The title says it all. After having success w/ Skyrim's STEP guide a few months back, I decided to pretty much followed this guide word for word. I have everything setup perfectly fine as far as I can tell, but I can't play for more than five minutes after starting a new game and configuring the mcm's without crashing to the ground. I've moved things around, re-installed a few things etc in the attempt to resolve this issue but I'm not having any luck. I'm unsure how to diagnose the cause of the CTD's and am on the verge of giving up, leaving NV behind for good. I really, really don't want to do that... so as a last resort I came here to cry for help!
I'm not sure exactly what you'd want from me in order to help resolve the issue, so tell me what you need and I'll come thru w/ the info.
[spoiler=MO Profile - plugins.txt]# This file was automatically generated by Mod Organizer. FalloutNV.esm DeadMoney.esm HonestHearts.esm OldWorldBlues.esm LonesomeRoad.esm GunRunnersArsenal.esm ClassicPack.esm MercenaryPack.esm TribalPack.esm CaravanPack.esm YUP - Base Game + All DLC.esm Detect Traps.esm Inventory Access.esm Advanced Recon Tech.esm Interior Lighting Overhaul - Core.esm JIP Selective-Fire.esm Ambient Temperature.esm NVInteriors_Core.esm New Vegas Redesigned 3.esm ELECTRO-CITY - CompletedWorkorders.esm NVInteriors_ComboEdition.esm Tales from the Burning Sands.esm Interior Lighting Overhaul - L38PS.esm FCOMaster.esm Project Nevada - Core.esm Project Nevada - Equipment.esm Project Nevada - Rebalance.esp Caliber.esm CaliberXhonesthearts.esm CaliberXgunrunners.esm ELECTRO-CITY - Highways and Byways.esm domecity.esm NVWillow.esp Sortomatic.esm The New Bison Steve Hotel.esm NVInt_ARoomWithAView.esm Project Nevada - Cyberware.esp More Perks.esm Afterschool Special.esm D.E.I.M.O.S..esm NevadaSkies.esm Project Nevada - Extra Options.esm SomeguySeries.esm Weapons.of.the.New.Millenia.esm Advanced Recon Range Finder.esp FPSWeaponWheel.esp JIP Companions Command & Control.esp The Mod Configuration Menu.esp ArmourRepairKits.esp JIP Realistic Weapon Overheating.esp CASM with MCM.esp Mojave Nights.esp DYNAVISION 3.esp DarNifiedUINV.esp FCO - Sweat.esp FCO - Willow.esp Centered 3rd Person Camera.esp Tales PN.esp Improved Casinos 2X.esp Improved-ammoingredientsloot.esp Jump Fall Fixer.esp LessIntrusiveKillCam.esp Mission Mojave - Ultimate Edition.esp FCO - GlowingOne.esp Boacombat2glove.esp Casino Exchange All.esp DetectTrapsMerged.esp EVE FNV - ALL DLC.esp New Vegas Redesigned 3.esp populatedcasino.esp The Weapon Mod Menu.esp Advanced Recon Tech.esp Project Nevada - Cyberware Additions.esp Sandbox6Collection.esp vault22FloralOverhaul.esp WeaponModsExpanded.esp TheInheritance.esp MMUE-CP-NVR3.esp TrooperOverhaul-Dragbody.esp Better Burned Man.esp WMX-DLCMerged.esp MMUE-CP-WMX.esp Project Nevada - WMX.esp Project Nevada - EVE All DLC.esp NewVegasUncutCollection.esp Alternative Start.esp TutKillerMerged.esp MachienzoMerged.esp MMUE-CP-Electrocity.esp EMR-StealthSuitMkII.esp Nipton Fires Extinguished.esp MMUE-CP-NVInteriors.esp Powered Power Armor.esp NewVegasBounties.esp NewVegasBountiesII.esp ILO - Merged Patches.esp 1nivVSLArmors.esp 1nivPNSLPatch.esp Integration - Couriers Stash+WMX.esp MMUE POP.esp WMX-ModernWeapons.esp Delay DLC - DM + HH + OWB + LR + GRA.esp GRA - The Right to Bear Arms.esp Laurens_Bathroom_poetry.esp CONELRAD 640-1240.esp MMUE-CP-ILO.esp Advanced Recon Gear.esp Advanced Recon Gear - Project Nevada.esp OWB-Path Lights.esp Project Nevada - Rebalance Complete.esp Project Nevada - All DLC.esp MMUE-CP-PNALLDLC.esp Ambient Temperature - PPA.esp NewVegasKiller.esp ExtendedDialogueVulpes.esp NCRTrooperOverhaul.esp DragonskinTacticalOutfit.esp Advanced Recon Armor.esp PortableCampsite.esp RaestlozFactionArmorEnhancement.esp NukaCola-Ojo.esp Safe ShowRaceMenu_Console.esp GRARG.esp Holster.esp Sortomatic_for_House_of_the_Chef.esp MMUE-CP-EVE.esp Weapons.of.the.New.Millenia.CaliberX4+.Patch.esp Weapons.of.the.New.Millenia.Leveled.Lists.esp christinecos.esp dD - Enhanced Blood Main NV.esp mapmarkers.esp NevadaSkies - Ultimate DLC Edition.esp Bashed Patch, 0.esp
[GeneralWarnings] SGeneralMasterMismatchWarning = One or more plugins could not find the correct versions of the master files they depend on. Errors may occur during load or game play. Check the "Warnings.txt" file for more information. SMasterMismatchWarning = One of the files that "%s" is dependent on has changed since the last save. This may result in errors. Saving again will clear this message but not necessarily fix any errors.
[CopyProtectionStrings] SCopyProtectionMessage2 = Insert the Fallout Disc. SCopyProtectionTitle2 = Fallout Disc Not Found SCopyProtectionMessage = Unable to find a CD-ROM/DVD drive on this computer. SCopyProtectionTitle = CD-ROM Drive Not Found
[GeneralWarnings] SGeneralMasterMismatchWarning = One or more plugins could not find the correct versions of the master files they depend on. Errors may occur during load or game play. Check the "Warnings.txt" file for more information. SMasterMismatchWarning = One of the files that "%s" is dependent on has changed since the last save. This may result in errors. Saving again will clear this message but not necessarily fix any errors.
[CopyProtectionStrings] SCopyProtectionMessage2 = Insert the Fallout Disc. SCopyProtectionTitle2 = Fallout Disc Not Found SCopyProtectionMessage = Unable to find a CD-ROM/DVD drive on this computer. SCopyProtectionTitle = CD-ROM Drive Not Found
[spoiler=PC Specs]GPU - GTX 780 Ti (JETSTREAM) CPU - i7-4930k RAM - 4x8GB 2.1kMHz SSD - ASUS RAIDR PCIe (where FNV is located)
Any and all help will be appreciated, I don't want the eight or so hours I spent modding this game to go to waste. I'm also using the latest Enhanced Shaders ENB (Nevada Skies ver) and have step the enblocal.ini to suit my system. I can't think of any other information that might help, other than a small mention that initially many textures weren't working correctly but I found a simple fix that is to disbale and re-enable the two texture and one mesh vanilla bsa's in MO. Every time I add a new mod I have to repeat the steps otherwise I'll get **** like missing road textures but the signs will be fine etc. I'm not sure if that has anything to do w/ the CTD's though. Thank you in advanced for your time!
The title says it all. After having success w/ Skyrim's STEP guide a few months back, I decided to pretty much followed this guide word for word. I have everything setup perfectly fine as far as I can tell, but I can't play for more than five minutes after starting a new game and configuring the mcm's without crashing to the ground. I've moved things around, re-installed a few things etc in the attempt to resolve this issue but I'm not having any luck. I'm unsure how to diagnose the cause of the CTD's and am on the verge of giving up, leaving NV behind for good. I really, really don't want to do that... so as a last resort I came here to cry for help!
I'm not sure exactly what you'd want from me in order to help resolve the issue, so tell me what you need and I'll come thru w/ the info.
[spoiler=MO Profile - plugins.txt]# This file was automatically generated by Mod Organizer.
YUP - Base Game + All DLC.esm
Detect Traps.esm
Inventory Access.esm
Advanced Recon Tech.esm
Interior Lighting Overhaul - Core.esm
JIP Selective-Fire.esm
Ambient Temperature.esm
New Vegas Redesigned 3.esm
ELECTRO-CITY - CompletedWorkorders.esm
Tales from the Burning Sands.esm
Interior Lighting Overhaul - L38PS.esm
Project Nevada - Core.esm
Project Nevada - Equipment.esm
Project Nevada - Rebalance.esp
ELECTRO-CITY - Highways and Byways.esm
The New Bison Steve Hotel.esm
Project Nevada - Cyberware.esp
More Perks.esm
Afterschool Special.esm
Project Nevada - Extra Options.esm
Advanced Recon Range Finder.esp
JIP Companions Command & Control.esp
The Mod Configuration Menu.esp
JIP Realistic Weapon Overheating.esp
CASM with MCM.esp
Mojave Nights.esp
FCO - Sweat.esp
FCO - Willow.esp
Centered 3rd Person Camera.esp
Tales PN.esp
Improved Casinos 2X.esp
Jump Fall Fixer.esp
Mission Mojave - Ultimate Edition.esp
FCO - GlowingOne.esp
Casino Exchange All.esp
New Vegas Redesigned 3.esp
The Weapon Mod Menu.esp
Advanced Recon Tech.esp
Project Nevada - Cyberware Additions.esp
Better Burned Man.esp
Project Nevada - WMX.esp
Project Nevada - EVE All DLC.esp
Alternative Start.esp
Nipton Fires Extinguished.esp
Powered Power Armor.esp
ILO - Merged Patches.esp
Integration - Couriers Stash+WMX.esp
Delay DLC - DM + HH + OWB + LR + GRA.esp
GRA - The Right to Bear Arms.esp
CONELRAD 640-1240.esp
Advanced Recon Gear.esp
Advanced Recon Gear - Project Nevada.esp
OWB-Path Lights.esp
Project Nevada - Rebalance Complete.esp
Project Nevada - All DLC.esp
Ambient Temperature - PPA.esp
Advanced Recon Armor.esp
Safe ShowRaceMenu_Console.esp
dD - Enhanced Blood Main NV.esp
NevadaSkies - Ultimate DLC Edition.esp
Bashed Patch, 0.esp
[spoiler=MO Profile - archives.txt]Fallout - Meshes.bsa
Fallout - Misc.bsa
Fallout - Sound.bsa
Fallout - Textures.bsa
Fallout - Textures2.bsa
Fallout - Voices1.bsa
DeadMoney - Main.bsa
DeadMoney - Sounds.bsa
HonestHearts - Main.bsa
HonestHearts - Sounds.bsa
OldWorldBlues - Main.bsa
OldWorldBlues - Sounds.bsa
LonesomeRoad - Main.bsa
LonesomeRoad - Sounds.bsa
GunRunnersArsenal - Main.bsa
GunRunnersArsenal - Sounds.bsa
ClassicPack - Main.bsa
TribalPack - Main.bsa
MercenaryPack - Main.bsa
CaravanPack - Main.bsa
Mission Mojave - Ultimate Edition.bsa
Advanced Recon Gear.bsa
Advanced Recon Tech.bsa
JIP Companions Command & Control - Assets.bsa
NevadaSkies - Main.bsa
NevadaSkies - Sounds.bsa
Interior Lighting Overhaul - Core.bsa
Better Burned Man - Main.bsa
[spoiler=MO Profile - fallout.ini][General]
SStartingCell =
SCharGenQuest = 00102037
SStartingCellY =
SStartingCellX =
SStartingWorld =
STestFile10 =
STestFile9 =
STestFile8 =
STestFile7 =
STestFile6 =
STestFile5 =
STestFile4 =
STestFile3 =
STestFile2 =
STestFile1 =
sEssentialFileCacheList = Data\Fallout.esm|Data2\Fallout.esm, Data\Music\Special\MainTitle.mp3, Data\Fallout - Sound.bsa|Fallout - Sound.bsa, Data\Fallout - Voices1.bsa|Fallout - Voices1.bsa
sUnessentialFileCacheList = Data\Fallout - Meshes.bsa|Data2\Fallout - Meshes.bsa, Data\Fallout - Textures.bsa|Data2\Fallout - Textures.bsa, Data\Fallout - Textures2.bsa, Data\Music\Dungeon\*.xma, Data\Music\Base\*.mp3, Data\Music\Battle\*.mp3, Data\Music\Explore\*.mp3, Data\Music\Public\*.mp3, Data\Music\Special\*.mp3
bPreCullActors = 1
bTaskletActorSceneGraphUpdates = 0
bTaskletActorAnimMovementUpdates = 1
bAnimationUseBlendFromPose = 1
bEnableProfile = 0
bDrawSpellContact = 0
iHoursToSleep = 3
bActorLookWithHavok = 0
SMainMenuMusicTrack = special\maintitle.mp3
bUseEyeEnvMapping = 1
bFixFaceNormals = 0
bUseFaceGenHeads = 1
bFaceMipMaps = 1
bFaceGenTexturing = 1
bDefaultCOCPlacement = 0
uGridDistantCount = 20
uGridsToLoad = 5
fGlobalTimeMultiplier = 1.0000
bNewAnimation = 1
bFixAIPackagesOnLoad = 0
bForceReloadOnEssentialCharacterDeath = 1
bKeepPluginWhenMerging = 0
bCreate Maps Enable = 0
SLocalSavePath = Saves\
SLocalMasterPath = Data\
bDisableDuplicateReferenceCheck = 1
bTintMipMaps = 0
uInteriorCellBuffer = 192
uExteriorCellBuffer = 2304
iIntroSequencePriority = 3
bPreloadIntroSequence = 1
fStaticScreenWaitTime = 3.0000
SMainMenuMovieIntro =
SIntroSequence =
sIntroMovie = Fallout INTRO Vsk.bik
iFPSClamp = 0
bRunVTuneTest = 0
bActivateAllQuestScripts = 0
bDisableHeadTracking = 0
bTrackAllDeaths = 0
uiFaceGenMaxEGTDataSize = 67108864
uiFaceGenMaxEGMDataSize = 67108864
bPreemptivelyUnloadCells = 0
iNumBitsForFullySeen = 248
iPreloadSizeLimit = 16777216000
bUseHardDriveCache = 0
bEnableBoundingVolumeOcclusion = 1
bDisplayBoundingVolumes = 0
bUseThreadedTempEffects = 1
bUseThreadedParticleSystem = 0
bExternalLODDataFiles = 1
bCheckCellOffsetsOnInit = 0
uGridDistantTreeRange = 5
bCreateShaderPackage = 0
bWarnOnMissingFileEntry = 0
bAllowScriptedAutosave = 0
uGridDistantTreeRangeCity = 4
uGridDistantCountCity = 4
iSaveGameBackupCount = 1
bDisplayMissingContentDialogue = 1
SSaveGameSafeCellID = 2AEEA
bChangeTimeMultSlowly = 1
bCheckPurgedTextureList = 0
bAnimateDoorPhysics = 0
sLanguage = ENGLISH
bLoadFaceGenHeadEGTFiles = 1
fDecalLifetime = 720.0000
bEquippedTorchesCastShadows = 0
bReportBadTangentSpace = 0
bStaticMenuBackground = 1
bForcePow2Textures = 0
bForce1XShaders = 0
bHighQuality20Lighting = 1
bAllow20HairShader = 1
bAllowScreenShot = 0
iMultiSample = 1
bDoTallGrassEffect = 1
bForceMultiPass = 1
bDoTexturePass = 1
bDoSpecularPass = 1
bDoDiffusePass = 1
bDoAmbientPass = 1
bImageSpaceEffects = 1
bDoCanopyShadowPass = 1
bDrawShadows = 0
bUseRefractionShader = 1
bUse Shaders = 1
iNPatchNOrder = 0
iNPatchPOrder = 0
iNPatches = 0
iLocation Y = 5
iLocation X = 5
bFull Screen = 0
iAdapter = 0
iScreenShotIndex = 0
SScreenShotBaseName = ScreenShot
iAutoViewMinDistance = 2000
iAutoViewHiFrameRate = 40
iAutoViewLowFrameRate = 20
bAutoViewDistance = 0
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fFarDistance = 1000.0000
iDebugTextLeftRightOffset = 10
iDebugTextTopBottomOffset = 20
bShowMenuTextureUse = 1
fLightLODDefaultStartFade = 10240.0
fLightLODRange = 10240.0
fLightLODMinStartFade = 10240.0
fLightLODMaxStartFade = 10240.0
fShadowLODDefaultStartFade = 200.0
fShadowLODRange = 200.0
fShadowLODMinStartFade = 100.0
fShadowLODMaxStartFade = 1000.0
fSpecularLODDefaultStartFade = 10240.0
fSpecularLODRange = 10240.0
fSpecularLODMinStartFade = 10240.0
fSpecularLODMaxStartFade = 10240.0
fGamma = 1.0000
bAllow30Shaders = 1
iTexMipMapMinimum = 0
bDoStaticAndArchShadows = 0
bDoActorShadows = 1
fNoLODFarDistancePct = 1.0000
fNoLODFarDistanceMax = 10240.0000
fNoLODFarDistanceMin = 100.0000
fEyeEnvMapLOD2 = 800.0000
fEyeEnvMapLOD1 = 500.0000
fEnvMapLOD2 = 1800.0000
fEnvMapLOD1 = 1500.0000
fGammaMax = 0.6000
fGammaMin = 1.4000
iActorShadowCount = 4
bIgnoreResolutionCheck = 0
fSpecualrStartMax = 1000.0000
fSpecularStartMin = 0.0000
iActorShadowIntMax = 10
iActorShadowIntMin = 0
iActorShadowExtMax = 10
iActorShadowExtMin = 0
bDynamicWindowReflections = 1
fShadowFadeTime = 1.0000
iPresentInterval = 1
bDecalsOnSkinnedGeometry = 1
uVideoDeviceIdentifierPart4 = 0
uVideoDeviceIdentifierPart3 = 0
uVideoDeviceIdentifierPart2 = 0
uVideoDeviceIdentifierPart1 = 0
iShadowFilter = 2
bAllowPartialPrecision = 1
iShadowMapResolution = 1024
bShadowsOnGrass = 0
bActorSelfShadowing = 0
iActorShadowCountInt = 6
iActorShadowCountExt = 6
fPipboy1stPersonFOV = 47.0
fDefault1stPersonFOV = 75.0000
bLODNoiseAniso = 1
iMaxAnisotropy = 0
fLandLOFadeSeconds = 15.0
bEnableEyefinity = 0
bAlwaysRunByDefault = 1
bBackground Mouse = 0
bBackground Keyboard = 1
bUseWaterShader = 1
bUseWaterReflections = 1
bUseWaterRefractions = 1
bUseWaterDepth = 1
bUseWaterHiRes = 1
bUseWaterDisplacements = 1
bUseWaterLOD = 1
bReflectExplosions = 1
bAutoWaterSilhouetteReflections = 0
bForceHighDetailReflections = 1
bForceLowDetailReflections = 0
fTileTextureDivisor = 4.7500
fSurfaceTileSize = 2048.0000
fNearWaterOutdoorTolerance = 1024.0000
fNearWaterIndoorTolerance = 512.0000
fNearWaterUnderwaterVolume = 0.9000
fNearWaterUnderwaterFreq = 0.3000
uNearWaterPoints = 8
uNearWaterRadius = 1000
uSurfaceFPS = 12
fASFadeInTime = 2.0
fASFadeOutTime = 10.0
fRegionLoopFadeInTime = 5.0
fRegionLoopFadeOutTime = 5.0
fAudioDebugDelay = 0.0000
bEnableAudio = 1
bEnableAudioCache = 1
bMultiThreadAudio = 0
bEnableEnviroEffectsOnPC = 0
iAudioCacheSize = 2048
iMaxSizeForCachedSound = 256
bUseAudioDebugInformation = 1
fDefaultMasterVolume = 1.0000
fDefaultFootVolume = 0.5000
fDefaultMusicVolume = 0.6000
fDefaultRadioVolume = 0.5000
fDefaultEffectsVolume = 1.0000
fDefaultVoiceVolume = 0.6000
iMaxImpactSoundCount = 32
fMaxFootstepDistance = 1100.0000
fPlayerFootVolume = 0.6500
iCollisionSoundTimeDelta = 150
iRadioUpdateInterval = 250
fDialogMinDistance = 600.00
fDialogMaxDistance = 2000.00
fMainMenuMusicVolume = 0.6
fDBVoiceAttenuationIn2D = 2.0
fCollisionSoundHeavyThreshold = 60.0
fDialogueFadeDecibels = 6.0
fDialogueFadeSecondsIn = 2.0
fDialogueFadeSecondsOut = 1.0
fDialogueHeadPitchExaggeration = 2.0
fDialogueHeadRollExaggeration = 2.0
fDialogueHeadYawExaggeration = 2.0
fHardLandingDamageThreshold = 500.0
fWoodMediumMassMin = 7.0
fWoodLargeMassMin = 15.0
fStoneMediumMassMin = 5.0
fStoneLargeMassMin = 30.0
fEarthMediumMassMin = 5.0
fEarthLargeMassMin = 30.0
fSkinMediumMassMin = 5.0
fSkinLargeMassMin = 30.0
fMetalMediumMassMin = 8.0
fMetalLargeMassMin = 25.0
fRadioDialogMute = 0.50
fFilterDistortionGain = -7.5
fFilterPEQGain = -15.0
fFilterdBAttenuation = 11.5
bEnableTextToSpeech = 0
fTextToSpeechVolume = 0.35
fDialogReverbAttenuation = 0.15
bDrawPathsDefault = 0
bPathMovementOnly = 0
bDrawSmoothFailures = 0
bDebugSmoothing = 0
bSmoothPaths = 1
bSnapToAngle = 0
bDebugAvoidance = 0
bDisableAvoidance = 0
bBackgroundPathing = 1
bUseObstacleAvoidance = 1
bBackgroundNavmeshUpdate = 1
bEnableBorderRegion = 1
fLowPerfCombatantVoiceDistance = 1000.0000
iDetectionHighNumPicks = 40
fQuestScriptDelayTime = 5.0000
bCloneModelsInBackground = 1
iLastHDRSetting = -1
bDisablePlayerCollision = 0
fJumpAnimDelay = 0.7500
bTreeTops = 0
iSimType = 1
bPreventHavokAddAll = 0
bPreventHavokAddClutter = 0
fMaxTime = 0.016
bHavokDebug = 0
fRF = 1000.0000
fOD = 0.9000
fSE = 0.3000
fSD = 0.9800
iResetCounter = 5
fMoveLimitMass = 95.0000
iUpdateType = 0
bHavokPick = 0
fCameraCasterSize = 10.0000
iHavokSkipFrameCountTEST = 0
iNumHavokThreads = 1
fChaseDeltaMult = 0.0500
bAddBipedWhenKeyframed = 1
fQuadrupedPitchMult = 1.0000
iEntityBatchRemoveRate = 100
iMaxPicks = 40
bRagdollFeedback = 0
fCameraDist = 1000.0
fHierarchyGain = 0.17
fVelocityDamping = 0.0
fAccelerationGain = 1.0
fVelocityGain = 0.6
fPositionGain = 0.05
fPositionMaxLinearVelocity = 14.0
fPositionMaxAngularVelocity = 18.0
fSnapGain = 0.1
fSnapMaxLinearVelocity = 3.0
fSnapMaxAngularVelocity = 0.3
fSnapMaxLinearDistance = 0.3
fSnapMaxAngularDistance = 1.0
fOnOffGain = 0.5
fGroundAscendingGain = 0.4
fGroundDescendingGain = 0.4
fFootRaisedGain = 0.9000
fFootPlantedGain = 1.0000
bFootPlacementOn = 1
fPelvisUpDownBias = 0.75
fPelvisOffsetDamping = 0.2
fVertErrorGain = 0.5
fOriginalGroundHeightMS = -0.11
fAnkleOffset = 0.2000
fRagdollFeedback = 0.7
fLookAtTargetGain = 0.3
fLookAtGain = 0.045
fKeyRepeatInterval = 50.0000
fKeyRepeatTime = 500.0000
fActivatePickSphereRadius = 16.0000
fMenuModeAnimBlend = 0.0000
iSafeZoneXWide = 15
iSafeZoneYWide = 15
iSafeZoneX = 15
iSafeZoneY = 15
bAllowConsole = 1
bActivatePickUseGamebryoPick = 0
bUseFuzzyPicking = 1
fMenuBGBlurRadius = 2.0000
fMenuPlayerLightDiffuseBlue = 0.8000
fMenuPlayerLightDiffuseGreen = 0.8000
fMenuPlayerLightDiffuseRed = 0.8000
fMenuPlayerLightAmbientBlue = 0.2500
fMenuPlayerLightAmbientGreen = 0.2500
fMenuPlayerLightAmbientRed = 0.2500
iMaxViewCasterPicksGamebryo = 10
iMaxViewCasterPicksHavok = 10
iMaxViewCasterPicksFuzzy = 5
fInterfaceTintB = 0.8824
fInterfaceTintG = 0.9843
fInterfaceTintR = 0.6314
bUseImageSpaceMenuFX = 0
iSystemColorTerminalRed = 33
iSystemColorTerminalGreen = 231
iSystemColorTerminalBlue = 121
iSystemColorSystemRed = 26
iSystemColorSystemGreen = 255
iSystemColorSystemBlue = 128
iSystemColorMainMenuRed = 199
iSystemColorMainMenuGreen = 255
iSystemColorMainMenuBlue = 165
iSystemColorPipboyRed = 26
iSystemColorPipboyGreen = 255
iSystemColorPipboyBlue = 128
iSystemColorHUDAltRed = 255
iSystemColorHUDAltGreen = 67
iSystemColorHUDAltBlue = 42
iSystemColorHUDMainRed = 26
iSystemColorHUDMainGreen = 255
iSystemColorHUDMainBlue = 128
fRSMFaceSliderDefaultMin = -3.5
fRSMFaceSliderDefaultMax = 3.5
fPopUpBackgroundOpacity = 0.87
fMenuBackgroundOpacity = 0.76
bHideUnavailablePerks = 0
sWelcomeScreen1 = loading_screen_legal
sWelcomeScreen2 = loading_screen_bethsoft
sWelcomeScreen3 = loading_screen_BGS
sWelcomeScreen4 = loading_screen01
sMainMenuBackground = main_background
sTitleMusic = MainTitle
sInitialSound = fx\ui\loadscreen\initial\ui_loadscreen_initial.wav
iMaxScreens = 4
iMaxScreens_MainMenu = 20
fLoadingTextUpdateInterval = 10.0000
fLoadingBkgdUpdateInterval = 10.0000
fMainMenuBkgdUpdateInterval = 10.0000
fLoadingInitUpdateInterval = 3.0000
iNumLocationSpecificScreens = 1
fCreditsScrollSpeed = 40.0000
iConsoleTextYPos = 940
iConsoleTextXPos = 30
iConsoleVisibleLines = 15
iConsoleHistorySize = 50
rDebugTextColor = 255,251,233
iConsoleFont = 2
iDebugTextFont = 3
bHealthBarShowing = 0
fHealthBarFadeOutSpeed = 1.0000
fHealthBarSpeed = 80.0000
fHealthBarHeight = 4.0000
fHealthBarWidth = 40.0000
fHealthBarEmittanceFadeTime = 0.5000
fHealthBarEmittanceTime = 1.5000
bAllowHavokGrabTheLiving = 0
bEssentialTakeNoDamage = 1
iDetectionPicks = 21
sFontFile_9 = Textures\Fonts\NVFont_Test.fnt
iTreeClonesAllowed = 1
fCanopyShadowGrassMult = 1.0000
iCanopyShadowScale = 512
fTreeForceMaxBudAngle = -1.0000
fTreeForceMinBudAngle = -1.0000
fTreeForceLeafDimming = -1.0000
fTreeForceBranchDimming = -1.0000
fTreeForceCS = -1.0000
fTreeForceLLA = -1.0000
fTreeLODExponent = 1.0000
bEnableTrees = 1
bForceFullLOD = 0
fLODTreeMipMapLODBias = -0.7500
fLocalTreeMipMapLODBias = -0.2500
bDebugFaceGenCriticalSection = 0
bDebugFaceGenMultithreading = 0
bDebugSaveBuffer = 0
bBackgroundPathing = 1
bUseMultiThreadedFaceGen = 1
bBackgroundCellLoads = 1
iAnimaitonClonePerLoop = 5
bUseMultiThreadedTrees = 1
iExteriorPriority = 50
iBackgroundLoadFaceMult = 200
fBackgroundLoadingPerLoop = 20.0000
fBackgroundLoadClonedPerLoop = 5.0000
iBackgroundLoadExtraMaxFPS = 20
iBackgroundLoadExtraMinFPS = 10
iBackgroundLoadExtraMax = 3000
iBackgroundLoadExtraMin = 5
iBackgroundLoadExtraMilliseconds = 2
iBackgroundLoadTreeMilliseconds = 7
iBackgroundLoadMilliseconds = 1
iBackgroundLoadLoading = 1
bUseBackgroundFileLoader = 1
bBackgroundLoadLipFiles = 1
bLoadBackgroundFaceGen = 1
bLoadHelmetsInBackground = 1
iAnimationClonePerLoop = 5
bSelectivePurgeUnusedOnFastTravel = 0
bCloneModelsInBackground = 1
fLODLandDropAmount = 230.0000
fLodDistance = 500.0000
bUseFaceGenLOD = 0
iLODTextureTiling = 2
iLODTextureSizePow2 = 8
fLODNormalTextureBlend = 0.5000
bDisplayLODLand = 1
bDisplayLODBuildings = 1
bLODPopTrees = 0
bLODPopActors = 0
bLODPopItems = 0
bLODPopObjects = 0
fLODMultLandscape = 1.0000
fLODMultTrees = 0.5000
fLODMultActors = 1.0000
fLODMultItems = 1.0000
fLODMultObjects = 5
iFadeNodeMinNearDistance = 500
fLODFadeOutPercent = 0.6000
fFadeOutThreshold = 0.3000
fFadeInThreshold = 0.7000
fFadeInTimet = 2.0
fFadeOutTime = 2.0
fDistanceMultiplier = 1
fLODBoundRadiusMult = 10
fObjectLODMax = 15.0
fObjectLODMin = 1.0
fObjectLODDefault = 5
fItemLODMax = 15.0
fItemLODMin = 1.0
fItemLODDefault = 2
fActorLODMax = 15.0
fActorLODMin = 2.0
fActorLODDefault = 5
fTreeLODMax = 2.0000
fTreeLODMin = 0.0200
fTreeLODDefault = 0.5000
bLODUseCombinedLandNormalMaps = 1
bForceHideLODLand = 0
fLODLandVerticalBias = 0.0000
fTalkingDistance = 1000.0000
iBoneLODForce = -1
fLODQuadMinLoadDistance = 65536.0000
bDisplayLODTrees = 1
fLODFadeOutActorMultInterior = 1.0000
fLODFadeOutItemMultInterior = 1.0000
fLODFadeOutObjectMultInterior = 1.0000
fLODFadeOutActorMultCity = 1.0000
fLODFadeOutItemMultCity = 1.0000
fLODFadeOutObjectMultCity = 1.0000
fLODFadeOutActorMultComplex = 1.0000
fLODFadeOutItemMultComplex = 1.0000
fLODFadeOutObjectMultComplex = 1.0000
fSunGlareSize = 800.0000
fSunBaseSize = 750.0000
bPrecipitation = 1
fAlphaReduce = 1.0000
SBumpFadeColor = 255,255,255,255
SLerpCloseColor = 255,255,255,255
SEnvReduceColor = 255,255,255,255
SFileTypeLTF = ltf
SFileTypeLip = lip
SFileTypeSource = wav
SFileTypeGame = ogg
iMinGrassSize = 80
bGrassPointLighting = 0
bDrawShaderGrass = 1
iGrassDensityEvalSize = 2
iMaxGrassTypesPerTexure = 2
fWaveOffsetRange = 1.7500
fGrassWindMagnitudeMax = 125.0000
fGrassWindMagnitudeMin = 5.0000
fTexturePctThreshold = 0.0000
fGrassMinStartFadeDistance = 0.0
fGrassMaxStartFadeDistance = 7000.0
fGrassDefaultStartFadeDistance = 3500.0
fGrassFadeRange = 1000.0
bCurrentCellOnly = 0
bPreventSafetyCheck = 0
fLandTextureTilingMult = 2.0000
fLandFriction = 2.5000
iLandBorder2B = 0
iLandBorder2G = 0
iLandBorder2R = 0
iLandBorder1B = 0
iLandBorder1G = 255
iLandBorder1R = 255
SDefaultLandDiffuseTexture =
SDefaultLandNormalTexture =
fQuadraticRadiusMult = 1.0000
fLinearRadiusMult = 1.0000
bOutQuadInLin = 0
fConstantValue = 0.0000
fQuadraticValue = 16.0000
fLinearValue = 3.0000
uQuadraticMethod = 2
uLinearMethod = 1
fFlickerMovement = 8.0000
bUseQuadratic = 1
bUseLinear = 0
bUseConstant = 0
fTargetLUM = 1.0000
fUpperLUMClamp = 1.0000
fEmissiveHDRMult = 1.0000
fEyeAdaptSpeed = 0.5000
fBrightScale = 2.2500
fBrightClamp = 0.2250
fBlurRadius = 7.0000
iNumBlurpasses = 1
fTargetLUM = 1.0000
fUpperLUMClamp = 1.0000
fGrassDimmer = 1.5000
fTreeDimmer = 1.0000
fEmissiveHDRMult = 1.0000
fEyeAdaptSpeed = 0.5000
fSunlightDimmer = 1.5000
fSIEmmisiveMult = 1.0000
fSISpecularMult = 1.0000
fSkyBrightness = 0.5000
fSunBrightness = 0.0000
fBrightScale = 2.2500
fBrightClamp = 0.2250
fBlurRadius = 7.0000
iNumBlurpasses = 1
iBlendType = 2
bDoHighDynamicRange = 1
fSunlightDimmer = 1.0000
fSIEmmisiveMult = 1.0000
fSISpecularMult = 1.0000
fSkyBrightness = 0.5000
fSunBrightness = 0.0000
fAlphaAddExterior = 0.2000
fAlphaAddInterior = 0.7000
iBlurTexSize = 256
fBlurRadius = 0.0300
iNumBlurpasses = 1
iBlendType = 2
bUseBlurShader = 1
fBlurAmmount = 0.5000
fBlockedTexOffset = 0.0010
fHitTexOffset = 0.0050
bBlockMessageBoxes = 0
bSkipProgramFlows = 1
bAllowYesToAll = 1
bDisableWarning = 1
iFileLogging = 0
bSkipInitializationFlows = 1
bUseWindowsMessageBox = 0
bUseLODLandData = 0
fFadeDistance = 12288.0000
iDistantLODGroupWidth = 8
SGeneralMasterMismatchWarning = One or more plugins could not find the correct versions of the master files they depend on. Errors may occur during load or game play. Check the "Warnings.txt" file for more information.
SMasterMismatchWarning = One of the files that "%s" is dependent on has changed since the last save.
This may result in errors. Saving again will clear this message
but not necessarily fix any errors.
SInvalidationFile =
iRetainFilenameOffsetTable = 1
iRetainFilenameStringTable = 1
iRetainDirectoryStringTable = 1
bCheckRuntimeCollisions = 0
bInvalidateOlderFiles =1
bUseArchives = 1
SArchiveList =Fallout - Invalidation.bsa, Fallout - Textures.bsa, Fallout - Textures2.bsa, Fallout - Meshes.bsa, Fallout - Voices1.bsa, Fallout - Sound.bsa, Fallout - Misc.bsa
iTake = 0
SDirectoryName = TestCameraPath
iFPS = 60
SNif = Test\CameraPath.nif
fAbsorbGlowColorB = 1.0000
fAbsorbGlowColorG = 0.6000
fAbsorbGlowColorR = 0.0000
fAbsorbCoreColorB = 1.0000
fAbsorbCoreColorG = 1.0000
fAbsorbCoreColorR = 1.0000
iAbsorbNumBolts = 1
fAbsorbBoltGrowWidth = 0.0000
fAbsorbBoltSmallWidth = 7.0000
fAbsorbTortuosityVariance = 2.0000
fAbsorbSegmentVariance = 7.0000
fAbsorbBoltsRadius = 5.0000
bFileShowTextures = 1
bFileShowIcons = 1
bFileSkipIconChecks = 0
bFileTestLoad = 0
bFileNeededMessage = 1
bFileGoneMessage = 1
bFileSkipModelChecks = 0
bFileCheckModelCollision = 0
SCopyProtectionMessage2 = Insert the Fallout Disc.
SCopyProtectionTitle2 = Fallout Disc Not Found
SCopyProtectionMessage = Unable to find a CD-ROM/DVD drive on this computer.
SCopyProtectionTitle = CD-ROM Drive Not Found
fBlurRadiusPipboy = 3.5
fBlurIntensityPipboy = 0.25
fScanlineScalePipboy = 50
bEnableFlickerPipboy = 1
bUsePipboyMode = 1
fDefaultBurstDuration = 200
fDefaultBurstIntensity = 2
fMiniBurstDuration = 200
fMiniBurstIntensity = 1.5
fPulseBrightenIntensity = 0.25
fPulseRadiusIntensity = 0.5
fPulseRate = 0.0006
fVertHoldChance = 0.08
fShudderChance = 0.20
fScanlineScaleMenus = 50.0000
bEnableFlickerMenus = 1
bEnableScanlinesMenus = 1
bEnableScanlinesPipboy = 1
fBlurRadiusMenus = 0.3000
fBrightenMenus = 1.7000
fBrightenPipboy = 1.3000
bUseImageSpaceMenuFX = 1
fBlurIntensityHUD = 1.2000
fBlurRadiusHUD = 2.0000
fScanlineFrequencyHUD = 0.0000
fScreenLightBaseIntensity = 0.6
fScreenLightRadius = 6
bUseRenderedTerminals = 1
fRenderedTerminalFOV = 0.15
fRenderedTerminalZoom = 36
bDoRenderedTerminalScanlines = 1
fRenderedTerminalScanlineScale = 130.000000
fRenderedTerminalHPos = 0.0
fRenderedTerminalVPos = 0.38
fScreenLightBaseIntensity = 1.2
fScreenLightRadius = 80
fScreenLightColorR = 0.68
fScreenLightColorG = 0.74
fScreenLightColorB = 0.62
fRaceSexMenuHPos = 0.0
fRaceSexMenuVPos = -0.6
fRaceSexMenuZoom = 70.0
fRaceSexMenuScale = 0.5
fVATSLightLevelMin = 20.0
fVATSLightLevelMax = 65.0
fVATSLightAngle = 0.0
fVATSLightDistance = 100.0
fVATSLightElevation = 100.0
fVatsLightColorR = 0.35
fVatsLightColorG = 0.35
fVatsLightColorB = 0.35
bScreenSplatterEnabled = 1
[spoiler=MO Profile - falloutprefs.ini][General]
SStartingCell =
SCharGenQuest = 00102037
SStartingCellY =
SStartingCellX =
SStartingWorld =
STestFile10 =
STestFile9 =
STestFile8 =
STestFile7 =
STestFile6 =
STestFile5 =
STestFile4 =
STestFile3 =
STestFile2 =
STestFile1 =
sEssentialFileCacheList = Data\Fallout.esm|Data2\Fallout.esm, Data\Music\Special\MainTitle.mp3, Data\Fallout - Sound.bsa|Fallout - Sound.bsa, Data\Fallout - Voices1.bsa|Fallout - Voices1.bsa
sUnessentialFileCacheList = Data\Fallout - Meshes.bsa|Data2\Fallout - Meshes.bsa, Data\Fallout - Textures.bsa|Data2\Fallout - Textures.bsa, Data\Fallout - Textures2.bsa, Data\Music\Dungeon\*.xma, Data\Music\Base\*.mp3, Data\Music\Battle\*.mp3, Data\Music\Explore\*.mp3, Data\Music\Public\*.mp3, Data\Music\Special\*.mp3
bPreCullActors = 1
bTaskletActorSceneGraphUpdates = 0
bTaskletActorAnimMovementUpdates = 1
bAnimationUseBlendFromPose = 1
bEnableProfile = 0
bDrawSpellContact = 0
iHoursToSleep = 3
bActorLookWithHavok = 0
SMainMenuMusicTrack = special\maintitle.mp3
bUseEyeEnvMapping = 1
bFixFaceNormals = 0
bUseFaceGenHeads = 1
bFaceMipMaps = 1
bFaceGenTexturing = 1
bDefaultCOCPlacement = 0
uGridDistantCount = 20
uGridsToLoad = 5
fGlobalTimeMultiplier = 1.0000
bNewAnimation = 1
bFixAIPackagesOnLoad = 0
bForceReloadOnEssentialCharacterDeath = 1
bKeepPluginWhenMerging = 0
bCreate Maps Enable = 0
SLocalSavePath = Saves\
SLocalMasterPath = Data\
bDisableDuplicateReferenceCheck = 1
bTintMipMaps = 0
uInteriorCellBuffer = 192
uExteriorCellBuffer = 2304
iIntroSequencePriority = 3
bPreloadIntroSequence = 1
fStaticScreenWaitTime = 3.0000
SMainMenuMovieIntro =
SIntroSequence =
sIntroMovie = Fallout INTRO Vsk.bik
iFPSClamp = 0
bRunVTuneTest = 0
bActivateAllQuestScripts = 0
bDisableHeadTracking = 0
bTrackAllDeaths = 0
uiFaceGenMaxEGTDataSize = 67108864
uiFaceGenMaxEGMDataSize = 67108864
bPreemptivelyUnloadCells = 0
iNumBitsForFullySeen = 248
iPreloadSizeLimit = 16777216000
bUseHardDriveCache = 0
bEnableBoundingVolumeOcclusion = 1
bDisplayBoundingVolumes = 0
bUseThreadedTempEffects = 1
bUseThreadedParticleSystem = 0
bExternalLODDataFiles = 1
bCheckCellOffsetsOnInit = 0
uGridDistantTreeRange = 5
bCreateShaderPackage = 0
bWarnOnMissingFileEntry = 0
bAllowScriptedAutosave = 0
uGridDistantTreeRangeCity = 4
uGridDistantCountCity = 4
iSaveGameBackupCount = 1
bDisplayMissingContentDialogue = 1
SSaveGameSafeCellID = 2AEEA
bChangeTimeMultSlowly = 1
bCheckPurgedTextureList = 0
bAnimateDoorPhysics = 0
sLanguage =ENGLISH
bLoadFaceGenHeadEGTFiles = 1
fDecalLifetime = 720.0000
bEquippedTorchesCastShadows = 0
bReportBadTangentSpace = 0
bStaticMenuBackground = 1
bForcePow2Textures = 0
bForce1XShaders = 0
bHighQuality20Lighting = 0
bAllow20HairShader = 1
bAllowScreenShot = 0
iMultiSample =0
bDoTallGrassEffect = 1
bForceMultiPass = 1
bDoTexturePass = 1
bDoSpecularPass = 1
bDoDiffusePass = 1
bDoAmbientPass = 1
bImageSpaceEffects = 1
bDoCanopyShadowPass = 1
bDrawShadows =1
bUseRefractionShader = 1
bUse Shaders = 1
iNPatchNOrder = 0
iNPatchPOrder = 0
iNPatches = 0
iLocation Y = 5
iLocation X = 5
bFull Screen =1
iAdapter =0
iScreenShotIndex =8
SScreenShotBaseName = ScreenShot
iAutoViewMinDistance = 2000
iAutoViewHiFrameRate = 40
iAutoViewLowFrameRate = 20
bAutoViewDistance = 0
fNearDistance = 5
fFarDistance = 1000.0000
iDebugTextLeftRightOffset = 10
iDebugTextTopBottomOffset = 20
bShowMenuTextureUse = 1
fLightLODDefaultStartFade = 10240.0
fLightLODRange = 10240.0
fLightLODMinStartFade = 10240.0
fLightLODMaxStartFade = 10240.0
fShadowLODDefaultStartFade = 200.0
fShadowLODRange = 200.0
fShadowLODMinStartFade = 100.0
fShadowLODMaxStartFade = 1000.0
fSpecularLODDefaultStartFade = 10240.0
fSpecularLODRange = 10240.0
fSpecularLODMinStartFade = 10240.0
fSpecularLODMaxStartFade = 10240.0
fGamma =1.0000
bAllow30Shaders = 1
iTexMipMapMinimum =0
bDoStaticAndArchShadows = 0
bDoActorShadows = 1
fNoLODFarDistancePct = 1.0000
fNoLODFarDistanceMax = 10240.0000
fNoLODFarDistanceMin = 100.0000
fEyeEnvMapLOD2 = 800.0000
fEyeEnvMapLOD1 = 500.0000
fEnvMapLOD2 = 1800.0000
fEnvMapLOD1 = 1500.0000
fGammaMax = 0.6000
fGammaMin = 1.4000
iActorShadowCount = 4
bIgnoreResolutionCheck = 0
fSpecualrStartMax = 1000.0000
fSpecularStartMin = 0.0000
iActorShadowIntMax = 10
iActorShadowIntMin = 0
iActorShadowExtMax = 10
iActorShadowExtMin = 0
bDynamicWindowReflections = 1
fShadowFadeTime = 1.0000
iPresentInterval =1
bDecalsOnSkinnedGeometry = 1
uVideoDeviceIdentifierPart4 = 0
uVideoDeviceIdentifierPart3 = 0
uVideoDeviceIdentifierPart2 = 0
uVideoDeviceIdentifierPart1 = 0
iShadowFilter =2
bAllowPartialPrecision = 1
iShadowMapResolution =1024
bShadowsOnGrass = 0
bActorSelfShadowing = 0
iActorShadowCountInt =6
iActorShadowCountExt =6
fPipboy1stPersonFOV = 47.0
fDefault1stPersonFOV = 75.0000
bLODNoiseAniso = 1
iMaxAnisotropy =0
fLandLOFadeSeconds = 15.0
bEnableEyefinity =0
sD3DDevice ="NVIDIA GeForce GTX 780 Ti "
iTexMipMapSkip =0
iWaterMultisamples =4
bTransparencyMultisampling =1
fSpecularLODStartFade =2000.0000
fShadowLODStartFade =1000.0000
fLightLODStartFade =3500.0000
iSize W =1920
iSize H =1080
fDecalLOD2 =1500.0000
fDecalLOD1 =1000.0000
iShadowMode =3
iMaxSkinDecalsPerFrame =3
bAlwaysRunByDefault = 1
bBackground Mouse = 0
bBackground Keyboard = 1
Forward =0011FF13
Back =001FFF14
Slide Left =001EFF17
Slide Right =0020FF16
Use =00FF0011
Activate =0012FF0A
Block =00380110
Ready Item =0013FF0C
Crouch/Sneak =001DFF08
Run =002AFFFF
Always Run =003AFFFF
Auto Move =0010FFFF
Jump =0039FF0D
Toggle POV =0021FF0F
Menu Mode =000F030B
Rest =0014FF07
Vats =002FFF0E
Hotkey1 =0002FFFF
Ammo Swap =0003FF01
Hotkey3 =0004FFFF
Hotkey4 =0005FFFF
Hotkey5 =0006FFFF
Hotkey6 =0007FFFF
Hotkey7 =0008FFFF
Hotkey8 =0009FFFF
QuickSave =003FFFFF
QuickLoad =0043FFFF
Grab =002CFF09
fXenonVertLookSpeed =1200.0000
fXenonHorizLookSpeed =1500.0000
bGamePadRumble =1
bInvertYValues =0
fMouseSensitivity =0.0020
bUseWaterShader = 1
bUseWaterReflections =1
bUseWaterRefractions =1
bUseWaterDepth =1
bUseWaterHiRes = 1
bUseWaterDisplacements =0
bUseWaterLOD = 1
bReflectExplosions = 1
bAutoWaterSilhouetteReflections =0
bForceHighDetailReflections =1
bForceLowDetailReflections = 0
fTileTextureDivisor = 4.7500
fSurfaceTileSize = 2048.0000
fNearWaterOutdoorTolerance = 1024.0000
fNearWaterIndoorTolerance = 512.0000
fNearWaterUnderwaterVolume = 0.9000
fNearWaterUnderwaterFreq = 0.3000
uNearWaterPoints = 8
uNearWaterRadius = 1000
uSurfaceFPS = 12
iWaterReflectWidth =1024
iWaterReflectHeight =1024
bUseWaterReflectionBlur =1
iWaterBlurAmount =4
fASFadeInTime = 2.0
fASFadeOutTime = 10.0
fRegionLoopFadeInTime = 5.0
fRegionLoopFadeOutTime = 5.0
fAudioDebugDelay = 0.0000
bEnableAudio = 1
bEnableAudioCache = 1
bMultiThreadAudio = 0
bEnableEnviroEffectsOnPC = 0
iAudioCacheSize = 2048
iMaxSizeForCachedSound = 256
bUseAudioDebugInformation = 1
fDefaultMasterVolume =1.0000
fDefaultFootVolume =0.6000
fDefaultMusicVolume =0.6000
fDefaultRadioVolume =0.8000
fDefaultEffectsVolume =0.8000
fDefaultVoiceVolume =1.0000
iMaxImpactSoundCount = 32
fMaxFootstepDistance = 1100.0000
fPlayerFootVolume = 0.6500
iCollisionSoundTimeDelta = 150
iRadioUpdateInterval = 250
fDialogMinDistance = 600.00
fDialogMaxDistance = 2000.00
fMainMenuMusicVolume = 0.6
fDBVoiceAttenuationIn2D = 2.0
fCollisionSoundHeavyThreshold = 60.0
fDialogueFadeDecibels = 6.0
fDialogueFadeSecondsIn = 2.0
fDialogueFadeSecondsOut = 1.0
fDialogueHeadPitchExaggeration = 2.0
fDialogueHeadRollExaggeration = 2.0
fDialogueHeadYawExaggeration = 2.0
fHardLandingDamageThreshold = 500.0
fWoodMediumMassMin = 7.0
fWoodLargeMassMin = 15.0
fStoneMediumMassMin = 5.0
fStoneLargeMassMin = 30.0
fEarthMediumMassMin = 5.0
fEarthLargeMassMin = 30.0
fSkinMediumMassMin = 5.0
fSkinLargeMassMin = 30.0
fMetalMediumMassMin = 8.0
fMetalLargeMassMin = 25.0
fRadioDialogMute = 0.50
fFilterDistortionGain = -7.5
fFilterPEQGain = -15.0
fFilterdBAttenuation = 11.5
bEnableTextToSpeech = 0
fTextToSpeechVolume = 0.35
fDialogReverbAttenuation = 0.15
bDrawPathsDefault = 0
bPathMovementOnly = 0
bDrawSmoothFailures = 0
bDebugSmoothing = 0
bSmoothPaths = 1
bSnapToAngle = 0
bDebugAvoidance = 0
bDisableAvoidance = 0
bBackgroundPathing = 1
bUseObstacleAvoidance = 1
bBackgroundNavmeshUpdate = 1
bEnableBorderRegion = 1
fLowPerfCombatantVoiceDistance = 1000.0000
iDetectionHighNumPicks = 40
fQuestScriptDelayTime = 5.0000
bCloneModelsInBackground = 0
iLastHDRSetting = -1
bSaveOnWait = 0
bSaveOnTravel = 0
bSaveOnRest = 0
bDisablePlayerCollision = 0
fJumpAnimDelay = 0.7500
bTreeTops = 0
iSimType = 1
bPreventHavokAddAll = 0
bPreventHavokAddClutter = 0
fMaxTime = 0.016
bHavokDebug = 0
fRF = 1000.0000
fOD = 0.9000
fSE = 0.3000
fSD = 0.9800
iResetCounter = 5
fMoveLimitMass = 95.0000
iUpdateType = 0
bHavokPick = 0
fCameraCasterSize = 10.0000
iHavokSkipFrameCountTEST = 0
iNumHavokThreads = 1
fChaseDeltaMult = 0.0500
bAddBipedWhenKeyframed = 1
fQuadrupedPitchMult = 1.0000
iEntityBatchRemoveRate = 100
iMaxPicks = 40
bRagdollFeedback = 0
fCameraDist = 1000.0
fHierarchyGain = 0.17
fVelocityDamping = 0.0
fAccelerationGain = 1.0
fVelocityGain = 0.6
fPositionGain = 0.05
fPositionMaxLinearVelocity = 14.0
fPositionMaxAngularVelocity = 18.0
fSnapGain = 0.1
fSnapMaxLinearVelocity = 3.0
fSnapMaxAngularVelocity = 0.3
fSnapMaxLinearDistance = 0.3
fSnapMaxAngularDistance = 1.0
fOnOffGain = 0.5
fGroundAscendingGain = 0.4
fGroundDescendingGain = 0.4
fFootRaisedGain = 0.9000
fFootPlantedGain = 1.0000
bFootPlacementOn = 1
fPelvisUpDownBias = 0.75
fPelvisOffsetDamping = 0.2
fVertErrorGain = 0.5
fOriginalGroundHeightMS = -0.11
fAnkleOffset = 0.2000
fRagdollFeedback = 0.7
fLookAtTargetGain = 0.3
fLookAtGain = 0.045
fKeyRepeatInterval = 50.0000
fKeyRepeatTime = 500.0000
fActivatePickSphereRadius = 16.0000
fMenuModeAnimBlend = 0.0000
iSafeZoneXWide = 15
iSafeZoneYWide = 15
iSafeZoneX = 15
iSafeZoneY = 15
bAllowConsole = 1
bActivatePickUseGamebryoPick = 0
bUseFuzzyPicking = 1
fMenuBGBlurRadius = 2.0000
fMenuPlayerLightDiffuseBlue = 0.8000
fMenuPlayerLightDiffuseGreen = 0.8000
fMenuPlayerLightDiffuseRed = 0.8000
fMenuPlayerLightAmbientBlue = 0.2500
fMenuPlayerLightAmbientGreen = 0.2500
fMenuPlayerLightAmbientRed = 0.2500
iMaxViewCasterPicksGamebryo = 10
iMaxViewCasterPicksHavok = 10
iMaxViewCasterPicksFuzzy = 5
fInterfaceTintB = 0.8824
fInterfaceTintG = 0.9843
fInterfaceTintR = 0.6314
bUseImageSpaceMenuFX = 0
iSystemColorTerminalRed = 33
iSystemColorTerminalGreen = 231
iSystemColorTerminalBlue = 121
iSystemColorSystemRed = 26
iSystemColorSystemGreen = 255
iSystemColorSystemBlue = 128
iSystemColorMainMenuRed = 199
iSystemColorMainMenuGreen = 255
iSystemColorMainMenuBlue = 165
iSystemColorPipboyRed = 26
iSystemColorPipboyGreen = 255
iSystemColorPipboyBlue = 128
iSystemColorHUDAltRed = 255
iSystemColorHUDAltGreen = 67
iSystemColorHUDAltBlue = 42
iSystemColorHUDMainRed = 26
iSystemColorHUDMainGreen = 255
iSystemColorHUDMainBlue = 128
fRSMFaceSliderDefaultMin = -3.5
fRSMFaceSliderDefaultMax = 3.5
fPopUpBackgroundOpacity = 0.87
fMenuBackgroundOpacity = 0.76
bHideUnavailablePerks = 0
bHelpEnabled =1
fHudOpacity =1.0000
uPipboyColor =785383423
uHUDColor =4290134783
bDisable360Controller =0
sWelcomeScreen1 = loading_screen_legal
sWelcomeScreen2 = loading_screen_bethsoft
sWelcomeScreen3 = loading_screen_BGS
sWelcomeScreen4 = loading_screen01
sMainMenuBackground = main_background
sTitleMusic = MainTitle
sInitialSound = fx\ui\loadscreen\initial\ui_loadscreen_initial.wav
iMaxScreens = 4
iMaxScreens_MainMenu = 20
fLoadingTextUpdateInterval = 10.0000
fLoadingBkgdUpdateInterval = 10.0000
fMainMenuBkgdUpdateInterval = 10.0000
fLoadingInitUpdateInterval = 3.0000
iNumLocationSpecificScreens = 1
fCreditsScrollSpeed = 40.0000
iConsoleTextYPos = 940
iConsoleTextXPos = 30
iConsoleVisibleLines = 15
iConsoleHistorySize = 50
rDebugTextColor = 255,251,233
iConsoleFont = 2
iDebugTextFont = 3
bHealthBarShowing = 0
fHealthBarFadeOutSpeed = 1.0000
fHealthBarSpeed = 80.0000
fHealthBarHeight = 4.0000
fHealthBarWidth = 40.0000
fHealthBarEmittanceFadeTime = 0.5000
fHealthBarEmittanceTime = 1.5000
bAllowHavokGrabTheLiving = 0
bEssentialTakeNoDamage = 1
iDetectionPicks = 21
bShowQuestMarkers =1
iDifficulty =3
iKillCamera =2
uiRedeemedContent =0
bTrueIronSights =1
bDisableDynamicCrosshair =0
bSaveOnInteriorExteriorSwitch =1
bSaveOnTravel =0
bSaveOnWait =0
bSaveOnRest =0
bCrossHair =1
bGeneralSubtitles =0
bDialogueSubtitles =1
sFontFile_1 = Textures\Fonts\DarN_FranKleinBold_14.fnt
sFontFile_2 = Textures\Fonts\DarN_FranKleinBold_16.fnt
sFontFile_3 = Textures\Fonts\Glow_Monofonto_Medium.fnt
sFontFile_4 = Textures\Fonts\DarN_Sui_Generis_Otl_10.fnt
sFontFile_5 = Textures\Fonts\Fixedsys_Comp_uniform_width.fnt
sFontFile_6 = Textures\Fonts\DarN_Sui_Generis_Otl_13.fnt
sFontFile_7 = Textures\Fonts\DarN_Libel_Suit_Otl_24.fnt
sFontFile_8 = Textures\Fonts\Glow_Futura_Caps_Large.fnt
sFontFile_9 = Textures\Fonts\NVFont_Test.fnt
iTreeClonesAllowed = 1
fCanopyShadowGrassMult = 1.0000
iCanopyShadowScale = 512
fTreeForceMaxBudAngle = -1.0000
fTreeForceMinBudAngle = -1.0000
fTreeForceLeafDimming = -1.0000
fTreeForceBranchDimming = -1.0000
fTreeForceCS = -1.0000
fTreeForceLLA = -1.0000
fTreeLODExponent = 1.0000
bEnableTrees = 1
bForceFullLOD = 0
fLODTreeMipMapLODBias = -0.7500
fLocalTreeMipMapLODBias = -0.2500
bDebugFaceGenCriticalSection = 0
bDebugFaceGenMultithreading = 0
bDebugSaveBuffer = 0
bBackgroundPathing = 1
bUseMultiThreadedFaceGen = 1
bBackgroundCellLoads = 1
iAnimaitonClonePerLoop = 5
bUseMultiThreadedTrees = 1
iExteriorPriority = 50
iBackgroundLoadFaceMult = 200
fBackgroundLoadingPerLoop = 20.0000
fBackgroundLoadClonedPerLoop = 5.0000
iBackgroundLoadExtraMaxFPS = 20
iBackgroundLoadExtraMinFPS = 10
iBackgroundLoadExtraMax = 3000
iBackgroundLoadExtraMin = 5
iBackgroundLoadExtraMilliseconds = 2
iBackgroundLoadTreeMilliseconds = 7
iBackgroundLoadMilliseconds = 1
iBackgroundLoadLoading = 1
bUseBackgroundFileLoader = 1
bBackgroundLoadLipFiles = 1
bLoadBackgroundFaceGen = 1
bLoadHelmetsInBackground = 1
iAnimationClonePerLoop = 5
bSelectivePurgeUnusedOnFastTravel = 0
bCloneModelsInBackground = 1
fLODLandDropAmount = 230.0000
fLodDistance = 500.0000
bUseFaceGenLOD = 0
iLODTextureTiling = 2
iLODTextureSizePow2 = 8
fLODNormalTextureBlend = 0.5000
bDisplayLODLand = 1
bDisplayLODBuildings = 1
bLODPopTrees = 0
bLODPopActors = 0
bLODPopItems = 0
bLODPopObjects = 0
fLODFadeOutMultItems =15.0000
fLODFadeOutMultObjects =15.0000
fLODFadeOutMultActors =15.0000
fLODMultLandscape = 1.0000
fLODMultTrees = 0.5000
fLODMultActors = 1.0000
fLODMultItems = 1.0000
fLODMultObjects = 5
iFadeNodeMinNearDistance = 500
fLODFadeOutPercent = 0.6000
fFadeOutThreshold = 0.3000
fFadeInThreshold = 0.7000
fFadeInTimet = 2.0
fFadeOutTime = 2.0
fDistanceMultiplier = 1
fLODBoundRadiusMult = 10
fObjectLODMax = 15.0
fObjectLODMin = 1.0
fObjectLODDefault = 5
fItemLODMax = 15.0
fItemLODMin = 1.0
fItemLODDefault = 2
fActorLODMax = 15.0
fActorLODMin = 2.0
fActorLODDefault = 5
fTreeLODMax = 2.0000
fTreeLODMin = 0.0200
fTreeLODDefault = 0.5000
bLODUseCombinedLandNormalMaps = 1
bForceHideLODLand = 0
fLODLandVerticalBias = 0.0000
fTalkingDistance = 1000.0000
iBoneLODForce = -1
fLODQuadMinLoadDistance = 65536.0000
bDisplayLODTrees = 1
fLODFadeOutActorMultInterior = 1.0000
fLODFadeOutItemMultInterior = 1.0000
fLODFadeOutObjectMultInterior = 1.0000
fLODFadeOutActorMultCity = 1.0000
fLODFadeOutItemMultCity = 1.0000
fLODFadeOutObjectMultCity = 1.0000
fLODFadeOutActorMultComplex = 1.0000
fLODFadeOutItemMultComplex = 1.0000
fLODFadeOutObjectMultComplex = 1.0000
fSunGlareSize = 800.0000
fSunBaseSize = 750.0000
bPrecipitation = 1
fAlphaReduce = 1.0000
SBumpFadeColor = 255,255,255,255
SLerpCloseColor = 255,255,255,255
SEnvReduceColor = 255,255,255,255
SFileTypeLTF = ltf
SFileTypeLip = lip
SFileTypeSource = wav
SFileTypeGame = ogg
iMinGrassSize = 80
bGrassPointLighting = 0
bDrawShaderGrass = 1
iGrassDensityEvalSize = 2
iMaxGrassTypesPerTexure = 2
fWaveOffsetRange = 1.7500
fGrassWindMagnitudeMax = 125.0000
fGrassWindMagnitudeMin = 5.0000
fTexturePctThreshold = 0.0000
fGrassMinStartFadeDistance = 0.0
fGrassMaxStartFadeDistance = 7000.0
fGrassDefaultStartFadeDistance = 3500.0
fGrassFadeRange = 1000.0
b30GrassVS =0
fGrassStartFadeDistance =7000.0000
bCurrentCellOnly = 0
bPreventSafetyCheck = 0
fLandTextureTilingMult = 2.0000
fLandFriction = 2.5000
iLandBorder2B = 0
iLandBorder2G = 0
iLandBorder2R = 0
iLandBorder1B = 0
iLandBorder1G = 255
iLandBorder1R = 255
SDefaultLandDiffuseTexture =
SDefaultLandNormalTexture =
fQuadraticRadiusMult = 1.0000
fLinearRadiusMult = 1.0000
bOutQuadInLin = 0
fConstantValue = 0.0000
fQuadraticValue = 16.0000
fLinearValue = 3.0000
uQuadraticMethod = 2
uLinearMethod = 1
fFlickerMovement = 8.0000
bUseQuadratic = 1
bUseLinear = 0
bUseConstant = 0
fTargetLUM = 1.0000
fUpperLUMClamp = 1.0000
fEmissiveHDRMult = 1.0000
fEyeAdaptSpeed = 0.5000
fBrightScale = 2.2500
fBrightClamp = 0.2250
fBlurRadius = 7.0000
iNumBlurpasses = 1
fTargetLUM = 1.0000
fUpperLUMClamp = 1.0000
fGrassDimmer = 1.5000
fTreeDimmer = 1.0000
fEmissiveHDRMult = 1.0000
fEyeAdaptSpeed = 0.5000
fSunlightDimmer = 1.5000
fSIEmmisiveMult = 1.0000
fSISpecularMult = 1.0000
fSkyBrightness = 0.5000
fSunBrightness = 0.0000
fBrightScale = 2.2500
fBrightClamp = 0.2250
fBlurRadius = 7.0000
iNumBlurpasses = 1
iBlendType = 2
bDoHighDynamicRange =1
fSunlightDimmer = 1.0000
fSIEmmisiveMult = 1.0000
fSISpecularMult = 1.0000
fSkyBrightness = 0.5000
fSunBrightness = 0.0000
fAlphaAddExterior = 0.2000
fAlphaAddInterior = 0.7000
iBlurTexSize = 256
fBlurRadius = 0.0300
iNumBlurpasses = 1
iBlendType = 2
bUseBlurShader =0
fBlurAmmount = 0.5000
fBlockedTexOffset = 0.0010
fHitTexOffset = 0.0050
bBlockMessageBoxes = 0
bSkipProgramFlows = 1
bAllowYesToAll = 1
bDisableWarning = 1
iFileLogging = 0
bSkipInitializationFlows = 1
bUseWindowsMessageBox = 0
bUseLODLandData = 0
fFadeDistance = 12288.0000
iDistantLODGroupWidth = 8
SGeneralMasterMismatchWarning = One or more plugins could not find the correct versions of the master files they depend on. Errors may occur during load or game play. Check the "Warnings.txt" file for more information.
SMasterMismatchWarning = One of the files that "%s" is dependent on has changed since the last save.
This may result in errors. Saving again will clear this message
but not necessarily fix any errors.
SInvalidationFile = ArchiveInvalidation.txt
iRetainFilenameOffsetTable = 1
iRetainFilenameStringTable = 1
iRetainDirectoryStringTable = 1
bCheckRuntimeCollisions = 0
bInvalidateOlderFiles = 1
bUseArchives = 1
SArchiveList = Fallout - Textures.bsa, Fallout - Textures2.bsa, Fallout - Meshes.bsa, Fallout - Voices1.bsa, Fallout - Sound.bsa, Fallout - Misc.bsa
iTake = 0
SDirectoryName = TestCameraPath
iFPS = 60
SNif = Test\CameraPath.nif
fAbsorbGlowColorB = 1.0000
fAbsorbGlowColorG = 0.6000
fAbsorbGlowColorR = 0.0000
fAbsorbCoreColorB = 1.0000
fAbsorbCoreColorG = 1.0000
fAbsorbCoreColorR = 1.0000
iAbsorbNumBolts = 1
fAbsorbBoltGrowWidth = 0.0000
fAbsorbBoltSmallWidth = 7.0000
fAbsorbTortuosityVariance = 2.0000
fAbsorbSegmentVariance = 7.0000
fAbsorbBoltsRadius = 5.0000
bFileShowTextures = 1
bFileShowIcons = 1
bFileSkipIconChecks = 0
bFileTestLoad = 0
bFileNeededMessage = 1
bFileGoneMessage = 1
bFileSkipModelChecks = 0
bFileCheckModelCollision = 0
SCopyProtectionMessage2 = Insert the Fallout Disc.
SCopyProtectionTitle2 = Fallout Disc Not Found
SCopyProtectionMessage = Unable to find a CD-ROM/DVD drive on this computer.
SCopyProtectionTitle = CD-ROM Drive Not Found
fBlurRadiusPipboy = 3.5
fBlurIntensityPipboy = 0.25
fScanlineScalePipboy = 50
bEnableFlickerPipboy = 1
bUsePipboyMode = 1
fDefaultBurstDuration = 200
fDefaultBurstIntensity = 2
fMiniBurstDuration = 200
fMiniBurstIntensity = 1.5
fPulseBrightenIntensity = 0.25
fPulseRadiusIntensity = 0.5
fPulseRate = 0.0006
fVertHoldChance = 0.08
fShudderChance = 0.20
fScanlineScaleMenus = 50.0000
bEnableFlickerMenus = 1
bEnableScanlinesMenus = 1
bEnableScanlinesPipboy = 1
fBlurRadiusMenus = 0.3000
fBrightenMenus = 1.7000
fBrightenPipboy = 1.3000
bUseImageSpaceMenuFX = 1
fBlurIntensityHUD = 1.2000
fBlurRadiusHUD = 2.0000
fScanlineFrequencyHUD = 0.0000
fScreenLightBaseIntensity = 0.6
fScreenLightRadius = 6
bUseRenderedTerminals = 1
fRenderedTerminalFOV = 0.15
fRenderedTerminalZoom = 36
bDoRenderedTerminalScanlines = 1
fRenderedTerminalScanlineScale = 130.000000
fRenderedTerminalHPos = 0.0
fRenderedTerminalVPos = 0.38
fScreenLightBaseIntensity = 1.2
fScreenLightRadius = 80
fScreenLightColorR = 0.68
fScreenLightColorG = 0.74
fScreenLightColorB = 0.62
fRaceSexMenuHPos = 0.0
fRaceSexMenuVPos = -0.6
fRaceSexMenuZoom = 70.0
fRaceSexMenuScale = 0.5
fSplitDistanceMult =1.5000
fBlockMorphDistanceMult = 0.70
bUseNewTerrainSystem = 1
bUseDistantObjectBlocks = 1
fBlockLoadDistance =125000.0000
fDefaultBlockLoadDistanceLow = 50000.0
fLowBlockLoadDistanceLow = 25000.0
fHighBlockLoadDistanceLow = 50000.0
fDefaultTreeLoadDistance = 25000.0
fLowTreeLoadDistance = 10000.0
fHighTreeLoadDistance = 40000.0
fTreeLoadDistance =40000.0000
fBlockLoadDistanceLow =50000.0000
fVATSLightLevelMin = 20.0
fVATSLightLevelMax = 65.0
fVATSLightAngle = 0.0
fVATSLightDistance = 100.0
fVATSLightElevation = 100.0
fVatsLightColorR = 0.35
fVatsLightColorG = 0.35
fVatsLightColorB = 0.35
bScreenSplatterEnabled = 1
iRadialBlurLevel =2
bDoDepthOfField =1
bEnableFileSelection = 1
bShowAllResolutions =1
uLastAspectRatio =3
[spoiler=PC Specs]GPU - GTX 780 Ti (JETSTREAM)
CPU - i7-4930k
RAM - 4x8GB 2.1kMHz
SSD - ASUS RAIDR PCIe (where FNV is located)
Any and all help will be appreciated, I don't want the eight or so hours I spent modding this game to go to waste. I'm also using the latest Enhanced Shaders ENB (Nevada Skies ver) and have step the enblocal.ini to suit my system. I can't think of any other information that might help, other than a small mention that initially many textures weren't working correctly but I found a simple fix that is to disbale and re-enable the two texture and one mesh vanilla bsa's in MO. Every time I add a new mod I have to repeat the steps otherwise I'll get **** like missing road textures but the signs will be fine etc. I'm not sure if that has anything to do w/ the CTD's though. Thank you in advanced for your time!
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