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TES5Edit Cannot Create File Access Denied



Hello, I began following the STEP procedures for Skyrim on my new PC and I am at the point to clean the Update.esm. My Skyrim folder is located "I:\Steam\Steamapps\Common\Steamapps\Skyrim" along with one for Mod Organizer and TES5Edit. I launch TES5Edit through Mod Organizer, select "none," then just Update.esm, apply filter for cleaning, remove identical masters, undelete and disable references but every single time I run into a dialog box with the following error:

Cannot create file "C:\Users\Owner\AppData\Local\Skyrim\Plugins.tes5viewsettings". The system cannot find the path specified.


If I hit "OK" I am just sent back to try again to only receive the same message or if I hit "Details" I get a bug report and can only close the application without saving. I have tried running everything as an Administrator, including TES5Edit from within the settings and even run outside of Mod Organizer through the .exe, and I have taken ownership of all files. 


I never ran into this problem on my old PC, which like this one is Windows 7 Professional.


The error log in the TES5Edit Folder is as follows:

TES5Edit 3.1.2 starting session 2016-01-29 05:20:17

Using Skyrim Data Path: I:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Skyrim\Data\
Using ini: C:\Users\Owner\Documents\My Games\Skyrim\Skyrim.ini
Fatal: Could not find ini

I've checked and the Skyrim ini file is in that location and not read only, either. At this point I'm all out of ideas as to what could be the cause and I would greatly appreciate any advice as I have found nothing anywhere online. 


Below is the bug report mentioned and thank you for your time.

[spoiler=Bug Report]date/time : 2016-01-29, 05:23:55, 616ms
computer name : OWNER-PC
user name : Owner
registered owner : Owner
operating system : Windows 7 x64 Service Pack 1 build 7601
system language : English
system up time : 3 days 11 hours
program up time : 1 minute 37 seconds
processors : 12x Intel® Core™ i7-5930K CPU @ 3.50GHz
physical memory : 16451/32664 MB (free/total)
free disk space : (C:) 345.90 GB (I:) 2907.00 GB
display mode : 1920x1080, 32 bit
process id : $964
allocated memory : 569.83 MB
executable : TES5Edit.exe
exec. date/time : 2015-11-09 02:07
version :
compiled with : Delphi XE
madExcept version : 4.0.5
callstack crc : $7c378ea9, $842d206c, $7bbaf4da
count : 2
exception number : 3
exception class : EFCreateError
exception message : Cannot create file "C:\Users\Owner\AppData\Local\Skyrim\Plugins.tes5viewsettings". The system cannot find the path specified.

main thread ($2298):
004b9244 +0bc TES5Edit.exe Classes TFileStream.Create
004b9164 +020 TES5Edit.exe Classes TFileStream.Create
004b7370 +018 TES5Edit.exe Classes TStrings.SaveToFile
004d9f65 +039 TES5Edit.exe IniFiles TMemIniFile.UpdateFile
00a78111 +091 TES5Edit.exe frmViewMain 12583 +8 TfrmMain.tmrCheckUnsavedTimer
00553f53 +00f TES5Edit.exe ExtCtrls TTimer.Timer
00553e37 +02b TES5Edit.exe ExtCtrls TTimer.WndProc
004c4e8c +014 TES5Edit.exe Classes StdWndProc
76f10107 +02b ntdll.dll KiUserCallbackDispatcher
74c20d48 +016 USER32.dll CallWindowProcW
0050b624 +0d8 TES5Edit.exe Controls TWinControl.DefaultHandler
005ab3da +05a TES5Edit.exe Forms TCustomForm.DefaultHandler
0050d241 +0a1 TES5Edit.exe Controls TWinControl.WMSysCommand
005ac4ad +055 TES5Edit.exe Forms TCustomForm.WMSysCommand
00506c60 +2d4 TES5Edit.exe Controls TControl.WndProc
0050b524 +568 TES5Edit.exe Controls TWinControl.WndProc
005a9164 +594 TES5Edit.exe Forms TCustomForm.WndProc
0050abc4 +02c TES5Edit.exe Controls TWinControl.MainWndProc
004c4e8c +014 TES5Edit.exe Classes StdWndProc
76f10107 +02b ntdll.dll KiUserCallbackDispatcher
74c20d48 +016 USER32.dll CallWindowProcW
0050b624 +0d8 TES5Edit.exe Controls TWinControl.DefaultHandler
005ab3da +05a TES5Edit.exe Forms TCustomForm.DefaultHandler
00507329 +015 TES5Edit.exe Controls TControl.WMNCLButtonDown
005ac098 +084 TES5Edit.exe Forms TCustomForm.WMNCLButtonDown
00506c60 +2d4 TES5Edit.exe Controls TControl.WndProc
0050b524 +568 TES5Edit.exe Controls TWinControl.WndProc
005a9164 +594 TES5Edit.exe Forms TCustomForm.WndProc
0050abc4 +02c TES5Edit.exe Controls TWinControl.MainWndProc
004c4e8c +014 TES5Edit.exe Classes StdWndProc
74c17885 +00a USER32.dll DispatchMessageW
005b2133 +0f3 TES5Edit.exe Forms TApplication.ProcessMessage
005b2176 +00a TES5Edit.exe Forms TApplication.HandleMessage
005b24a1 +0c9 TES5Edit.exe Forms TApplication.Run
00a91faf +05f TES5Edit.exe TES5Edit 77 +7 initialization
76803378 +010 kernel32.dll BaseThreadInitThunk

thread $4698 (TWorkerThread):
76f1f90a +0e ntdll.dll NtWaitForSingleObject
748f14a5 +92 KERNELBASE.dll WaitForSingleObjectEx
7680118f +3e kernel32.dll WaitForSingleObjectEx
76801143 +0d kernel32.dll WaitForSingleObject
005d21e9 +19 TES5Edit.exe VirtualTrees 6308 +3 TWorkerThread.Execute
00472cf7 +2b TES5Edit.exe madExcept HookedTThreadExecute
004c21c6 +42 TES5Edit.exe Classes ThreadProc
00407588 +28 TES5Edit.exe System 148 +0 ThreadWrapper
00472bd9 +0d TES5Edit.exe madExcept CallThreadProcSafe
00472c43 +37 TES5Edit.exe madExcept ThreadExceptFrame
76803378 +10 kernel32.dll BaseThreadInitThunk
>> created by main thread ($2298) at:
005d20d1 +19 TES5Edit.exe VirtualTrees 6251 +1 TWorkerThread.Create

thread $4a88:
76f20196 +0e ntdll.dll NtWaitForMultipleObjects
76803378 +10 kernel32.dll BaseThreadInitThunk

thread $390c:
76f21f7f +0b ntdll.dll NtWaitForWorkViaWorkerFactory
76803378 +10 kernel32.dll BaseThreadInitThunk

thread $1860:
76f21f7f +0b ntdll.dll NtWaitForWorkViaWorkerFactory
76803378 +10 kernel32.dll BaseThreadInitThunk

thread $454:
76f21f7f +0b ntdll.dll NtWaitForWorkViaWorkerFactory
76803378 +10 kernel32.dll BaseThreadInitThunk

thread $524:
76f1fdca +0e ntdll.dll NtDelayExecution
748f3bd5 +5f KERNELBASE.dll SleepEx
748f44a6 +0a KERNELBASE.dll Sleep
00472bd9 +0d TES5Edit.exe madExcept CallThreadProcSafe
00472c43 +37 TES5Edit.exe madExcept ThreadExceptFrame
76803378 +10 kernel32.dll BaseThreadInitThunk
>> created by main thread ($2298) at:
70e1ee46 +00 comctl32.dll

thread $dac:
76f1fdca +0e ntdll.dll NtDelayExecution
748f3bd5 +5f KERNELBASE.dll SleepEx
748f44a6 +0a KERNELBASE.dll Sleep
00472bd9 +0d TES5Edit.exe madExcept CallThreadProcSafe
00472c43 +37 TES5Edit.exe madExcept ThreadExceptFrame
76803378 +10 kernel32.dll BaseThreadInitThunk
>> created by main thread ($2298) at:
70e1ee46 +00 comctl32.dll

date/time : 2016-01-29, 05:28:02, 469ms
computer name : OWNER-PC
user name : Owner
registered owner : Owner
operating system : Windows 7 x64 Service Pack 1 build 7601
system language : English
system up time : 3 days 11 hours
program up time : 37 seconds
processors : 12x Intel® Core™ i7-5930K CPU @ 3.50GHz
physical memory : 16491/32664 MB (free/total)
free disk space : (C:) 345.90 GB (I:) 2907.00 GB
display mode : 1920x1080, 32 bit
process id : $798
allocated memory : 569.84 MB
executable : TES5Edit.exe
exec. date/time : 2015-11-09 02:07
version :
compiled with : Delphi XE
madExcept version : 4.0.5
callstack crc : $7c378ea9, $36f32040, $ab8ade6d
exception number : 1
exception class : EFCreateError
exception message : Cannot create file "C:\Users\Owner\AppData\Local\Skyrim\Plugins.tes5viewsettings". The system cannot find the path specified.

main thread ($3140):
004b9244 +0bc TES5Edit.exe Classes TFileStream.Create
004b9164 +020 TES5Edit.exe Classes TFileStream.Create
004b7370 +018 TES5Edit.exe Classes TStrings.SaveToFile
004d9f65 +039 TES5Edit.exe IniFiles TMemIniFile.UpdateFile
00a78111 +091 TES5Edit.exe frmViewMain 12583 +8 TfrmMain.tmrCheckUnsavedTimer
00553f53 +00f TES5Edit.exe ExtCtrls TTimer.Timer
00553e37 +02b TES5Edit.exe ExtCtrls TTimer.WndProc
004c4e8c +014 TES5Edit.exe Classes StdWndProc
74c17885 +00a USER32.dll DispatchMessageW
005b2133 +0f3 TES5Edit.exe Forms TApplication.ProcessMessage
005b2176 +00a TES5Edit.exe Forms TApplication.HandleMessage
005adad5 +1a1 TES5Edit.exe Forms TCustomForm.ShowModal
00a6d235 +071 TES5Edit.exe frmViewMain 10083 +9 TfrmMain.mniNavFilterApplyClick
00525e97 +0a7 TES5Edit.exe Menus TMenuItem.Click
00527393 +013 TES5Edit.exe Menus TMenu.DispatchCommand
00528572 +082 TES5Edit.exe Menus TPopupList.WndProc
005284c1 +01d TES5Edit.exe Menus TPopupList.MainWndProc
004c4e8c +014 TES5Edit.exe Classes StdWndProc
74c17885 +00a USER32.dll DispatchMessageW
005b2133 +0f3 TES5Edit.exe Forms TApplication.ProcessMessage
005b2176 +00a TES5Edit.exe Forms TApplication.HandleMessage
005b24a1 +0c9 TES5Edit.exe Forms TApplication.Run
00a91faf +05f TES5Edit.exe TES5Edit 77 +7 initialization
76803378 +010 kernel32.dll BaseThreadInitThunk

thread $3498 (TWorkerThread):
76f1f90a +0e ntdll.dll NtWaitForSingleObject
748f14a5 +92 KERNELBASE.dll WaitForSingleObjectEx
7680118f +3e kernel32.dll WaitForSingleObjectEx
76801143 +0d kernel32.dll WaitForSingleObject
005d21e9 +19 TES5Edit.exe VirtualTrees 6308 +3 TWorkerThread.Execute
00472cf7 +2b TES5Edit.exe madExcept HookedTThreadExecute
004c21c6 +42 TES5Edit.exe Classes ThreadProc
00407588 +28 TES5Edit.exe System 148 +0 ThreadWrapper
00472bd9 +0d TES5Edit.exe madExcept CallThreadProcSafe
00472c43 +37 TES5Edit.exe madExcept ThreadExceptFrame
76803378 +10 kernel32.dll BaseThreadInitThunk
>> created by main thread ($3140) at:
005d20d1 +19 TES5Edit.exe VirtualTrees 6251 +1 TWorkerThread.Create

thread $20cc:
76f21f7f +0b ntdll.dll NtWaitForWorkViaWorkerFactory
76803378 +10 kernel32.dll BaseThreadInitThunk

thread $4fcc:
76f20196 +0e ntdll.dll NtWaitForMultipleObjects
76803378 +10 kernel32.dll BaseThreadInitThunk

thread $4b68:
76f21f7f +0b ntdll.dll NtWaitForWorkViaWorkerFactory
76803378 +10 kernel32.dll BaseThreadInitThunk

thread $2b78:
76f21f7f +0b ntdll.dll NtWaitForWorkViaWorkerFactory
76803378 +10 kernel32.dll BaseThreadInitThunk

thread $150:
76f1fdca +0e ntdll.dll NtDelayExecution
748f3bd5 +5f KERNELBASE.dll SleepEx
748f44a6 +0a KERNELBASE.dll Sleep
00472bd9 +0d TES5Edit.exe madExcept CallThreadProcSafe
00472c43 +37 TES5Edit.exe madExcept ThreadExceptFrame
76803378 +10 kernel32.dll BaseThreadInitThunk
>> created by main thread ($3140) at:
70e1ee46 +00 comctl32.dll

thread $245c:
76f21f7f +0b ntdll.dll NtWaitForWorkViaWorkerFactory
76803378 +10 kernel32.dll BaseThreadInitThunk

date/time : 2016-01-29, 05:29:06, 578ms
computer name : OWNER-PC
user name : Owner
registered owner : Owner
operating system : Windows 7 x64 Service Pack 1 build 7601
system language : English
system up time : 3 days 11 hours
program up time : 1 minute 42 seconds
processors : 12x Intel® Core™ i7-5930K CPU @ 3.50GHz
physical memory : 16497/32664 MB (free/total)
free disk space : (C:) 345.90 GB (I:) 2907.00 GB
display mode : 1920x1080, 32 bit
process id : $798
allocated memory : 567.39 MB
executable : TES5Edit.exe
exec. date/time : 2015-11-09 02:07
version :
compiled with : Delphi XE
madExcept version : 4.0.5
callstack crc : $7c378ea9, $62e327a5, $69a0fe5e
exception number : 2
exception class : EFCreateError
exception message : Cannot create file "C:\Users\Owner\AppData\Local\Skyrim\Plugins.tes5viewsettings". Access is denied.

main thread ($3140):
004b9244 +0bc TES5Edit.exe Classes TFileStream.Create
004b9164 +020 TES5Edit.exe Classes TFileStream.Create
004b7370 +018 TES5Edit.exe Classes TStrings.SaveToFile
004d9f65 +039 TES5Edit.exe IniFiles TMemIniFile.UpdateFile
00a2f12a +62a TES5Edit.exe FilterOptionsFrm 481 +70 TfrmFilterOptions.FilterSavePreset
00a2d444 +05c TES5Edit.exe FilterOptionsFrm 181 +3 TfrmFilterOptions.FormClose
005a8783 +017 TES5Edit.exe Forms TCustomForm.DoClose
005ad497 +03b TES5Edit.exe Forms TCustomForm.CloseModal
005adb06 +1d2 TES5Edit.exe Forms TCustomForm.ShowModal
00a6d235 +071 TES5Edit.exe frmViewMain 10083 +9 TfrmMain.mniNavFilterApplyClick
00525e97 +0a7 TES5Edit.exe Menus TMenuItem.Click
00527393 +013 TES5Edit.exe Menus TMenu.DispatchCommand
00528572 +082 TES5Edit.exe Menus TPopupList.WndProc
005284c1 +01d TES5Edit.exe Menus TPopupList.MainWndProc
004c4e8c +014 TES5Edit.exe Classes StdWndProc
74c17885 +00a USER32.dll DispatchMessageW
005b2133 +0f3 TES5Edit.exe Forms TApplication.ProcessMessage
005b2176 +00a TES5Edit.exe Forms TApplication.HandleMessage
005b24a1 +0c9 TES5Edit.exe Forms TApplication.Run
00a91faf +05f TES5Edit.exe TES5Edit 77 +7 initialization
76803378 +010 kernel32.dll BaseThreadInitThunk

thread $3498 (TWorkerThread):
76f1f90a +0e ntdll.dll NtWaitForSingleObject
748f14a5 +92 KERNELBASE.dll WaitForSingleObjectEx
7680118f +3e kernel32.dll WaitForSingleObjectEx
76801143 +0d kernel32.dll WaitForSingleObject
005d21e9 +19 TES5Edit.exe VirtualTrees 6308 +3 TWorkerThread.Execute
00472cf7 +2b TES5Edit.exe madExcept HookedTThreadExecute
004c21c6 +42 TES5Edit.exe Classes ThreadProc
00407588 +28 TES5Edit.exe System 148 +0 ThreadWrapper
00472bd9 +0d TES5Edit.exe madExcept CallThreadProcSafe
00472c43 +37 TES5Edit.exe madExcept ThreadExceptFrame
76803378 +10 kernel32.dll BaseThreadInitThunk
>> created by main thread ($3140) at:
005d20d1 +19 TES5Edit.exe VirtualTrees 6251 +1 TWorkerThread.Create

thread $4fcc:
76f20196 +0e ntdll.dll NtWaitForMultipleObjects
76803378 +10 kernel32.dll BaseThreadInitThunk

thread $4b68:
76f21f7f +0b ntdll.dll NtWaitForWorkViaWorkerFactory
76803378 +10 kernel32.dll BaseThreadInitThunk

thread $2b78:
76f21f7f +0b ntdll.dll NtWaitForWorkViaWorkerFactory
76803378 +10 kernel32.dll BaseThreadInitThunk

thread $245c:
76f21f7f +0b ntdll.dll NtWaitForWorkViaWorkerFactory
76803378 +10 kernel32.dll BaseThreadInitThunk

date/time : 2016-01-31, 18:05:53, 54ms
computer name : OWNER-PC
user name : Owner
registered owner : Owner
operating system : Windows 7 x64 Service Pack 1 build 7601
system language : English
system up time : 6 days
program up time : 9 minutes 38 seconds
processors : 12x Intel® Core™ i7-5930K CPU @ 3.50GHz
physical memory : 13867/32664 MB (free/total)
free disk space : (C:) 346.29 GB (I:) 2906.88 GB
display mode : 1920x1080, 32 bit
process id : $4d84
allocated memory : 555.49 MB
executable : TES5Edit.exe
exec. date/time : 2015-11-09 02:07
version :
compiled with : Delphi XE
madExcept version : 4.0.5
callstack crc : $7c378ea9, $fdd93607, $d63fb63b
count : 4
exception number : 2
exception class : EFCreateError
exception message : Cannot create file "C:\Users\Owner\AppData\Local\Skyrim\Plugins.tes5viewsettings". Access is denied.

main thread ($369c):
004b9244 +0bc TES5Edit.exe Classes TFileStream.Create
004b9164 +020 TES5Edit.exe Classes TFileStream.Create
004b7370 +018 TES5Edit.exe Classes TStrings.SaveToFile
004d9f65 +039 TES5Edit.exe IniFiles TMemIniFile.UpdateFile
00a51b15 +1a5 TES5Edit.exe frmViewMain 4281 +31 TfrmMain.FormClose
005a8783 +017 TES5Edit.exe Forms TCustomForm.DoClose
005ad3a9 +055 TES5Edit.exe Forms TCustomForm.Close
005ac3dc +000 TES5Edit.exe Forms TCustomForm.WMClose
00506c60 +2d4 TES5Edit.exe Controls TControl.WndProc
0050b524 +568 TES5Edit.exe Controls TWinControl.WndProc
005a9164 +594 TES5Edit.exe Forms TCustomForm.WndProc
0050abc4 +02c TES5Edit.exe Controls TWinControl.MainWndProc
004c4e8c +014 TES5Edit.exe Classes StdWndProc
76f10107 +02b ntdll.dll KiUserCallbackDispatcher
74c20d48 +016 USER32.dll CallWindowProcW
0050b624 +0d8 TES5Edit.exe Controls TWinControl.DefaultHandler
005ab3da +05a TES5Edit.exe Forms TCustomForm.DefaultHandler
0050d241 +0a1 TES5Edit.exe Controls TWinControl.WMSysCommand
005ac4ad +055 TES5Edit.exe Forms TCustomForm.WMSysCommand
00506c60 +2d4 TES5Edit.exe Controls TControl.WndProc
0050b524 +568 TES5Edit.exe Controls TWinControl.WndProc
005a9164 +594 TES5Edit.exe Forms TCustomForm.WndProc
0050abc4 +02c TES5Edit.exe Controls TWinControl.MainWndProc
004c4e8c +014 TES5Edit.exe Classes StdWndProc
74c17885 +00a USER32.dll DispatchMessageW
005b2133 +0f3 TES5Edit.exe Forms TApplication.ProcessMessage
005b2176 +00a TES5Edit.exe Forms TApplication.HandleMessage
005b24a1 +0c9 TES5Edit.exe Forms TApplication.Run
00a91faf +05f TES5Edit.exe TES5Edit 77 +7 initialization
76803378 +010 kernel32.dll BaseThreadInitThunk

thread $41f8 (TWorkerThread):
76f1f90a +0e ntdll.dll NtWaitForSingleObject
748f14a5 +92 KERNELBASE.dll WaitForSingleObjectEx
7680118f +3e kernel32.dll WaitForSingleObjectEx
76801143 +0d kernel32.dll WaitForSingleObject
005d21e9 +19 TES5Edit.exe VirtualTrees 6308 +3 TWorkerThread.Execute
00472cf7 +2b TES5Edit.exe madExcept HookedTThreadExecute
004c21c6 +42 TES5Edit.exe Classes ThreadProc
00407588 +28 TES5Edit.exe System 148 +0 ThreadWrapper
00472bd9 +0d TES5Edit.exe madExcept CallThreadProcSafe
00472c43 +37 TES5Edit.exe madExcept ThreadExceptFrame
76803378 +10 kernel32.dll BaseThreadInitThunk
>> created by main thread ($369c) at:
005d20d1 +19 TES5Edit.exe VirtualTrees 6251 +1 TWorkerThread.Create

thread $1e48:
76f20196 +0e ntdll.dll NtWaitForMultipleObjects
76803378 +10 kernel32.dll BaseThreadInitThunk

thread $1570:
76f21f7f +0b ntdll.dll NtWaitForWorkViaWorkerFactory
76803378 +10 kernel32.dll BaseThreadInitThunk

thread $4f8c:
76f21f7f +0b ntdll.dll NtWaitForWorkViaWorkerFactory
76803378 +10 kernel32.dll BaseThreadInitThunk

date/time : 2016-01-31, 18:05:56, 972ms
computer name : OWNER-PC
user name : Owner
registered owner : Owner
operating system : Windows 7 x64 Service Pack 1 build 7601
system language : English
system up time : 6 days
program up time : 9 minutes 42 seconds
processors : 12x Intel® Core™ i7-5930K CPU @ 3.50GHz
physical memory : 13867/32664 MB (free/total)
free disk space : (C:) 346.29 GB (I:) 2906.88 GB
display mode : 1920x1080, 32 bit
process id : $4d84
allocated memory : 555.50 MB
executable : TES5Edit.exe
exec. date/time : 2015-11-09 02:07
version :
compiled with : Delphi XE
madExcept version : 4.0.5
callstack crc : $7c378ea9, $3ebd75bb, $f0bb4929
count : 3
exception number : 3
exception class : EFCreateError
exception message : Cannot create file "C:\Users\Owner\AppData\Local\Skyrim\Plugins.tes5viewsettings". Access is denied.

main thread ($369c):
004b9244 +0bc TES5Edit.exe Classes TFileStream.Create
004b9164 +020 TES5Edit.exe Classes TFileStream.Create
004b7370 +018 TES5Edit.exe Classes TStrings.SaveToFile
004d9f65 +039 TES5Edit.exe IniFiles TMemIniFile.UpdateFile
00a51b15 +1a5 TES5Edit.exe frmViewMain 4281 +31 TfrmMain.FormClose
005a8783 +017 TES5Edit.exe Forms TCustomForm.DoClose
005ad3a9 +055 TES5Edit.exe Forms TCustomForm.Close
005ac3dc +000 TES5Edit.exe Forms TCustomForm.WMClose
00506c60 +2d4 TES5Edit.exe Controls TControl.WndProc
0050b524 +568 TES5Edit.exe Controls TWinControl.WndProc
005a9164 +594 TES5Edit.exe Forms TCustomForm.WndProc
0050abc4 +02c TES5Edit.exe Controls TWinControl.MainWndProc
004c4e8c +014 TES5Edit.exe Classes StdWndProc
76f10107 +02b ntdll.dll KiUserCallbackDispatcher
74c20d48 +016 USER32.dll CallWindowProcW
0050b624 +0d8 TES5Edit.exe Controls TWinControl.DefaultHandler
005ab3da +05a TES5Edit.exe Forms TCustomForm.DefaultHandler
0050d241 +0a1 TES5Edit.exe Controls TWinControl.WMSysCommand
005ac4ad +055 TES5Edit.exe Forms TCustomForm.WMSysCommand
00506c60 +2d4 TES5Edit.exe Controls TControl.WndProc
0050b524 +568 TES5Edit.exe Controls TWinControl.WndProc
005a9164 +594 TES5Edit.exe Forms TCustomForm.WndProc
0050abc4 +02c TES5Edit.exe Controls TWinControl.MainWndProc
004c4e8c +014 TES5Edit.exe Classes StdWndProc
76f10107 +02b ntdll.dll KiUserCallbackDispatcher
74c20d48 +016 USER32.dll CallWindowProcW
0050b624 +0d8 TES5Edit.exe Controls TWinControl.DefaultHandler
005ab3da +05a TES5Edit.exe Forms TCustomForm.DefaultHandler
00507329 +015 TES5Edit.exe Controls TControl.WMNCLButtonDown
005ac098 +084 TES5Edit.exe Forms TCustomForm.WMNCLButtonDown
00506c60 +2d4 TES5Edit.exe Controls TControl.WndProc
0050b524 +568 TES5Edit.exe Controls TWinControl.WndProc
005a9164 +594 TES5Edit.exe Forms TCustomForm.WndProc
0050abc4 +02c TES5Edit.exe Controls TWinControl.MainWndProc
004c4e8c +014 TES5Edit.exe Classes StdWndProc
74c17885 +00a USER32.dll DispatchMessageW
005b2133 +0f3 TES5Edit.exe Forms TApplication.ProcessMessage
005b2176 +00a TES5Edit.exe Forms TApplication.HandleMessage
005b24a1 +0c9 TES5Edit.exe Forms TApplication.Run
00a91faf +05f TES5Edit.exe TES5Edit 77 +7 initialization
76803378 +010 kernel32.dll BaseThreadInitThunk

thread $41f8 (TWorkerThread):
76f1f90a +0e ntdll.dll NtWaitForSingleObject
748f14a5 +92 KERNELBASE.dll WaitForSingleObjectEx
7680118f +3e kernel32.dll WaitForSingleObjectEx
76801143 +0d kernel32.dll WaitForSingleObject
005d21e9 +19 TES5Edit.exe VirtualTrees 6308 +3 TWorkerThread.Execute
00472cf7 +2b TES5Edit.exe madExcept HookedTThreadExecute
004c21c6 +42 TES5Edit.exe Classes ThreadProc
00407588 +28 TES5Edit.exe System 148 +0 ThreadWrapper
00472bd9 +0d TES5Edit.exe madExcept CallThreadProcSafe
00472c43 +37 TES5Edit.exe madExcept ThreadExceptFrame
76803378 +10 kernel32.dll BaseThreadInitThunk
>> created by main thread ($369c) at:
005d20d1 +19 TES5Edit.exe VirtualTrees 6251 +1 TWorkerThread.Create

thread $1e48:
76f20196 +0e ntdll.dll NtWaitForMultipleObjects
76803378 +10 kernel32.dll BaseThreadInitThunk

thread $1570:
76f21f7f +0b ntdll.dll NtWaitForWorkViaWorkerFactory
76803378 +10 kernel32.dll BaseThreadInitThunk

thread $4f8c:
76f21f7f +0b ntdll.dll NtWaitForWorkViaWorkerFactory
76803378 +10 kernel32.dll BaseThreadInitThunk

date/time : 2016-02-02, 03:03:39, 937ms
computer name : OWNER-PC
user name : Owner
registered owner : Owner
operating system : Windows 7 x64 Service Pack 1 build 7601
system language : English
system up time : 7 days 9 hours
program up time : 37 seconds
processors : 12x Intel® Core™ i7-5930K CPU @ 3.50GHz
physical memory : 18456/32664 MB (free/total)
free disk space : (C:) 346.37 GB (I:) 2906.88 GB
display mode : 1920x1080, 32 bit
process id : $5230
allocated memory : 604.78 MB
executable : TES5Edit.exe
exec. date/time : 2015-11-09 02:07
version :
compiled with : Delphi XE
madExcept version : 4.0.5
callstack crc : $7c378ea9, $bf457b73, $0f067ac9
count : 3
exception number : 1
exception class : EFCreateError
exception message : Cannot create file "C:\Users\Owner\AppData\Local\Skyrim\Plugins.tes5viewsettings". Access is denied.

main thread ($540c):
004b9244 +0bc TES5Edit.exe Classes TFileStream.Create
004b9164 +020 TES5Edit.exe Classes TFileStream.Create
004b7370 +018 TES5Edit.exe Classes TStrings.SaveToFile
004d9f65 +039 TES5Edit.exe IniFiles TMemIniFile.UpdateFile
00a78111 +091 TES5Edit.exe frmViewMain 12583 +8 TfrmMain.tmrCheckUnsavedTimer
00553f53 +00f TES5Edit.exe ExtCtrls TTimer.Timer
00553e37 +02b TES5Edit.exe ExtCtrls TTimer.WndProc
004c4e8c +014 TES5Edit.exe Classes StdWndProc
76f10107 +02b ntdll.dll KiUserCallbackDispatcher
74c3c2ba +00e USER32.dll TrackPopupMenuEx
74c3c29e +016 USER32.dll TrackPopupMenu
00528ca1 +09d TES5Edit.exe Menus TPopupMenu.Popup
005082d9 +11d TES5Edit.exe Controls TControl.WMContextMenu
0050f782 +0aa TES5Edit.exe Controls TWinControl.WMContextMenu
005e3bd3 +02b TES5Edit.exe VirtualTrees 18093 +4 TBaseVirtualTree.WMContextMenu
00506c60 +2d4 TES5Edit.exe Controls TControl.WndProc
0050b524 +568 TES5Edit.exe Controls TWinControl.WndProc
005f2910 +0f8 TES5Edit.exe VirtualTrees 26914 +32 TBaseVirtualTree.WndProc
0050abc4 +02c TES5Edit.exe Controls TWinControl.MainWndProc
004c4e8c +014 TES5Edit.exe Classes StdWndProc
76f10107 +02b ntdll.dll KiUserCallbackDispatcher
005db094 +020 TES5Edit.exe VirtualTrees 12432 +1 HSPlitterHit
005dbfc4 +e98 TES5Edit.exe VirtualTrees 12785 +341 TVTHeader.HandleMessage
74c20d48 +016 USER32.dll CallWindowProcW
0050b624 +0d8 TES5Edit.exe Controls TWinControl.DefaultHandler
00507694 +00c TES5Edit.exe Controls TControl.WMRButtonUp
005e5ecf +077 TES5Edit.exe VirtualTrees 19373 +14 TBaseVirtualTree.WMRButtonUp
00506c60 +2d4 TES5Edit.exe Controls TControl.WndProc
0050b524 +568 TES5Edit.exe Controls TWinControl.WndProc
005f2910 +0f8 TES5Edit.exe VirtualTrees 26914 +32 TBaseVirtualTree.WndProc
0050abc4 +02c TES5Edit.exe Controls TWinControl.MainWndProc
004c4e8c +014 TES5Edit.exe Classes StdWndProc
74c17885 +00a USER32.dll DispatchMessageW
005b2133 +0f3 TES5Edit.exe Forms TApplication.ProcessMessage
005b2176 +00a TES5Edit.exe Forms TApplication.HandleMessage
005b24a1 +0c9 TES5Edit.exe Forms TApplication.Run
00a91faf +05f TES5Edit.exe TES5Edit 77 +7 initialization
76803378 +010 kernel32.dll BaseThreadInitThunk

thread $51e0 (TWorkerThread):
76f1f90a +0e ntdll.dll NtWaitForSingleObject
748f14a5 +92 KERNELBASE.dll WaitForSingleObjectEx
7680118f +3e kernel32.dll WaitForSingleObjectEx
76801143 +0d kernel32.dll WaitForSingleObject
005d21e9 +19 TES5Edit.exe VirtualTrees 6308 +3 TWorkerThread.Execute
00472cf7 +2b TES5Edit.exe madExcept HookedTThreadExecute
004c21c6 +42 TES5Edit.exe Classes ThreadProc
00407588 +28 TES5Edit.exe System 148 +0 ThreadWrapper
00472bd9 +0d TES5Edit.exe madExcept CallThreadProcSafe
00472c43 +37 TES5Edit.exe madExcept ThreadExceptFrame
76803378 +10 kernel32.dll BaseThreadInitThunk
>> created by main thread ($540c) at:
005d20d1 +19 TES5Edit.exe VirtualTrees 6251 +1 TWorkerThread.Create

thread $459c:
76f21f7f +0b ntdll.dll NtWaitForWorkViaWorkerFactory
76803378 +10 kernel32.dll BaseThreadInitThunk

thread $22a8:
76f20196 +0e ntdll.dll NtWaitForMultipleObjects
76803378 +10 kernel32.dll BaseThreadInitThunk

thread $48a8:
76f21f7f +0b ntdll.dll NtWaitForWorkViaWorkerFactory
76803378 +10 kernel32.dll BaseThreadInitThunk

thread $53a8:
76f21f7f +0b ntdll.dll NtWaitForWorkViaWorkerFactory
76803378 +10 kernel32.dll BaseThreadInitThunk

thread $57ac:
76f21f7f +0b ntdll.dll NtWaitForWorkViaWorkerFactory
76803378 +10 kernel32.dll BaseThreadInitThunk

date/time : 2016-02-02, 03:21:38, 293ms
computer name : OWNER-PC
user name : Owner
registered owner : Owner
operating system : Windows 7 x64 Service Pack 1 build 7601
system language : English
system up time : 7 days 9 hours
program up time : 36 seconds
processors : 12x Intel® Core™ i7-5930K CPU @ 3.50GHz
physical memory : 17540/32664 MB (free/total)
free disk space : (C:) 346.14 GB (I:) 2906.88 GB
display mode : 1920x1080, 32 bit
process id : $1668
allocated memory : 604.73 MB
executable : TES5Edit.exe
exec. date/time : 2015-11-09 02:07
version :
compiled with : Delphi XE
madExcept version : 4.0.5
callstack crc : $7c378ea9, $0acf6a61, $92951b58
count : 15
exception number : 1
exception class : EFCreateError
exception message : Cannot create file "C:\Users\Owner\AppData\Local\Skyrim\Plugins.tes5viewsettings". Access is denied.

main thread ($5588):
004b9244 +bc TES5Edit.exe Classes TFileStream.Create
004b9164 +20 TES5Edit.exe Classes TFileStream.Create
004b7370 +18 TES5Edit.exe Classes TStrings.SaveToFile
004d9f65 +39 TES5Edit.exe IniFiles TMemIniFile.UpdateFile
00a78111 +91 TES5Edit.exe frmViewMain 12583 +8 TfrmMain.tmrCheckUnsavedTimer
00553f53 +0f TES5Edit.exe ExtCtrls TTimer.Timer
00553e37 +2b TES5Edit.exe ExtCtrls TTimer.WndProc
004c4e8c +14 TES5Edit.exe Classes StdWndProc
74c17885 +0a USER32.dll DispatchMessageW
005b2133 +f3 TES5Edit.exe Forms TApplication.ProcessMessage
005b2176 +0a TES5Edit.exe Forms TApplication.HandleMessage
005b24a1 +c9 TES5Edit.exe Forms TApplication.Run
00a91faf +5f TES5Edit.exe TES5Edit 77 +7 initialization
76803378 +10 kernel32.dll BaseThreadInitThunk

thread $50e4 (TWorkerThread):
76f1f90a +0e ntdll.dll NtWaitForSingleObject
748f14a5 +92 KERNELBASE.dll WaitForSingleObjectEx
7680118f +3e kernel32.dll WaitForSingleObjectEx
76801143 +0d kernel32.dll WaitForSingleObject
005d21e9 +19 TES5Edit.exe VirtualTrees 6308 +3 TWorkerThread.Execute
00472cf7 +2b TES5Edit.exe madExcept HookedTThreadExecute
004c21c6 +42 TES5Edit.exe Classes ThreadProc
00407588 +28 TES5Edit.exe System 148 +0 ThreadWrapper
00472bd9 +0d TES5Edit.exe madExcept CallThreadProcSafe
00472c43 +37 TES5Edit.exe madExcept ThreadExceptFrame
76803378 +10 kernel32.dll BaseThreadInitThunk
>> created by main thread ($5588) at:
005d20d1 +19 TES5Edit.exe VirtualTrees 6251 +1 TWorkerThread.Create

thread $d5c:
76f21f7f +0b ntdll.dll NtWaitForWorkViaWorkerFactory
76803378 +10 kernel32.dll BaseThreadInitThunk

thread $53d0:
76f20196 +0e ntdll.dll NtWaitForMultipleObjects
76803378 +10 kernel32.dll BaseThreadInitThunk

thread $4ec0:
76f21f7f +0b ntdll.dll NtWaitForWorkViaWorkerFactory
76803378 +10 kernel32.dll BaseThreadInitThunk

thread $5604:
76f21f7f +0b ntdll.dll NtWaitForWorkViaWorkerFactory
76803378 +10 kernel32.dll BaseThreadInitThunk

thread $3844:
76f21f7f +0b ntdll.dll NtWaitForWorkViaWorkerFactory
76803378 +10 kernel32.dll BaseThreadInitThunk

date/time : 2016-02-02, 03:21:59, 403ms
computer name : OWNER-PC
user name : Owner
registered owner : Owner
operating system : Windows 7 x64 Service Pack 1 build 7601
system language : English
system up time : 7 days 9 hours
program up time : 57 seconds
processors : 12x Intel® Core™ i7-5930K CPU @ 3.50GHz
physical memory : 17513/32664 MB (free/total)
free disk space : (C:) 346.14 GB (I:) 2906.88 GB
display mode : 1920x1080, 32 bit
process id : $1668
allocated memory : 605.99 MB
executable : TES5Edit.exe
exec. date/time : 2015-11-09 02:07
version :
compiled with : Delphi XE
madExcept version : 4.0.5
callstack crc : $7c378ea9, $787381bf, $07d21b17
count : 8
exception number : 3
exception class : EFCreateError
exception message : Cannot create file "C:\Users\Owner\AppData\Local\Skyrim\Plugins.tes5viewsettings". Access is denied.

main thread ($5588):
004b9244 +0bc TES5Edit.exe Classes TFileStream.Create
004b9164 +020 TES5Edit.exe Classes TFileStream.Create
004b7370 +018 TES5Edit.exe Classes TStrings.SaveToFile
004d9f65 +039 TES5Edit.exe IniFiles TMemIniFile.UpdateFile
00a742e6 +33e TES5Edit.exe frmViewMain 11660 +31 TfrmMain.SaveChanged
00a51a3d +0cd TES5Edit.exe frmViewMain 4270 +20 TfrmMain.FormClose
005a8783 +017 TES5Edit.exe Forms TCustomForm.DoClose
005ad3a9 +055 TES5Edit.exe Forms TCustomForm.Close
005ac3dc +000 TES5Edit.exe Forms TCustomForm.WMClose
00506c60 +2d4 TES5Edit.exe Controls TControl.WndProc
0050b524 +568 TES5Edit.exe Controls TWinControl.WndProc
005a9164 +594 TES5Edit.exe Forms TCustomForm.WndProc
0050abc4 +02c TES5Edit.exe Controls TWinControl.MainWndProc
004c4e8c +014 TES5Edit.exe Classes StdWndProc
76f10107 +02b ntdll.dll KiUserCallbackDispatcher
74c20d48 +016 USER32.dll CallWindowProcW
0050b624 +0d8 TES5Edit.exe Controls TWinControl.DefaultHandler
005ab3da +05a TES5Edit.exe Forms TCustomForm.DefaultHandler
0050d241 +0a1 TES5Edit.exe Controls TWinControl.WMSysCommand
005ac4ad +055 TES5Edit.exe Forms TCustomForm.WMSysCommand
00506c60 +2d4 TES5Edit.exe Controls TControl.WndProc
0050b524 +568 TES5Edit.exe Controls TWinControl.WndProc
005a9164 +594 TES5Edit.exe Forms TCustomForm.WndProc
0050abc4 +02c TES5Edit.exe Controls TWinControl.MainWndProc
004c4e8c +014 TES5Edit.exe Classes StdWndProc
76f10107 +02b ntdll.dll KiUserCallbackDispatcher
74c20d48 +016 USER32.dll CallWindowProcW
0050b624 +0d8 TES5Edit.exe Controls TWinControl.DefaultHandler
005ab3da +05a TES5Edit.exe Forms TCustomForm.DefaultHandler
00507329 +015 TES5Edit.exe Controls TControl.WMNCLButtonDown
005ac098 +084 TES5Edit.exe Forms TCustomForm.WMNCLButtonDown
00506c60 +2d4 TES5Edit.exe Controls TControl.WndProc
0050b524 +568 TES5Edit.exe Controls TWinControl.WndProc
005a9164 +594 TES5Edit.exe Forms TCustomForm.WndProc
0050abc4 +02c TES5Edit.exe Controls TWinControl.MainWndProc
004c4e8c +014 TES5Edit.exe Classes StdWndProc
74c17885 +00a USER32.dll DispatchMessageW
005b2133 +0f3 TES5Edit.exe Forms TApplication.ProcessMessage
005b2176 +00a TES5Edit.exe Forms TApplication.HandleMessage
005b24a1 +0c9 TES5Edit.exe Forms TApplication.Run
00a91faf +05f TES5Edit.exe TES5Edit 77 +7 initialization
76803378 +010 kernel32.dll BaseThreadInitThunk

thread $50e4 (TWorkerThread):
76f1f90a +0e ntdll.dll NtWaitForSingleObject
748f14a5 +92 KERNELBASE.dll WaitForSingleObjectEx
7680118f +3e kernel32.dll WaitForSingleObjectEx
76801143 +0d kernel32.dll WaitForSingleObject
005d21e9 +19 TES5Edit.exe VirtualTrees 6308 +3 TWorkerThread.Execute
00472cf7 +2b TES5Edit.exe madExcept HookedTThreadExecute
004c21c6 +42 TES5Edit.exe Classes ThreadProc
00407588 +28 TES5Edit.exe System 148 +0 ThreadWrapper
00472bd9 +0d TES5Edit.exe madExcept CallThreadProcSafe
00472c43 +37 TES5Edit.exe madExcept ThreadExceptFrame
76803378 +10 kernel32.dll BaseThreadInitThunk
>> created by main thread ($5588) at:
005d20d1 +19 TES5Edit.exe VirtualTrees 6251 +1 TWorkerThread.Create

thread $d5c:
76f21f7f +0b ntdll.dll NtWaitForWorkViaWorkerFactory
76803378 +10 kernel32.dll BaseThreadInitThunk

thread $53d0:
76f20196 +0e ntdll.dll NtWaitForMultipleObjects
76803378 +10 kernel32.dll BaseThreadInitThunk

thread $4ec0:
76f21f7f +0b ntdll.dll NtWaitForWorkViaWorkerFactory
76803378 +10 kernel32.dll BaseThreadInitThunk

thread $5604:
76f21f7f +0b ntdll.dll NtWaitForWorkViaWorkerFactory
76803378 +10 kernel32.dll BaseThreadInitThunk

thread $3844:
76f21f7f +0b ntdll.dll NtWaitForWorkViaWorkerFactory
76803378 +10 kernel32.dll BaseThreadInitThunk

date/time : 2016-02-02, 03:49:23, 900ms
computer name : OWNER-PC
user name : Owner
registered owner : Owner
operating system : Windows 7 x64 Service Pack 1 build 7601
system language : English
system up time : 7 days 10 hours
program up time : 36 seconds
processors : 12x Intel® Core™ i7-5930K CPU @ 3.50GHz
physical memory : 16854/32664 MB (free/total)
free disk space : (C:) 346.14 GB (I:) 2906.88 GB
display mode : 1920x1080, 32 bit
process id : $22dc
allocated memory : 604.73 MB
executable : TES5Edit.exe
exec. date/time : 2015-11-09 02:07
version :
compiled with : Delphi XE
madExcept version : 4.0.5
callstack crc : $7c378ea9, $1c66c28c, $eafa3c94
exception number : 1
exception class : EFCreateError
exception message : Cannot create file "C:\Users\Owner\AppData\Local\Skyrim\Plugins.tes5viewsettings". Access is denied.

main thread ($2c90):
004b9244 +0bc TES5Edit.exe Classes TFileStream.Create
004b9164 +020 TES5Edit.exe Classes TFileStream.Create
004b7370 +018 TES5Edit.exe Classes TStrings.SaveToFile
004d9f65 +039 TES5Edit.exe IniFiles TMemIniFile.UpdateFile
00a78111 +091 TES5Edit.exe frmViewMain 12583 +8 TfrmMain.tmrCheckUnsavedTimer
00553f53 +00f TES5Edit.exe ExtCtrls TTimer.Timer
00553e37 +02b TES5Edit.exe ExtCtrls TTimer.WndProc
004c4e8c +014 TES5Edit.exe Classes StdWndProc
74c17885 +00a USER32.dll DispatchMessageW
005b2133 +0f3 TES5Edit.exe Forms TApplication.ProcessMessage
005b2176 +00a TES5Edit.exe Forms TApplication.HandleMessage
005adad5 +1a1 TES5Edit.exe Forms TCustomForm.ShowModal
00a74290 +2e8 TES5Edit.exe frmViewMain 11656 +27 TfrmMain.SaveChanged
00a51a3d +0cd TES5Edit.exe frmViewMain 4270 +20 TfrmMain.FormClose
005a8783 +017 TES5Edit.exe Forms TCustomForm.DoClose
005ad3a9 +055 TES5Edit.exe Forms TCustomForm.Close
005ac3dc +000 TES5Edit.exe Forms TCustomForm.WMClose
00506c60 +2d4 TES5Edit.exe Controls TControl.WndProc
0050b524 +568 TES5Edit.exe Controls TWinControl.WndProc
005a9164 +594 TES5Edit.exe Forms TCustomForm.WndProc
0050abc4 +02c TES5Edit.exe Controls TWinControl.MainWndProc
004c4e8c +014 TES5Edit.exe Classes StdWndProc
76f10107 +02b ntdll.dll KiUserCallbackDispatcher
74c20d48 +016 USER32.dll CallWindowProcW
0050b624 +0d8 TES5Edit.exe Controls TWinControl.DefaultHandler
005ab3da +05a TES5Edit.exe Forms TCustomForm.DefaultHandler
0050d241 +0a1 TES5Edit.exe Controls TWinControl.WMSysCommand
005ac4ad +055 TES5Edit.exe Forms TCustomForm.WMSysCommand
00506c60 +2d4 TES5Edit.exe Controls TControl.WndProc
0050b524 +568 TES5Edit.exe Controls TWinControl.WndProc
005a9164 +594 TES5Edit.exe Forms TCustomForm.WndProc
0050abc4 +02c TES5Edit.exe Controls TWinControl.MainWndProc
004c4e8c +014 TES5Edit.exe Classes StdWndProc
76f10107 +02b ntdll.dll KiUserCallbackDispatcher
74c20d48 +016 USER32.dll CallWindowProcW
0050b624 +0d8 TES5Edit.exe Controls TWinControl.DefaultHandler
005ab3da +05a TES5Edit.exe Forms TCustomForm.DefaultHandler
00507329 +015 TES5Edit.exe Controls TControl.WMNCLButtonDown
005ac098 +084 TES5Edit.exe Forms TCustomForm.WMNCLButtonDown
00506c60 +2d4 TES5Edit.exe Controls TControl.WndProc
0050b524 +568 TES5Edit.exe Controls TWinControl.WndProc
005a9164 +594 TES5Edit.exe Forms TCustomForm.WndProc
0050abc4 +02c TES5Edit.exe Controls TWinControl.MainWndProc
004c4e8c +014 TES5Edit.exe Classes StdWndProc
74c17885 +00a USER32.dll DispatchMessageW
005b2133 +0f3 TES5Edit.exe Forms TApplication.ProcessMessage
005b2176 +00a TES5Edit.exe Forms TApplication.HandleMessage
005b24a1 +0c9 TES5Edit.exe Forms TApplication.Run
00a91faf +05f TES5Edit.exe TES5Edit 77 +7 initialization
76803378 +010 kernel32.dll BaseThreadInitThunk

thread $4e60 (TWorkerThread):
76f1f90a +0e ntdll.dll NtWaitForSingleObject
748f14a5 +92 KERNELBASE.dll WaitForSingleObjectEx
7680118f +3e kernel32.dll WaitForSingleObjectEx
76801143 +0d kernel32.dll WaitForSingleObject
005d21e9 +19 TES5Edit.exe VirtualTrees 6308 +3 TWorkerThread.Execute
00472cf7 +2b TES5Edit.exe madExcept HookedTThreadExecute
004c21c6 +42 TES5Edit.exe Classes ThreadProc
00407588 +28 TES5Edit.exe System 148 +0 ThreadWrapper
00472bd9 +0d TES5Edit.exe madExcept CallThreadProcSafe
00472c43 +37 TES5Edit.exe madExcept ThreadExceptFrame
76803378 +10 kernel32.dll BaseThreadInitThunk
>> created by main thread ($2c90) at:
005d20d1 +19 TES5Edit.exe VirtualTrees 6251 +1 TWorkerThread.Create

thread $1900:
76f21f7f +0b ntdll.dll NtWaitForWorkViaWorkerFactory
76803378 +10 kernel32.dll BaseThreadInitThunk

thread $16b8:
76f20196 +0e ntdll.dll NtWaitForMultipleObjects
76803378 +10 kernel32.dll BaseThreadInitThunk

thread $494c:
76f21f7f +0b ntdll.dll NtWaitForWorkViaWorkerFactory
76803378 +10 kernel32.dll BaseThreadInitThunk

thread $15d4:
76f21f7f +0b ntdll.dll NtWaitForWorkViaWorkerFactory
76803378 +10 kernel32.dll BaseThreadInitThunk

thread $5604:
76f21f7f +0b ntdll.dll NtWaitForWorkViaWorkerFactory
76803378 +10 kernel32.dll BaseThreadInitThunk


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