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Questions about making a ini settings "mod" in MO and help solving a MO warning message: INI tweaks overwritten


Posted (edited)



Instead of putting all ini tweaks from mods, the STEP guide and other tweaks I'm testing straight into MO ini files, I have made a folder as written about in the MO STEP guide where I put all my ini tweaks.

I prefer this method, it make it safer to add ini tweaks since I dont touch the MO ini files and also easier to keep track of all my tweaks in one place.


[spoiler=From MO guide - cut some text away to keep text focused]

To set up a new custom tweak you can do a couple of things. With MO closed create a new empty folder in the Mods directory and restart MO. MO will now show the new folder as a greyed out mod.

An easier way to do this in the current version of MO, is if you have an empty overwrite folder to double click on it open it up and right click and create a new folder, you do not need to rename it.

With that done you will be able to right click on the overwrite folder and select “Create Mod†from the right click menu. Give it a name that reflects what you want, something like Custom ini Tweaks and press OK.

You now have a new mod named Custom ini Tweaks.

In either case double click on the new mod to open the information pane and select the INI-Files tab. Click in the lower left box and right click to get the “create Tweak†fly out menu.

Enter the name of the tweak in the dialog that pops up and click OK.



A condensed version of the above is:

  • Make a empty folder in mods folder in MO
  • Double click on that empty folder mod in the install list
  • Open to INI-tab
  • In the bottom-left pane, right-mouse click and select Create Tweak
  • Enter a name (e.g. Particle Tweak)
  • In the Right Pane, type the ini tweak you want to make. E.g.[Particles] iMaxDesired=6000
  • Save and close


Do you guys think doing ini tweaks this way is ok?


What is a good placement of such a "ini setting" mod?


Does MO load the ini files in the profile folder first before any mod?


Any help is appreciated..cheers :)


EDIT: Added one more question

Edited by xxx78

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Did some testing.  Any installed and enabled tweak in ../mods/../INI Tweaks will overwrite setting in ../profiles/../skyrim.ini (or I assume skyrimprefs.ini or any other ini file .. but untested)


However if multiple mods tweak the same setting you might expect the highest "priority" mod to replace the setting.  This does not happen in version v1.2.14 of MO.


To test I created four mods by creating four folders


../mods/New Video/Video

../mods/Custom ini Tweaks/INI Tweaks

../mods/NVID Tweak/INI Tweaks

../mods/AMD Tweak/INI Tweaks


In the Video folder I put two new BIK files can be found here

AMD: https://www.mediafire.com/?x0r8s3atk2r10vx
Nvidia: https://www.mediafire.com/?q2zd8as587oy2q5


The Custom ini Tweaks/INI Tweaks a file with this in it ..

sIntroSequence=    ;Disables the intro sequence for a faster startup


The NVID ...



The AMD ...




I then Installed and Enabled each mod and tweak.  I could then run the program and see which vid played.  I could disable or reorder mods and hope to get expected results.  I did not.






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