Flynnhiccup Posted November 20, 2016 Posted November 20, 2016 (edited) I'm following the Fear and Loathing guide and am oh so near to the end, but have run into an issue trying to generate bash tags for my mods. I'm trying to generate bash tags on the "YUP - Base Game + All DLC.esm" plugin, but an error message keeps popping up that says ""[1" is not a valid integer value."At the bottom of my FNVEdit messages window the line "Exception in unit mteFunctions line 1292: "[1" is not a valid integer value" shows up. Any ideas?Edit: I get the same error messages when trying to generate tags for "domecity.esm", "Roberts_NewVegas.esp", and "FCO - Roberts Patch.esp". Requote to greengoggles in Fallout mods ME... Is generating bash tags really important or I can ignore this and just follow the next step (Run Loot and Merged Patch)I really would like to play a new playthrough... lol!!! Edited November 20, 2016 by MonoAccipiter Try to avoid dark text on a dark background.
MonoAccipiter Posted November 20, 2016 Posted November 20, 2016 You've accidentally hit backspace somewhere in the script. Redownload the script and install it over the old one.
Flynnhiccup Posted November 21, 2016 Author Posted November 21, 2016 You've accidentally hit backspace somewhere in the script. Redownload the script and install it over the old one. I've re download the script already (Generate bash tags.pas) and even re download all the scripts needed for FNVEDIT is the error still persist... But it says Apply script done. but the saving doesn't appear after I finish the applying script. One of the guys from reddit that has this problem, just go with it ignoring the error and his playing already and he doesn't seem to find any problems. He do notes that he may have miss something or some processes have over writing something.
MonoAccipiter Posted November 21, 2016 Posted November 21, 2016 (edited) Copy and paste this in the script editor. { Purpose: Automatic Bash Tag Generation Games: FO3/FNV/TES4/TES5 Author: fireundubh <> Version: Description: This script detects up to 58 bash tags in FO3, FNV, TES4, and TES5 plugins. Tags can be automatically added to the Description in the File Header. Wrye Bash/Flash can then use these tags to help you create more intelligent bashed patches. Requires mteFunctions: Credits: - zilav (BASH tags autodetection.pas v1.0) - matortheeternal (mteFunctions.pas) Testers: - alt3rn1ty - Arthmoor - InsanePlumber - matortheeternal - Sharlikran - zilav } unit BashTagsDetector; uses mteFunctions; var f: IwbFile; slTags: TStringList; fn, tag, game: string; optionSelected: integer; // ****************************************************************** // FUNCTIONS // ****************************************************************** // ================================================================== // Returns True if the flags set are different and False if not function CompareFlagsEx(x, y: IInterface; p, f: string): boolean; begin Result := (HasFlag(GetElement(x, p), f) <> HasFlag(GetElement(y, p), f)); // Comparison: <> end; // ================================================================== // Returns True if any two flags are set and False if not function CompareFlagsOr(x, y: IInterface; p, f: string): boolean; begin Result := (HasFlag(GetElement(x, p), f) or HasFlag(GetElement(y, p), f)); // Comparison: or end; // ================================================================== // Returns True if the set flags are different and False if not function CompareKeys(x, y: IInterface; debug: boolean): boolean; var sx, sy: string; begin if (ConflictAllString(ContainingMainRecord(x)) = 'caUnknown') or (ConflictAllString(ContainingMainRecord(x)) = 'caOnlyOne') or (ConflictAllString(ContainingMainRecord(x)) = 'caNoConflict') then begin Result := false; exit; end; sx := SortKeyEx(x); sy := SortKeyEx(y); if IsEmptyKey(sx) and IsEmptyKey(sy) then exit; Result := sx <> sy; // double check with lowercase values if Lowercase(sx) = Lowercase(sy) then Result := false; if Result and debug then begin PrintDebugE(x, y, '[CompareKeys] ' + tag); end; end; // ================================================================== // Returns True if the native values are different and False if not function CompareNativeValues(x, y: IInterface; s: string): boolean; begin Result := (GetNativeValue(GetElement(x, s)) <> GetNativeValue(GetElement(y, s))); end; // ================================================================== // Universal ElementBy function GetElement(x: IInterface; s: string): IInterface; begin if (pos('[', s) > 0) then Result := ElementByIP(x, s) else if (pos('\', s) > 0) then Result := ElementByPath(x, s) else if (s = Uppercase(s)) then Result := ElementBySignature(x, s) else Result := ElementByName(x, s); end; // ================================================================== // Get element from list by some value function GetElementByValue(el: IInterface; smth, somevalue: string): IInterface; var i: integer; entry: IInterface; begin Result := nil; for i := 0 to ElementCount(el) - 1 do begin entry := ElementByIndex(el, i); if geev(entry, smth) = somevalue then begin Result := entry; exit; end; end; end; // ================================================================== // Retrieve a string between two expressions function GetSubstring(input, expr1, expr2: string): string; var pos1, pos2, len: integer; begin pos1 := ItPos(expr1, input, 1) + length(expr1); pos2 := ItPos(expr2, input, 1); len := pos2 - pos1; Result := Copy(input, pos1, len); end; // ================================================================== // Generate a list from the differences between list1 and list2 // -- list1: existing tags, for example // -- list2: suggested tags, for example function GetDiffList(list1, list2: TStringList): string; var i, j: integer; begin for i := list1.Count - 1 downto 0 do begin for j := list2.Count - 1 downto 0 do begin if list2[j] = list1[i] then list2.Delete(j); end; end; Result := list2.CommaText; end; // ================================================================== // Return True if specific flag is set and False if not function HasFlag(f: IInterface; s: string): boolean; var flags, templateFlags, cellFlags, recordFlags: TStringList; i: integer; begin // create flag lists flags := TStringList.Create; templateFlags := TStringList.Create; cellFlags := TStringList.Create; recordFlags := TStringList.Create; // assign flag lists templateFlags.DelimitedText := '"Use Traits=1", "Use Stats=2", "Use Factions=4", "Use Spell List=8", "Use Actor Effect List=8", "Use AI Data=16", "Use AI Packages=32", "Use Model/Animation=64", "Use Base Data=128", "Use Inventory=256", "Use Script=512", "Use Def Pack List=1024", "Use Attack Data=2048", "Use Keywords=4096"'; cellFlags.DelimitedText := '"Is Interior Cell=1", "Has Water=2", "Behave Like Exterior=128", "Use Sky Lighting=256"'; recordFlags.DelimitedText := '"ESM=1", "Deleted=32", "Border Region=64", "Turn Off Fire=128", "Casts Shadows=512", "Persistent Reference=1024", "Initially Disabled=2048", "Ignored=4096", "Visible When Distant=32768", "Dangerous=131072", "Compressed=262144", "Cant Wait=524288"'; // merge flag lists flags.AddStrings(templateFlags); flags.AddStrings(cellFlags); flags.AddStrings(recordFlags); // find index i := StrToInt(lowercase(flags.Values[s])); // free flag lists flags.Free; templateFlags.Free; cellFlags.Free; recordFlags.Free; // return result Result := (GetNativeValue(f) and i > 0); end; // ================================================================== // Returns True if the string contains only zeroes and False if not function IsEmptyKey(s: string): boolean; var i: integer; begin for i := 1 to length(s) do begin if s[i] = '1' then begin Result := false; exit; end; Result := true; end; end; // ================================================================== // Returns True if the x FormID is in the y list of FormIDs to ignore // z is the file that contains the FormIDs to ignore function InIgnoreList(x, y: string): boolean; var formids: TStringList; i: integer; begin formids := TStringList.Create; formids.DelimitedText := y; i := formids.IndexOf(x); formids.Free; Result := (i > -1); end; // ================================================================== // Returns True if the x signature is in the y list of signatures function InSignatureList(x, y: string): boolean; var signatures: TStringList; i: integer; begin signatures := TStringList.Create; signatures.DelimitedText := y; i := signatures.IndexOf(x); signatures.Free; Result := (i > -1); end; // ================================================================== // Output bad tag messages to log function GenerateTagOutput(tags: TStringList; singular, plural, nothing: string): integer; begin if (tags.Count = 1) then AddMessage(IntToStr(tags.Count) + ' ' + singular); if (tags.Count > 1) then AddMessage(IntToStr(tags.Count) + ' ' + plural); if (tags.Count > 0) then begin AddMessage(Format('{{BASH:%s}}', [tags.DelimitedText]) + #13#10); end else begin AddMessage(nothing + #13#10); end; end; // ================================================================== // Better SortKey function SortKeyEx(e: IInterface): string; var i: integer; begin Result := GetEditValue(e); // manipulate result for model paths - sometimes the same paths have different cases if (pos('.nif', Lowercase(Result)) > 0) then Result := Lowercase(GetEditValue(e)); for i := 0 to ElementCount(e) - 1 do begin if (pos('unknown', Lowercase(Name(ElementByIndex(e, i)))) > 0) or (pos('unused', Lowercase(Name(ElementByIndex(e, i)))) > 0) then exit; if (Result <> '') then Result := Result + ';' + SortKeyEx(ElementByIndex(e, i)) else Result := SortKeyEx(ElementByIndex(e, i)); end; end; // ================================================================== // Check if the tag already exists function TagExists(t: string): boolean; begin Result := (slTags.IndexOf(t) <> -1); end; // ****************************************************************** // PROCEDURES // ****************************************************************** // ================================================================== // Add the tag if the tag does not exist procedure AddTag(t: string); begin if not TagExists(t) then slTags.Add(t); end; // ================================================================== // Evaluate // Determines whether two elements are different and suggests tags // Not to be used when you need to know how two elements differ procedure Evaluate(x, y: IInterface; tag: string; debug: boolean); var i, j, k, l, m: integer; ex, ey: IInterface; begin // Exit if the tag already exists if TagExists(tag) then exit; // exit if element is unknown or a flags element if (pos('unknown', Lowercase(Path(x))) > 0) or (pos('unused', Lowercase(Path(x))) > 0) or (pos('flags', Lowercase(Path(x))) > 0) or (pos('unknown', Lowercase(Path(y))) > 0) or (pos('unused', Lowercase(Path(y))) > 0) or (pos('flags', Lowercase(Path(y))) > 0) then exit; // Suggest tag if one element exists while the other does not if Assigned(x) <> Assigned(y) then begin if debug then PrintDebugE(x, y, '[Assigned] ' + tag); AddTag(tag); exit; end; // exit if the first element does not exist if not Assigned(x) then exit; // Suggest tag if the two elements are different if ElementCount(x) <> ElementCount(y) then begin if debug then PrintDebugE(x, y, '[ElementCount] ' + tag); AddTag(tag); exit; end else // suggest tag if the edit values of the two elements are different if Lowercase(GetEditValue(x)) <> Lowercase(GetEditValue(y)) then begin if debug then PrintDebugE(x, y, '[GetEditValue] ' + tag); AddTag(tag); exit; end else // compare any number of elements with CompareKeys if CompareKeys(x, y, debug) <> 0 then AddTag(tag); end; // ================================================================== // EvaluateEx procedure EvaluateEx(x, y: IInterface; z: string; tag: string; debug: boolean); begin Evaluate(GetElement(x, z), GetElement(y, z), tag, debug); end; // ================================================================== // Actors.ACBS procedure CheckActorsACBS(e, m: IInterface; debug: boolean); var f, fm: IInterface; begin // define tag tag := 'Actors.ACBS'; // exit if the tag exists if TagExists(tag) then exit; // assign ACBS elements f := GetElement(e, 'ACBS'); fm := GetElement(m, 'ACBS'); // evaluate Flags if the Use Base Data flag is not set if (wbGameMode = gmTES4) then begin if CompareKeys(GetElement(f, 'Flags'), GetElement(fm, 'Flags'), debug) then begin AddTag(tag); exit; end; end else begin if not CompareFlagsOr(f, fm, 'Template Flags', 'Use Base Data') then begin if CompareKeys(GetElement(f, 'Flags'), GetElement(fm, 'Flags'), debug) then begin AddTag(tag); exit; end; end; end; // evaluate properties EvaluateEx(f, fm, 'Fatigue', tag, debug); EvaluateEx(f, fm, 'Level', tag, debug); EvaluateEx(f, fm, 'Calc min', tag, debug); EvaluateEx(f, fm, 'Calc max', tag, debug); EvaluateEx(f, fm, 'Speed Multiplier', tag, debug); EvaluateEx(e, m, 'DATA\Base Health', tag, debug); // evaluate Barter Gold if the Use AI Data flag is not set if (wbGameMode = gmTES4) then begin EvaluateEx(f, fm, 'Barter gold', tag, debug); end else begin if not CompareFlagsOr(f, fm, 'Template Flags', 'Use AI Data') then EvaluateEx(f, fm, 'Barter gold', tag, debug); end; end; // ================================================================== // Actors.AIData procedure CheckActorsAIData(e, m: IInterface; debug: boolean); var a, am: IInterface; begin // define tag tag := 'Actors.AIData'; // exit if tag exists if TagExists(tag) then exit; // assign AIDT elements a := GetElement(e, 'AIDT'); am := GetElement(m, 'AIDT'); // evaluate AIDT properties EvaluateEx(a, am, 'Aggression', tag, debug); EvaluateEx(a, am, 'Confidence', tag, debug); EvaluateEx(a, am, 'Energy level', tag, debug); EvaluateEx(a, am, 'Responsibility', tag, debug); EvaluateEx(a, am, 'Teaches', tag, debug); EvaluateEx(a, am, 'Maximum training level', tag, debug); // v1.3.3: check flags for Buys/Sells and Services if CompareNativeValues(a, am, 'Buys/Sells and Services') then begin if debug then PrintDebugE(a, am, '[CompareNativeValues] ' + tag); AddTag(tag); end; end; // ================================================================== // Actors.AIPackages procedure CheckActorsAIPackages(e, m: IInterface; debug: boolean); begin // define tag tag := 'Actors.AIPackages'; // exit if tag exists if TagExists(tag) then exit; // evaluate Packages property EvaluateEx(e, m, 'Packages', tag, debug); end; // ================================================================== // Factions procedure CheckActorsFactions(e, m: IInterface; debug: boolean); var f, fm: IInterface; begin // define tag tag := 'Factions'; // exit if tag exists if TagExists(tag) then exit; // assign Factions properties f := GetElement(e, 'Factions'); fm := GetElement(m, 'Factions'); // add tag if the Factions properties differ if Assigned(f) <> Assigned(fm) then begin if debug then PrintDebugE(e, m, '[Assigned] ' + tag); AddTag(tag); exit; end; // exit if the Factions property in the control record does not exist if not Assigned(f) then exit; // evaluate Factions properties if CompareKeys(f, fm, debug) then AddTag(tag); end; // ================================================================== // Actors.Skeleton procedure CheckActorsSkeleton(e, m: IInterface; debug: boolean); var x, y: IInterface; begin // define tag tag := 'Actors.Skeleton'; // exit if tag exists if TagExists(tag) then exit; // assign Model elements x := GetElement(e, 'Model'); y := GetElement(m, 'Model'); // exit if the Model property does not exist in the control record if not Assigned(x) then exit; // evaluate properties EvaluateEx(x, y, 'MODL', tag, debug); EvaluateEx(x, y, 'MODB', tag, debug); EvaluateEx(x, y, 'MODT', tag, debug); end; // ================================================================== // Actors.Stats procedure CheckActorsStats(e, m: IInterface; debug: boolean); var d, dm: IInterface; sig: string; begin // define tag tag := 'Actors.Stats'; // exit if tag exists if TagExists(tag) then exit; // get record signature sig := Signature(e); // assign DATA elements d := GetElement(e, 'DATA'); dm := GetElement(m, 'DATA'); // evaluate CREA properties if (sig = 'CREA') then begin EvaluateEx(d, dm, 'Health', tag, debug); EvaluateEx(d, dm, 'Combat Skill', tag, debug); EvaluateEx(d, dm, 'Magic Skill', tag, debug); EvaluateEx(d, dm, 'Stealth Skill', tag, debug); EvaluateEx(d, dm, 'Attributes', tag, debug); end; // evaluate NPC_ properties if (sig = 'NPC_') then begin EvaluateEx(d, dm, 'Base Health', tag, debug); EvaluateEx(d, dm, 'Attributes', tag, debug); EvaluateEx(e, m, 'DNAM\Skill Values', tag, debug); EvaluateEx(e, m, 'DNAM\Skill Offsets', tag, debug); end; end; // ================================================================== // C.Climate procedure CheckCellClimate(e, m: IInterface; debug: boolean); var d, dm: IInterface; begin // define tag tag := 'C.Climate'; // exit if tag exists if TagExists(tag) then exit; // add tag if the Behave Like Exterior flag is set ine one record but not the other if CompareFlagsEx(e, m, 'DATA', 'Behave Like Exterior') then begin if debug then PrintDebugE(e, m, '[CompareFlagsEx] ' + tag); AddTag(tag); exit; end; // evaluate additional property EvaluateEx(e, m , 'XCCM', tag, debug); end; // ================================================================== // C.RecordFlags procedure CheckCellRecordFlags(e, m: IInterface; debug: boolean); var sig: string; f, fm, rf, rfm: IInterface; begin // define tag tag := 'C.RecordFlags'; sig := Signature(e); // exit if tag exists if TagExists(tag) then exit; // set Record Flags elements rf := GetElement(e, 'Record Header\Record Flags'); rfm := GetElement(m, 'Record Header\Record Flags'); // compare Record Flags elements if CompareKeys(rf, rfm, debug) then begin if debug then PrintDebugE(rf, rfm, '[CompareKeys] ' + tag); AddTag(tag); end; end; // ================================================================== // C.SkyLighting procedure CheckCellSkyLighting(e, m: IInterface; debug: boolean); begin // define tag tag := 'C.SkyLighting'; // exit if tag exists if TagExists(tag) then exit; // add tag if the Behave Like Exterior flag is set ine one record but not the other if CompareFlagsEx(e, m, 'DATA', 'Use Sky Lighting') then begin if debug then PrintDebugE(e, m, '[CompareFlagsEx] ' + tag); AddTag(tag); exit; end; end; // ================================================================== // C.Water procedure CheckCellWater(e, m: IInterface; debug: boolean); begin // define tag tag := 'C.Water'; // exit if tag exists if TagExists(tag) then exit; // add tag if Has Water flag is set in one record but not the other if CompareFlagsEx(e, m, 'DATA', 'Has Water') then begin if debug then PrintDebugE(e, m, '[CompareFlagsEx] ' + tag); AddTag(tag); exit; end; // exit if Is Interior Cell is set in either record if CompareFlagsOr(e, m, 'DATA', 'Is Interior Cell') then exit; // evaluate properties EvaluateEx(e, m, 'XCLW', tag, debug); EvaluateEx(e, m, 'XCWT', tag, debug); end; // ================================================================== // Delev, Relev procedure CheckDelevRelev(e, m: IInterface; debug: boolean); var i, matched: integer; entries, entriesmaster: IInterface; // leveled list entries ent, entm: IInterface; // leveled list entry coed, coedm: IInterface; // extra data s1, s2: string; // sortkeys for extra data, sortkey is a compact text representation of element's values begin // nothing to do if already tagged if TagExists('Delev') and TagExists('Relev') then exit; // get Leveled List Entries entries := GetElement(e, 'Leveled List Entries'); entriesmaster := GetElement(m, 'Leveled List Entries'); if not Assigned(entries) or not Assigned(entriesmaster) then exit; // count matched on reference entries matched := 0; // iterate through all entries for i := 0 to ElementCount(entries) - 1 do begin ent := ElementByIndex(entries, i); // find the same entry in master entm := GetElementByValue(entriesmaster, 'LVLO\Reference', geev(ent, 'LVLO\Reference')); if Assigned(entm) then begin Inc(matched); if CompareNativeValues(ent, entm, 'LVLO\Level') or CompareNativeValues(ent, entm, 'LVLO\Count') then begin if debug then PrintDebugE(ent, entm, '[CompareNativeValues] ' + 'Relev'); AddTag('Relev'); exit; end; // Relev check for changed level, count, extra data if not (wbGameMode = gmTES4) then begin coed := GetElement(ent, 'COED'); coedm := GetElement(entm, 'COED'); if Assigned(coed) then s1 := SortKeyEx(coed) else s1 := ''; if Assigned(coedm) then s2 := SortKeyEx(coedm) else s2 := ''; if (s1 <> s2) then begin if debug then PrintDebugE(ent, entm, '[SortKeyEx] ' + 'Relev'); AddTag('Relev'); exit; end; end; end; end; // if number of matched entries less than in master list if matched < ElementCount(entriesmaster) then begin if debug then PrintDebugE(entries, entriesmaster, '[ElementCount] ' + 'Delev'); AddTag('Delev'); exit; end; end; // ================================================================== // Destructible procedure CheckDestructible(e, m: IInterface; debug: boolean); var d, dm, df, dfm, dd, dmd: IInterface; begin // define tag tag := 'Destructible'; // exit if tag exists if TagExists(tag) then exit; // assign Destructable elements d := GetElement(e, 'Destructable'); dm := GetElement(m, 'Destructable'); if Assigned(d) <> Assigned (dm) then begin if debug then PrintDebugE(d, dm, '[Assigned] ' + tag); AddTag(tag); exit; end; dd := GetElement(d, 'DEST'); dmd := GetElement(dm, 'DEST'); // evaluate Destructable properties EvaluateEx(dd, dmd, 'Health', tag, debug); EvaluateEx(dd, dmd, 'Count', tag, debug); EvaluateEx(d, dm, 'Stages', tag, debug); // assign Destructable flags if not (wbGameMode = gmTES5) then begin df := GetElement(dd, 'Flags'); dfm := GetElement(dmd, 'Flags'); if Assigned(df) or Assigned(dfm) then begin // add tag if Destructable flags exist in one record if Assigned(df) <> Assigned(dfm) then begin if debug then PrintDebugE(df, dfm, '[Assigned] ' + tag); AddTag(tag); exit; end; // evaluate Destructable flags if CompareKeys(df, dfm, debug) then AddTag(tag); end; end; end; // ================================================================== // Graphics procedure CheckGraphics(e, m: IInterface; debug: boolean); var icon, iconm, modl, modlm, fpf, fpfm, gf, gfm, bpf, bpfm, rf, rfm: IInterface; sig: string; i: integer; begin // define tag tag := 'Graphics'; // exit if tag exists if TagExists(tag) then exit; // get signature of control record sig := Signature(e); // evaluate Icon properties if InSignatureList(sig, 'ALCH, AMMO, APPA, BOOK, BSGN, CLAS, INGR, KEYM, LIGH, LSCR, LTEX, MGEF, MISC, REGN, SGST, SLGM, TREE, WEAP') then EvaluateEx(e, m, 'Icon', tag, debug); // evaluate Model properties if InSignatureList(sig, 'ACTI, ALCH, AMMO, APPA, BOOK, DOOR, FLOR, FURN, GRAS, INGR, KEYM, LIGH, MGEF, MISC, SGST, SLGM, STAT, TREE, WEAP') then EvaluateEx(e, m, 'Model', tag, debug); // evaluate ARMO properties if (sig = 'ARMO') then begin // Shared EvaluateEx(e, m, 'Male world model', tag, debug); EvaluateEx(e, m, 'Female world model', tag, debug); // ARMO - Oblivion if (wbGameMode = gmTES4) then begin // evaluate Icon properties EvaluateEx(e, m, 'Icon', tag, debug); EvaluateEx(e, m, 'Icon 2 (female)', tag, debug); // assign First Person Flags elements fpf := GetElement(e, 'BODT\First Person Flags'); if not Assigned(fpf) then exit; fpfm := GetElement(m, 'BODT\First Person Flags'); // evaluate First Person Flags if CompareKeys(fpf, fpfm, debug) then begin AddTag(tag); exit; end; // assign General Flags elements gf := GetElement(e, 'BODT\General Flags'); if not Assigned(gf) then exit; gfm := GetElement(m, 'BODT\General Flags'); // evaluate General Flags if CompareKeys(gf, gfm, debug) then begin AddTag(tag); exit; end; end; // ARMO - FO3, FNV if (wbGameMode = gmFO3) or (wbGameMode = gmFNV) then begin // evaluate Icon properties EvaluateEx(e, m, 'ICON', tag, debug); EvaluateEx(e, m, 'ICO2', tag, debug); // assign First Person Flags elements fpf := GetElement(e, 'BMDT\Biped Flags'); if not Assigned(fpf) then exit; fpfm := GetElement(m, 'BMDT\Biped Flags'); // evaluate First Person Flags if CompareKeys(fpf, fpfm, debug) then begin AddTag(tag); exit; end; // assign General Flags elements gf := GetElement(e, 'BMDT\General Flags'); if not Assigned(gf) then exit; gfm := GetElement(m, 'BMDT\General Flags'); // evaluate General Flags if CompareKeys(gf, gfm, debug) then begin AddTag(tag); exit; end; end; // ARMO - TES5 if (wbGameMode = gmTES5) then begin // evaluate Icon properties EvaluateEx(e, m, 'Icon', tag, debug); EvaluateEx(e, m, 'Icon 2 (female)', tag, debug); // evaluate Biped Model properties EvaluateEx(e, m, 'Male world model', tag, debug); EvaluateEx(e, m, 'Female world model', tag, debug); // assign First Person Flags elements fpf := GetElement(e, 'BOD2\First Person Flags'); if not Assigned(fpf) then exit; fpfm := GetElement(m, 'BOD2\First Person Flags'); // evaluate First Person Flags if CompareKeys(fpf, fpfm, debug) then begin AddTag(tag); exit; end; // assign General Flags elements gf := GetElement(e, 'BOD2\General Flags'); if not Assigned(gf) then exit; gfm := GetElement(m, 'BOD2\General Flags'); // evaluate General Flags if CompareKeys(gf, gfm, debug) then begin AddTag(tag); exit; end; end; end; // evaluate CREA properties if (sig ='CREA') then begin EvaluateEx(e, m, 'NIFZ', tag, debug); EvaluateEx(e, m, 'NIFT', tag, debug); end; // evaluate EFSH properties if (sig = 'EFSH') then begin // evaluate Record Flags rf := GetElement(e, 'Record Header\Record Flags'); rfm := GetElement(m, 'Record Header\Record Flags'); if CompareKeys(rf, rfm, debug) then begin AddTag(tag); exit; end; // evaluate Icon properties EvaluateEx(e, m, 'ICON', tag, debug); EvaluateEx(e, m, 'ICO2', tag, debug); // evaluate other properties EvaluateEx(e, m, 'NAM7', tag, debug); if (wbGameMode = gmTES5) then begin EvaluateEx(e, m, 'NAM8', tag, debug); EvaluateEx(e, m, 'NAM9', tag, debug); end; EvaluateEx(e, m, 'DATA', tag, debug); end; // v1.4: evaluate MGEF properties if (sig = 'MGEF') and (wbGameMode = gmTES5) then begin EvaluateEx(e, m, 'Magic Effect Data\DATA\Casting Light', tag, debug); EvaluateEx(e, m, 'Magic Effect Data\DATA\Hit Shader', tag, debug); EvaluateEx(e, m, 'Magic Effect Data\DATA\Enchant Shader', tag, debug); end; // evaluate Material property if (sig = 'STAT') then EvaluateEx(e, m, 'DNAM\Material', tag, debug); end; // ================================================================== // Invent procedure CheckInvent(e, m: IInterface; debug: boolean); var items, itemsmaster: IInterface; begin // define tag tag := 'Invent'; // exit if tag exists if TagExists(tag) then exit; // assign Items properties items := GetElement(e, 'Items'); itemsmaster := GetElement(m, 'Items'); // add tag if Items properties exist in one record but not the other if Assigned(items) <> Assigned(itemsmaster) then begin if debug then PrintDebugE(e, m, '[Assigned] ' + tag); AddTag(tag); exit; end; // exit if Items property does not exist in control record if not Assigned(items) then exit; // Items are sorted, so we don't need to compare by individual item // SortKey combines all the items data if CompareKeys(items, itemsmaster, debug) then AddTag(tag); end; // ================================================================== // NpcFaces procedure CheckNPCFaces(e, m: IInterface; debug: boolean); begin // define tag tag := 'NpcFaces'; // exit if tag exists if TagExists(tag) then exit; // evaluate properties EvaluateEx(e, m, 'HNAM', tag, debug); EvaluateEx(e, m, 'LNAM', tag, debug); EvaluateEx(e, m, 'ENAM', tag, debug); EvaluateEx(e, m, 'HCLR', tag, debug); EvaluateEx(e, m, 'FaceGen Data', tag, debug); end; // ================================================================== // Body-F | Body-M | Body-Size-F | Body-Size-M procedure CheckRaceBody(e, m: IInterface; tag: string; debug: boolean); begin // define tag if TagExists(tag) then exit; // evaluate Body-F properties if (tag = 'Body-F') then EvaluateEx(e, m, 'Body Data\Female Body Data\Parts', tag, debug); // evaluate Body-M properties if (tag = 'Body-M') then EvaluateEx(e, m, 'Body Data\Male Body Data\Parts', tag, debug); // evaluate Body-Size-F properties if (tag = 'Body-Size-F') then begin EvaluateEx(e, m, 'DATA\Female Height', tag, debug); EvaluateEx(e, m, 'DATA\Female Weight', tag, debug); end; // evaluate Body-Size-M properties if (tag = 'Body-Size-M') then begin EvaluateEx(e, m, 'DATA\Male Height', tag, debug); EvaluateEx(e, m, 'DATA\Male Weight', tag, debug); end; end; // ================================================================== // R.Ears | R.Head | R.Mouth | R.Teeth procedure CheckRaceHead(e, m: IInterface; tag: string; debug: boolean); begin // exit if tag exists if TagExists(tag) then exit; // evaluate R.Head properties if (tag = 'R.Head') then begin EvaluateEx(e, m, 'Head Data\Male Head Data\Parts\[0]', tag, debug); EvaluateEx(e, m, 'Head Data\Female Head Data\Parts\[0]', tag, debug); EvaluateEx(e, m, 'FaceGen Data', tag, debug); end; // evaluate R.Ears properties if (tag = 'R.Ears') then begin EvaluateEx(e, m, 'Head Data\Male Head Data\Parts\[1]', tag, debug); EvaluateEx(e, m, 'Head Data\Female Head Data\Parts\[1]', tag, debug); end; // evaluate R.Mouth properties if (tag = 'R.Mouth') then begin EvaluateEx(e, m, 'Head Data\Male Head Data\Parts\[2]', tag, debug); EvaluateEx(e, m, 'Head Data\Female Head Data\Parts\[2]', tag, debug); end; // evaluate R.Teeth properties if (tag = 'R.Teeth') then begin EvaluateEx(e, m, 'Head Data\Male Head Data\Parts\[3]', tag, debug); EvaluateEx(e, m, 'Head Data\Female Head Data\Parts\[3]', tag, debug); // FO3 if (wbGameMode = gmFO3) then begin EvaluateEx(e, m, 'Head Data\Male Head Data\Parts\[4]', tag, debug); EvaluateEx(e, m, 'Head Data\Female Head Data\Parts\[4]', tag, debug); end; end; end; // ================================================================== // Sound procedure CheckSound(e, m: IInterface; debug: boolean); var sig: string; begin tag := 'Sound'; if TagExists(tag) then exit; sig := Signature(e); // Activators, Containers, Doors, and Lights if InSignatureList(sig, 'ACTI, CONT, DOOR, LIGH') then EvaluateEx(e, m, 'SNAM', tag, debug); // Activators if (sig = 'ACTI') then EvaluateEx(e, m, 'VNAM', tag, debug); // Containers if (sig = 'CONT') then begin EvaluateEx(e, m, 'QNAM', tag, debug); if not (wbGameMode = gmFO3) or not (wbGameMode = gmTES5) then EvaluateEx(e, m, 'RNAM', tag, debug); // FO3 and TESV don't have this element end; // Creatures if (sig = 'CREA') then begin EvaluateEx(e, m, 'WNAM', tag, debug); EvaluateEx(e, m, 'CSCR', tag, debug); EvaluateEx(e, m, 'Sound Types', tag, debug); end; // Doors if (sig = 'DOOR') then begin EvaluateEx(e, m, 'ANAM', tag, debug); EvaluateEx(e, m, 'BNAM', tag, debug); end; // Lights - this is checked above // Magic Effects if (sig = 'MGEF') then begin // TES5 if (wbGameMode = gmTES5) then EvaluateEx(e, m, 'SNDD', tag, debug); // FO3, FNV, TES4 if not (wbGameMode = gmTES5) then begin EvaluateEx(e, m, 'DATA\Effect sound', tag, debug); EvaluateEx(e, m, 'DATA\Bolt sound', tag, debug); EvaluateEx(e, m, 'DATA\Hit sound', tag, debug); EvaluateEx(e, m, 'DATA\Area sound', tag, debug); end; end; // Weather if (sig = 'WTHR') then EvaluateEx(e, m, 'Sounds', tag, debug); end; // ================================================================== // SpellStats procedure CheckSpellStats(e, m: IInterface; debug: boolean); begin // define tag tag := 'SpellStats'; // exit if tag exists if TagExists(tag) then exit; // evaluate properties EvaluateEx(e, m, 'FULL', tag, debug); EvaluateEx(e, m, 'SPIT', tag, debug); end; // ================================================================== // Stats - v1.4: 200% implementation (evaluates more than needed; too much work to narrow down) procedure CheckStats(e, m: IInterface; debug: boolean); var d, dm: IInterface; sig: string; begin // define tag tag := 'Stats'; // exit if tag exists if TagExists(tag) then exit; // get record signature sig := Signature(e); // Ingestibles, Ammunition, Alchemical Apparatuses, Armor, Books, Clothing, Ingredients, Keys, Lights, Misc. Items, Sigil Stones, Soul Gems, Weapons if InSignatureList(sig, 'ALCH, AMMO, APPA, ARMO, BOOK, CLOT, INGR, KEYM, LIGH, MISC, SGST, SLGM, WEAP') then begin EvaluateEx(e, m, 'EDID', tag, debug); EvaluateEx(e, m, 'DATA', tag, debug); end; // ARMA if InSignatureList(sig, 'ARMA, ARMO, WEAP') then EvaluateEx(e, m, 'DNAM', tag, debug); // ARMO if (sig = 'WEAP') then EvaluateEx(e, m, 'CRDT', tag, debug); end; // ================================================================== // Debug Message procedure PrintDebugE(x, y: IInterface; t: string); begin AddMessage(t + ': ' + TrimLeft(FullPath(x))); AddMessage(t + ': ' + TrimLeft(FullPath(y))); end; // ================================================================== // Debug Message procedure PrintDebugS(x, y: IInterface; p, t: string); begin AddMessage(t + ': ' + TrimLeft(FullPath(GetElement(x, p)))); AddMessage(t + ': ' + TrimLeft(FullPath(GetElement(y, p)))); end; // ****************************************************************** // PROCESSOR // ****************************************************************** // ================================================================== // Main function Initialize: integer; var tmplLoaded: string; begin // clear ClearMessages(); // prompt to write tags to file header optionSelected := MessageDlg('Do you want to add suggested tags to the file header?', mtConfirmation, [mbYes, mbNo, mbAbort], 0); // exit if the user aborted if optionSelected = mrAbort then exit; // create list of tags slTags := TStringList.Create; slTags.Delimiter := ','; // separated by comma AddMessage(#13#10 + '-------------------------------------------------------------------------------'); if (wbGameMode = gmFO3) then AddMessage('Using record structure for Fallout 3'); if (wbGameMode = gmFNV) then AddMessage('Using record structure for Fallout: New Vegas'); if (wbGameMode = gmTES4) then AddMessage('Using record structure for The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion'); if (wbGameMode = gmTES5) then AddMessage('Using record structure for The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim'); AddMessage('-------------------------------------------------------------------------------' + #13#10); end; // ================================================================== // Process function Process(e: IInterface): integer; var o: IInterface; // master record sig, fm: string; i: integer; begin //AddMessage('[PROCESSING] ' + FullPath(e)); // exit conditions if (optionSelected = mrAbort) // user aborted or (Signature(e) = 'TES4') // record is the file header or (ConflictAllString(e) = 'caUnknown') // unknown conflict status or (ConflictAllString(e) = 'caOnlyOne') // record neither conflicts nor overrides or (ConflictAllString(e) = 'caNoConflict') then // no conflict exit; // get file and file name f := GetFile(e); fn := GetFileName(f); // exit if the record should not be processed if (fn = 'Dawnguard.esm') and InIgnoreList(HexFormID(e), '00016BCF, 0001EE6D, 0001FA4C, 00039F67, 0006C3B6') then exit; // get master record o := Master(e); // exit if the override does not exist if not Assigned(o) then exit; // if record overrides several masters, then get the last one if OverrideCount(o) > 1 then o := OverrideByIndex(o, OverrideCount(o) - 2); // v1.3.4: stop processing deleted records to avoid errors if GetIsDeleted(e) or GetIsDeleted(o) then exit; // get record signature sig := Signature(e); // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // GROUP: [1] Supported tag exclusive to FNV // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- if (wbGameMode = gmFNV) then begin // TAG: WeaponMods if (sig = 'WEAP') then EvaluateEx(e, o, 'Weapon Mods', 'WeaponMods', true); end; // end game // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // GROUP: Supported tags exclusive to TES4 // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- if (wbGameMode = gmTES4) then begin // TAG: Actors.Spells if InSignatureList(sig, 'CREA, NPC_') then EvaluateEx(e, o, 'Spells', 'Actors.Spells', true); // TAG: Creatures.Blood if (sig = 'CREA') then begin EvaluateEx(e, o, 'NAM0', 'Creatures.Blood', true); EvaluateEx(e, o, 'NAM1', 'Creatures.Blood', true); end; // TODO: Npc.EyesOnly - NOT IMPLEMENTED // TODO: Npc.HairOnly - NOT IMPLEMENTED // TODO: R.AddSpells - NOT IMPLEMENTED if (sig = 'RACE') then begin // TAG: R.ChangeSpells EvaluateEx(e, o, 'Spells', 'R.ChangeSpells', true); // TAG: R.Attributes-F EvaluateEx(e, o, 'ATTR\Female', 'R.Attributes-F', true); // TAG: R.Attributes-M EvaluateEx(e, o, 'ATTR\Male', 'R.Attributes-M', true); end; // TAG: Roads if (sig = 'ROAD') then EvaluateEx(e, o, 'PGRP', 'Roads', true); // TAG: SpellStats if (sig = 'SPEL') then CheckSpellStats(e, o, true); end; // end game // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // GROUP: [1] Supported tags exclusive to TES5 // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- if (wbGameMode = gmTES5) then begin if (sig = 'CELL') then begin // TAG: C.Location EvaluateEx(e, o, 'XLCN', 'C.Location', true); // TAG: C.Regions EvaluateEx(e, o, 'XCLR', 'C.Regions', true); // TAG: C.SkyLighting CheckCellSkyLighting(e, o, true); end; end; // end game // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // GROUP: [2] Supported tags exclusive to FO3 and FNV // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- if (wbGameMode = gmFO3) or (wbGameMode = gmFNV) then begin // TAG: Destructible if InSignatureList(sig, 'ACTI, ALCH, AMMO, BOOK, CONT, DOOR, FURN, IMOD, KEYM, MISC, MSTT, PROJ, TACT, TERM, WEAP') then CheckDestructible(e, o, true); // TAG: Destructible - special handling for CREA and NPC_ record types if InSignatureList(sig, 'CREA, NPC_') then if not CompareFlagsOr(e, o, 'ACBS\Template Flags', 'Use Model/Animation') then CheckDestructible(e, o, true); end; // end game // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // GROUP: [3] Supported tags exclusive to FO3, FNV, and TES4 // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- if (wbGameMode = gmFO3) or (wbGameMode = gmFNV) or (wbGameMode = gmTES4) then begin // TAG: Factions if InSignatureList(sig, 'CREA, NPC_') then begin if (wbGameMode = gmTES4) then begin CheckActorsFactions(e, o, true); end else begin if not CompareFlagsOr(e, o, 'ACBS\Template Flags', 'Use Factions') then CheckActorsFactions(e, o, true); end; end; // TAG: Relations if (sig = 'FACT') then EvaluateEx(e, o, 'Relations', 'Relations', true); end; // end game // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // GROUP: [3] Supported tags exclusive to FO3, FNV, and TES5 // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- if (wbGameMode = gmFO3) or (wbGameMode = gmFNV) or (wbGameMode = gmTES5) then begin if InSignatureList(sig, 'CREA, NPC_') then begin // TAG: Actors.ACBS if not CompareFlagsOr(e, o, 'ACBS\Template Flags', 'Use Stats') then CheckActorsACBS(e, o, true); // TAG: Actors.AIData if not CompareFlagsOr(e, o, 'ACBS\Template Flags', 'Use AI Data') then CheckActorsAIData(e, o, true); // TAG: Actors.AIPackages if not CompareFlagsOr(e, o, 'ACBS\Template Flags', 'Use AI Packages') then CheckActorsAIPackages(e, o, true); // TAG: Actors.Anims if (sig = 'CREA') then if not CompareFlagsOr(e, o, 'ACBS\Template Flags', 'Use Model/Animation') then EvaluateEx(e, o, 'KFFZ', 'Actors.Anims', true); if not CompareFlagsOr(e, o, 'ACBS\Template Flags', 'Use Traits') then begin // TAG: Actors.CombatStyle EvaluateEx(e, o, 'ZNAM', 'Actors.CombatStyle', true); // TAG: Actors.DeathItem EvaluateEx(e, o, 'INAM', 'Actors.DeathItem', true); end; // TAG: Actors.Skeleton if not CompareFlagsOr(e, o, 'ACBS\Template Flags', 'Use Model/Animation') then CheckActorsSkeleton(e, o, true); // TAG: Actors.Stats if not CompareFlagsOr(e, o, 'ACBS\Template Flags', 'Use Stats') then CheckActorsStats(e, o, true); // TODO: IIM - NOT IMPLEMENTED // TODO: MustBeActiveIfImported - NOT IMPLEMENTED if (sig = 'NPC_') then begin if not CompareFlagsOr(e, o, 'ACBS\Template Flags', 'Use Traits') then begin // TAG: NPC.Class EvaluateEx(e, o, 'CNAM', 'NPC.Class', true); // TAG: NPC.Race EvaluateEx(e, o, 'RNAM', 'NPC.Race', true); end; // TAG: NPCFaces if not CompareFlagsOr(e, o, 'ACBS\Template Flags', 'Use Model/Animation') then CheckNPCFaces(e, o, true); end; // TAG: Scripts if not CompareFlagsOr(e, o, 'ACBS\Template Flags', 'Use Script') then EvaluateEx(e, o, 'SCRI', 'Scripts', true); end; if (sig = 'CELL') then begin // TAG: C.Acoustic EvaluateEx(e, o, 'XCAS', 'C.Acoustic', true); // TAG: C.Encounter EvaluateEx(e, o, 'XEZN', 'C.Encounter', true); // TAG: C.ImageSpace EvaluateEx(e, o, 'XCIM', 'C.ImageSpace', true); end; if (sig = 'RACE') then begin // TAG: Body-F CheckRaceBody(e, o, 'Body-F', true); // TAG: Body-M CheckRaceBody(e, o, 'Body-M', true); // TAG: Body-Size-F CheckRaceBody(e, o, 'Body-Size-F', true); // TAG: Body-Size-M CheckRaceBody(e, o, 'Body-Size-M', true); // TAG: Eyes EvaluateEx(e, o, 'ENAM', 'Eyes', true); // TAG: Hair EvaluateEx(e, o, 'HNAM', 'Hair', true); // TAG: R.Description EvaluateEx(e, o, 'DESC', 'R.Description', true); // TAG: R.Ears CheckRaceHead(e, o, 'R.Ears', true); // TAG: R.Head CheckRaceHead(e, o, 'R.Head', true); // TAG: R.Mouth CheckRaceHead(e, o, 'R.Mouth', true); // TAG: R.Relations EvaluateEx(e, o, 'Relations', 'R.Relations', true); // TAG: R.Skills EvaluateEx(e, o, 'DATA\Skill Boosts', 'R.Skills', true); // TAG: R.Teeth CheckRaceHead(e, o, 'R.Teeth', true); // TAG: Voice-F EvaluateEx(e, o, 'VTCK\Voice #1 (Female)', 'Voice-F', true); // TAG: Voice-M EvaluateEx(e, o, 'VTCK\Voice #0 (Male)', 'Voice-M', true); end; // TODO: ScriptContents - SHOULD NOT BE IMPLEMENTED // -- According to the Wrye Bash Readme: "Should not be used. Can cause serious issues." // TAG: Scripts if InSignatureList(sig, 'ACTI, ALCH, ARMO, CONT, DOOR, FLOR, FURN, INGR, KEYM, LIGH, LVLC, MISC, QUST, WEAP') then EvaluateEx(e, o, 'SCRI', 'Scripts', true); end; // end game // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // GROUP: [4] Supported tags exclusive to FO3, FNV, TES4, and TES5 // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- if (wbGameMode = gmFO3) or (wbGameMode = gmFNV) or (wbGameMode = gmTES4) or (wbGameMode = gmTES5) then begin if (sig = 'CELL') then begin // TAG: C.Climate CheckCellClimate(e, o, true); // TAG: C.Light EvaluateEx(e, o, 'XCLL', 'C.Light', true); // TAG: C.Music EvaluateEx(e, o, 'XCMO', 'C.Music', true); // TAG: C.Name EvaluateEx(e, o, 'FULL', 'C.Name', true); // TAG: C.Owner EvaluateEx(e, o, 'Ownership', 'C.Owner', true); // TAG: C.RecordFlags CheckCellRecordFlags(e, o, true); // TAG: C.Water CheckCellWater(e, o, true); end; // TODO: Deactivate - NOT IMPLEMENTED // TAG: Delev, Relev if InSignatureList(sig, 'LVLC, LVLI, LVLN, LVSP') then CheckDelevRelev(e, o, true); // TODO: Filter - NOT IMPLEMENTED // TAG: Graphics if InSignatureList(sig, 'ACTI, ALCH, AMMO, APPA, ARMO, BOOK, BSGN, CLAS, CLOT, CREA, DOOR, EFSH, FLOR, FURN, GRAS, INGR, KEYM, LIGH, LSCR, LTEX, MGEF, MISC, REGN, SGST, SLGM, STAT, TREE, WEAP') then CheckGraphics(e, o, true); // TAG: Invent if (sig = 'CONT') then CheckInvent(e, o, true); // TAG: Names if InSignatureList(sig, 'ACTI, ALCH, AMMO, APPA, ARMO, BOOK, BSGN, CLAS, CLOT, CONT, DIAL, DOOR, ENCH, EYES, FACT, FLOR, FURN, HAIR, INGR, KEYM, LIGH, MGEF, MISC, QUST, RACE, SGST, SLGM, SPEL, WEAP, WRLD') then EvaluateEx(e, o, 'FULL', 'Names', true); // TODO: NoMerge - NOT IMPLEMENTED // TAG: Sound if InSignatureList(sig, 'ACTI, CONT, DOOR, LIGH, MGEF, WTHR') then CheckSound(e, o, true); if InSignatureList(sig, 'CREA, NPC_') then begin if (wbGameMode = gmTES4) then begin // TAG: Invent - special handling for CREA and NPC_ record types CheckInvent(e, o, true); // TAG: Names - special handling for CREA and NPC_ record types EvaluateEx(e, o, 'FULL', 'Names', true); // TAG: Sound - special handling for CREA record type if (sig = 'CREA') then CheckSound(e, o, true); end else begin if not CompareFlagsOr(e, o, 'ACBS\Template Flags', 'Use Inventory') then CheckInvent(e, o, true); // TAG: Names - special handling for CREA and NPC_ record types if not CompareFlagsOr(e, o, 'ACBS\Template Flags', 'Use Base Data') then EvaluateEx(e, o, 'FULL', 'Names', true); // TAG: Sound - special handling for CREA record type if (sig = 'CREA') then if not CompareFlagsOr(e, o, 'ACBS\Template Flags', 'Use Model/Animation') then CheckSound(e, o, true); end; end; // TAG: Stats if InSignatureList(sig, 'ALCH, AMMO, APPA, ARMO, BOOK, CLOT, INGR, KEYM, LIGH, MISC, SGST, SLGM, WEAP') then CheckStats(e, o, true); end; // end game end; // ================================================================== // Finalize function Finalize: integer; var hdr, desc: IInterface; sTags, eTags, dTags, bTags, tTags: TSTringList; sDescription: string; begin sTags := TStringList.Create; eTags := TStringList.Create; dTags := TStringList.Create; bTags := TStringList.Create; tTags := TStringList.Create; // exit conditions if (optionSelected = mrAbort) or (not Assigned(slTags)) or (not Assigned(fn)) then exit; // sort list of suggested tags slTags.Sort; // output file name AddMessage(#13#10 + '-------------------------------------------------------------------------------'); AddMessage(fn); AddMessage('-------------------------------------------------------------------------------' + #13#10); // if any suggested tags were generated if (slTags.Count > 0) then begin hdr := GetElement(f, 'TES4'); // determine if the header record exists if Assigned(hdr) then begin desc := GetElement(hdr, 'SNAM'); sTags.CommaText := slTags.CommaText; tTags.CommaText := slTags.CommaText; eTags.CommaText := GetSubstring(GetEditValue(desc), '{{BASH:', '}}'); dTags.CommaText := GetDiffList(eTags, sTags); // exit if existing and suggested tags are the same if (eTags.CommaText = sTags.CommaText) then begin AddMessage('No tags suggested. Exiting.' + #13#10); AddMessage('-------------------------------------------------------------------------------' + #13#10); exit; end; // exit if the header record doesn't exist end else begin AddMessage('Header record not found. Nothing to do. Exiting.' + #13#10); AddMessage('-------------------------------------------------------------------------------' + #13#10); exit; end; // write tags if (optionSelected = 6) then begin // if the description element doesn't exist, add the element if not Assigned(desc) then desc := Add(hdr, 'SNAM', false); if (eTags <> sTags) then begin // store description sDescription := GetEditValue(desc); // remove existing tags, if any; trim regardless sDescription := Trim(RemoveFromEnd(sDescription, Format('{{BASH:%s}}', [eTags.DelimitedText]))); // write new description SetEditValue(desc, sDescription + #13#10 + #13#10 + Format('{{BASH:%s}}', [slTags.DelimitedText])); end; // output bad tags bTags.CommaText := GetDiffList(tTags, eTags); GenerateTagOutput(bTags, 'bad tag removed:', 'bad tags removed:', 'No bad tags found.'); // output to log GenerateTagOutput(dTags, 'tag added to file header:', 'tags added to file header:', 'No tags added.'); end; // suggest tags only and output to log if (optionSelected = 7) then begin // output existing tags GenerateTagOutput(eTags, 'existing tag found:', 'existing tags found:', 'No existing tags found.'); // output bad tags bTags.CommaText := GetDiffList(tTags, eTags); GenerateTagOutput(bTags, 'bad tag found:', 'bad tags found:', 'No bad tags found.'); // output suggested tags GenerateTagOutput(dTags, 'suggested tag to add:', 'suggested tags to add:', 'No suggested tags to add.'); // output all suggested tags GenerateTagOutput(slTags, 'suggested tag overall:', 'suggested tags overall:', 'No suggested tags overall.'); end; end; slTags.Free; sTags.Free; eTags.Free; dTags.Free; bTags.Free; tTags.Free; end; end. Edited November 23, 2016 by MonoAccipiter
nicktheduke Posted November 23, 2016 Posted November 23, 2016 Hi MonoAccipiter Tried your updated script but still have the same error in certain mods stated above using F&L guide. Someone on reddit mentioned it being a problem within mtefunctions.pas Thoughts?
mmmfriedrice Posted November 28, 2016 Posted November 28, 2016 (edited) Oh god! I'm not alone! MonoAccipiter, I've also tried copy-pasting the supplied text, as well as well as ensuring I've got everything up to date. No dice for several attempts to generate bash tags. That said, it seems to be race/face/hair issues with the YUP .esm. xEdit hangs and then throws an exception on some facial features. Edited November 28, 2016 by mmmfriedrice
MonoAccipiter Posted November 28, 2016 Posted November 28, 2016 I would ask in the xEdit subforum here. Maybe Mator or Zilav would know.
MetalPhilosopher Posted December 3, 2016 Posted December 3, 2016 I'm running into this same issue. I've found that it affects a few ESM/ESPs: YUP - Base Game + All DLC.esmdomecity.esmRoberts_NewVegas.espFCO - Roberts Patch The last message output before the crash was not always the same, though in the case of YUP and domecity it was indeed in the race and hair sections. Of course, all that means is that the script got through at least that line just fine before crashing. Thankfully the other mods (especially the ones with obvious levelled list changes) still seem to work fine with the script.
Siantis Posted December 4, 2016 Posted December 4, 2016 I managed to fix this issue by taking the mteFunctions.pas (83kb) from my Skyrim copy of TES5Edit and overwriting (after backing up a copy) the FNVEdit mteFunctions.pas (78kb).!bwAEnIBT!ePot9g1ZCS3EAe_kHe0FxEr8FykjQBuxMxiqxOwPbU0 11
szn Posted December 6, 2016 Posted December 6, 2016 (edited) I managed to fix this issue by taking the mteFunctions.pas (83kb) from my Skyrim copy of TES5Edit and overwriting (after backing up a copy) the FNVEdit mteFunctions.pas (78kb).!bwAEnIBT!ePot9g1ZCS3EAe_kHe0FxEr8FykjQBuxMxiqxOwPbU0 Thank you very much, I was having the same problem and this fixed it for me. Edited December 6, 2016 by szn
Genius384 Posted December 6, 2016 Posted December 6, 2016 Thank you very much, I was having the same problem and this fixed it for me.Worked for me as well, thank you Siantis.
Rescorla Posted January 3, 2017 Posted January 3, 2017 I am having this same exact problem. I will try getting the workaround with the Skyrim version of the file to see if that fixes the problem. I went thru the tedious task of generating bash tags for every mod in my load order. When I copy that Skyrim version of the file over, will I need to start over from scratch and generate bash tags for every mod again or just the ones that had the error? Lastly, if I create a bashed patch and the game loads successfully, is that 100% confirmation that everything is good to go from a configuration perspective?
Rescorla Posted January 4, 2017 Posted January 4, 2017 My errors fixed now as well using the replacement file. Do I need to delete the original bashed patch or will Wrye Flash overwrite? If I need to delete the original the one to delete is the one in the Data folder?
StoneyMason Posted January 25, 2017 Posted January 25, 2017 Ran into this same issue tonight and also ended up using that file link posted in this thread to fix it. Thank You.
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