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SKSE 1.7.1 memory patch not working


Posted (edited)

[Disregard: -forcesteamloader fixed it]

Getting ILS at Windhelm docks, MemoryBlocks.log reports that it's crashing at 256 MB. With Safety Load enabled, my game loads fine.

SKSE.ini file location is C:\Games\Skyrim\Data\SKSE\
It's .ini, not .txt



I noticed something peculiar in skse.log - there is no double backslash for the skse.ini path like there are in the other entries. Thoughts?

runtime root = C:\Games\Skyrim\
config path = C:\Games\Skyrim\Data\SKSE\skse.ini
plugin directory = C:\Games\Skyrim\Data\SKSE\Plugins\
checking plugin C:\Games\Skyrim\Data\SKSE\Plugins\\CellStabilizer.dll
plugin C:\Games\Skyrim\Data\SKSE\Plugins\\CellStabilizer.dll (00000001 Player Physics 00000001) loaded correctly
checking plugin C:\Games\Skyrim\Data\SKSE\Plugins\\chargen.dll
plugin C:\Games\Skyrim\Data\SKSE\Plugins\\chargen.dll (00000001 chargen 00000003) loaded correctly
checking plugin C:\Games\Skyrim\Data\SKSE\Plugins\\MemoryBlocksLog.dll
plugin C:\Games\Skyrim\Data\SKSE\Plugins\\MemoryBlocksLog.dll (00000001 MemoryBlocksLog plugin 00000001) loaded correctly
checking plugin C:\Games\Skyrim\Data\SKSE\Plugins\\nioverride.dll
registering plugin listener for SKSE at 4 of 5
plugin C:\Games\Skyrim\Data\SKSE\Plugins\\nioverride.dll (00000001 nioverride 00000003) loaded correctly

Edited by spardeous

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Posted (edited)


Why is everything double-backslashed EXCEPT config path in both logs? I'm thinking there is some kind of pathing error in 1.7.1 with skse.ini. I'm on windows 7.

skse loader 01070010 01D01EA36369AAFD 6.1 (7601)
runtime root = C:\Games\Skyrim\
config path = C:\Games\Skyrim\Data\SKSE\skse.ini
procPath = C:\Games\Skyrim\\TESV.exe
launching: TESV.exe (C:\Games\Skyrim\\TESV.exe)
dwSignature = FEEF04BD
dwStrucVersion = 00010000
dwFileVersionMS = 00010009
dwFileVersionLS = 00200000
dwProductVersionMS = 00010009
dwProductVersionLS = 00200000
dwFileFlagsMask = 00000017
dwFileFlags = 00000000
dwFileOS = 00000004
dwFileType = 00000001
dwFileSubtype = 00000000
dwFileDateMS = 00000000
dwFileDateLS = 00000000
version = 0001000900200000
normal exe
hook call addr = 00F56831
load lib addr = 0106B0B4
dll = C:\Games\Skyrim\\skse_1_9_32.dll
main thread id = 4236
remote memory = 001D0000
old winmain = 0069D1D0

From Utilities.cpp:

const std::string & GetConfigPath(void)
    static std::string s_configPath;

        std::string    runtimePath = GetRuntimeDirectory();
            s_configPath = runtimePath + "Data\\SKSE\\skse.ini";

            _MESSAGE("config path = %s", s_configPath.c_str());

    return s_configPath;

Clearly this is not what is being printed out.

Edited by spardeous

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