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Having a problem with uGridsToLoad.



Hi all!


I'm having a bit of problems with this. I was going through STEP 2.2.8 and fairly quickly got stuck. The mod or file or whatnot one would call it, that stabilize this feature(https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/41592/?tab=2&navtag=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.nexusmods.com%2Fskyrim%2Fajax%2Fmodfiles%2F%3Fid%3D41592&pUp=1). My problem it, I have no idea what to do with this. Do I put this file in the same directory as the Skyrim.ini and Skyrimpref.ini? I read in a thread here: https://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/473949-draw-distance-ugridstoload/

that this option in localized in the Skyrim.ini. So naturally, I wanted to up this feature a little. One problem though. Such a line does not exist in any of the .ini's. And STEP offers no explanation(at least not in that part of the guide, and didn't feel like reading the entire guide on the offchance that it would be explained at another point) or guide on where to write this in the .ini's. And being the newbie I am at this stuff I am at a loss. I couldn't find a topic on this on the forum(perhaps because it is mindnumbingly obvious), so I figured I'd make one.





9 answers to this question

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You don't need to alter ugridstoload to use the mod, and we currently do not recommend changing it. If you use the Configurator in Mod Organizer, you can find the value under General I believe.

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So am I supposed to add this "mod" in Mod Organizer? Because I tried that, and it got "greyed" out in the left list(which means that the mod doesn't add anything, as far as I'm aware). I kinda thought I needed to place the file in the same directory as Skyrim.ini and Skyrimprefs.ini. Is this not the case?

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In your Data folder (which is in your Skyrim folder) create a folder named SKSE. then inside that folder create a folder named plugins. This is where the dll. file from the cellstablizer mod should go. Just drag and drop it if you want to make sure it gets there.

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Ok thanks. I'll try it again then.


Btw, now that I have a pro here. This is completly off-topic. Does the STEP guide assume that I(or any  other player) have all the DLC's? Because more often than not, it recommends the version of the mod, that include all the DLC's. I am not sure if this is because it assumes I have all the DLC's or because the all-DLC versions have something added that the specific-DLC versions doesn't.

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Before you touch uGrids value you should make sure you have a decent rig that can handle it.

Get SKSE 1.7.0 alpha as it contains memory patch mention in STEP. It is stable and is required by some newer mode anyway. After that you need to add or edit "skyrim/data/skse/skse.ini" file. Include this:




Find somethng called "Safety Load" and install it in the same way you installed "Cell Stabilizer uGridtoload"

Find "EWIs High SkyrimPrefs and inis" on nexus. These are by no means set in stone but they are good ini files to start with.


Now finish STEP install and make sure it works decently because higher uGrids values will not make your system happy. Especially if you use ENB. If not the case it is probably not a good idea to raise uGrids. Stick with high performance ENB and use Depth of Field to mask ugly portions of landscape. I do have to say that imo uGrids 7 without DOF is much better than high performance ENB with DOF enabled.


Read this among other things and look at uGrids 7 value:



iPreloadSizeLimit can and probably should be set higher on a decent system.


It is not a good idea to set above 7 as it breaks or makes some quests impossible (you will fail before you get there) to complete. That is among other things that will prevent you from even getting there. May be you can get away with 9 which is not much of an improvement over 7.


I am currently running uGrids 7 with 2048 textures at a stable 30 frames or so on a GTX 760 4G. It was not a walk in the park to get it to work smoothly.

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Well I'm running a laptop:


- i7-4702MQ 2.2 GHz, overclocking at 3.2GHz(quad core)

- NVIDIA GeForce GTX 760m(657MHz overclocking at 1000MHz, 2GB VRAM)



As long as I am kept at or above 30 frames in the outside world, I'm good.





Find somethng called "Safety Load" and install it in the same way you installed "Cell Stabilizer uGridtoload"

Find "EWIs High SkyrimPrefs and inis" on nexus. These are by no means set in stone but they are good ini files to start with.


Is the STEP recommended .ini changes not optimized enough? Or do these(EWI's) increase performance?

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No don't use Safety Load, as for the ini tweaks don't use them. IF you must have a few improvements ask about them. In general we don't recommend tweaking ini values unless it's to adjust the values already in the ini files for system performance. Many of the ini tweak files out there contain unnecessary parameters that likely don't help any, and might cause problems.

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