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If you haven't heard, there is a contest out there for modders: https://contests.nvidia.com/en-us/fallout4modcontest?mkt_tok=eyJpIjoiWXpJMllqSmpZemsyT0RSaiIsInQiOiIyVzZDcFJBNkMrUkxWVnZHUFNOYU1XSmw3RlBqTnRYQnNwWHE2OExnY2RPZDFqMFFyZWtEeWtVdzhPbHBIbldhVmt6NjhuMWxtWWZqQ0E1bGkySDFFUGNvTHdDaERMTWt5MytNeXhQRGVSRT0ifQ%3D%3D


Basically create a mod, upload it to Bethesda.net, and then submit your entry using the link above. Top 20 modders will win some goodies!

Posted (edited)

Time to stop slacking and get my mod finished this week then.


Edit: I see you Kesta!

Edited by Guest
Posted (edited)

Lol. We're not allowed to ask for any kind of remuneration from our modding hobby, but we can participate in a contest organized by nVidia to win uber GPU and up to 5000$





I'm not falling for it anyway, not interested in rushing a mod to get it released in the given timeline. Except if I do get motorbikes running in the wasteland before then.

Edited by Kesta
Posted (edited)

Well we know something insane will win it that has been worked on for at least 24 years, but if I won anything I'd donate some of it to things like this community, as well people who have helped me out - if they accepted. I don't see anything wrong with that.


I was going to upload it to consoles anyway because I want to use it myself. I'm not really going out of my way here.

Edited by Guest

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