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DynDOLOD.esp missing
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[00:00:00.002] Using Skyrim Data Path: E:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Skyrim\Data\
[00:00:00.003] Using ini: D:\Libraries\My Games\Skyrim\Skyrim.ini
[00:00:00.005] Using save path: D:\Libraries\My Games\Skyrim\__MOProfileSave__\
[00:00:00.010] Using plugin list: C:\Users\ADShe\AppData\Local\Skyrim\Plugins.txt
[00:00:00.012] Using settings file: C:\Users\ADShe\AppData\Local\Skyrim\DynDOLOD_settings.ini
[00:00:00.016] Loading active plugin list: C:\Users\ADShe\AppData\Local\Skyrim\Plugins.txt
[00:00:00.036] Found BOSS load order list: C:\Users\ADShe\AppData\Local\Skyrim\loadorder.txt
Deleted for space
0:14:10.801] Loading E:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Skyrim\DynDOLOD\Edit Scripts\DynDOLOD\DynDOLOD_TES5.ini
[00:14:10.830] Found bunch of numbers: 5N2O3S3E0H5S86O7T6T1I0M3B1U7S2
[00:14:10.854] Reading DynDOLOD.esp with 28137 records for Dimfrost
[00:14:10.871] 7 of 28137 done
[00:14:11.003] 2820 of 28137 done
[00:14:11.163] 5633 of 28137 done
[00:14:11.324] 8446 of 28137 done
[00:14:11.463] 11259 of 28137 done
[00:14:11.640] 14072 of 28137 done
[00:14:11.796] 16885 of 28137 done
[00:14:11.927] 19698 of 28137 done
[00:14:12.063] 22511 of 28137 done
[00:14:12.283] 25324 of 28137 done
[00:14:12.351] 28137 of 28137 done
[00:14:12.380] Read 152 existing records
[00:14:12.407] Generating tree LOD for Dimfrost with brightness set to 0
[00:14:14.226] Found E:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Skyrim\DynDOLOD\Edit Scripts\DynDOLOD\DynDOLOD_TES5_missing_trees.txt
[00:14:12.459] [Dimfrost] Generating LOD
[00:14:12.630] TreeReachCliffTree01 [TREE:000B8A76] using LOD Textures\Terrain\LODGen\Skyrim.esm\ReachCliffTree01_000B8A76.dds
[00:14:12.630] TreeReachShrub01 [TREE:000AAE8D] using LOD Textures\Terrain\LODGen\Skyrim.esm\ReachShrub01_000AAE8D.dds
[00:14:12.630] TreeReachShrub02 [TREE:000AAE8E] using LOD Textures\Terrain\LODGen\Skyrim.esm\ReachShrub02_000AAE8E.dds
[00:14:12.630] TreeReachTree01 [TREE:000B8A73] using LOD Textures\Terrain\LODGen\Skyrim.esm\ReachTree01_000B8A73.dds
[00:14:14.225] [Dimfrost] Trees LOD Done.
[00:14:14.266] Scanning Dimfrost *.BTT files in E:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Skyrim\DynDOLOD\DynDOLOD_Output\meshes\terrain\Dimfrost\trees\ to build a list of trees with LOD
[00:14:14.296] Found 9 trees with LOD
[00:14:14.345] 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111
[00:14:14.364] 11888888111111111111111111111888888111111188881111881111111118888111188888811111
[00:14:14.383] 11881111881188111881881888811881111881118811118811881111111881111881188111188111
[00:14:14.404] 11881111188188111881888111881881111188188111111881881111118811111188188111118811
[00:14:14.422] 11881111188188111881881111881881111188188111111881881111118811111188188111118811
[00:14:14.443] 11881111881118888881881111881881111881118811118811881111111881111881188111188111
[00:14:14.467] 11888888111111111881881111881888888111111188881111888888811118888111188888811111
[00:14:14.489] 11111111111118888811111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111
[00:14:14.529] Building a list of LOD objects, please wait...
[00:14:14.653] World Dimfrost
[00:14:14.668] Gathering references in Dimfrost "Dimfrost" [WRLD:140825E1] for STAT ACTI MSTT CONT FURN DOOR LIGH TREE
[00:14:14.712] Filtering 4936 references in Dimfrost "Dimfrost" [WRLD:140825E1] for LOD
[00:14:14.729] 0 of 4936 done
[00:14:14.900] 493 of 4936 done
[00:14:15.044] 986 of 4936 done
[00:14:15.663] disabled NeverFade, replaced by static LOD for Wyrmstooth.esp [REFR:14085415] (places RockCliff04 [sTAT:00029D98] in GRUP Cell Persistent Children of [CELL:14082777] (in Dimfrost "Dimfrost" [WRLD:140825E1]) at 4,-6)
[00:14:15.113] [DynDOLOD.esp] Adding master "Wyrmstooth.esp"
[00:14:15.692] disabled NeverFade, replaced by static LOD for Wyrmstooth.esp [REFR:14085416] (places RockCliff03 [sTAT:00025DA8] in GRUP Cell Persistent Children of [CELL:14082777] (in Dimfrost "Dimfrost" [WRLD:140825E1]) at 4,-6)
[00:14:15.774] 1479 of 4936 done
[00:14:15.914] 1972 of 4936 done
[00:14:15.975] disabled NeverFade, replaced by DynDOLOD LOD for SkyFalls + SkyMills + DG + DB + FS + WT.esp [REFR:1408B5A6] (places Water1024RiverFlowSE [ACTI:0010CAC1] in GRUP Cell Persistent Children of [CELL:14082777] (in Dimfrost "Dimfrost" [WRLD:140825E1]) at 0,-4)
[00:14:16.049] disabled NeverFade, replaced by DynDOLOD LOD for SkyFalls + SkyMills + DG + DB + FS + WT.esp [REFR:1408E3CF] (places Water1024RiverFlowSE [ACTI:0010CAC1] in GRUP Cell Persistent Children of [CELL:14082777] (in Dimfrost "Dimfrost" [WRLD:140825E1]) at 2,0)
[00:14:16.098] 2465 of 4936 done
[00:14:16.212] 2958 of 4936 done
[00:14:16.344] disabled NeverFade, replaced by DynDOLOD LOD for SkyFalls + SkyMills + DG + DB + FS + WT.esp [REFR:14091B68] (places FXWaterfallThin2048x512 [MSTT:00105CC2] in GRUP Cell Persistent Children of [CELL:14082777] (in Dimfrost "Dimfrost" [WRLD:140825E1]) at 3,-6)
[00:14:16.365] disabled NeverFade, replaced by DynDOLOD LOD for SkyFalls + SkyMills + DG + DB + FS + WT.esp [REFR:14091B69] (places FXWaterfallThin2048x512 [MSTT:00105CC2] in GRUP Cell Persistent Children of [CELL:14082777] (in Dimfrost "Dimfrost" [WRLD:140825E1]) at 3,-6)
[00:14:16.386] disabled NeverFade, replaced by DynDOLOD LOD for SkyFalls + SkyMills + DG + DB + FS + WT.esp [REFR:14091B6B] (places FXWaterfallThin512x64 [MSTT:000FB545] in GRUP Cell Persistent Children of [CELL:14082777] (in Dimfrost "Dimfrost" [WRLD:140825E1]) at 3,-6)
[00:14:16.408] disabled NeverFade, replaced by DynDOLOD LOD for SkyFalls + SkyMills + DG + DB + FS + WT.esp [REFR:14091B6C] (places FXWaterfallThin512x64 [MSTT:000FB545] in GRUP Cell Persistent Children of [CELL:14082777] (in Dimfrost "Dimfrost" [WRLD:140825E1]) at 3,-6)
[00:14:16.428] disabled NeverFade, replaced by DynDOLOD LOD for SkyFalls + SkyMills + DG + DB + FS + WT.esp [REFR:14091B6D] (places FXWaterfallThin512x64 [MSTT:000FB545] in GRUP Cell Persistent Children of [CELL:14082777] (in Dimfrost "Dimfrost" [WRLD:140825E1]) at 3,-6)
[00:14:16.450] disabled NeverFade, replaced by DynDOLOD LOD for SkyFalls + SkyMills + DG + DB + FS + WT.esp [REFR:14091B6E] (places FXWaterfallThin512x64 [MSTT:000FB545] in GRUP Cell Persistent Children of [CELL:14082777] (in Dimfrost "Dimfrost" [WRLD:140825E1]) at 3,-6)
[00:14:16.469] disabled NeverFade, replaced by DynDOLOD LOD for SkyFalls + SkyMills + DG + DB + FS + WT.esp [REFR:14091B6F] (places FXWaterfallThin512x64 [MSTT:000FB545] in GRUP Cell Persistent Children of [CELL:14082777] (in Dimfrost "Dimfrost" [WRLD:140825E1]) at 3,-6)
[00:14:16.545] 3451 of 4936 done
[00:14:16.659] disabled NeverFade, replaced by DynDOLOD LOD for SkyFalls + SkyMills + DG + DB + FS + WT.esp [REFR:14317808] (places FXWaterfallThin4096x256 [MSTT:0003441F] in GRUP Cell Persistent Children of [CELL:14082777] (in Dimfrost "Dimfrost" [WRLD:140825E1]) at 0,-1)
[00:14:16.679] disabled NeverFade, replaced by DynDOLOD LOD for SkyFalls + SkyMills + DG + DB + FS + WT.esp [REFR:1431780C] (places Water1024RiverFlowSE [ACTI:0010CAC1] in GRUP Cell Persistent Children of [CELL:14082777] (in Dimfrost "Dimfrost" [WRLD:140825E1]) at 0,-1)
[00:14:16.841] disabled NeverFade, replaced by DynDOLOD LOD for SkyFalls + SkyMills + DG + DB + FS + WT.esp [REFR:1431780F] (places Water1024_Blackreach [ACTI:000D19F4] in GRUP Cell Persistent Children of [CELL:14082777] (in Dimfrost "Dimfrost" [WRLD:140825E1]) at -1,-2)
[00:14:17.004] disabled NeverFade, replaced by DynDOLOD LOD for SkyFalls + SkyMills + DG + DB + FS + WT.esp [REFR:14317813] (places Water1024RiverFlowSE [ACTI:0010CAC1] in GRUP Cell Persistent Children of [CELL:14082777] (in Dimfrost "Dimfrost" [WRLD:140825E1]) at -2,-2)
[00:14:17.044] disabled NeverFade, replaced by DynDOLOD LOD for SkyFalls + SkyMills + DG + DB + FS + WT.esp [REFR:1431BE1F] (places FXWaterfallSkirtTallFront [MSTT:0001AC95] in GRUP Cell Persistent Children of [CELL:14082777] (in Dimfrost "Dimfrost" [WRLD:140825E1]) at -1,-2)
[00:14:17.072] disabled NeverFade, replaced by DynDOLOD LOD for SkyFalls + SkyMills + DG + DB + FS + WT.esp [REFR:1431BE20] (places FXWaterfallSkirtTallFront [MSTT:0001AC95] in GRUP Cell Persistent Children of [CELL:14082777] (in Dimfrost "Dimfrost" [WRLD:140825E1]) at -1,-2)
[00:14:17.230] disabled NeverFade, replaced by DynDOLOD LOD for SkyFalls + SkyMills + DG + DB + FS + WT.esp [REFR:1431BE24] (places FXWaterfallThin256x128 [MSTT:001033F2] in GRUP Cell Persistent Children of [CELL:14082777] (in Dimfrost "Dimfrost" [WRLD:140825E1]) at -2,-1)
[00:14:17.253] disabled NeverFade, replaced by DynDOLOD LOD for SkyFalls + SkyMills + DG + DB + FS + WT.esp [REFR:1431BE2B] (places FXWaterfallThin512x128 [MSTT:0002BCAB] in GRUP Cell Persistent Children of [CELL:14082777] (in Dimfrost "Dimfrost" [WRLD:140825E1]) at -2,-1)
[00:14:17.282] disabled NeverFade, replaced by DynDOLOD LOD for SkyFalls + SkyMills + DG + DB + FS + WT.esp [REFR:1431BE56] (places FXWaterfallThin512x128 [MSTT:0002BCAB] in GRUP Cell Persistent Children of [CELL:14082777] (in Dimfrost "Dimfrost" [WRLD:140825E1]) at 0,-1)
[00:14:17.348] disabled NeverFade, replaced by DynDOLOD LOD for SkyFalls + SkyMills + DG + DB + FS + WT.esp [REFR:1431BE58] (places Water1024_Blackreach [ACTI:000D19F4] in GRUP Cell Persistent Children of [CELL:14082777] (in Dimfrost "Dimfrost" [WRLD:140825E1]) at 3,-1)
[00:14:17.371] disabled NeverFade, replaced by DynDOLOD LOD for SkyFalls + SkyMills + DG + DB + FS + WT.esp [REFR:1431BE59] (places Water1024RiverFlowSE [ACTI:0010CAC1] in GRUP Cell Persistent Children of [CELL:14082777] (in Dimfrost "Dimfrost" [WRLD:140825E1]) at 4,0)
[00:14:17.429] 3944 of 4936 done
[00:14:17.457] disabled NeverFade, replaced by DynDOLOD LOD for SkyFalls + SkyMills + DG + DB + FS + WT.esp [REFR:1431E208] (places Water1024RiverFlowSE [ACTI:0010CAC1] in GRUP Cell Persistent Children of [CELL:14082777] (in Dimfrost "Dimfrost" [WRLD:140825E1]) at 2,0)
[00:14:17.539] disabled NeverFade, replaced by DynDOLOD LOD for SkyFalls + SkyMills + DG + DB + FS + WT.esp [REFR:1432051E] (places Water1024RiverFlowSE [ACTI:0010CAC1] in GRUP Cell Persistent Children of [CELL:14082777] (in Dimfrost "Dimfrost" [WRLD:140825E1]) at 1,-5)
[00:14:17.568] disabled NeverFade, replaced by DynDOLOD LOD for SkyFalls + SkyMills + DG + DB + FS + WT.esp [REFR:14320558] (places FXWaterfallSkirtTallFront [MSTT:0001AC95] in GRUP Cell Persistent Children of [CELL:14082777] (in Dimfrost "Dimfrost" [WRLD:140825E1]) at 0,-4)
[00:14:17.641] disabled NeverFade, replaced by DynDOLOD LOD for SkyFalls + SkyMills + DG + DB + FS + WT.esp [REFR:1432057D] (places FXWaterfallThin512x128 [MSTT:0002BCAB] in GRUP Cell Persistent Children of [CELL:14082777] (in Dimfrost "Dimfrost" [WRLD:140825E1]) at 0,-6)
[00:14:17.708] disabled NeverFade, replaced by DynDOLOD LOD for SkyFalls + SkyMills + DG + DB + FS + WT.esp [REFR:14320591] (places FXWaterfallSkirtTallFront [MSTT:0001AC95] in GRUP Cell Persistent Children of [CELL:14082777] (in Dimfrost "Dimfrost" [WRLD:140825E1]) at 2,-6)
[00:14:17.780] disabled NeverFade, replaced by DynDOLOD LOD for SkyFalls + SkyMills + DG + DB + FS + WT.esp [REFR:1432286C] (places FXWaterfallThin4096x256 [MSTT:0003441F] in GRUP Cell Persistent Children of [CELL:14082777] (in Dimfrost "Dimfrost" [WRLD:140825E1]) at 3,-7)
[00:14:17.803] disabled NeverFade, replaced by DynDOLOD LOD for SkyFalls + SkyMills + DG + DB + FS + WT.esp [REFR:1432286D] (places FXWaterfallThin4096x256 [MSTT:0003441F] in GRUP Cell Persistent Children of [CELL:14082777] (in Dimfrost "Dimfrost" [WRLD:140825E1]) at 3,-7)
[00:14:17.835] disabled NeverFade, replaced by static LOD for Wyrmstooth.esp [REFR:1432289E] (places WTRockCliff04_falmer [sTAT:143228A2] in GRUP Cell Persistent Children of [CELL:14082777] (in Dimfrost "Dimfrost" [WRLD:140825E1]) at 3,-1)
[00:14:17.901] disabled NeverFade, replaced by static LOD for Wyrmstooth.esp [REFR:1432289F] (places WTRockCliff04_falmer [sTAT:143228A2] in GRUP Cell Persistent Children of [CELL:14082777] (in Dimfrost "Dimfrost" [WRLD:140825E1]) at 3,-3)
[00:14:17.966] disabled NeverFade, replaced by static LOD for Wyrmstooth.esp [REFR:143228A0] (places RockCliff04 [sTAT:00029D98] in GRUP Cell Persistent Children of [CELL:14082777] (in Dimfrost "Dimfrost" [WRLD:140825E1]) at 2,-3)
[00:14:18.033] disabled NeverFade, replaced by static LOD for Wyrmstooth.esp [REFR:143228A1] (places WTRockCliff04_falmer [sTAT:143228A2] in GRUP Cell Persistent Children of [CELL:14082777] (in Dimfrost "Dimfrost" [WRLD:140825E1]) at 2,-2)
[00:14:18.099] disabled NeverFade, replaced by dynamic LOD for Wyrmstooth.esp [REFR:143228B1] (places FXAmbBeamXbDust04 [MSTT:00075DC8] in GRUP Cell Persistent Children of [CELL:14082777] (in Dimfrost "Dimfrost" [WRLD:140825E1]) at 3,-2)
[00:14:18.186] disabled NeverFade, replaced by DynDOLOD LOD for SkyFalls + SkyMills + DG + DB + FS + WT.esp [REFR:1432295B] (places Water1024_Blackreach [ACTI:000D19F4] in GRUP Cell Persistent Children of [CELL:14082777] (in Dimfrost "Dimfrost" [WRLD:140825E1]) at 0,-9)
[00:14:18.243] 4437 of 4936 done
[00:14:18.398] disabled NeverFade, replaced by dynamic LOD for Wyrmstooth.esp [REFR:143E1293] (places TG08StatueFalmer [sTAT:000AA93F] in GRUP Cell Persistent Children of [CELL:14082777] (in Dimfrost "Dimfrost" [WRLD:140825E1]) at 1,-7)
[00:14:18.429] disabled NeverFade, replaced by dynamic LOD for Wyrmstooth.esp [REFR:143F2E7D] (places FXAmbBeamXbDust04 [MSTT:00075DC8] in GRUP Cell Persistent Children of [CELL:14082777] (in Dimfrost "Dimfrost" [WRLD:140825E1]) at 3,-2)
[00:14:18.454] disabled NeverFade, replaced by dynamic LOD for Wyrmstooth.esp [REFR:143F2E81] (places FXAmbBeamXbDust04 [MSTT:00075DC8] in GRUP Cell Persistent Children of [CELL:14082777] (in Dimfrost "Dimfrost" [WRLD:140825E1]) at 3,-2)
[00:14:18.477] disabled NeverFade, replaced by dynamic LOD for SkyFalls + SkyMills + DG + DB + FS + WT.esp [REFR:143F5145] (places FXAmbBeamXbDust04 [MSTT:00075DC8] in GRUP Cell Persistent Children of [CELL:14082777] (in Dimfrost "Dimfrost" [WRLD:140825E1]) at 3,-2)
[00:14:18.555] disabled NeverFade, replaced by DynDOLOD LOD for SkyFalls + SkyMills + DG + DB + FS + WT.esp [REFR:570152D2] (places FXSFWaterfallBodySlopeDistantWT [MSTT:570152D0] in GRUP Cell Persistent Children of [CELL:14082777] (in Dimfrost "Dimfrost" [WRLD:140825E1]) at 0,-2)
[00:14:18.588] disabled NeverFade, replaced by DynDOLOD LOD for SkyFalls + SkyMills + DG + DB + FS + WT.esp [REFR:570152D4] (places FXSFWaterfallBodyTall02DistantWT [MSTT:570152CE] in GRUP Cell Persistent Children of [CELL:14082777] (in Dimfrost "Dimfrost" [WRLD:140825E1]) at -2,-2)
[00:14:18.613] disabled NeverFade, replaced by DynDOLOD LOD for SkyFalls + SkyMills + DG + DB + FS + WT.esp [REFR:570152D6] (places FXSFWaterfallBodyTall02DistantWT [MSTT:570152CE] in GRUP Cell Persistent Children of [CELL:14082777] (in Dimfrost "Dimfrost" [WRLD:140825E1]) at 0,-4)
[00:14:18.682] disabled NeverFade, replaced by DynDOLOD LOD for SkyFalls + SkyMills + DG + DB + FS + WT.esp [REFR:570152D8] (places FXSFWaterfallBodyTall02DistantWT [MSTT:570152CE] in GRUP Cell Persistent Children of [CELL:14082777] (in Dimfrost "Dimfrost" [WRLD:140825E1]) at 4,-1)
[00:14:18.708] disabled NeverFade, replaced by DynDOLOD LOD for SkyFalls + SkyMills + DG + DB + FS + WT.esp [REFR:570152DA] (places FXSFWaterfallBodyTall02DistantWT [MSTT:570152CE] in GRUP Cell Persistent Children of [CELL:14082777] (in Dimfrost "Dimfrost" [WRLD:140825E1]) at 4,0)
[00:14:18.731] 4930 of 4936 done
[00:14:18.801] disabled NeverFade, replaced by DynDOLOD LOD for SkyFalls + SkyMills + DG + DB + FS + WT.esp [REFR:570152DC] (places FXSFWaterfallBodyTall02DistantWT [MSTT:570152CE] in GRUP Cell Persistent Children of [CELL:14082777] (in Dimfrost "Dimfrost" [WRLD:140825E1]) at 2,-1)
[00:14:18.828] disabled NeverFade, replaced by DynDOLOD LOD for SkyFalls + SkyMills + DG + DB + FS + WT.esp [REFR:570152DE] (places FXSFWaterfallBodyTall02DistantWT [MSTT:570152CE] in GRUP Cell Persistent Children of [CELL:14082777] (in Dimfrost "Dimfrost" [WRLD:140825E1]) at 5,0)
[00:14:18.853] disabled NeverFade, replaced by DynDOLOD LOD for SkyFalls + SkyMills + DG + DB + FS + WT.esp [REFR:570152E0] (places FXSFWaterfallBodySlopeDistantWT [MSTT:570152D0] in GRUP Cell Persistent Children of [CELL:14082777] (in Dimfrost "Dimfrost" [WRLD:140825E1]) at 2,-6)
[00:14:18.876] Saving objects LOD data to E:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Skyrim\DynDOLOD\Edit Scripts\Export\LODGen_Dimfrost.txt
[00:14:18.902] LOD references: 1611, unique LOD objects: 94
[00:14:18.933] Creating mini atlas data
[00:14:19.042] Gathering meshes for atlas creation
[00:14:19.103] Processing meshes for atlas creation
[00:14:19.166] No flat atlas created
[00:14:19.191] Creating atlas textures E:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Skyrim\DynDOLOD\DynDOLOD_Output\Textures\DynDOLOD\LOD\DynDOLOD_Atlas_Dimfrost.dds from 22 textures
[00:14:24.228] Combining mini atlas map
[00:14:24.252] Executing LODGen.exe
[00:14:24.274] "E:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Skyrim\DynDOLOD\Edit Scripts\LODGen.exe" "E:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Skyrim\DynDOLOD\Edit Scripts\Export\LODGen_Dimfrost.txt" --logfile "E:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Skyrim\DynDOLOD\Logs\LODGen_Dimfrost_log.txt" --dontFixTangents --removeUnseenFaces --skyblivionTexPath
[00:14:24.307] Adding Master into Dimfrost
[00:14:24.360] Setting up 899 cells with 57 active cells for 143 dynamic LOD objects for DynDOLOD
[00:14:25.655] 900 of 899 cells done
[00:14:25.676] Add 143 references for DynDOLOD LOD
[00:14:25.696] 1 of 143 done
[00:14:26.097] Adding LOD objects data with 142 entries
[00:14:26.120] Saved E:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Skyrim\DynDOLOD\DynDOLOD_Output\skse\plugins\StorageUtilData\DynDOLOD_Dimfrost_Objects.json
[00:14:26.142] Sorting Formlists
[00:14:26.163] Adding Grids index with 875 entries
[00:14:26.184] Adding 259 FarGrids lists
[00:14:26.208] Adding 248 NearGrids lists
[00:14:26.247] Adding 141 Cells lists
[00:14:26.283] Saved E:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Skyrim\DynDOLOD\DynDOLOD_Output\skse\plugins\StorageUtilData\DynDOLOD_Dimfrost.json
[00:14:26.305] Adding world index with 14 entries
[00:14:26.331] Adding 14 masters
[00:14:26.357] Saved E:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Skyrim\DynDOLOD\DynDOLOD_Output\skse\plugins\StorageUtilData\DynDOLOD_Worlds.json
[00:14:26.381] Updating 94 base records
[00:14:26.500] Done
[00:14:26.519] Disabling 8 references
[00:14:26.546] [REFR:570152D2] (places FXSFWaterfallBodySlopeDistantWT [MSTT:570152D0] in GRUP Cell Persistent Children of [CELL:14082777] (in Dimfrost "Dimfrost" [WRLD:140825E1]) at 0,-2)
[00:14:26.570] [REFR:570152D4] (places FXSFWaterfallBodyTall02DistantWT [MSTT:570152CE] in GRUP Cell Persistent Children of [CELL:14082777] (in Dimfrost "Dimfrost" [WRLD:140825E1]) at -2,-2)
[00:14:26.593] [REFR:570152D6] (places FXSFWaterfallBodyTall02DistantWT [MSTT:570152CE] in GRUP Cell Persistent Children of [CELL:14082777] (in Dimfrost "Dimfrost" [WRLD:140825E1]) at 0,-4)
[00:14:26.613] [REFR:570152D8] (places FXSFWaterfallBodyTall02DistantWT [MSTT:570152CE] in GRUP Cell Persistent Children of [CELL:14082777] (in Dimfrost "Dimfrost" [WRLD:140825E1]) at 4,-1)
[00:14:26.634] [REFR:570152DA] (places FXSFWaterfallBodyTall02DistantWT [MSTT:570152CE] in GRUP Cell Persistent Children of [CELL:14082777] (in Dimfrost "Dimfrost" [WRLD:140825E1]) at 4,0)
[00:14:26.660] [REFR:570152DC] (places FXSFWaterfallBodyTall02DistantWT [MSTT:570152CE] in GRUP Cell Persistent Children of [CELL:14082777] (in Dimfrost "Dimfrost" [WRLD:140825E1]) at 2,-1)
[00:14:26.683] [REFR:570152DE] (places FXSFWaterfallBodyTall02DistantWT [MSTT:570152CE] in GRUP Cell Persistent Children of [CELL:14082777] (in Dimfrost "Dimfrost" [WRLD:140825E1]) at 5,0)
[00:14:26.702] [REFR:570152E0] (places FXSFWaterfallBodySlopeDistantWT [MSTT:570152D0] in GRUP Cell Persistent Children of [CELL:14082777] (in Dimfrost "Dimfrost" [WRLD:140825E1]) at 2,-6)
[00:14:26.735] Doing LOD for Sovngarde added by Skyrim.esm
[00:14:26.749] Options 000000100111110111001100
[00:14:26.786] Dimensions -24, 35, -32, 41
[00:14:26.804] Loading E:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Skyrim\DynDOLOD\Edit Scripts\DynDOLOD\DynDOLOD_TES5.ini
[00:14:26.822] Found bunch of numbers: 5N2O3S3E0H5S86O7T6T1I0M3B1U7S2
[00:14:26.840] Reading DynDOLOD.esp with 29343 records for Sovngarde
[00:14:26.855] 3 of 29343 done
[00:14:27.011] 2937 of 29343 done
[00:14:27.233] 5871 of 29343 done
[00:14:27.468] 8805 of 29343 done
[00:14:27.701] 11739 of 29343 done
[00:14:28.018] 14673 of 29343 done
[00:14:28.347] 17607 of 29343 done
[00:14:28.608] 20541 of 29343 done
[00:14:28.875] 23475 of 29343 done
[00:14:29.139] 26409 of 29343 done
[00:14:29.219] 29343 of 29343 done
[00:14:29.261] Read 154 existing records
[00:14:29.291] Generating tree LOD for Sovngarde with brightness set to 0
[00:14:29.346] [sovngarde] Generating LOD
[00:14:29.851] TreePineForest01 [TREE:0001306D] using LOD Textures\Terrain\LODGen\Skyrim.esm\SRG_TreePineForest01_0001306D.dds
[00:14:29.851] TreePineForest02 [TREE:00018A02] using LOD Textures\Terrain\LODGen\Skyrim.esm\SRG_TreePineForest02_00018A02.dds
[00:14:29.851] TreePineForest03 [TREE:0004B016] using LOD Textures\Terrain\LODGen\Skyrim.esm\TreePineForest03_0004B016.dds
[00:14:29.851] TreePineForest04 [TREE:0004FBB0] using LOD Textures\Terrain\LODGen\Skyrim.esm\SRG_TreePineForest04_0004FBB0.dds
[00:14:29.851] TreePineForest05 [TREE:00051126] using LOD Textures\Terrain\LODGen\Skyrim.esm\SRG_TreePineForest05_00051126.dds
[00:14:29.851] TreePineForestSnow01 [TREE:0005C072] using LOD Textures\Terrain\LODGen\Skyrim.esm\SRG_TreePineForestSnow01_0005C072.dds
[00:14:29.851] TreePineForestSnow02 [TREE:0005C071] using LOD Textures\Terrain\LODGen\Skyrim.esm\SRG_TreePineForestSnow02_0005C071.dds
[00:14:29.851] TreePineForestSnow03 [TREE:0005C070] using LOD Textures\Terrain\LODGen\Skyrim.esm\TreePineForestSnow03_0005C070.dds
[00:14:29.851] TreePineForestSnow04 [TREE:0005C06F] using LOD Textures\Terrain\LODGen\Skyrim.esm\SRG_TreePineForestSnow04_0005C06F.dds
[00:14:29.851] TreePineForestSnow05 [TREE:0005C06E] using LOD Textures\Terrain\LODGen\Skyrim.esm\SRG_TreePineForestSnow05_0005C06E.dds
[00:14:29.851] TreePineForestSnowL01 [TREE:0005D2DB] using LOD Textures\Terrain\LODGen\Skyrim.esm\SRG_TreePineForestSnowL01_0005D2DB.dds
[00:14:29.851] TreePineForestSnowL02 [TREE:0005D2DA] using LOD Textures\Terrain\LODGen\Skyrim.esm\SRG_TreePineForestSnowL02_0005D2DA.dds
[00:14:29.851] TreePineForestSnowL03 [TREE:0005D2D9] using LOD Textures\Terrain\LODGen\Skyrim.esm\TreePineForestSnowL03_0005D2D9.dds
[00:14:29.851] TreePineForestSnowL04 [TREE:0005D2D8] using LOD Textures\Terrain\LODGen\Skyrim.esm\SRG_TreePineForestSnowL04_0005D2D8.dds
[00:14:29.851] TreePineForestSnowL05 [TREE:0005D2D7] using LOD Textures\Terrain\LODGen\Skyrim.esm\SRG_TreePineForestSnowL05_0005D2D7.dds
[00:14:29.851] TreePineShrub01 [TREE:0009DAA3] using LOD Textures\Terrain\LODGen\Skyrim.esm\PineShrub01_0009DAA3.dds
[00:14:29.851] TreePineShrub02 [TREE:0009DAA0] using LOD Textures\Terrain\LODGen\Skyrim.esm\PineShrub02_0009DAA0.dds
[00:14:29.851] TreeReachCliffTree02 [TREE:000B8A77] using LOD Textures\Terrain\LODGen\Skyrim.esm\ReachCliffTree02_000B8A77.dds
[00:14:29.851] TreeSwordFernCluster01 [TREE:000B8A59] using LOD Textures\Terrain\LODGen\Skyrim.esm\SwordFernCluster01_000B8A59.dds
[00:14:29.851] TreeSwordFernCluster02 [TREE:000B8A64] using LOD Textures\Terrain\LODGen\Skyrim.esm\SwordFernCluster02_000B8A64.dds
[00:14:29.851] TreeSwordFernCluster03 [TREE:000B8A65] using LOD Textures\Terrain\LODGen\Skyrim.esm\SwordFernCluster03_000B8A65.dds
[00:14:29.851] TreeSwordFernCluster04 [TREE:000B8A66] using LOD Textures\Terrain\LODGen\Skyrim.esm\SwordFernCluster04_000B8A66.dds
[00:14:29.851] TreeSwordFernCluster05 [TREE:000B8A67] using LOD Textures\Terrain\LODGen\Skyrim.esm\SwordFernCluster05_000B8A67.dds
[00:14:29.851] TreeSwordFernCluster06 [TREE:000B8A68] using LOD Textures\Terrain\LODGen\Skyrim.esm\SwordFernCluster06_000B8A68.dds
[00:14:29.851] TreeThicket01 [TREE:000A7329] using LOD Textures\Terrain\LODGen\Skyrim.esm\Thicket01_000A7329.dds
[00:14:29.851] TreeTundraDriftWoodTree01 [TREE:000B8F53] using LOD Textures\Terrain\LODGen\Skyrim.esm\TundraDriftWood01_000B8F53.dds
[00:14:29.851] TreeTundraShrub05 [TREE:000AAE81] using LOD Textures\Terrain\LODGen\Skyrim.esm\TundraShrub05_000AAE81.dds
[00:14:29.851] TreeTundraShrub07 [TREE:000AAE85] using LOD Textures\Terrain\LODGen\Skyrim.esm\TundraShrub07_000AAE85.dds
[00:14:29.851] TreeTundraShrub08 [TREE:000AAE87] using LOD Textures\Terrain\LODGen\Skyrim.esm\TundraShrub08_000AAE87.dds
[00:14:29.851] TreeTundraShrub10 [TREE:000AAE8B] using LOD Textures\Terrain\LODGen\Skyrim.esm\TundraShrub10_000AAE8B.dds
[00:14:58.405] Found E:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Skyrim\DynDOLOD\Edit Scripts\DynDOLOD\DynDOLOD_TES5_missing_trees.txt
[00:14:58.402] [sovngarde] Trees LOD Done.
[00:14:58.440] Scanning Sovngarde *.BTT files in E:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Skyrim\DynDOLOD\DynDOLOD_Output\meshes\terrain\Sovngarde\trees\ to build a list of trees with LOD
[00:14:58.496] Found 699 trees with LOD
[00:14:58.538] 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111
[00:14:58.557] 11888888111111111111111111111888888111111188881111881111111118888111188888811111
[00:14:58.575] 11881111881188111881881888811881111881118811118811881111111881111881188111188111
[00:14:58.594] 11881111188188111881888111881881111188188111111881881111118811111188188111118811
[00:14:58.613] 11881111188188111881881111881881111188188111111881881111118811111188188111118811
[00:14:58.631] 11881111881118888881881111881881111881118811118811881111111881111881188111188111
[00:14:58.650] 11888888111111111881881111881888888111111188881111888888811118888111188888811111
[00:14:58.669] 11111111111118888811111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111
[00:14:58.714] Building a list of LOD objects, please wait...
[00:14:58.857] World Sovngarde
[00:14:58.881] Gathering references in Sovngarde "Sovngarde" [WRLD:0002EE41] for STAT ACTI MSTT CONT FURN DOOR LIGH TREE
[00:14:58.921] Filtering 2819 references in Sovngarde "Sovngarde" [WRLD:0002EE41] for LOD
[00:14:58.943] 0 of 2819 done
[00:14:59.024] 281 of 2819 done
[00:14:59.115] 562 of 2819 done
[00:14:59.198] 843 of 2819 done
[00:14:59.294] 1124 of 2819 done
[00:14:59.374] 1405 of 2819 done
[00:14:59.469] 1686 of 2819 done
[00:14:59.593] 1967 of 2819 done
[00:14:59.691] 2248 of 2819 done
[00:14:59.799] 2529 of 2819 done
[00:14:59.919] disabled NeverFade, replaced by DynDOLOD LOD for SkyFalls + SkyMills + DG + DB + FS + WT.esp [REFR:57015102] (places FXSFWaterfallBodySlopeDistant [MSTT:570150D2] in GRUP Cell Persistent Children of [CELL:0004DE20] (in Sovngarde "Sovngarde" [WRLD:0002EE41]) at 16,21)
[00:14:59.958] disabled NeverFade, replaced by DynDOLOD LOD for SkyFalls + SkyMills + DG + DB + FS + WT.esp [REFR:57015104] (places FXSFWaterfallBodySlopeDistant [MSTT:570150D2] in GRUP Cell Persistent Children of [CELL:0004DE20] (in Sovngarde "Sovngarde" [WRLD:0002EE41]) at 15,21)
[00:14:59.979] disabled NeverFade, replaced by DynDOLOD LOD for SkyFalls + SkyMills + DG + DB + FS + WT.esp [REFR:57015106] (places FXSFWaterfallBodySlopeDistant [MSTT:570150D2] in GRUP Cell Persistent Children of [CELL:0004DE20] (in Sovngarde "Sovngarde" [WRLD:0002EE41]) at 15,21)
[00:15:00.017] disabled NeverFade, replaced by DynDOLOD LOD for SkyFalls + SkyMills + DG + DB + FS + WT.esp [REFR:57015108] (places FXSFWaterfallBodySlopeDistant [MSTT:570150D2] in GRUP Cell Persistent Children of [CELL:0004DE20] (in Sovngarde "Sovngarde" [WRLD:0002EE41]) at 14,21)
[00:15:00.038] disabled NeverFade, replaced by DynDOLOD LOD for SkyFalls + SkyMills + DG + DB + FS + WT.esp [REFR:5701510A] (places FXSFWaterfallBodySlopeDistant [MSTT:570150D2] in GRUP Cell Persistent Children of [CELL:0004DE20] (in Sovngarde "Sovngarde" [WRLD:0002EE41]) at 14,21)
[00:15:00.063] disabled NeverFade, replaced by DynDOLOD LOD for SkyFalls + SkyMills + DG + DB + FS + WT.esp [REFR:5701510C] (places FXSFWaterfallBodySlopeDistant [MSTT:570150D2] in GRUP Cell Persistent Children of [CELL:0004DE20] (in Sovngarde "Sovngarde" [WRLD:0002EE41]) at 14,21)
[00:15:00.088] disabled NeverFade, replaced by DynDOLOD LOD for SkyFalls + SkyMills + DG + DB + FS + WT.esp [REFR:5701510E] (places FXSFWaterfallBodySlopeDistant [MSTT:570150D2] in GRUP Cell Persistent Children of [CELL:0004DE20] (in Sovngarde "Sovngarde" [WRLD:0002EE41]) at 16,21)
[00:15:00.139] disabled NeverFade, replaced by DynDOLOD LOD for SkyFalls + SkyMills + DG + DB + FS + WT.esp [REFR:570151A8] (places FXSFWaterfallBodyTallDistant [MSTT:570150D3] in GRUP Cell Persistent Children of [CELL:0004DE20] (in Sovngarde "Sovngarde" [WRLD:0002EE41]) at 16,20)
[00:15:00.161] disabled NeverFade, replaced by DynDOLOD LOD for SkyFalls + SkyMills + DG + DB + FS + WT.esp [REFR:570151AA] (places FXSFWaterfallBodyTallDistant [MSTT:570150D3] in GRUP Cell Persistent Children of [CELL:0004DE20] (in Sovngarde "Sovngarde" [WRLD:0002EE41]) at 16,21)
[00:15:00.198] disabled NeverFade, replaced by DynDOLOD LOD for SkyFalls + SkyMills + DG + DB + FS + WT.esp [REFR:570151AC] (places FXSFWaterfallBodyTallDistant [MSTT:570150D3] in GRUP Cell Persistent Children of [CELL:0004DE20] (in Sovngarde "Sovngarde" [WRLD:0002EE41]) at 15,22)
[00:15:00.219] disabled NeverFade, replaced by DynDOLOD LOD for SkyFalls + SkyMills + DG + DB + FS + WT.esp [REFR:570151AE] (places FXSFWaterfallBodyTallDistant [MSTT:570150D3] in GRUP Cell Persistent Children of [CELL:0004DE20] (in Sovngarde "Sovngarde" [WRLD:0002EE41]) at 14,21)
[00:15:00.240] 2810 of 2819 done
[00:15:00.264] disabled NeverFade, replaced by DynDOLOD LOD for SkyFalls + SkyMills + DG + DB + FS + WT.esp [REFR:570151B0] (places FXSFWaterfallBodyTallDistant [MSTT:570150D3] in GRUP Cell Persistent Children of [CELL:0004DE20] (in Sovngarde "Sovngarde" [WRLD:0002EE41]) at 14,21)
[00:15:00.290] disabled NeverFade, replaced by DynDOLOD LOD for SkyFalls + SkyMills + DG + DB + FS + WT.esp [REFR:570151B2] (places FXSFWaterfallBodyTallDistant [MSTT:570150D3] in GRUP Cell Persistent Children of [CELL:0004DE20] (in Sovngarde "Sovngarde" [WRLD:0002EE41]) at 15,21)
[00:15:00.312] disabled NeverFade, replaced by DynDOLOD LOD for SkyFalls + SkyMills + DG + DB + FS + WT.esp [REFR:570151B4] (places FXSFWaterfallBodyTallDistant [MSTT:570150D3] in GRUP Cell Persistent Children of [CELL:0004DE20] (in Sovngarde "Sovngarde" [WRLD:0002EE41]) at 15,21)
[00:15:00.334] disabled NeverFade, replaced by DynDOLOD LOD for SkyFalls + SkyMills + DG + DB + FS + WT.esp [REFR:570151B6] (places FXSFWaterfallBodyTallDistant [MSTT:570150D3] in GRUP Cell Persistent Children of [CELL:0004DE20] (in Sovngarde "Sovngarde" [WRLD:0002EE41]) at 15,21)
[00:15:00.360] disabled NeverFade, replaced by DynDOLOD LOD for SkyFalls + SkyMills + DG + DB + FS + WT.esp [REFR:570151B8] (places FXSFWaterfallBodyTallDistant [MSTT:570150D3] in GRUP Cell Persistent Children of [CELL:0004DE20] (in Sovngarde "Sovngarde" [WRLD:0002EE41]) at 15,21)
[00:15:00.385] Saving objects LOD data to E:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Skyrim\DynDOLOD\Edit Scripts\Export\LODGen_Sovngarde.txt
[00:15:00.411] LOD references: 313, unique LOD objects: 88
[00:15:00.442] Creating mini atlas data
[00:15:00.549] Gathering meshes for atlas creation
[00:15:00.579] Processing meshes for atlas creation
[00:15:00.640] No flat atlas created
[00:15:00.662] Creating atlas textures E:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Skyrim\DynDOLOD\DynDOLOD_Output\Textures\DynDOLOD\LOD\DynDOLOD_Atlas_Sovngarde.dds from 27 textures
[00:15:11.228] Combining mini atlas map
[00:15:11.249] Executing LODGen.exe
[00:15:11.269] "E:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Skyrim\DynDOLOD\Edit Scripts\LODGen.exe" "E:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Skyrim\DynDOLOD\Edit Scripts\Export\LODGen_Sovngarde.txt" --logfile "E:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Skyrim\DynDOLOD\Logs\LODGen_Sovngarde_log.txt" --dontFixTangents --removeUnseenFaces --skyblivionTexPath
[00:15:11.303] Adding Master into Sovngarde
[00:15:11.336] Setting up 720 cells with 17 active cells for 102 dynamic LOD objects for DynDOLOD
[00:15:12.278] 721 of 720 cells done
[00:15:12.298] Add 102 references for DynDOLOD LOD
[00:15:12.317] 1 of 102 done
[00:15:12.582] Adding LOD objects data with 101 entries
[00:15:12.604] Saved E:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Skyrim\DynDOLOD\DynDOLOD_Output\skse\plugins\StorageUtilData\DynDOLOD_Sovngarde_Objects.json
[00:15:12.624] Sorting Formlists
[00:15:12.648] Adding Grids index with 701 entries
[00:15:12.689] Adding 59 FarGrids lists
[00:15:12.712] Adding 59 NearGrids lists
[00:15:12.753] Adding 51 Cells lists
[00:15:12.789] Saved E:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Skyrim\DynDOLOD\DynDOLOD_Output\skse\plugins\StorageUtilData\DynDOLOD_Sovngarde.json
[00:15:12.817] Adding world index with 15 entries
[00:15:12.840] Adding 15 masters
[00:15:12.862] Saved E:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Skyrim\DynDOLOD\DynDOLOD_Output\skse\plugins\StorageUtilData\DynDOLOD_Worlds.json
[00:15:12.879] Updating 88 base records
[00:15:12.962] Done
[00:15:12.977] Disabling 16 references
[00:15:12.994] [REFR:57015102] (places FXSFWaterfallBodySlopeDistant [MSTT:570150D2] in GRUP Cell Persistent Children of [CELL:0004DE20] (in Sovngarde "Sovngarde" [WRLD:0002EE41]) at 16,21)
[00:15:13.013] [REFR:57015104] (places FXSFWaterfallBodySlopeDistant [MSTT:570150D2] in GRUP Cell Persistent Children of [CELL:0004DE20] (in Sovngarde "Sovngarde" [WRLD:0002EE41]) at 15,21)
[00:15:13.030] [REFR:57015106] (places FXSFWaterfallBodySlopeDistant [MSTT:570150D2] in GRUP Cell Persistent Children of [CELL:0004DE20] (in Sovngarde "Sovngarde" [WRLD:0002EE41]) at 15,21)
[00:15:13.048] [REFR:57015108] (places FXSFWaterfallBodySlopeDistant [MSTT:570150D2] in GRUP Cell Persistent Children of [CELL:0004DE20] (in Sovngarde "Sovngarde" [WRLD:0002EE41]) at 14,21)
[00:15:13.064] [REFR:5701510A] (places FXSFWaterfallBodySlopeDistant [MSTT:570150D2] in GRUP Cell Persistent Children of [CELL:0004DE20] (in Sovngarde "Sovngarde" [WRLD:0002EE41]) at 14,21)
[00:15:13.081] [REFR:5701510C] (places FXSFWaterfallBodySlopeDistant [MSTT:570150D2] in GRUP Cell Persistent Children of [CELL:0004DE20] (in Sovngarde "Sovngarde" [WRLD:0002EE41]) at 14,21)
[00:15:13.098] [REFR:5701510E] (places FXSFWaterfallBodySlopeDistant [MSTT:570150D2] in GRUP Cell Persistent Children of [CELL:0004DE20] (in Sovngarde "Sovngarde" [WRLD:0002EE41]) at 16,21)
[00:15:13.116] [REFR:570151A8] (places FXSFWaterfallBodyTallDistant [MSTT:570150D3] in GRUP Cell Persistent Children of [CELL:0004DE20] (in Sovngarde "Sovngarde" [WRLD:0002EE41]) at 16,20)
[00:15:13.132] [REFR:570151AA] (places FXSFWaterfallBodyTallDistant [MSTT:570150D3] in GRUP Cell Persistent Children of [CELL:0004DE20] (in Sovngarde "Sovngarde" [WRLD:0002EE41]) at 16,21)
[00:15:13.148] [REFR:570151AC] (places FXSFWaterfallBodyTallDistant [MSTT:570150D3] in GRUP Cell Persistent Children of [CELL:0004DE20] (in Sovngarde "Sovngarde" [WRLD:0002EE41]) at 15,22)
[00:15:13.165] [REFR:570151AE] (places FXSFWaterfallBodyTallDistant [MSTT:570150D3] in GRUP Cell Persistent Children of [CELL:0004DE20] (in Sovngarde "Sovngarde" [WRLD:0002EE41]) at 14,21)
[00:15:13.182] [REFR:570151B0] (places FXSFWaterfallBodyTallDistant [MSTT:570150D3] in GRUP Cell Persistent Children of [CELL:0004DE20] (in Sovngarde "Sovngarde" [WRLD:0002EE41]) at 14,21)
[00:15:13.199] [REFR:570151B2] (places FXSFWaterfallBodyTallDistant [MSTT:570150D3] in GRUP Cell Persistent Children of [CELL:0004DE20] (in Sovngarde "Sovngarde" [WRLD:0002EE41]) at 15,21)
[00:15:13.214] [REFR:570151B4] (places FXSFWaterfallBodyTallDistant [MSTT:570150D3] in GRUP Cell Persistent Children of [CELL:0004DE20] (in Sovngarde "Sovngarde" [WRLD:0002EE41]) at 15,21)
[00:15:13.232] [REFR:570151B6] (places FXSFWaterfallBodyTallDistant [MSTT:570150D3] in GRUP Cell Persistent Children of [CELL:0004DE20] (in Sovngarde "Sovngarde" [WRLD:0002EE41]) at 15,21)
[00:15:13.250] [REFR:570151B8] (places FXSFWaterfallBodyTallDistant [MSTT:570150D3] in GRUP Cell Persistent Children of [CELL:0004DE20] (in Sovngarde "Sovngarde" [WRLD:0002EE41]) at 15,21)
[00:15:13.285] Doing LOD for WyrmstoothWorld added by Wyrmstooth.esp
[00:15:13.303] Options 000000100111110111001100
[00:15:13.325] Dimensions -32, 33, -32, 33
[00:15:13.343] Loading E:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Skyrim\DynDOLOD\Edit Scripts\DynDOLOD\DynDOLOD_TES5.ini
[00:15:13.359] Found bunch of numbers: 5N2O3S3E0H5S86O7T6T1I0M3B1U7S2
[00:15:13.376] Reading DynDOLOD.esp with 30195 records for WyrmstoothWorld
[00:15:13.393] 5 of 30195 done
[00:15:13.550] 3024 of 30195 done
[00:15:13.711] 6043 of 30195 done
[00:15:13.897] 9062 of 30195 done
[00:15:14.180] 12081 of 30195 done
[00:15:14.469] 15100 of 30195 done
[00:15:14.792] 18119 of 30195 done
[00:15:15.052] 21138 of 30195 done
[00:15:15.308] 24157 of 30195 done
[00:15:15.585] 27176 of 30195 done
[00:15:15.675] 30195 of 30195 done
[00:15:15.705] Read 156 existing records
[00:15:15.731] Generating tree LOD for WyrmstoothWorld with brightness set to 0
[00:15:15.890] [WyrmstoothWorld] Generating LOD
[00:15:42.627] Found E:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Skyrim\DynDOLOD\Edit Scripts\DynDOLOD\DynDOLOD_TES5_missing_trees.txt
[00:15:17.017] TreeFloraLavender01 "Lavender" [TREE:0001BB3D] using LOD Textures\Terrain\LODGen\Skyrim.esm\FloraLavender01_0001BB3D.dds
[00:15:17.017] TreePineForest01 [TREE:0001306D] using LOD Textures\Terrain\LODGen\Skyrim.esm\SRG_TreePineForest01_0001306D.dds
[00:15:17.017] TreePineForest01Dead [TREE:000B927A] using LOD Textures\Terrain\LODGen\Skyrim.esm\SRG_TreePineForestDead01_000B927A.dds
[00:15:17.017] TreePineForest02 [TREE:00018A02] using LOD Textures\Terrain\LODGen\Skyrim.esm\SRG_TreePineForest02_00018A02.dds
[00:15:17.017] TreePineForest02Dead [TREE:000B927B] using LOD Textures\Terrain\LODGen\Skyrim.esm\SRG_TreePineForestDead02_000B927B.dds
[00:15:17.017] TreePineForest03 [TREE:0004B016] using LOD Textures\Terrain\LODGen\Skyrim.esm\TreePineForest03_0004B016.dds
[00:15:17.017] TreePineForest03Dead [TREE:000B927C] using LOD Textures\Terrain\LODGen\Skyrim.esm\TreePineForestDead03_000B927C.dds
[00:15:17.017] TreePineForest04 [TREE:0004FBB0] using LOD Textures\Terrain\LODGen\Skyrim.esm\SRG_TreePineForest04_0004FBB0.dds
[00:15:17.017] TreePineForest04Dead [TREE:000B927D] using LOD Textures\Terrain\LODGen\Skyrim.esm\SRG_TreePineForestDead04_000B927D.dds
[00:15:17.017] TreePineForest05Dead [TREE:000B927E] using LOD Textures\Terrain\LODGen\Skyrim.esm\SRG_TreePineForestDead05_000B927E.dds
[00:15:17.017] TreePineForestSnow01 [TREE:0005C072] using LOD Textures\Terrain\LODGen\Skyrim.esm\SRG_TreePineForestSnow01_0005C072.dds
[00:15:17.017] TreePineForestSnow01Dead [TREE:000EF5A5] using LOD Textures\Terrain\LODGen\Skyrim.esm\SRG_TreePineForestDeadSnow01_000EF5A5.dds
[00:15:17.017] TreePineForestSnow02 [TREE:0005C071] using LOD Textures\Terrain\LODGen\Skyrim.esm\SRG_TreePineForestSnow02_0005C071.dds
[00:15:17.017] TreePineForestSnow02Dead [TREE:000EF5A4] using LOD Textures\Terrain\LODGen\Skyrim.esm\SRG_TreePineForestDeadSnow02_000EF5A4.dds
[00:15:17.017] TreePineForestSnow03 [TREE:0005C070] using LOD Textures\Terrain\LODGen\Skyrim.esm\TreePineForestSnow03_0005C070.dds
[00:15:17.017] TreePineForestSnow03Dead [TREE:000EF5A3] using LOD Textures\Terrain\LODGen\Skyrim.esm\TreePineForestDeadSnow03_000EF5A3.dds
[00:15:17.017] TreePineForestSnow04 [TREE:0005C06F] using LOD Textures\Terrain\LODGen\Skyrim.esm\SRG_TreePineForestSnow04_0005C06F.dds
[00:15:17.017] TreePineForestSnow04Dead [TREE:000EF5A2] using LOD Textures\Terrain\LODGen\Skyrim.esm\SRG_TreePineForestDeadSnow04_000EF5A2.dds
[00:15:17.017] TreePineForestSnow05 [TREE:0005C06E] using LOD Textures\Terrain\LODGen\Skyrim.esm\SRG_TreePineForestSnow05_0005C06E.dds
[00:15:17.017] TreePineForestSnow05Dead [TREE:000EF5A1] using LOD Textures\Terrain\LODGen\Skyrim.esm\SRG_TreePineForestDeadSnow05_000EF5A1.dds
[00:15:17.017] TreePineForestSnowL02 [TREE:0005D2DA] using LOD Textures\Terrain\LODGen\Skyrim.esm\SRG_TreePineForestSnowL02_0005D2DA.dds
[00:15:17.017] TreePineForestSnowL03 [TREE:0005D2D9] using LOD Textures\Terrain\LODGen\Skyrim.esm\TreePineForestSnowL03_0005D2D9.dds
[00:15:17.017] TreePineForestSnowL04 [TREE:0005D2D8] using LOD Textures\Terrain\LODGen\Skyrim.esm\SRG_TreePineForestSnowL04_0005D2D8.dds
[00:15:17.017] TreePineForestSnowL05 [TREE:0005D2D7] using LOD Textures\Terrain\LODGen\Skyrim.esm\SRG_TreePineForestSnowL05_0005D2D7.dds
[00:15:17.017] TreePineShrub01 [TREE:0009DAA3] using LOD Textures\Terrain\LODGen\Skyrim.esm\PineShrub01_0009DAA3.dds
[00:15:17.017] TreePineShrub02 [TREE:0009DAA0] using LOD Textures\Terrain\LODGen\Skyrim.esm\PineShrub02_0009DAA0.dds
[00:15:17.017] TreeReachCliffTree01 [TREE:000B8A76] using LOD Textures\Terrain\LODGen\Skyrim.esm\ReachCliffTree01_000B8A76.dds
[00:15:17.017] TreeReachCliffTree02 [TREE:000B8A77] using LOD Textures\Terrain\LODGen\Skyrim.esm\ReachCliffTree02_000B8A77.dds
[00:15:17.017] TreeReachShrub02 [TREE:000AAE8E] using LOD Textures\Terrain\LODGen\Skyrim.esm\ReachShrub02_000AAE8E.dds
[00:15:17.017] TreeReachTree01 [TREE:000B8A73] using LOD Textures\Terrain\LODGen\Skyrim.esm\ReachTree01_000B8A73.dds
[00:15:17.017] TreeReachTree02 [TREE:000B8A74] using LOD Textures\Terrain\LODGen\Skyrim.esm\ReachTree02_000B8A74.dds
[00:15:17.017] TreeSwordFernCluster01 [TREE:000B8A59] using LOD Textures\Terrain\LODGen\Skyrim.esm\SwordFernCluster01_000B8A59.dds
[00:15:17.017] TreeSwordFernCluster02 [TREE:000B8A64] using LOD Textures\Terrain\LODGen\Skyrim.esm\SwordFernCluster02_000B8A64.dds
[00:15:17.017] TreeSwordFernCluster03 [TREE:000B8A65] using LOD Textures\Terrain\LODGen\Skyrim.esm\SwordFernCluster03_000B8A65.dds
[00:15:17.017] TreeSwordFernCluster04 [TREE:000B8A66] using LOD Textures\Terrain\LODGen\Skyrim.esm\SwordFernCluster04_000B8A66.dds
[00:15:17.017] TreeSwordFernCluster05 [TREE:000B8A67] using LOD Textures\Terrain\LODGen\Skyrim.esm\SwordFernCluster05_000B8A67.dds
[00:15:17.017] TreeSwordFernCluster06 [TREE:000B8A68] using LOD Textures\Terrain\LODGen\Skyrim.esm\SwordFernCluster06_000B8A68.dds
[00:15:17.017] TreeThicket01 [TREE:000A7329] using LOD Textures\Terrain\LODGen\Skyrim.esm\Thicket01_000A7329.dds
[00:15:17.017] TreeTundraDriftWoodTree01 [TREE:000B8F53] using LOD Textures\Terrain\LODGen\Skyrim.esm\TundraDriftWood01_000B8F53.dds
[00:15:17.017] TreeTundraShrub10 [TREE:000AAE8B] using LOD Textures\Terrain\LODGen\Skyrim.esm\TundraShrub10_000AAE8B.dds
[00:15:42.623] [WyrmstoothWorld] Trees LOD Done.
[00:15:42.689] Scanning WyrmstoothWorld *.BTT files in E:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Skyrim\DynDOLOD\DynDOLOD_Output\meshes\terrain\WyrmstoothWorld\trees\ to build a list of trees with LOD
[00:15:42.829] Found 3343 trees with LOD
[00:15:42.872] 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111
[00:15:42.891] 11888888111111111111111111111888888111111188881111881111111118888111188888811111
[00:15:42.910] 11881111881188111881881888811881111881118811118811881111111881111881188111188111
[00:15:42.930] 11881111188188111881888111881881111188188111111881881111118811111188188111118811
[00:15:42.949] 11881111188188111881881111881881111188188111111881881111118811111188188111118811
[00:15:42.969] 11881111881118888881881111881881111881118811118811881111111881111881188111188111
[00:15:42.988] 11888888111111111881881111881888888111111188881111888888811118888111188888811111
[00:15:43.006] 11111111111118888811111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111
[00:15:43.046] Building a list of LOD objects, please wait...
[00:15:43.166] World WyrmstoothWorld
[00:15:43.185] Gathering references in WyrmstoothWorld "Wyrmstooth" [WRLD:14000D62] for STAT ACTI MSTT CONT FURN DOOR LIGH TREE
[00:15:43.301] Filtering 18555 references in WyrmstoothWorld "Wyrmstooth" [WRLD:14000D62] for LOD
[00:15:43.320] 0 of 18555 done
[00:15:44.003] There is a problem in RBB Row Boats - Wyrmstooth.esp with WyrmstoothWorld "Wyrmstooth" [WRLD:14000D62] using [0154AD21] < Error: Could not be resolved > in Wyrmstooth.esp
[00:15:43.481] [DynDOLOD.esp] Adding master "RBB Row Boats - Wyrmstooth.esp"
[00:15:44.031] RBB Row Boats - Wyrmstooth.esp probably requires a different version of Wyrmstooth.esp
[00:15:44.064] Exception in unit process line 162: FormID [0154AD21] references a master which is not available in file [C7] DynDOLOD.esp
[00:15:44.064] Check log lines above the exception for additional hints.
[00:15:44.064] If problem persists, post error report with contents of ..\DynDOLOD\logs\TES5Edit_log.txt to https://forum.step-project.com/topic/5011-dynamic-distant-objects-lod-dyndolod
2 answers to this question
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