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Dawnguard no vampire attacks


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Hey there. I don't know if this was posted here before (search didn't come up with anything spot on), but there seems to be a mod on the nexus that can stop unscripted vampire attacks on settlements that you are visiting. As the title says, it's for Dawnguard users who hate seeing the world of Skyrim slowly becoming devoid of all life due to these attacks.


Here is the link: https://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/21615


As the author describes it, the base files for the mod only add a vampire repelling talisman(invisible on your physical character and un-slotted, allowing other lore amulets to be equipped) that sets the timer for the random unscripted(non-story essential) vampire attacks on settlements and npc's to a permanent postpone.



I guess there are mixed feelings, as some users reported that npcs rarely or never die in the aftermath of an attack. Others have had their skyrim world utterly depopulated of non essential tagged npc's.

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I'm weary of this mod. I installed it before I started Dawnguard and, coincidentally or not, I got a lot of broken/glitched quests.



I was having trouble with one side-quest where no matter how many times I reloaded it, it always glitched, so I removed this mod and the quest just worked fine.


Just a warning.

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