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Combat overhaul mod recommendations?



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I decided to throw Revenge of Enemies out, because it's horribly unbalanced, and the author is apparently gone.

Is there anything that doesn't reinvent the wheel and replace it with a house on legs?

Basically I am looking for something that "just" improves the vanilla system. I don't need any locational damage, dodging, or anything like that. Just somewhat less retarded enemies. I don't mind (heavily) scripted mods, though.


Btw, RotE has nothing to do with AI, it simply overboosts things with completely ridiculous abilities and multiplies their damage by I don't even want to know how much. If it was well balanced, it would have worked really nicely along with ASIS, and I probably wouldn't even think about looking for alternatives.

Edited by Octopuss
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I'm a big fan of old school ACE & its Realistic Fighting combined with Deadly Combat and Stealth Skills Rebalanced.

Add SIC / HLE / SkyTest and DCO / Deadly Dragons / Deadly Monsters with OBIS Redone and you've got your work cut out for you.


If you decide to take the plunge, in whole or in part, do your reasearch, there's compatibility patches for a lot of these (ACE/SSR, SIC/HLE & SIC Skytest). I've found this to be a great enhanced to vanilla, customizable on-the-fly with MCM and stable as far as scripts go (at least with Wet & Cold, throw Frostfall and needs mods into the mix at your own risk).

Edited by redirishlord
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I'm using a setup similar to redirish. Stealth Skills Rebalanced, Deadly Combat, ACE Archery module, and also Mighty Magick. I like Deadly Combat especially because it's not too distant from vanilla but adds in some interesting skill elements with improved locational damage, timed blocks, etc. The only thing I'm iffy on is Mighty Magick because I feel like it ruins the Illusion tree. Standard, it swaps muffle with invisibility making you far too powerful far too early, and with the extras it turns Illusion into conjuration 2.0. Otherwise, it adds a bit of depth to magical combat if you're in to that sort of thing.

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I'm a big fan of old school ACE & its Realistic Fighting combined with Deadly Combat and Stealth Skills Rebalanced.

Add SIC / HLE / SkyTest and DCO / Deadly Dragons / Deadly Monsters with OBIS Redone and you've got your work cut out for you.


If you decide to take the plunge, in whole or in part, do your reasearch, there's compatibility patches for a lot of these (ACE/SSR, SIC/HLE & SIC Skytest). I've found this to be a great enhanced to vanilla, customizable on-the-fly with MCM and stable as far as scripts go (at least with Wet & Cold, throw Frostfall and needs mods into the mix at your own risk).

What's your script load like?  Did you have to disable any features?  I've recently started using Deadly Combat without the locational damage.

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I use Deadly Combat with all it's default options (although I set the movement penalties for encumbered/heavy armor back to vanilla). I need to recheck my script latency since some recent updates/additions, but it wasn't a problem before. BTW you can do the same using Convient Horses, first page of its MCM has a script latency check you can enable, lag of 50ms - 100ms playable, I think I was averaging 75ms - 85ms before and it was fine.


Remember, you can merge all those ACE plugins, I even threw in the Stealth Skills and DLC patches.

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I'm currently doing this setup for combat mods:


Duel - Combat Realism - Hardcore: I like the AI of NPCs with this mod, how managing stamina is so important, and how deadly some hits can be at times.

Deadly Dragons - Loremonger: I like the increased difficulty of dragons and being able to have multiple dragon attacks at the same time.

Skyrim Immersive Creatures: I like how it adds NPC potion usage, more perks and spells to NPCs, lore-friendly diversity, random encounters, etc.

High Level Enemies (SIC Edition): I like how it keeps enemies difficult at high levels.

Stealth Skills Rebalanced - Sneak Basic: I like how it makes sneaking more difficult.


I feel like I may be missing mods that do these two things: 1) make animals smarter, more realistic behaviorally, and a little more challenging (not overly so though); 2) possibly make monsters smarter and a little more challenging.  For item #1, I have been following a mod called "Animal Tweaks" and it looks like version 2.0 may cover my needs - make them have strengths and weaknesses, behave more naturally with me and with other animals/creatures.  For item #2, I am aware of another part of Deadly Dragons that I can install called "Deadly Monsters".  I'm not sure exactly what it covers or if it will conflict with anything.  Anyone know?


I'm just not sure exactly what some of the mods I already installed cover...  I feel like I have dragons covered - they can get really difficult with Deadly Dragons modification.  I'm really not sure if monster behavior is being affected at all by the mods I already have installed - seems like SIC might be giving some of them special perks and spells, but I don't think anything I currently have installed actually changes the behavior of non-humanoid monsters.  I don't think Deadly Monsters is going to change that either.  Does Duel Combat Realism affect the behavior of anything other than humanoid NPCs?


Does anyone see any problems with my setup, see anything wrong with my plans for including "Animal Tweaks", or have any suggestions - like should I add in "Deadly Monsters" to balance things out better difficulty-wise?


I tend to shy away from mods that require crazy compatibility patches for everything (ie - like Frostfall or SkyRe, etc).


Thanks for the feedback.

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