartFadeDistance ====
==== iMinGrassSize ====
==== fGrassWindMagnitudeMin ====
==== fGrassFadeRange ====
==== iGrassCellRadius ====
==== bDrawShaderGrass ====
==== fWaveOffsetRange ====
==== iMaxGrassTypesPerTexure ====
==== fTexturePctThreshold ====
== [GeneralWarnings] ==
==== sGeneralMasterMismatchWarning ====
== [Archive] ==
==== sResourceArchiveList ====
==== sResourceArchiveList2 ====
==== iRetainFilenameStringTable ====
==== sInvalidationFile ====
==== bTrackFileLoading ====
==== bInvalidateOlderFiles ====
==== bCheckRuntimeCollisions ====
==== iRetainDirectoryStringTable ====
==== iRetainFilenameOffsetTable ====
==== sArchiveList ====
==== bUseArchives ====
==== sResourceArchiveRetainFileNameList ====
== [Combat] ==
==== fMagnetismStrafeHeadingMult ====
==== fMagnetismLookingMult ====
==== bDisableNPCAttacks ====
==== bDebugCombatThreats ====
==== fMostCommonProjectileCollisionRadius1 ====
==== bDisableCombatDialogue ====
==== bEncounterZoneTargetRestrict ====
==== fProjectileDebugDuration ====
==== fMagnetismObjStrafeHeadingMult ====
==== fAimChaseLookingMult ====
==== bAimSights ====
==== fDecapInitialSpeed ====
==== fMinBloodDamage ====
==== fIronSightsZoomDefault ====
==== bDebugCombat ====
==== iMaxHiPerfCombatCount ====
==== bProjectileDebug ====
==== bMagicDebug ====
==== fHitVectorDelay ====
==== bDismemberOneLimb ====
==== bDebugCombatCoverReservations ====
==== fMostCommonProjectileCollisionRadius2 ====
==== fMostCommonProjectileCollisionRadius3 ====
==== fMountedAttackRange ====
==== bChainExplosionDebug ====
==== bDebugCombatUnreachableLocations ====
==== fMagnetismHeadingMult ====
==== fHitEffectThresholdMod ====
==== bDebugCombatDetection ====
==== bCombatPathSmoothing ====
==== bHazardDebug ====
==== f1PArrowTiltUpAngle ====
==== fMagnetismStrafeMaxDistance ====
==== bDebugCombatGroups2 ====
==== fAimUpDegrees ====
==== fAimDownDegrees ====
==== bDebugCombatAttackRange ====
==== iShowHitVector ====
==== fDeathForceCleared ====
==== bPlayHitLocationIdles ====
==== bDebugCombatGroups ====
==== fMagnetismStrafeBaseSpeed ====
==== fHitEffectThresholdSevere ====
==== bForceNPCsUseAmmo ====
==== bDebugCombatTargets ====
==== f1PBoltTiltUpAngle ====
==== fDebugCombatProjectileLOSTime ====
==== bDebugCombatTargetLocations ====
==== bPlayStaggers ====
==== bDebugCombatArea ====
==== fDebugCombatTextSize ====
==== bIronSightsZoomEnable ====
==== bDebugCombatAimLocations ====
==== bPlayerAlwaysStaggered ====
==== bLaserSights ====
==== bDebugCombatTextColorDark ====
==== bDebugCombatProjectileLOS ====
==== bDebugCombatSearch ====
==== fMagnetismObjHeadingMult ====
==== bCombatPathSprinting ====
==== bVATSProjectileDebug ====
==== fMagnetismObjLookingMult ====
==== f3PArrowTiltUpAngle ====
== [Papyrus] ==
==== fPostLoadUpdateTimeMS ====
==== bEnableLogging ====
==== bEnableTrace ====
==== bLoadDebugInformation ====
==== bEnableProfiling ====
==== iMaxMemoryPageSize ====
==== fUpdateBudgetMS ====
==== uTraceStatusOfQuest ====
==== fExtraTaskletBudgetMS ====
==== iMaxAllocatedMemoryBytes ====
==== fArchiveInitBufferMB ====
==== iMinMemoryPageSize ====
== [VATS] ==
==== fVATSLightDistance ====
==== fVatsLightColorG ====
==== bVATSRangedSelective ====
==== fVATSKillMoveEnd ====
==== fVatsLightColorB ====
==== fVATSRangedPercentSneakKill ====
==== fVATSLightLevelMin ====
==== fVatsLightColorR ====
==== bVATSForceRanged ====
==== fVATSLightElevation ====
==== fVATSFocus ====
==== bVATSAllowNoKill ====
==== fVATSLightAngle ====
==== fVATSLightLevelMax ====
==== bVATSDisable ====
==== fVATSRangedLowHealthPercent ====
==== bVATSSmartCameraCheckDebug ====
==== bVATSMultipleCombatants ====
==== fVATSCastingAfterKillDelay ====
==== bVATSIgnoreProjectileTest ====
==== fVATSRangedPercentMin ====
==== fVATSRangedLongDistance ====
==== fVATSRangedTargetLowLevelMult ====
==== fVATSRangedPercentTargetNoThreat ====
==== bVatsDebug ====
== [:Controls] ==
==== fKeyboardRepeatDelay ====
==== fKeyboardRepeatRate ====
== [Terrain] ==
==== fHDLODSnowThresholdAngle ====
==== fLODSnowThresholdAngle ====
== [SaveGame] ==
==== bUseSaveGameHistory ====
==== iAutoSaveCount ====
==== bDisplayMissingContentDialogue ====
==== bOutputSaveGameScreenshot ====
==== bAllowScriptedAutosave ====
==== bAllowProfileTransfer ====
==== bCopySaveGameToHostOrMemStick ====
==== bAllowScriptedForceSave ====
==== iSaveGameBackupCount ====
==== sSaveGameGameVersionOutdated ====
==== sSaveGameSafeMarkerID ====
==== fAutosaveEveryXMins ====
==== bDisableAutoSave ====
==== bUsePagedBuffers ====
== [Decals] ==
==== bDecalOcclusionQuery ====
==== uMaxSkinDecals ====
==== bDecals ====
==== bBackgroundInitializeGeometryDecals ====
==== bDecalMultithreaded ====
==== bForceAllDecals ====
==== bAllowDecalsOnAlpha ====
==== uMaxSkinDecalPerActor ====
==== bSkinnedDecals ====
==== fDebrisDecalTimer ====
== [Weather] ==
==== bPrecipitation ====
==== bFogEnabled ====
==== fSunGlareSize ====
==== fSunBaseSize ====
==== fAlphaReduce ====
==== sLerpCloseColor ====
==== sBumpFadeColor ====
==== sEnvReduceColor ====
== [GrabIK] ==
==== fDriveGain ====
== [Controls] ==
==== iNumLookGraphSettings ====
==== fMoveGraphY1 ====
==== fMoveGraphY2 ====
==== fMovementAxisDeadzone ====
==== fFreezeDirectionDefaultSpeedThreshold ====
==== bDampenPlayerControls ====
==== bFreezeDirectionOnLargeDelta ====
==== fGamepadHeadingSensitivityMax ====
==== fMaxLookRampUpDelta ====
==== fLookGraphY2 ====
==== fLookGraphY3 ====
==== fMoveGraphY3 ====
==== fReverseDirThreshold ====
==== fMaxMoveRampDownDelta ====
==== fPlayerThirdPersonDampenTime ====
==== fGamepadHeadingSensitivityMin ====
==== fMouseHeadingSensitivityMax ====
==== bInvertMovementThumbstick ====
==== fControllerBufferDepth ====
==== fSubsequentPowerBashDelay ====
==== fPCDialogueLookStart ====
==== fInitialPowerAttackDelay ====
==== fControllerSampleThreshold ====
==== bShowKinectDebugInfo ====
==== fMouseHeadingSensitivityMin ====
==== fHorseControlsDampenTime ====
==== fDialogueHardStopAngle1P ====
==== fFreezeDirectionDefaultAngleThreshold ====
==== fControllerDampenTime ====
==== fHorseClampAngle ====
==== fMoveGraphX3 ====
==== fMoveGraphX2 ====
==== fMoveGraphX1 ====
==== fDirectionalDeadzone ====
==== iNumHotkeys ====
==== fLookGraphX4 ====
==== bBackgroundMouse ====
==== fLookGraphX1 ====
==== fLookGraphX3 ====
==== fLookGraphX2 ====
==== fOutsideDialogueAngleRotationDampen ====
==== fZKeyDelay ====
==== fSprintStopThreshold ====
==== fLookGraphY4 ====
==== fInitialPowerBashDelay ====
==== fGamepadHeadingXScale ====
==== fHeadingAxisDeadzone ====
==== fTriggerDeadzone ====
==== fPCDialogueLookSpeed ====
==== fDualCastChordTime ====
==== fTogglePOVDelay ====
==== fMouseHeadingYScale ====
==== fHorseHeadingMovementMult ====
==== fLThumbDeadzone ====
==== fDialogueHardStopAngle3P ====
==== fMouseHeadingXScale ====
==== iNumMoveGraphSettings ====
==== fGamepadHeadingYScale ====
==== fLookGraphY1 ====
==== fHotKeyDelay ====
==== fSubsequentPowerAttackDelay ====
==== fDialogueSoftStopAngle3P ====
==== bPlayerGraphFeedback ====
==== fDialogueSoftStopAngle1P ====
==== fRThumbDeadzone ====
== [BudgetCaps] ==
==== fMsTriangleCount ====
==== uWaterCountInterior ====
==== fMsLightExcessGeometry ====
==== uActiveRefCount ====
==== uAnimatedObjectsCount ====
==== uGeometryMemoryInterior ====
==== fMsRefCount ====
==== uParticlesCountInterior ====
==== uLightExcessGeometry ====
==== uGeometryCount ====
==== uEmittersCount ====
==== uTriangleCount ====
==== uAnimatedObjectsCountInterior ====
==== fMsAnimatedObjectsCount ====
==== uTextureMemory ====
==== uHavokTriCountInterior ====
==== uWaterMemoryInterior ====
==== uActorRefCount ====
==== uDecalCountInterior ====
==== uGeometryCountInterior ====
==== uRefCount ====
==== uActorMemoryBudgetCap ====
==== fMsDecalCount ====
==== uActiveRefCountInterior ====
==== fMsActorRefCount ====
==== fMsEmittersCount ====
==== uLightCount ====
==== uWastelandLODBudgetAdjustment ====
==== uGeometryMemory ====
==== uTriangleCountInterior ====
==== fMsHavokTriCount ====
==== uWaterCount ====
==== uDecalCount ====
==== uEmittersCountInterior ====
==== uCityLODBudgetAdjustment ====
==== uActorRefCountInterior ====
==== fMsParticlesCount ====
==== fMsWaterCount ====
==== fMsLightCount ====
==== uLightCountInterior ====
==== uHavokTriCount ====
==== fMsActiveRefCount ====
==== uRefCountInterior ====
==== uTextureMemoryInterior ====
==== uWaterMemory ====
==== uParticlesCount ====
==== fMsGeometryCount ====
==== fMaxMsUsagePerFrame ====
==== uLightExcessGeometryInterior ====
==== uLoadedAreaNonActorMemoryBudgetCap ====
== [Pathing] ==
==== fINIDetectDoorsForPathingTime ====
== [RagdollAnim] ==
==== fFeedbackTimeMS ====
==== fFeedbackImpulseMult ====
==== fSnapMaxAngularVelocity ====
==== fFeedbackOnOffGainTimeMS ====
==== bRagdollFeedback ====
==== fCameraDist ====
==== fSnapMaxLinearDistance ====
==== fSnapGain ====
==== fPositionGain ====
==== bFootIK ====
==== fFeedbackOnOffGain ====
==== fPositionMaxLinearVelocity ====
==== fVelocityDamping ====
==== fDetectionUpdateTimeSec ====
==== bRagdollAnim ====
==== fImpulseLimit ====
==== fDesiredVel ====
==== fPositionMaxAngularVelocity ====
==== fAccelerationGain ====
==== fSnapMaxAngularDistance ====
==== fHierarchyGain ====
==== fSnapMaxLinearVelocity ====
==== bPoseMatching ====
==== fVelocityGain ====
==== bLookIK ====
==== bGrabIK ====
== [Landscape] ==
==== iLandBorder1B ====
==== fLandFriction ====
==== iLandBorder1G ====
==== iLandBorder2R ====
==== bCurrentCellOnly ====
==== iLandBorder1R ====
==== sDefaultLandNormalTexture ====
==== fLandTextureTilingMult ====
==== iLandBorder2G ====
==== sDefaultLandDiffuseTexture ====
==== iLandBorder2B ====
== [GethitShader] ==
==== fBlockedTexOffset ====
==== fHitTexOffset ====
==== fBlurAmmount ====
== [Particles] ==
==== iMaxDesired ====
== [LOD] ==
==== fFadeInThreshold ====
==== fObjectLODMax ====
==== fFadeOutTime ====
==== fLODMultTrees ====
==== fActorLODMin ====
==== fLodDistance ====
==== iFadeNodeMinNearDistance ====
==== fActorLODMax ====
==== fLODLandVerticalBias ====
==== fLODFadeOutItemMultComplex ====
==== fLODFadeOutObjectMultCity ====
==== fLODLandDropAmount ====
==== fLODFadeOutObjectMultComplex ====
==== fLODFadeOutItemMultInterior ====
==== bDisplayLODLand ====
==== fFadeOutThreshold ====
==== fLODFadeOutObjectMultInterior ====
==== fItemLODMin ====
==== fDistanceMultiplier ====
==== fLODFadeOutActorMultCity ====
==== fLODFadeOutItemMultCity ====
==== fLODFadeOutActorMultComplex ====
==== fTalkingDistance ====
==== fLODFadeOutPercent ====
==== fItemLODMax ====
==== fLODFadeOutActorMultInterior ====
==== fObjectLODMin ====
==== fLODBoundRadiusMult ====
==== fFadeInTime ====
== [Menu] ==
==== rConsoleTextColor ====
==== iConsoleSizeScreenPercent ====
==== iConsoleHistoryCharBufferSize ====
==== rConsoleHistoryTextColor ====
==== rDebugTextColor ====
==== iConsoleTextSize ====
== [FaceGen] ==
==== bUseCustomizationMorphs ====
==== uiNumActorsAllowedToMorph ====
==== bUseRaceMorph ====
== [Actor] ==
==== fNotVisibleNavmeshMoveDist ====
==== fVisibleNavmeshMoveDist ====
==== bUseNavMeshForMovement ====
== [Kinect] ==
==== fKinectMinShoutConfidence ====
==== fKinectMinReportConfidence ====
==== fKinectMinRuleConfidence ====
==== fKinectMaxAllyTradeDistance ====
==== fKinectMinReportShoutConfidence ====
==== fKinectMinConfidence ====
== [CameraPath] ==
==== iFPS ====
==== bStart ====
==== bRecord ====
==== sNif ====
==== sDirectoryName ====
==== iTake ====
==== sOffsetID ====
== [Camera] ==
==== fFreeCameraTranslationSpeed ====
==== fMouseWheelZoomIncrement ====
==== iFPS ====
==== fPitchZeroBlendTime ====
==== fFreeCameraRotationSpeed ====
==== fMouseWheelZoomSpeed ====
==== fVanityModeMaxDist ====
==== fFurnitureCameraAngle ====
==== fChaseCameraMaxAngle ====
==== fVanityModeMinDistFly ====
==== fWorkbenchCameraPitch ====
==== fTweenCamZoomFOVMod ====
==== fShoulderDollySpeed ====
==== fDefaultAutoVanityZoom ====
==== f1st3rdSwitchDelay ====
==== fPitchZoomOutMaxDist ====
==== fHorseDismountYawCorrection ====
==== fOverShoulderCombatAddY ====
==== fActorFadeOutLimit ====
==== f1stPitchOffsetMultOffMaxSpeed ====
==== fCameraCasterTargetSize ====
==== fOverShoulderHorsePosX ====
==== fFirstPersonSittingRotationSpeed ====
==== f1stPitchOffsetMultOffAccel ====
==== fCollisionRecoverySpeed ====
==== fTweenCamRotClosingSpeed ====
==== fLookingSpeed ====
==== fVanityModeMaxDistFlyMult ====
==== sNif ====
==== f1stPitchOffsetMultOnAccel ====
==== sDirectoryName ====
==== fOverShoulderDragonPosX ====
==== fOverShoulderDragonPosZ ====
==== bReturnTo1stPersonFromVanity ====
==== fOverShoulderHorseAddY ====
==== fFreeRotationSpeed ====
==== fAutoVanityModeDelay ====
==== fWorkbenchCameraZoom ====
==== fFreeCameraRunSpeed ====
==== f1stPitchOffsetTarget ====
==== fCollisionRecoveryMinDist ====
==== fTweenCamRotSpeed ====
==== fMinCurrentZoom ====
==== fOverShoulderHorsePosZ ====
==== bDisableAutoVanityMode ====
==== fTweenCamZoomSpeed ====
==== fAutoVanityIncrement ====
==== fChaseCameraSpeed ====
==== iBleedoutTransitionMillis ====
==== fOverShoulderPosZ ====
==== fOverShoulderPosX ====
==== iTake ====
==== sOffsetID ====
==== bRecord ====
==== bDragonCameraTargetPlayer ====
==== fWorkbenchCameraYaw ====
==== iHorseTransitionMillis ====
==== fOverShoulderDragonAddY ====
==== bStart ====
==== f1stPitchOffsetMultOnMaxSpeed ====
==== fFirstPersonDisablePOVLerpDPS ====
==== iAnimatedTransitionMillis ====
==== fDragonMaxAngleBeforeTurn ====
==== fThumbstickZoomSpeed ====
==== fMouseWheelZoomMinDelta ====
==== fCameraCasterSize ====
==== fWorkbenchCameraTranslateX ====
==== fWorkbenchCameraTranslateY ====
==== fWorkbenchCameraTranslateZ ====
==== fOverShoulderCombatPosX ====
==== fOverShoulderCombatPosZ ====
==== fVanityModeMinDist ====
==== f1stPitchOffsetMouseFollowSpeed ====
==== fFirstPersonSittingAngleLimit ====
==== fFurnitureCameraZoom ====
==== fCameraCasterBleedOutSize ====
==== f1stPitchOffsetMouseMaxLag ====
==== fFreeCameraTriggerDeadzone ====
==== fHorseMaxAngleBeforeTurn ====
==== fDragonCameraDollyTime ====
==== fTweenCamRotAngle ====
==== fCharControllerCheckHeightOffset ====
== [SpeedTree] ==
==== fLocalTreeMipMapLODBias ====
==== fLODTreeMipMapLODBias ====
== [BSPathing] ==
==== fFindClosestEdgesRadius ====
== [MAIN] ==
==== bPrimitivesOn ====
==== iMaxQuestObjectives ====
==== sMouseDefinitionFile ====
==== bEnableLipLookup ====
==== fMapWorldTargetTransitionTime ====
==== fLowPerfCombatantVoiceDistance ====
==== sControlsRemapFile ====
==== iDetectionHighNumPicks ====
==== fQuestScriptDelayTime ====
==== iLastHDRSetting ====
==== sSaveGameScreenshotName ====
==== sKeyboardDefinitionFile ====
==== bUseWaterHDR ====
==== sGamepadDefinitionFile ====
==== sControlsDefinitionFile ====
== [Dialogue] ==
==== fDialogueRotationPitchOffset ====
==== fDialogueRotationSecs ====
== [BackgroundLoad] ==
==== bUseMultiThreadedFaceGen ====
==== bLoadHelmetsInBackground ====
==== bLoadBackgroundFaceGen ====
==== bUseMultiThreadedTrees ====
==== bSelectivePurgeUnusedOnFastTravel ====
==== bBackgroundLoadLipFiles ====
==== iPostProcessMillisecondsEditor ====
==== bBackgroundCellLoads ====
==== bUseBackgroundFileLoader ====
==== iPostProcessMilliseconds ====
==== iPostProcessMillisecondsLoadingQueuedPriority ====
==== iPostProcessTaskWarningMilliseconds ====
== [bLightAttenuation] ==
==== bOutQuadInLin ====
==== bUseLinear ====
==== fConstantValue ====
==== fLinearRadiusMult ====
==== uQuadraticMethod ====
==== fQuadraticRadiusMult ====
==== fQuadraticValue ====
==== bUseQuadratic ====
==== uLinearMethod ====
==== fLinearValue ====
==== bUseConstant ====
== [Interface] ==
==== fUIMistMenu_CameraY_G ====
==== fUIPlayerSceneLight3Radius ====
==== bShowInventory3D ====
==== fBookLightDiffuseColorB ====
==== fUIRaceSexLight2DimmerValue ====
==== fLockpickLightDimmerValue ====
==== fInventory3DItemZoomSpeed ====
==== fSafeZoneY ====
==== fSafeZoneX ====
==== fUIMistMenu_CameraFOV_G ====
==== fTweenShortRepeatRate ====
==== fBookXRotation ====
==== fUIAltLogoModel_TranslateY_G ====
==== fCrafting3DItemPosZWide ====
==== fInterfaceTintG ====
==== iSubtitleSpeakerNameColor ====
==== fJournalLongRepeatRate ====
==== fInterfaceTintB ====
==== fUIRaceSexLight2DiffuseColorG ====
==== fSafeZoneYWide ====
==== fMagic3DItemPosXWide ====
==== fUILogoModel_MouseToZoomSpeed ====
==== fMagic3DItemPosScale ====
==== fDebugFontSize ====
==== fUIMistMenu_LogoOnscreenPanThresholdX ====
==== fUIMistMenu_LogoOnscreenPanThresholdY ====
==== fCrafting3DItemPosXWide ====
==== fUIRaceSexLightRadius ====
==== fUIPlayerSceneLight2Y ====
==== iMaxViewCasterPicksGamebryo ====
==== fUnlockDoorDelay ====
==== fBookLightDiffuseColorG ====
==== fInventoryLight2DimmerValue ====
==== fInventoryMenuLight2Z ====
==== fMagic3DItemPosZWide ====
==== fInventoryMenuLight2Y ====
==== fCrafting3DItemScaleWide ====
==== fBookLightRadius ====
==== fLockpickLightRadius ====
==== fBookPosWidthPercentage ====
==== fActivatePickLength ====
==== fInventoryLight2DiffuseColorR ====
==== fBookLight2X ====
==== fInventory3DItemZoomX ====
==== fUIMistModel_RotateZ_G ====
==== fUILogoModel_ThumbstickToPanSpeed ====
==== fUIPlayerSceneLightZ ====
==== fUIMistMenu_LogoOnscreenZoomThresholdFar ====
==== fMenuKeyRepeatShort ====
==== fInventoryLight2DiffuseColorG ====
==== fUIMistMenu_DefaultLogoNIFScale ====
==== fInventoryLight2DiffuseColorB ====
==== fUILogoModel_AutoRotateSpeed ====
==== fPackratRatio ====
==== fPlayerBodyEditDistance ====
==== fBookLightZ ====
==== fBookLightX ====
==== fUIMistMenu_LogoOnscreenZoomMaxFOV ====
==== sCreditsFileFrench ====
==== fInventoryLight2Radius ====
==== fUIMistModel_TranslateZ_G ====
==== fUIMistMenu_CameraX_G ====
==== fLockpickLightDiffuseColorR ====
==== fInventoryLightDimmerValue ====
==== fUIMistMenu_CameraZ_G ====
==== fBookLightDiffuseColorR ====
==== fLockpickLightDiffuseColorG ====
==== fLockpickLightDiffuseColorB ====
==== rUIMistMenu_AmbientYPosRGB ====
==== fTweenLongRepeatRate ====
==== iMaxViewCasterPicksHavok ====
==== fLockRotationSpeed ====
==== rUIMistMenu_AmbientZNegRGB ====
==== fUIPlayerSceneLightDiffuseColorG ====
==== fUILogoModel_ThumbstickToZoomSpeed ====
==== fUIPlayerSceneLightDiffuseColorB ====
==== uTicksToWait ====
==== fBookLightY ====
==== fUILogoModel_MouseThreshold ====
==== fPlayerZoomTime ====
==== rUIMistMenu_AmbientXPosRGB ====
==== fBookLight2Radius ====
==== fInventory3DItemZoomY ====
==== fUIPlayerSceneLightDiffuseColorR ====
==== fRSMCameraLookAtPercent ====
==== fLockRotCenterOffsetZ ====
==== rUIMistMenu_AmbientXNegRGB ====
==== rUIMistMenu_AmbientZPosRGB ====
==== fInventory3DBoundRadiusScale ====
==== fInventory3DItemPosScale ====
==== iFavoriteItemQueueSize ====
==== fPickMouseRotationSpeed ====
==== fRSMLookAtOnGain ====
==== bUserClosesLoadingMenu ====
==== sCreditsFile ====
==== uMaxCustomItemNameLength ====
==== fInventory3DItemPosZWide ====
==== fInventoryLightRadius ====
==== bShowTutorials ====
==== bShowCrosshair ====
==== fJournalShortRepeatRate ====
==== fInventoryMenuLightZ ====
==== fInventoryMenuLightY ====
==== fInventoryMenuLightX ====
==== fPlayerFaceEditDistance ====
==== fLockpickLightZ ====
==== fLockpickLightY ====
==== fLockpickLightX ====
==== bShowSubtitleSpeakerName ====
==== fUIRaceSexLight2DiffuseColorB ====
==== fMenuKeyRepeatLong ====
==== fUIMistModel_FadeOutTime ====
==== fUIPlayerSceneLight2DimmerValue ====
==== fUIRaceSexLight2X ====
==== fUIMistModel_TranslateY_G ====
==== fUIRaceSexLight2Z ====
==== fUIRaceSexLight2DiffuseColorR ====
==== fMagic3DItemPosYWide ====
==== fUIRaceSexLightDimmerValue ====
==== fSafeZoneXWide ====
==== fBookPosHeightPercentage ====
==== fUIPlayerSceneLight2Radius ====
==== fUILogoModel_MouseToPanSpeed ====
==== fUIPlayerSceneLight3DimmerValue ====
==== fUIMistMenu_CameraLookAtZ_G ====
==== fBookLight2DimmerValue ====
==== fInterfaceTintR ====
==== fUIMistMenu_LogoOnscreenZoomThresholdNear ====
==== fUIRaceSexLightDiffuseColorR ====
==== fLockMaxAngle ====
==== fLockCenterOffset ====
==== fMinSecondsForLoadFadeIn ====
==== fGamepadCursorSpeed ====
==== fCrafting3DItemPosYWide ====
==== fUIRaceSexLightDiffuseColorG ====
==== fUIRaceSexLightDiffuseColorB ====
==== fUILogoModel_MouseToRotateSpeed ====
==== fUIRaceSexLight2Radius ====
==== fBookDistance ====
==== fUIRaceSexLightY ====
==== fUIRaceSexLightX ====
==== fCrafting3DItemScale ====
==== fUIRaceSexLightZ ====
==== bWriteTranslationFile ====
==== fUIAltLogoModel_TranslateZ_G ====
==== fLargeActivatePickLength_G ====
==== fUIPlayerSceneLight3DiffuseColorR ====
==== fInventory3DItemPosYWide ====
==== fLockRotCenterOffsetX ====
==== fUIPlayerSceneLightX ====
==== fUIMistModel_TranslateX_G ====
==== fBookLight2Y ====
==== fPickRotationSpeed ====
==== fBookLight2Z ====
==== fInventoryLightDiffuseColorB ====
==== fUILogoModel_FadeSecs ====
==== fInventory3DItemPosScaleWide ====
==== fInventoryLightDiffuseColorG ====
==== fInventory3DItemPosXWide ====
==== fUILogoModel_ThumbstickToRotateSpeed ====
==== fLockPositionYWide ====
==== bUseAllNonDefaultLoadScreensFirst ====
==== fBookLight2DiffuseColorG ====
==== fCrafting3DItemPosY ====
==== fCrafting3DItemPosX ====
==== fBookLight2DiffuseColorB ====
==== fCrafting3DItemPosZ ====
==== fInventoryLightDiffuseColorR ====
==== fUIAltLogoModel_TranslateX_G ====
==== fNoteDistance ====
==== fMaxSubtitleDistance ====
==== fUIPlayerSceneLightRadius ====
==== fBookLight2DiffuseColorR ====
==== fUIRaceSexLight2Y ====
==== fMagic3DItemPosY ====
==== fMagic3DItemPosX ====
==== fMagic3DItemPosZ ====
==== fUICameraNearDistance ====
==== fUIPlayerSceneLight2X ====
==== fInventory3DItemRotMouseSpeed ====
==== fUIPlayerSceneLight2Z ====
==== fUILogoModel_RotationPauseDuration ====
==== sUIMistMenu_DefaultLogoCameraPath ====
==== fInventory3DItemZoomZ ====
==== fPlayerRotationAngle ====
==== fUIPlayerSceneLight2DiffuseColorG ====
==== fMagic3DItemPosScaleWide ====
==== sForcedLoadScreenEditorID ====
==== fUIPlayerSceneLightDimmerValue ====
==== fInventory3DItemZoomScale ====
==== iMaxViewCasterPicksFuzzy ====
==== fFadeToBlackFadeSeconds ====
==== fActivatePickRadius ====
==== bShowHUDMessages ====
==== fInventoryMenuLight2X ====
==== fUIMistMenu_CameraLookAtY_G ====
==== fUIPlayerSceneLight3Z ====
==== fUIMistMenu_CameraLookAtX_G ====
==== fSleepFaderTime ====
==== fInventory3DItemRotSpeed ====
==== fUIPlayerSceneLight2DiffuseColorB ====
==== bUseFuzzyPicking ====
==== fBookOpenTime ====
==== fUIPlayerSceneLightY ====
==== fUIMistMenu_LogoOnscreenZoomMinFOV ====
==== fInventory3DItemPosY ====
==== fBookLightDimmerValue ====
==== fLockPositionX ====
==== fLockPositionY ====
==== fLockPositionZ ====
==== fUIPlayerSceneLight2DiffuseColorR ====
==== fUIPlayerSceneLight3DiffuseColorB ====
==== rUIMistMenu_AmbientYNegRGB ====
==== fUIPlayerSceneLight3Y ====
==== fUIPlayerSceneLight3X ====
==== fInventory3DItemPosX ====
==== fUIPlayerSceneLight3DiffuseColorG ====
==== fInventory3DItemPosZ ====
==== sPosePlayerRaceSexMenu ====
== [LightingShader] ==
==== fRefractionLODFadeStart ====
==== fEyeEnvmapLODEnd ====
==== fRefractionLODFadeEnd ====
==== fDecalLODFadeStart ====
==== fEnvmapLODFadeStart ====
==== fSpecularLODFadeEnd ====
==== fDecalLODFadeEnd ====
==== fSpecularLODFadeStart ====
==== fEnvmapLODFadeEnd ====
== [FootIK] ==
==== fGroundAscendingGain ====
==== fFootPlantedGain ====
==== bFootPlacementOn ====
==== fControllerTetherLen ====
==== fOriginalGroundHeightMS ====
==== fFootRaisedGain ====
==== fMaxFootCastMilliSec ====
==== iNumFramesFootEaseOut ====
==== fAnkleOffset ====
==== fGroundDescendingGain ====
==== fPelvisOffsetDamping ====
==== fOnOffGain ====
==== fRagdollFeedback ====
==== fVertErrorGain ====
==== fPelvisUpDownBias ====
==== fMaxStepVertError ====
==== bRigidBodyController ====
== [GamePlay] ==
==== fMagicTargetLocationExtraLargeActorRadius ====
==== fPlayerSunGazeDelta ====
==== fMagicTargetLocationNormalActorRadius ====
==== fTargetLockXYRange ====
==== bTargetLockIsToggle ====
== [Animation] ==
==== fAnimInterpNearDist ====
==== fAnimInterpMaxTime ====
==== uiMaxNumActorHit ====
==== bAlwaysDriveRagdoll ====
==== fMotionFeedbackMinAngleDelta ====
==== iMinBonesToGenerateWhileSitting ====
==== fHavokHitImpulseMult ====
==== fHavokHitTimeSec ====
==== bHumanoidFootIKEnable ====
==== fAnimInterpMinTime ====
==== bRandomizeGraphSeed ====
==== fPlayerCharacterAttackIntroLength ====
==== iPlayerCharacterImagespaceModifierAnimCount ====
==== bInitiallyLoadAllClips ====
==== uVariableCacheSize ====
==== sHkxDBNameContextPrefix ====
==== bAlwaysSaveAllInfo ====
==== bFootIK ====
==== fAnimInterpSlop ====
==== fSpecialIdlePickTime ====
==== bLoadCollatedAnimTextData ====
==== bApplyPitchToExtractedMotion ====
==== fMaxTimeToMarkSec ====
==== fMotionFeedbackMinSpeedDelta ====
==== bShouldProcessRequests ====
==== bEnableHavokHit ====
==== fBoneLODDistanceScale ====
==== fPlayerCharacterAttackComboStartFraction ====
==== bAnimInterpEnable ====
==== fPlayerCharacterPowerAttackStartTime ====
==== bDisplayMarkWarning ====
==== fWeaponChangeClearTime ====
==== bFeedbackToGraphFromCharacterController ====
==== strPlayerCharacterBehavior1stPGraph ====
==== bMultiThreadBoneUpdate ====
==== fMotionFeedbackMinSpeed ====
==== fPlayerCharacterDrawSheatheTimeout ====
==== bUseVariableCache ====
==== bUseSpeedSampler ====
==== bDriveRagdollWithGraph ====
==== bUseSPUGenerate ====
==== bFootIKFeedback ====
==== fAnimInterpFarDist ====
==== bSendNonVisibleBehaviorGraphsToSPU ====
==== uiMaxPermanentSetSize ====
==== fMotionFeedbackMinTime ====
==== fIdleChangeClearTime ====
==== fMountDismountTimeout ====
==== fMaxFrameCounterDifferenceToConsiderVisible ====
== [Voice] ==
==== sFileTypeSource ====
==== sFileTypeGame ====
==== sFileTypeLip ====
==== sFileTypeLTF ====
== [Clouds] ==
==== fCloudAtlasWidth ====
==== sCloudInstanceMesh ====
== [Havok] ==
==== fInAirFallingCharGravityMult ====
==== fTriggerEventDelayMS ====
==== bWONameSync ====
==== fTrapHitEventDelayMS ====
== [Imagespace] ==
==== iRadialBlurLevel ====
==== fRenderDepthMaxDepth ====
==== bDoRadialBlur ====
== [Light] ==
==== fRefractionLODFadeStart ====
==== fEyeEnvmapLODEnd ====
==== fRefractionLODFadeEnd ====
==== fDecalLODFadeStart ====
==== fEnvmapLODFadeStart ====
==== fSpecularLODFadeEnd ====
==== fDecalLODFadeEnd ====
==== fSpecularLODFadeStart ====
==== fEnvmapLODFadeEnd ====
==== fLightEnableDisableFadeTime ====
== [Fonts] ==
==== sFontConfigFile ====
== [Messages] ==
==== bUseWindowsMessageBox ====
==== bBlockMessageBoxes ====
==== bAllowYesToAll ====
==== bShowMissingAudioWarnings ====
==== bFaceGenWarnings ====
==== bDisableAssertQueuing ====
==== iFileLogging ====
==== bSkipInitializationFlows ====
==== bAllowFileWrite ====
==== bSkipProgramFlows ====
==== bShowMissingLipWarnings ====
== [TerrainManager] ==
==== bDisplayCloudLOD ====
==== fCameraAboveMaxHeightThreshold ====
==== bUseNewTerrainSystem ====
==== uDistantTreeBlockCacheSizePerCell ====
==== bKeepLowDetailTerrain ====
== [RagdollFeedback] ==
==== uiFeedbackTimeout ====
== [LookIK] ==
==== fEaseAngleShutOff ====
==== bAdditiveHeadAnim ====
==== fAngleMaxEase ====
==== fMaxTrackingDist ====
==== fAngleMax ====
==== fEyeIKDistanceMax ====
==== fMinTrackingDist ====
== [MapMenu] ==
==== fWorldMapDepthBlurScale ====
==== fMapLocalGamepadZoomSpeed ====
==== uLockedObjectMapLOD ====
==== fMapMenuNearClipPlane ====
==== sMapWorldDefaultWorldSpace ====
==== fMapLoopFadeTimeSeconds ====
==== fMapMenuOverlayNormalSnowStrength ====
==== fMapWorldTransitionHeight ====
==== fMapLocalHeight ====
==== fMapWorldZoomSpeed ====
==== fMapWorldCursorMoveArea ====
==== fMapLocalMouseZoomSpeed ====
==== fMapLocalGamepadPanSpeed ====
==== fMapWorldMinPitch ====
==== fMapWorldYawRange ====
==== uLockedTerrainLOD ====
==== fWorldMapNearDepthBlurScale ====
==== fMapMoveKeyboardSpeed ====
==== fMapWorldMaxPitch ====
==== fMapWorldHeightAdjustmentForce ====
==== fMapMenuOverlayNormalStrength ====
==== sMapCloudNIF ====
==== fMapLocalMousePanSpeed ====
==== fMapLookGamepadSpeed ====
==== fMapMenuOverlaySnowScale ====
==== iRightStickRepeatRate ====
==== fMapZoomMouseSpeed ====
==== fMapMenuOverlayScale ====
==== fMapTransitionSpeed ====
==== fWorldMapFocalDepth ====
==== fMapLocalMarkerSelectionDist ====
==== fMapLookMouseSpeed ====
==== fMapWorldMinPanSpeed ====
==== fWorldMapMaximumDepthBlur ====
==== fGamepadCursorSensitivity ====
==== fMapLocalMinFrustumWidth ====
==== bWorldMapNoSkyDepthBlur ====
==== fMapWorldMaxPanSpeed ====
==== fMapLocalCursorPanSpeed ====
==== fMaxMarkerSelectionDist ====
== [ScreenSplatter] ==
==== bBloodSplatterEnabled ====
== [HeadTracking] ==
==== fMaxPathLookAtPointDist ====
==== fUpdateDelayNewTargetSecondsMax ====
==== fMinPathLookAtPointDist ====
==== fHeadTrackingMaxAngle ====
==== fUpdateDelaySecondsMin ====
==== fPathLookAtPointTime ====
==== bDisableHeadTracking ====
==== iUpdateActorsPerFrame ====
==== fUpdateDelaySecondsMax ====
==== fUpdateDelayNewTargetSecondsMin ====
== [Verlet] ==
==== fGravity ====
==== fVerticalCapsuleOffset ====
==== uCapeClothNumPin ====
==== bUseConstantStepDelta ====
==== bUseRotationBasedTransformUpdate ====
==== uiNumIter ====
== [NavMeshGeneration] ==
==== bGlobalNavMeshCheck ====
==== bGlobalNavMeshCheckDeleteWarningTriangles ====
==== uNavmeshTriangleCountInteriorWarnThreshold ====
==== uNavmeshTriangleCountWarnThreshold ====
= SkyrimPrefs.ini =
===INI Parameters by Section===
{| class="wikitable" style="width:65%; border:none; background-color:transparent; padding:25px;"
| style="width:20%; padding:10px 0 0 0;" |
| style="width:20%; padding:10px 0 0 0;" |
| style="width:20%; padding:10px 0 0 0;" |
== [General] ==
==== fBrightLightColorB ====
==== fBrightLightColorG ====
==== fBrightLightColorR ====
==== iStoryManagerLoggingEvent ====
==== bEnableStoryManagerLogging ====
== [Imagespace] ==
==== bDoDepthOfField ====
==== iRadialBlurLevel ====
== [Display] ==
==== fInteriorShadowDistance ====
==== fShadowDistance ====
==== fShadowLODStartFade ====
==== fShadowBiasScale ====
==== iBlurDeferredShadowMask ====
==== iShadowMapResolution ====
==== iShadowMapResolutionPrimary ====
==== iShadowMapResolutionSecondary ====
==== iShadowSplitCount ====
==== iShadowFilter ====
==== iShadowMode ====
==== iShadowMaskQuarter ====
==== bTreesReceiveShadows ====
==== bDrawLandShadows ====
==== bShadowMaskZPrepass ====
==== bShadowsOnGrass ====
==== bDeferredShadows ====
==== bDrawShadows ====
==== bFloatPointRenderTarget ====
==== fLeafAnimDampenDistEnd ====
==== fLeafAnimDampenDistStart ====
==== fTreesMidLODSwitchDist ====
==== fDecalLOD2 ====
==== fDecalLOD1 ====
==== fSpecularLODStartFade ====
==== fLightLODStartFade ====
==== fMeshLODFadePercentDefault ====
==== fMeshLODFadeBoundDefault ====
==== fMeshLODLevel2FadeTreeDistance ====
==== fMeshLODLevel1FadeTreeDistance ====
==== fMeshLODLevel2FadeDist ====
==== fMeshLODLevel1FadeDist ====
==== fGamma ====
==== iMultiSample ====
==== bTransparencyMultisampling ====
==== iWaterMultiSamples ====
==== iMaxAnisotropy ====
==== iTexMipMapMinimum ====
==== iTexMipMapSkip ====
==== iSize H ====
==== iSize W ====
==== bFull Screen ====
==== bFXAAEnabled ====
==== iAdapter ====
==== sD3DDevice ====
==== iScreenShotIndex ====
==== bMainZPrepass ====
==== bForceAllDecals ====
==== iMaxSkinDecalsPerFrame ====
==== iMaxDecalsPerFrame ====
== [Grass] ==
==== b30GrassVS ====
==== fGrassStartFadeDistance ====
==== fGrassMaxStartFadeDistance ====
==== fGrassMinStartFadeDistance ====
== [MAIN] ==
==== bGamepadEnable ====
==== bCrosshairEnabled ====
==== fHUDOpacity ====
==== bSaveOnPause ====
==== bSaveOnTravel ====
==== bSaveOnWait ====
==== bSaveOnRest ====
==== fSkyCellRefFadeDistance ====
== [GamePlay] ==
==== bShowFloatingQuestMarkers ====
==== bShowQuestMarkers ====
==== iDifficulty ====
== [Interface] ==
==== bDialogueSubtitles ====
==== bGeneralSubtitles ====
==== fMouseCursorSpeed ====
==== bShowCompass ====
== [Controls] ==
==== fGamepadHeadingSensitivity ====
==== fMouseHeadingSensitivity ====
==== bAlwaysRunByDefault ====
==== bInvertYValues ====
==== bGamePadRumble ====
==== bMouseAcceleration ====
==== bUseKinect ====
== [Particles] ==
==== iMaxDesired ====
== [SaveGame] ==
==== fAutosaveEveryXMins ====
== [AudioMenu] ==
==== fAudioMasterVolume ====
==== fVal7 ====
==== uID7 ====
==== fVal6 ====
==== uID6 ====
==== fVal5 ====
==== uID5 ====
==== fVal4 ====
==== uID4 ====
==== fVal3 ====
==== uID3 ====
==== fVal2 ====
==== uID2 ====
==== fVal1 ====
==== uID1 ====
==== fVal0 ====
==== uID0 ====
== [Clouds] ==
==== fCloudLevel2Distance ====
==== fCloudLevel1Distance ====
==== fCloudLevel0Distance ====
==== fCloudNearFadeDistance ====
== [TerrainManager] ==
==== fTreeLoadDistance ====
==== fBlockMaximumDistance ====
==== fBlockLevel1Distance ====
==== fBlockLevel0Distance ====
==== fSplitDistanceMult ====
==== bShowLODInEditor ====
== [NavMesh] ==
==== fObstacleAlpha ====
==== fCoverSideHighAlpha ====
==== fCoverSideLowAlpha ====
==== fEdgeFullAlpha ====
==== fEdgeHighAlpha ====
==== fEdgeLowAlpha ====
==== fTriangleFullAlpha ====
==== fTriangleHighAlpha ====
==== fTriangleLowAlpha ====
==== fLedgeBoxHalfHeight ====
==== fEdgeDistFromVert ====
==== fEdgeThickness ====
==== fPointSize ====
== [Trees] ==
==== bRenderSkinnedTrees ====
==== uiMaxSkinnedTreesToRender ====
== [Decals] ==
==== bDecals ====
==== bDecalsOnSkinnedGeometry ====
==== bSkinnedDecals ====
==== uMaxDecals ====
==== uMaxSkinDecals ====
==== uMaxSkinDecalsPerActor ====
== [LOD] ==
==== fLODFadeOutMultObjects ====
==== fLODFadeOutMultItems ====
==== fLODFadeOutMultActors ====
==== fLODFadeOutMultSkyCell ====
== [Launcher] ==
==== bEnableFileSelection ====
==== bShowAllResolutions ====
==== uLastAspectRatio ====
== [BlurShaderHDR] ==
==== bDoHighDynamicRange ====
== [BlurShader] ==
==== bUseBlurShader ====
== [Water] ==
==== iWaterReflectHeight ====
==== iWaterReflectWidth ====
==== bUseWaterDisplacements ====
==== bUseWaterRefractions ====
==== bUseWaterReflections ====
==== bUseWaterDepth ====

Latest revision as of 13:09, December 28, 2015

Please visit the updated version at Guide:Skyrim_Configuration_Settings