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DynDOLOD 3.00 Alpha 180


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4 hours ago, sheson said:

If you have shadows extend so far that they cover full model trees while they switch between full and LOD model, then I suggest to use ENB distant shadows or Screen-Space Shadows so that LOD also has shadows. And/Or consider flagging trees as large references so the switch happens further away.

Changing settings in TexGen is usually not going to affect any crowns of 3D tree LOD models, since they typically do not use textures generated/updated by TexGen.
In particular, the crowns do not use rendered LOD billboards.

As already explained, update/change the LOD assets. Typically darken the vertex colors of the crown in the 3D LOD model.


But how do I flag trees as large references?

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  • sheson changed the title to DynDOLOD 3.00 Alpha 170
Posted (edited)
4 hours ago, sheson said:

Use DynDOLOD DLL NG and Scripts

In case Ultra is checked to generate ultra tree LOD, the Large checkbox can be checked to make the full model trees large references - if they are added by ESM flagged plugins.

What are the requirements for the Large checkbox, besides installing DynDOLOD DLL NG and Scripts and letting it override DynDOLOD Resources? The checkbox is greyed out for me...

Do I need to re-run TexGen after installing the DLL? That, I didn't do it (yet)...

Sorry, didn't check the large reference workaround checkbox, my bad.

Edited by Abbot
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I could not add a disclaimer in the title without making it too long so i'll say it here as a preface.

This is in no way Dyndolod's fault.  I might have messed up things mightily by finalizing my load order, running Dyndolod and then making the stupid mistake of still adding a new mod to the mix (Glowtastic).

But my meddling is probably the cause of the crash i experienced today when trying to enter Windhelm and the repeatable CTD i had when approaching Karthwasten (which i have no proof of because i was not using a Crash Logger at that time).  I'm not even sure of the latter because while consistent they do not happen each time i get near Karthwasten.

I only have a few simple questions before i take it from here.

Did i make a mess of Occlusion.esp by adding Glowtastic above it and so changing it's position in my load order?  Even though the mod contains no cell or worldspace records, only spells?

How far would i need to go if i wanted to update just Occlusion.esp to test if that makes the crashes go away?  Clean save method?  Starting the whole XlodGen and Dyndolod process from scratch?

This is probably not worth it's own thread but i only have two hours left before sleep and i wanted to get this screw up fixed before that.

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On 5/26/2024 at 2:06 AM, PegasusKoga said:

I could not add a disclaimer in the title without making it too long so i'll say it here as a preface.

This is in no way Dyndolod's fault.  I might have messed up things mightily by finalizing my load order, running Dyndolod and then making the stupid mistake of still adding a new mod to the mix (Glowtastic).

But my meddling is probably the cause of the crash i experienced today when trying to enter Windhelm and the repeatable CTD i had when approaching Karthwasten (which i have no proof of because i was not using a Crash Logger at that time).  I'm not even sure of the latter because while consistent they do not happen each time i get near Karthwasten.

I only have a few simple questions before i take it from here.

Did i make a mess of Occlusion.esp by adding Glowtastic above it and so changing it's position in my load order?  Even though the mod contains no cell or worldspace records, only spells?

How far would i need to go if i wanted to update just Occlusion.esp to test if that makes the crashes go away?  Clean save method?  Starting the whole XlodGen and Dyndolod process from scratch?

This is probably not worth it's own thread but i only have two hours left before sleep and i wanted to get this screw up fixed before that.

Moved to the DynDOLOD 3 Alpha thread.

Read the first post and/or https://dyndolod.info/Official-DynDOLOD-Support-Forum#Post-Logs which DynDOLOD log and debug log to upload.
In case of CTD in the game, upload the crash log from .NET Script Framework or Crash Logger. Also see ..DynDOLOD\Docs\DynDOLOD-README.txt.

It is unlikely that the updated cell records in Occlusion.esp cause crashes.

See https://dyndolod.info/Official-DynDOLOD-Support-Forum#Rudimentary-Troubleshooting
If you suspect Occlusion.esp being a problem, then obviously test without it being active.

See https://dyndolod.info/FAQ#ILS-or-CTD

If you believe the LOD patch generated by DynDOLOD is involved in the crashes, then generate a new LOD patch from scratch for the current load order. See https://dyndolod.info/Updating

Unless there is a problem with the terrain LOD meshes or textures from xLODGen, there is no reason to generate them again.

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Posted (edited)


I need help to make the far grass lods less dark. I reran dyndolod many times with different settings but can't make it.

Ingame I tried to change the ENB grass settings to make it darker to match the far grasses but it wasn't possible. And it seems not to be an ENB problem as you can see when I disable it.

I put my latest settings in the image. I precise that I have pre cached my grass before rerunning Dyndolod. But it doesn't seems to be the problem as when I disable it, only the close grasses disappear until the limit to the far darker ones that are a problem.

Thank you in advance.


Edit: I thought it would have been more easier for you to get the situation with images than log texts. I was able to change it by increasings values very high. Thank you for mod.

Edited by delweyn
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6 minutes ago, delweyn said:


I need help to make the far grass lods less dark. I reran dyndolod many times with different settings but can't make it.

Ingame I tried to change the ENB grass settings to make it darker to match the far grasses but it wasn't possible. And it's not an ENB problem and I put my latest settings in the image. 

I precise that I have pre cached my grass before rerunning Dyndolod. But it doesn't seems to be the problem as when I disable it, only the close grasses disappear until the limit to the far darker ones that are a problem.

Thank you in advance.


Read the first post and/or https://dyndolod.info/Official-DynDOLOD-Support-Forum#Post-Logs which TexGen and DynDOLOD log and debug log to upload when making posts.

Do not post screenshots of the tools, unless it is about visual issues with the tools. Do not post screenshot of text/INI files. The above logs contains the settings from the INI files. The above logs contain the settings from the interface and the INIs.  https://dyndolod.info/Official-DynDOLOD-Support-Forum#Copy-and-Paste-Text

See https://dyndolod.info/Help/Grass-LOD#Settings
In case the grass LOD brightness or color seems off (it might depend on weathers or ENB settings), try different Direct/Ambient settings for grass LOD billboards in TexGen. In addition or alternatively change the GrassBrightnessTop*/ComplexGrassBrightnessTop* and GrassBrightnessBottom*/ComplexGrassBrightnessBottom* settings in ..\DynDOLOD\Edit Scripts\DynDOLOD\DynDOLOD_SSE.ini - those settings help if the color tone is off. Especially the image based lighting effect from ENB has a big impact on the brightness and color tone of the grass LOD. Additional complex grass lighting and time of day settings will obviously not apply to object LOD, as they are separate meshes and shaders. Do not use them so full grass and grass LOD match better for all weathers/times.

Also make sure to read https://dyndolod.info/Help/Grass-LOD#Updating, how to test different TexGen or brightness INI settings more quickly.

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My framerate has suddenly nosedived after a recent re-generation. Went from getting a good 50-90 fps to a consistent .7 fps, not even exagerating. I'm finding that DynDOLOD is generating all Grass LODs as it should, but the game is rendering every single Grass LOD in the entire game all at once, causing the frame rate to start at about 50 when first loaded, then quickly tank to an unreasonably low amount as LODs continue loading.

This link is a screenshot using TFC to show grass loaded all the way at Markarth (my character was just outside the Whiterun gates).  The screenshot was taken with a LOD generated with DynDOLOD 3.0 Alpha 159. But updating to DynDOLOD 3.0 Alpha 170 (current version) produced the same result. All LODs were created correctly (troubleshooting through the Grass LOD DynDOLOD page) with no errors and I used density setting 40 in Mode 1 because I'm using a pre-warmed Vedogolt Grass Cache from the Nexus on current patch AE.

I was hoping that it was some weird setting I changed in DynDOLOD for grass to render this far, but it doesn't seem to be the case. When I updated to Alpha 170, I deleted all DynDOLOD files except for the empty TexGen and DynDOLOD Output folders.

This is my Drive folder with my plugins.txt as well as a LazyListExporter file.

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13 hours ago, gerg90 said:

My framerate has suddenly nosedived after a recent re-generation. Went from getting a good 50-90 fps to a consistent .7 fps, not even exagerating. I'm finding that DynDOLOD is generating all Grass LODs as it should, but the game is rendering every single Grass LOD in the entire game all at once, causing the frame rate to start at about 50 when first loaded, then quickly tank to an unreasonably low amount as LODs continue loading.

This link is a screenshot using TFC to show grass loaded all the way at Markarth (my character was just outside the Whiterun gates).  The screenshot was taken with a LOD generated with DynDOLOD 3.0 Alpha 159. But updating to DynDOLOD 3.0 Alpha 170 (current version) produced the same result. All LODs were created correctly (troubleshooting through the Grass LOD DynDOLOD page) with no errors and I used density setting 40 in Mode 1 because I'm using a pre-warmed Vedogolt Grass Cache from the Nexus on current patch AE.

I was hoping that it was some weird setting I changed in DynDOLOD for grass to render this far, but it doesn't seem to be the case. When I updated to Alpha 170, I deleted all DynDOLOD files except for the empty TexGen and DynDOLOD Output folders.

This is my Drive folder with my plugins.txt as well as a LazyListExporter file.

Moved to the DynDOLOD 3 Alpha thread.

Read the first post and/or https://dyndolod.info/Official-DynDOLOD-Support-Forum#Post-Logs which DynDOLOD log and debug log to upload when making posts.

Grass LOD is generated for LOD level 4 only.

If you do not see LOD meshes rapidly cycling through their LOD levels and still see LOD Level 4 meshes with grass LOD further away when using tfc, it probably means you have set the object LOD distance INI settings to insanely high values.

See https://dyndolod.info/Help/Object-LOD#Settings and https://dyndolod.info/Help/Mod-Configuration-Menu#Settings to check/change the settings.
You can also use the game launcher or BethINIs to set sane defaults.

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I'll upload the logs and INIs as soon as I get back home from work, but I can say that I've already used BethINI to set INI settings and have double checked the grass mod INI as well. I tried going though every INI file in the Data page of MO2 to make sure there was nothing else overwriting the LOD level 4 draw distance, grass density, etc.

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16 hours ago, sheson said:

Moved to the DynDOLOD 3 Alpha thread.

Read the first post and/or https://dyndolod.info/Official-DynDOLOD-Support-Forum#Post-Logs which DynDOLOD log and debug log to upload when making posts.

Grass LOD is generated for LOD level 4 only.

If you do not see LOD meshes rapidly cycling through their LOD levels and still see LOD Level 4 meshes with grass LOD further away when using tfc, it probably means you have set the object LOD distance INI settings to insanely high values.

See https://dyndolod.info/Help/Object-LOD#Settings and https://dyndolod.info/Help/Mod-Configuration-Menu#Settings to check/change the settings.
You can also use the game launcher or BethINIs to set sane defaults.

I have got the necessary DynDOLOD and TexGen logs uploaded as well as Skyrim.ini, SkyrimPrefs.ini, and Veydogolt - Regions.ini. My fBlockLevel0Distance is just over 16000 (around where BethINI Low puts it).

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5 minutes ago, gerg90 said:

I have got the necessary DynDOLOD and TexGen logs uploaded as well as Skyrim.ini, SkyrimPrefs.ini, and Veydogolt - Regions.ini. My fBlockLevel0Distance is just over 16000 (around where BethINI Low puts it).

I have become the very thing I swore to destroy, the person who overlooks one thing and bothers the mod maker about a user error. I have found the issue. DynDOLOD's own MCM did indeed have values WAY too high and that's all it was. I'm sorry to bother you and thank you for pointing out my stupidity, haha.

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Idea/request for a possible future update: Billboard 2 looks more convincingly like full models from a distance to me, but when it is backlit by the sun (morning or evening, using the billboard model's soft-lighting shader) the illusion is broken because the bits that are supposed to be dark or opaque (shadows and the trunk) light up as much as the leaves/needles that should actually have some subsurface scattering.  This is especially noticeable with snowy pines, because all the white snow on the branches starts to basically glow and look translucent. 

This is because the billboard model reuses the diffuse texture in slot3, and the diffuse image seems to be captured by Texgen using frontal lighting (looks like bright daytime).  My suggestion is to use a new 3rd texture in the 3rd slot of the billboard models, which would also generated by Texgen (so texture.dds in slot 1, texture_n.dds in slot 2 and texture_sk.dds in slot 3).  That new *_sk.dds texture would be captured using lighting that more closely simulates backlighting - so trunks and shadows are darker and thus less illuminated by the soft lighting shader when backlit.  See below screenshots for the Nifskope lighting settings I found most closely resembled backlighting (backlit subsurface scattering version on left, daytime normal lighting for diffuse on right):



Thanks for considering and for all your work on Dyndolod!

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I have some questions...

Do dynamic window lights on Whiterun castle work if I select upper right Medium rules for Candles and FX Glow, but keep Glow Window and High checked in the lower section? Or do I have to use High rules at the top right for dynamic lights to function?

The grass precache and grass LOD's seemed to be working, except there is a color mismatch between the LOD grass being green and the loaded cell grass being more brown/yellow. What is the best way to fix this?

I also had a warning about ELFX missing a mesh called "Warning: File not found Meshes\effects\elfx\candlelanternwithcandle02.nif. Used by EnhancedLightsandFX.esp". I'm not sure how to fix this or if it needs fixing at all.

Is it better to use the Alpha 3 or Beta version at this time?

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3 hours ago, drift123 said:

I have some questions...

Do dynamic window lights on Whiterun castle work if I select upper right Medium rules for Candles and FX Glow, but keep Glow Window and High checked in the lower section? Or do I have to use High rules at the top right for dynamic lights to function?

The grass precache and grass LOD's seemed to be working, except there is a color mismatch between the LOD grass being green and the loaded cell grass being more brown/yellow. What is the best way to fix this?

I also had a warning about ELFX missing a mesh called "Warning: File not found Meshes\effects\elfx\candlelanternwithcandle02.nif. Used by EnhancedLightsandFX.esp". I'm not sure how to fix this or if it needs fixing at all.

Is it better to use the Alpha 3 or Beta version at this time?

The Glow windows and the High checkboxes are their own discrete options that have nothing to do with mesh rules, loading mesh rule candles or rules for FX glow. Look at the advanced mode interface how these options are separated, hover the mouse to see hints and read the explanations that open when clicking the Help button: https://dyndolod.info/Help/Advanced-Mode

Since Glow LOD windows are not the same as candles or FX glow, they all have their own checkboxes (hover for hints) and explanations. Click the Help button to open https://dyndolod.info/Help/Advanced-Mode and click also see https://dyndolod.info/Help/Glow-LOD.

In case the grass LOD brightness or color seems off (it might depend on weathers or ENB settings), try different Direct/Ambient settings for grass LOD billboards in TexGen. In addition or alternatively change the GrassBrightnessTop*/ComplexGrassBrightnessTop* and GrassBrightnessBottom*/ComplexGrassBrightnessBottom* settings in ..\DynDOLOD\Edit Scripts\DynDOLOD\DynDOLOD_SSE.ini - those settings help if the color tone is off. Especially the image based lighting effect from ENB has a big impact on the brightness and color tone of the grass LOD. Additional complex grass lighting and time of day settings will obviously not apply to object LOD, as they are separate meshes and shaders. Do not use them so full grass and grass LOD match better for all weathers/times.

Read the first post and/or https://dyndolod.info/Official-DynDOLOD-Support-Forum#Post-Logs which entire DynDOLOD log and debug log to upload instead of posting only parts of the logs or pieces of a single log line or messages.

See https://dyndolod.info/Messages/File-Not-Found-Meshes. It also explains how to check if a mesh is required or not and gives hints how to fix the file not found error.

Typically it is "better" to use the latest DynDOLOD 3 Alpha version, for current game and mod support and to help to improve and develop it quicker. The answer also depends on the user goals and what is installed.

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