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MO not launching skyrim/skse



launching skyrim through MO will not work at all. i can get it to launch the skyrim launcher but when i hit play nothing happens. if i launch skse through MO i just get a small blank black box window. if i launch skyrim.exe nothing happens. everything works launching it outside of MO but then i don't get the mods and everything. anyone know why?

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I have a similar problem, so posting here ... this may deserve its own thread though. You decide.


I cannot launch Skyrim via MO ever since I purchased a new main monitor. I moved from a 16:10 to a 16:9, and the settings won't seem to 'stick' when I launch via MO. In fact, when I attempt to launch the Skyrim Launcher via MO, it launches fine, but any attempt to change the settings there also do not 'stick'. Those are stuck in 16:10_1280x1024 and will not change after I select 'OK'.


I am convinced that I am seeing a bug in the MO hooking mechanism. My INI's are not set to RO, and I can launch fine via any other method. Also, the MO-launched Skyrim Launcher is not reading from my INI, as I have made all appropriate changes manually there (16:9_1920x1080), but the Launcher still reports 16:10_1280x1024 when launched via MO (but if I launch outside of MO, I get the exected values).


Is there a cache for MO that I need to recreate?

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You are 100% that the ini´s for the profile you are trying to launch has the proper settings. I never use the startup menu at all, just launch via SKSE. I had the same issue with resolutions when I got a new monitor, but all I had to do was make sure the profile ini´s has the correct values.

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Nope, it is an MO issue for sure. I just found the profiles folder in MO, and it has my skyrim INIs inside, but with incorrect values. Not sure I like this, especially since I like to keep my INIs RO to prevent changes. IF MO is not using my normal INIs but rather copies of them, this seems highly problematic, and makes troubleshooting very difficult ....


I replaced those with my own INIs, and now the game launches but crashes, so there is something weird goiing on ...

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Each profile uses its own ini pages apart from each other. Try running a default profile (no mods) and refresh ini files - delete old ini in the default vanilla profile, run the skyrim launcher window to generate new default ini files, then see how launching through skse behaves.

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Just some background information for you.


Each profile in MO uses its own ini files. When you create a new profile MO will copy the ini files from the default location in Documents\my games\skyrim, unless you put a check in the Default Game Settings box, in which case MO will create generic ini files not based on your hardware.


Because of this you have to run the Skyrim launcher when you have a fresh game install or you verify the game cache. Changes made here will only be applied to a newly created profile not the active one.


In an already created profile the Skyrim Launcher needs to be run from the active profile to make changes to ini files. Those changes will only be applied to that profile. Switching profiles will use a different set of ini files.


@z929669, as for your problems I am at a loss for a solution. The only thing I can suggest is to make sure the game runs outside of MO with your ini settings. I would then create a new profile without any mods enabled, this will copy the ini files form the vanilla folder, and see if the game runs. If it does not run then report back here. If it does run then enable your mods a little at a time. You can copy loadorder.txt, modlist.txt and plugins.txt from your other profile to the new one to preserve your load out.


In any case report back with your results.

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Well, nothing worked for me (but I did not exhaustively troubleshoot the situation). Switching profiles did not work, since the default profile had my old incompatible INI settings anyway. The resolution that I was stuck on was nothing I had ever picked before.


I uninstalled MO and reinstalled and now it is working correctly again. A word to the wise: I think that I may have messed things up or at least contributed to the problem by making my INI files read only, which is a standard for me, as I have had way too many issues with Steam overwriting/altering (I really, really hate Steam and all that it implies). If that does not sound possible, then I am not certain what the issue is. I also have customized MO directory paths so that everything points to my specific setup for Wrye Bash and NMM (and I do hate using all three).


I'd really like to use my own packages with MO, as I revise each and every mod I download (because I have so many deep issues with the way 95% of mod authors package their material). Perhaps my insistence on maintaining control of my setup is proving to be incompatible with how MO expects me to do things. Just not sure, but I am back to square one I guess.

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OK, another update:


I completely reinstalled MO from scratch, and uninstalled NMM (I don't need its functionality, since I will keep track of versioning and updating manually). It works very nicely now ... previously, I had a never-ending "downloads Pending" error whenever closing MO (including when I launched Skyrim).


SO ... I am now using my Bash Installers directory and my personal OCD-restructured mod packages as a "download" source for MO (yes, this bypasses some of the build-in MO convenience, but I prefer to maintain my own packages). The great thing about MO is that it allows me to do this and to manually input the NexusID using "Query Info", so I am able to let MO help me with version-update notifications for most cases.


Last but not least, MO allows me to abandon the need to set my INIs to RO, because they are copied to the MO profiles and hence 'protected' from Steam nonsense. If it has not already been mentioned within the MO doc, a word about the impact of setting INIs to RO might be stated (if there even is a potential detrimental impact).

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The SkyrimLauncher does not edit the ini files in Mod Organizer, if I remember correctly. You have to use the built-in INI editor or Configurator to do so. I think this is intentional to prevent Steam or the Launcher from changing your ini settings against your will. Same is true in Wrye Bash. If you use the ini tweaks section of Wrye Bash, they will edit the normal ini files instead of your profile's ini files.

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Well, nothing worked for me (but I did not exhaustively troubleshoot the situation). Switching profiles did not work, since the default profile had my old incompatible INI settings anyway. The resolution that I was stuck on was nothing I had ever picked before.


I uninstalled MO and reinstalled and now it is working correctly again. A word to the wise: I think that I may have messed things up or at least contributed to the problem by making my INI files read only, which is a standard for me, as I have had way too many issues with Steam overwriting/altering (I really, really hate Steam and all that it implies). If that does not sound possible, then I am not certain what the issue is. I also have customized MO directory paths so that everything points to my specific setup for Wrye Bash and NMM (and I do hate using all three).


I'd really like to use my own packages with MO, as I revise each and every mod I download (because I have so many deep issues with the way 95% of mod authors package their material). Perhaps my insistence on maintaining control of my setup is proving to be incompatible with how MO expects me to do things. Just not sure, but I am back to square one I guess.

If you want to manually install something hit the button of the Box and CD to the left of the globe icon at the top of the interface, that's what I do when I install my edited archives (after I delete files from or optimize them).
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A mod in MO is nothing more then a directory in the /mods directory. See the 'virtual filing system' (VFS) in the advanced tab of the MO wiki. Therefore an alternative to using the 'archive' icon in the toolbar to install an edited archive is to unzip an archive and put it in a directory inside /mods.  An alternative to delete a file is to hide the file. It will be excluded from the VFS but not from the filing system. A hidden file has as extension 'mohidden'.

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